⚠️ Free Sample Pack - Silent Sounds ⚠️
It's been said that often the power of a melody is not just in the notes themselves but in the gaps between them. In other words, the notes we choose not to play are just as important as those we do.
But getting it right shouldn't be difficult or frustrating.
Are you ready to take the next step towards becoming one of the greats? Do you have the power to know when to make sound and when to hold back?
Lion's Den Sounds is pleased to bring you 'Silent Sounds' - 200+ Premium Silent Samples.
Hand made with great care to bring you the best quality silence around, this sample pack will take you to a new level of compositional brilliance.
Made using thousands of pounds worth of cutting edge plugins, you've not heard silence until you've heard this!
-216 professional grade nothing
-Samples for every key
-A variety of BPMs, from 100 to 170
-All samples normalised to -inf dB peak level!
-A whopping 120 MEGABYTES of samples!