Red Gem

Red Gem Facebook ads, social media and digital communications for businesses. We offer strategy, support and bespoke training.

New headshots for the website! A word to the wise: design your website first, *then* do your pics. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I did the pics ...

New headshots for the website!
A word to the wise: design your website first, *then* do your pics. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I did the pics first and had to use quite a few filler shots. Today we put it all right. Huge thanks to the wonderful who has the ability to make everything just soooo natural and easy. Special thanks also to for the early morning blow out, to for the gorgeous colour and to for letting us the gorgeous space. Great fun to feel like a celeb for the day!

Trending: Social media trends move fast. Here are eight important ones to monitor to keep your head from spinning.http:/...

Trending: Social media trends move fast. Here are eight important ones to monitor to keep your head from spinning. AdEspresso

It’s a common misconception that business-to-business (B2B) social media marketing isn’t effective in comparison to soci...

It’s a common misconception that business-to-business (B2B) social media marketing isn’t effective in comparison to social media marketing aimed at individual consumers.

This is more than a misguided belief – it’s nonsense!

Social media marketing can work just as well for B2B companies as for business-to-consumer (B2C).

Read our recent blog to learn how to get started

Content marketing should be thought of as a long term strategy, rather than something which is used to gain results fast...

Content marketing should be thought of as a long term strategy, rather than something which is used to gain results fast.

This article from The Drum provides a great walk-through for the uninitiated.

Creating a strong brand identity is something that B2C brands have been getting right for decades, but it is only recent...

Creating a strong brand identity is something that B2C brands have been getting right for decades, but it is only recently that B2B marketing has been following in its footsteps.

B2B businesses need to embrace a big shift in thinking that’s towards creating a personality for the business: making it relatable, likeable, reliable, and, ultimately, human.

Read our March blog: Why demographic marketing sucks: the tale of two princes. (No prizes for guessing one of them!) htt...

Read our March blog: Why demographic marketing sucks: the tale of two princes. (No prizes for guessing one of them!) [image via Getty]

The last two years have seen businesses adapt quickly - and profoundly - to confront internal and external challenges.Mo...

The last two years have seen businesses adapt quickly - and profoundly - to confront internal and external challenges.

Most of us made big changes, with remote working for entire teams becoming the norm.

Externally, businesses have had to look closer at their customers to better understand their changing needs and priorities, in order to stay relevant and helpful.

Consequently, it’s likely that the buyer journeys you have carefully mapped out and planned for your customers are no longer appropriate – or in some case, actually unhelpful – in the new reality.

If you need help with your processes then get in touch with us.

PSA: You don't need to post every day! Quality over quantity

PSA: You don't need to post every day!

Quality over quantity

In this month's blog, we look at how demographics fail to tell us the whole story about our customers. How much do peopl...

In this month's blog, we look at how demographics fail to tell us the whole story about our customers.

How much do people have in common just because they fit the broad description of baby boomers?

Ozzy Osbourne and Prince Charles may share certain demographics but it’s unlikely that they exhibit the same shopping behaviours!

Factors such as age, gender, location, job or ethnicity can be relevant to segmenting an audience. It’s just that, without understanding what makes an audience tick, they will never tell the full story.

In our experience, it’s more productive to segment audiences into behavioural/attitudinal clusters first, at every point in a business’s buying cycle, and then apply demographics to the segment.

Interested? (Honestly, we find this stuff fascinating!) Read the full article to learn more.

While I've been vocal on my personal accounts, I haven't felt that Red Gem's brand profile could add anything of value t...

While I've been vocal on my personal accounts, I haven't felt that Red Gem's brand profile could add anything of value to the discussion around Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

However a thought piece from David Heinemeier Hansson really struck a cord and I wanted to share some excerpts here.

Much like the Arab Spring of 2010, we're seeing social media's incredible potential as a resource for those on the ground. (See 'Twitter and Teargas' by Zeynep Tufekci for some powerful insights and analysis on this.)

But on the other side we're also seeing State-level disinformation campaigns and the strangulation of free information. Can the little guy prevail?

As Digital Strategist Vassilena Valchanova put it so well,

"Russia has been an expert in information combat for ages. But their strategy comes from a place of authority and fear. Something that works for 20th century broadcasting.

Ukraine's strategy comes from a place of authenticity and human spirit – and this is the right approach for the Internet age.

While there's a ton wrong with social media, we're now being reminded about the amazing things that can happen when everyone can use their authentic voice to reach a larger group."

And this really speaks to my own professional paradox. Knowing the limits, risks and fragility of social media, I still chose to dance with the devil. Why?

Because its power lies in the democratisation of information, the opportunities for marginalised voices, and the way authenticity, ultimately, will always win.

Facebook - sorry, 'Meta' -  recently launched the Campaign Ideas Generator. It wants to inspire and empower small busine...

Facebook - sorry, 'Meta' - recently launched the Campaign Ideas Generator.

It wants to inspire and empower small businesses on its platform. The new Campaign Ideas Generator provides brands with insights, templates and recommendations, specific to seasonal events and business types.

It even gives you an Organic Post Pack, which includes a range of post templates that you can use on your page, making social media marketing .....a piece of cake!

[Source: Facebook for Business]

How often do you see Ozzy Osborne and Prince Charles in the same blog piece?Hit the link in our bio to find out why demo...

How often do you see Ozzy Osborne and Prince Charles in the same blog piece?

Hit the link in our bio to find out why demographics fail to tell marketers the whole story about our consumers.

Break some effing rules! That's the key message in Penelope Walker latest edition of 'The Barbed Wire'. And you know wha...

Break some effing rules!

That's the key message in Penelope Walker latest edition of 'The Barbed Wire'. And you know what, it's pretty darn good advice. There are also actionable tips to get you started.

Our April blog will be all about why might not be right for your business (watch this space!). But if your audience is using it, you should definitely be following Penny Walker, or better yet, sign up to her newsletter here

“The Advertising Industry Has a Problem: People Hate Ads”The New York Times. Over 42% of internet users currently report...

“The Advertising Industry Has a Problem: People Hate Ads”
The New York Times.

Over 42% of internet users currently report using ad blockers. If accurate, this equates to over 2 billion people.

Last year Apple offered its iPhone and iPad users the choice of whether or not they want to be tracked for the purpose of receiving "more relevant advertising."

Overwhelmingly people said, “nope.”

Brands need to find ways to connect with their customers that are more meaningful than just popping an ad in their social media feeds.

Do you know what it is that your customer *really* cares about? This is a great quote from B2B Marketer's report, The fu...

Do you know what it is that your customer *really* cares about?

This is a great quote from B2B Marketer's report, The future of tech marketing and revenue performance: What’s impacting growth for 2022 and beyond,

"Successful, effective marketing depends on a brand investing time and energy into its purpose and ideology. It is often these values that become key competitive differentiators, particularly if there is otherwise parity on technology or price."

We should talk about bounce rates. There's no point putting money behind paid social campaigns, driving 1000s of users t...

We should talk about bounce rates.

There's no point putting money behind paid social campaigns, driving 1000s of users to your website or landing page if they're just going to bounce right off again.

Facebook's Ads Manager can only tell you so much about your campaign performance. If you want the full picture behind your paid social campaign performance, you also need to get to grips with website analytics. We at Red Gem are big fans of Google Analytics but other tools are available.

With a recent ad campaign we were seeing absolutely terrific results in Ads Manager, yet the bounce rate from Facebook ad traffic was a whopping 91%.

- the targeting was spot on
- we had enough budget to make an impact
- the creatives were great

So what was wrong?

1. Google Analytics, being so widely used, is able to tell us how our client's website performs against its closest peers. Over the past 3 years, bounce rates against industry benchmarks had been increasing at a steady rate

2. Google Analytics recorded a page load speed of 4 seconds for non-bounced traffic but a load speed of 12 seconds for bounced traffic.

We already knew through Ads Manager that we were targeting 18 to 25-year-olds on their mobile phones. We can safely assume that very few of them would wait a whopping 12 seconds for a page to load.

The moral of the story? Social media marketing needs more than one dashboard. The broader your insights, the better you can drill down into what works and, just as importantly, what doesn't.

Don't throw your money away on a system that you don't fully understand!

Marketing is no longer viewed as simply a cost centre. Now it is recognised as a vital engine for generating revenue. It...

Marketing is no longer viewed as simply a cost centre. Now it is recognised as a vital engine for generating revenue.

It is therefore important that all areas of the business buy into the idea that marketing won't necessarily deliver immediate revenue. It's all about balanced development of long-term demand and the sustained growth that that brings.

[Claire Davidson, Twogether via B2B Marketing]

41% of online adults told Forrester they’d go back to doing business with a brand that landed in hot water if the brand ...

41% of online adults told Forrester they’d go back to doing business with a brand that landed in hot water if the brand apologised publicly

In fact, negativity - particularly on social media - doesn't have to be a bad thing for brands.

Of course, it depends on exactly what your organisation did to land in hot water. But users are going to talk about your brand on social whether you're prepared for it or not. Our advice is to get out there ahead of the problem.

Read our blog to learn more:

It’s easy to assume that anyone can run a business social media account. Isn’t it just about posting a status occasional...

It’s easy to assume that anyone can run a business social media account.

Isn’t it just about posting a status occasionally or sharing some inspirational memes?

No, actually.

In many businesses, social media marketing gets palmed off on an intern or a PA as a ‘fit-it-in-when-you-can’ talk on their weekly to-do list.

This person then struggles to generate meaningful content that fits in with the wider business goals. Or they throw everything at the (social media) wall and hope that something sticks.

After a few months of sporadic posting and no engagement, bosses throw their hands up in despair and declare, “Social media doesn’t work for our business”.

Sound familiar?

The problem here isn’t social media at all; it’s that the business has been using the kind of ‘spray and pray’ marketing that rarely works long-term, mainly because there isn’t a clear audience or purpose to it.

Read our blog for actionable advice on how to bring a coherent strategy to your social media marketing, that will actually make an impact.

89% of consumers would pay a premium for a brand that has an authentic purpose [The Drum Network]Facebook advertisers ha...

89% of consumers would pay a premium for a brand that has an authentic purpose [The Drum Network]

Facebook advertisers have seen a drop in conversions over the past year because Facebook - sorry, 'Meta' - can no longer track user behaviour in the detail that it once did.

Brands need to find ways to connect with their customers that are more meaningful than just popping a post in their social media feeds.

Clearly defined (and proven!) values and authentic purpose are often enough to capture the attention of today's consumers.

Want to know more? Get in touch!

User-generated content (UGC) works best for brands on Instagram. A recent report found that across all ages, * 55% of co...

User-generated content (UGC) works best for brands on Instagram. A recent report found that across all ages,

* 55% of consumers trust UGC over other forms of marketing,

* 49% said the same of brand websites,

* Only 19% of people trust banner ads above all else.

* At 64%, only professional industry reviews were ranked higher.

But while professional industry reviews hold more clout, they don’t translate to social media platforms, particularly visual platforms like Instagram, the same way that images created by fans do [Digital Think Tank L2].

Do customers talk about your product online?

Do you have a plan in place to leverage those reviews?

And is your plan appropriate to the platforms that you're using?

If this all sounds like stuff that you should be doing but don't know where to start... we can help! We create effective, impactful strategies, and we help our clients to put those strategies into action.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

Report cited:

Is your digital content accessible? * At least 2.2 billion people around the world are affected by blindness and vision ...

Is your digital content accessible?

* At least 2.2 billion people around the world are affected by blindness and vision impairment

* 466 million suffer from hearing loss, and

* One in four adults have some form of disability or impairment

These are huge numbers! And they give some indication of the number of people globally who rely on assistive technology to access content online.

If you're planning and producing great content, make sure it's accessible to everyone!

Get our FREE Guide to creating accessible digital content - visit!

Today's buyer is savvy. They know when they're seeing an ad.They know that your blog post, white paper or free webinar i...

Today's buyer is savvy. They know when they're seeing an ad.

They know that your blog post, white paper or free webinar is merely a tool to move them down your funnel.

They know that as much as you tell them you care, what you really want is their investment.

You're already swimming upstream. So when it comes to designing a paid social campaign, give yourself the best possible chance to succeed. These three questions will help!

Your buyer is changing!The reality is that B2B buyers of today are not waiting for you to connect with them. They are on...

Your buyer is changing!

The reality is that B2B buyers of today are not waiting for you to connect with them. They are online doing their own research working out the best path to purchase.

Studies suggest that up to 80% of the B2B buyer journey happens online and in the dark.

If your content is there, answering their questions while they're in that consideration phase, someone else's will be.

Contact us to find out how to build an effective content marketing strategy for your business.

Even when you sell to a business, it’s a human that makes the final decision about whether or not to buy from your compa...

Even when you sell to a business, it’s a human that makes the final decision about whether or not to buy from your company.

When someone buys on behalf of a business, they can feel surprisingly vulnerable. Make the wrong choice and they could lose their company money, inconvenience their colleagues or, in the worst-case scenario, even damage their reputation or career.

This is why even B2B social media marketing is really, ultimately, about human connection.

Read our recent blog to learn about more common struggles in B2B social media marketing and how you can beat them!

Your buyer’s memory is flawed. When presented with a variety of information, they’re more likely to remember the last th...

Your buyer’s memory is flawed. When presented with a variety of information, they’re more likely to remember the last thing they see, followed by the first thing.
Being in the middle of the list often means being forgotten.

That's why content marketing and a comprehensive ad strategy are so important.

Start with a customer journey map to ensure that you're sharing the right content to meet your prospect's needs at every step along their buying journey.

[credit Katelyn Bourgoin,]

There are three common B2B social media marketing struggles that often hold businesses back. Our recent blog looks at wh...

There are three common B2B social media marketing struggles that often hold businesses back. Our recent blog looks at what they are and how to beat them to get the best ROI on your social media investment

Hit the link in our bio to read the blog in full!

Ad spend on Facebook and Instagram grew 43% since Q3 2020. This, despite a drastic reduction in the depth of insights an...

Ad spend on Facebook and Instagram grew 43% since Q3 2020.

This, despite a drastic reduction in the depth of insights and accuracy of results data!

For our part, it's been quite nice...! The lack of insight was disquieting at first, but when you're forced to find a meaningful connection rather than simply following the data, it makes for a far more rewarding experience, for customers and advertisers alike!




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