Many thanks to and for sharing ‘Waveshape Sequence’, a track from ’s album ‘Cupar Grain Silo’ on last Sunday’s ‘Dream Time’ show. you can listen again via .
‘Cupar Grain Silo’ is Sam Annand’s first release for Blackford Hill. Its nine tracks blur the lines between ambient electronica and sonic history, as synthesised melodies and rhythms reverberate through the extreme acoustics of the disused Cupar Grain Silo in Scotland. Built in 1964 as a sugar store, the silo towers 60 metres above the surrounding Fife countryside. Its industrial life was short: in 1971 it was closed, and barring a short period as a grain store, remained empty for decades.
You can find out more and pre-order the 12” vinyl release over at our Bandcamp store - link in bio ☝️