If She Can I Will Digital Magazine

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If She Can I Will Digital Magazine Redefining Realities, One Woman at a Time. Issue 6 - Out 15th August 2024.

Only 40 days until Issue 6 of If She Can I Will Digital Magazine is out!3 years on we've come back improved and even BET...

Only 40 days until Issue 6 of If She Can I Will Digital Magazine is out!

3 years on we've come back improved and even BETTER!

Keep your eye out because over the next few weeks, we'll be sharing previews of what and who will be featured.

We are so EXCITED!

Speak to you soon,

The If She Can I Will Team ❤️

If She Can I Will Digital Magazine is currently working on a special project to help women who have been out of work and...

If She Can I Will Digital Magazine is currently working on a special project to help women who have been out of work and are fearful of returning due to rejection sensitivity and lack of self-confidence.

We provide them with skills and emotional support to confidently return to the workforce or start a business.

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 + 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩 + 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐨𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 = 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞.

This is what our advertising money is also going towards.

So, if you're a female-led business owner and would love to support the amazing work that will be happening this year, why not buy a 1/2 page advertisement for just £100 (usually £200)?

5 spaces have already been taken!

DM me to be the 6th

There are ALWAYS going to be people who tell you what you can't and shouldn't do. Move into your 'stuff 'em' era.Shake t...

There are ALWAYS going to be people who tell you what you can't and shouldn't do.

Move into your 'stuff 'em' era.

Shake their word words off.


Start the business.


Travel solo.

Jump out of the plane

Buy all the animals.

Hike the mountain.

Leave the marriage.

Wear the dress on the school run.

Jump in the sea with your clothes on.

Challenge the status quo.

Whatever it is.

Winning comes from giving it a go and learning.

Not from sitting in other people's self-doubt, opinions, and regret.

Ready to meet the women who have said stuff 'em?

July 5th | Chitchat Live starts
August 15th | Issue 6

If She Can I Will Digital Magazine

I often say I don't articulate myself well. I can get emotional when I can't find the words I need to describe what I'm ...

I often say I don't articulate myself well.

I can get emotional when I can't find the words I need to describe what I'm trying to say or when I am being misunderstood.

This often makes me lose words even more.

But tonight, I am really proud of how I articulated myself to my husband about my experiences growing up as a mixed-race girl and why it's important to me that If She Can I Will Digital Magazine features a diverse range of women, from age to race.

When I grew up, I never saw people like me—someone with a lighter complexion with a brown dad, and a white mum.

I never knew others felt like I did until one day I found an Instagram page dedicated to mixed-race people and their experiences.

For the first time, I felt seen.

I believe everyone should be able to see parts of themselves in the magazine because...

:) It shows that success is possible for people like them.
:) It can validates their experiences and struggles.
:) It provides role models and mentors who can guide them.
:) It can help to combat stereotypes and promote inclusivity.
:) It could boost confidence and self-esteem.
:) It highlights the need for inclusivity and equity everywhere.

That’s when we truly experience the deeper feeling of, "If they can do it, then so can I."

P.S. I still find it really strange that I have to Google to make sure how I explain how I identify is politically correct.

P.P.S. If She Can I Will Digital Magazine welcomes all women (cis and trans), regardless of age, race, disability, neurodiversity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or body type.

P.P.P.S. I'm always open to honest and open conversations about how we can do this better.


I used to love the word "EPIC."

In fact, I even created an EPIC signature journaling framework that is one of my faves even to this day.

But then I stopped using it when I saw an influencer using the same term.

It wasn't about rebelling. I just didn't want anyone to think I was copying them.

Looking back, it's kind of funny yet sad.

I know I'm not the only one who's hesitated to pursue something they love because someone else is already doing it.

I've had conversations with people who felt they couldn't promote their work helping others journal or create journals because I was doing the same at the time.

Others have been hesitant about their dreams of launching a magazine or training as a Silent Counselling Trainer.

Starting a magazine, training ADHD coaches in holistic therapy, helping people create journals...


My belief is simple. If you have something that can positively impact the world, go for it.

We need more magazines that do good, not harm.

The world needs more Silent Counselling Practitioners and Trainers because it's a game changer that can save lives.

It all ties into the spirit of If She Can I Will Digital Magazine. If someone else can do it, why not you too?

And that's truly EPIC. Owning it!

As Barbara Grizzuti said, "There are no original ideas, only original people."


What specific fears or concerns hold you back from sharing your story with the world?

Do you have a story or expertise to share?We would love to feature you.Send us a DM for more info.

Do you have a story or expertise to share?
We would love to feature you.

Send us a DM for more info.


If She Can... I Will – it's more than a motto; it's a way of being, an attitude. Dive into stories of women's victories, and resilience. Witnessing their achievements proves anything is possible. Get ready to shout, 'If She Can... I Will!' Let's go 💋

We all love a bit of validation from others. But sometime we can crave it so much that it impacts on how we show up and ...

We all love a bit of validation from others.

But sometime we can crave it so much that it impacts on how we show up and what we do.

I remember back last year I wanted others to tell me that an idea was good.

I wanted to be patted on the back and told well done.

Which is fine.

BUT the NEED for them to recognise me stopped me making progress.

And quite frankly made me feel like I was back in school waiting to be liked.

I noticed how it was making feel and I started to change it.

I made a self validation journal.

I wrote in there what I was proud of.

I gave myself the praise I needed.

And it changed the game.

If you finding yourself waiting to be approved by others why not start by approving yourself first. :)

3pm is my time. The time my brain starts working properly. The time my motivation levels are high.The time I'm most prod...

3pm is my time.

The time my brain starts working properly.

The time my motivation levels are high.

The time I'm most productive.

3pm is where I find my working groove.

It's a shame it's also time for the school run too 🙂

What time does your brain start to wake up properly?

We all have the resources we need inside of us.Sometimes we just have to ask a question and then listen in to get the gu...

We all have the resources we need inside of us.

Sometimes we just have to ask a question and then listen in to get
the guidance we need.

Journal prompt's a brilliant way to help you find out what you truly need.

Here's a journal prompt for you to try today.

What I really need for my own sense of wellbeing, stress release and inner peace at this time is…..

* Write this prompt at the top of your page.
* Then stop and breathe.
* Listen into your thoughts.
* Start writing exactly what you hear from within.
* Keep listening in and writing for at least 10 minutes.

What do you really need right not? Let us know in the comments.


😬Heart beat racing.
😒Cloudy head.
😔Racing thoughts.
😣Uncontrollable pressure felt in your chest.

😩The needs are accumulating.
😣The need to do housework,
😔The need to do work,
😕The need to look after little ones.

🤯 Prioritising isn’t happening because they all feel the same sense of urgency.

Stop 🛑

Breathe in 10 deep breaths.

Real deep breathes.

❤️Feel yourself calm.
❤️Feel you thoughts clear.
❤️Feel the pressure start to lift.
❤️ Feel the need disappearing.

Feeling better?

Ask yourself what’s the one thing you can do now that will help you feel better?

The one thing that will make a difference?

One small thing that will propel you into the next thing?

Do it now. Right now.

Sometimes the pain of thinking about all the things we need to do is worse that the action itself.

It can take one small action to get us going.

What will you be doing?

I can’t do this anymore.👆👆👆👆 Do you catch yourself saying this?Do you feel stuck in this slump of stuckness?You desperat...

I can’t do this anymore.

👆👆👆👆 Do you catch yourself saying this?

Do you feel stuck in this slump of stuckness?

You desperately want to keep going promoting your business but you just don’t see how you can turn things around.

This is the point where you stop and breathe...

One big deeeeeeep breathe in......

And then breathe ouuuutttt......

❤️You can do this.❤️

I want you to remember all the reasons as to why you CAN.

Grab a pen and paper and start making a list.

List all your experiences, skills, strengths and qualifications.

List all the good things your friends, clients, family have ever said about you.

Then read it back....

Take in each and every word.

Then repeat after me.....

❤️ I can do this... I believe in myself.. ❤️

Now your all fired up, go and take one step that will help you move forward...

I believe in you and from the bottom of my heart I know you CAN!

Support calls are my fave. They feel like being with friends.You get to be with the women on the calls in whatever way t...

Support calls are my fave.

They feel like being with friends.

You get to be with the women on the calls in whatever way they need in that moment.

Some times it’s for accountability.

Other times it’s to hold space so they can work through their thinking and process.

Then it can be for us to say that we believe in you, you got this!!

They are a mix of all sorts but not attached to one outcome.

They are whatever you need it to be in that moment.

Do you have some kind of support whilst you’re launching?

For me personally having places to reach for support helps me to keep going when the going gets tough.

In the Launch Mindset Programme we offer weekly support calls to help you emotionally and energetically through your launches.

We are opening the doors to the programme on the 8th November. 6 months £997.00

If you would like to see if it’s right for you send us a dm for a chat ❤️

Wondering what’s the point in doing your business?Take a seat and sit back.Let me talk you through it.By helping one per...

Wondering what’s the point in doing your business?

Take a seat and sit back.

Let me talk you through it.

By helping one person and impacting their life creates a major ripple effect.

You’re not only helping them, you’re helping their family, friends, clients, people they employ and that’s rippling into those peoples life’s.

It’s an impact that keeps making waves.

So now your sat down....

I want you to think about one client you’ve helped.

And breathe into it.

Fill yourself up with all the love you feel when you think of the impact created.

Then move onto their family.

Then their friends.

Again each time breathing in the energy of love, appreciation and hope.

And keep going.

And that’s exactly the point...

That’s the reason why you keep showing up and doing the magic that you do.

Keep launching.

Keep serving.

You’re making a difference.

If you would like emotional and energetic support whilst launching your services join our Launch Mindset Programme £997.00 6 months. Dm for more information

My daughter Gracie is profoundly deaf and wears cochlear implants to give her access to sound.She uses lip reading to ba...

My daughter Gracie is profoundly deaf and wears cochlear implants to give her access to sound.

She uses lip reading to back up what she hears but constantly listening and hearing are really draining and tiring for her.
She has learned to manage this really well and understands her needs.

The other week she was watching something on her IPad without her implants on, I asked her “why aren’t you wearing your implants?”

Her response was “I just need some silence mum”

This is her recharging, blocking out the need to listen, listening is very draining.

When we are Launching our products and services it can be exhausting, it uses all of our energetic and emotional reserves.

Do you know what you need to block out to protect your energy and recharge?

Having this awareness will help you get through your launch without losing momentum and enthusiasm.

Imagine making it to the end of your launch with your energy and emotions intact and hitting your sales goals because you have taken the consistent action needed every day.

If you'd like help Identifying what you can block out to protect your energy and emotions book in for a 1-1 launch care call £99.00

DM to book your space x

I’ve grieved for these teeth.👇👇👇This is me many moons ago on my hen night.My teeth were not perfect but I liked them.3 y...

I’ve grieved for these teeth.👇👇👇

This is me many moons ago on my hen night.

My teeth were not perfect but I liked them.

3 years ago my smile completely changed.

When I was pregnant with my daughter my teeth started to move.

My smile became no longer my own.

I cried.

I grieved.

I could barely look at myself in the mirror.

But something happened.

I knew I didn’t want my teeth standing in my way of going after what it is I wanted.

I’d spent to long putting stuff off because of my weight.

So I turned it around and started to accept how I looked right now in this moment.

By showing up continuously on social media and putting myself out there has really helped, I wasn’t sat avoiding thinking of all the worst things that could happen. I was taking action.

Now that doesn’t mean that I’m not self conscious. I totally am.

Some days I want to pull them out and see what use to be me looking back in the mirror.

But even on my bad days I won’t stop showing up or hide because my dreams are to important.

We can stop ourselves launching and promoting our businesses because we are waiting to learn some more things or loose that extra weight or fix ourselves in some way.

Through my own experience I really do believe that by stepping into who you are now will help accept where you are right now.

I don’t regret any day turning up even on my worse days.

Stop hiding. Come and show the world what you’ve got.

Ps... Today is the last day you can sign up to The Launch Mindset Beta Programme. Helping you to develop emotional and energetic resilience so you can keep on launching your amazing services and products to the world. Click the link in the bio to find out more

I love talking to strangers! Yesterday I went shopping and being the people watcher that I am (or nosey🙈) I Watched a la...

I love talking to strangers!

Yesterday I went shopping and being the people watcher that I am (or nosey🙈) I Watched a lady say goodbye to a man and child.

I walked past back to my car and thought the little girl is probably going to stay with her dad, well I was wrong to assume.

As the lady walked past me she said “now for some time to myself”

We were parked next to one another, and I answered her “Enjoy your time, we need it once in a while”

She went on to tell me that her brother had offered to have her little girl as she’d never stayed away before.

She was looking forward to some adult conversation with her friends and a little glass of wine.

I said to her it sounds lovely, but she went on to say she feels so guilty……

Guilty for letting her go
Guilty for wanting and adult evening
Guilty for not being there for her that night

I said to her her daughter will have an amazing time, and she’d seemed really happy running off with her cousins and that she’d come home with so many stories of the fun she had, while she will feel relaxed and refreshed.

She thanked me for the little chat, we joked that I would come and Join her and her friends and off she went.

I just love that that little conversation made a stranger feel better in that moment. 

It reminded me of a conversation Kellie and I had yesterday too, when we talked about the journey we go on with our clients.

A journey where we see them happy with their outcome at the end, most of these clients also start off as strangers to us, but throughout the journey together we become part of those peoples lives, part of something special part of a change that helps them grow and move forward.

That’s the part of this job that really fills us with joy😊

Tomorrow we get to do this all over again with the amazing ladies that have signed up to our Launch Mindset Programme.

Today is the last day to sign up for the £99 Beta test version

We will be showing you how to build the emotional and energetic resilience needed to launch time after time.

So if you find launching emotionally and energetically draining come and join us!
The Link is in the bio

Gracie woke this morning and jumped in bed next to me for a hug We lay there without speaking,  Gracie sleeps without he...

Gracie woke this morning and jumped in bed next to me for a hug

We lay there without speaking, Gracie sleeps without her Implants on so can’t hear when she wakes

We were still and silent, I touched her eye then her heart, then the silence was broken when she said

“I love you too Mummy”

I’ve been working today as we are in Launch, but it got me thinking about earlier launches, when I would be going full throttle.

Work would be my priority and I would have missed those little important moments.

10 launches on and I know the importance of having boundaries in place, making sure that before a launch I recognise all the non negotiable parts of my life, the important things we can’t push to the side.

If you would like to know how to balance your life whilst in launch come and join us on our Launch Mindset Programme.

Where we will prime you ready for all the stages of your launch so you can still have that work life balance.

Starting 27th September

One off beta test price £99.00

Link is in the comments

“Lets go fly a kite”I can’t say that without singing the song from Mary Poppins 😂Last night I was looking through some p...

“Lets go fly a kite”

I can’t say that without singing the song from Mary Poppins 😂

Last night I was looking through some photos and found this one of Gracie flying her kite on the beach.

It got me thinking about the ups and downs we have when we are launching, our emotions can be as erratic as a kite, excitement to frustration in minutes some days.

Smooth sailing one minute then nose diving to the floor the next.

But all the while we are telling ourselves “try again” and asking ourselves “what did we do the last time that worked”?

Until eventually we have a flying kite with a few dips here and there but a lot less of the nose dives into the sand.

Imagine having a launch without the nose dives, and running smoothly.

If you were to apply the same mindset as you do to flying a kite, you can!

We show you how to do this in our Launch Mindset beta test programme. We show you how to Keep going, try again, tell yourself you can do this and learn from what didn't work the time before building a strong launch mindset and the resilience needed to launch time after time with ease.

The programme is starting on 17th September, and is £99 this is a one off price.

DM us for Information

'I Failed'. 'No if's or buts....I failed'. Do you hear yourself saying those words to yourself when you haven't reached ...

'I Failed'.

'No if's or buts....I failed'.

Do you hear yourself saying those words to yourself when you haven't reached your launch goals?

My question to you is have you reeaally failed?

Yes, you might not have brought in the income you wanted BUT launching isn't just about the money.

It's about growth in so many ways.

Have a think about;
🌟What did you learn through this launch?
🌟What did you do for the first time?
🌟What did you do better than last time?
🌟What ways did you put yourself out there that you might've not before?
🌟What fears did you face?
🌟What interest did you have in the serivce your promoting?
🌟What lightbulb moments did you have?
🌟What did you discover about yourself in the process?
🌟In what ways did you grow your audience?
🌟Did you manage to maintain your energy throughout?
🌟Did you see out your launch period?

Reflect on the whole process and then tell me exactly how did you fail?

Because I bet it was more successful than you thought.

In the Launch Mindset Beta Test Programme you will learn how to reflect on your launch so you can see the growth you've undertaken and celebrate every single win.

Then you can take those reflections and learnings and integrate them into an action plan ready for your next launch.

Seriously, this stage is my favourite.

We start this Monday and only have 2 spaces left. For £99 you will get 6 weeks of me and Sare Robinson, amazing content plus support calls to help you develop your launch mindset ready to smash your goals.

Grab your space by clicking the link in the bio

I'm watching Vivo with my daughter for the millionth time. And I heard these lyrics;"All I can do when the road bends,Is...

I'm watching Vivo with my daughter for the millionth time.

And I heard these lyrics;
"All I can do when the road bends,
Is lean into the curve.

And all I can do when the tank’s run dry,
Is see what’s in reserve.

And all I can do when the plans break down,
Is stay on my feet."

And it reminded me of launching, apart from the tank bit. You don't see what's in reserve you go and recharge and reenergise, please.

But the rest is spot on.

Things change. We adapt.

If it doesn't go to plan. We reflect, learn and keep going.

We keep playing on and on and keep to the beat of our own drum.

If you would like to develop a Launch Mindset that's going to help you build the emotional and energetic resilience needed so you can bounce back time and time again better and stronger join us on our Beta Test Launch Mindset Programme, £99.00, 6 weeks!

Click the bio/comments in the link if you're in!

It’s to easy to keep looking where everyone else is going in their life especially when you're launching a service or pr...

It’s to easy to keep looking where everyone else is going in their life especially when you're launching a service or product.

You find yourself going on a social media stalking session.

Wondering about the amount of sign ups they've had.
Imagining how amazing they're doing.

Then feeling rubbish comparing yourself to their launch.

It’s distracting and off putting.

This is you reminder to 'Stay in your own lane'.
Focus on your goals only.

Remind yourself daily to focus on you and your journey.

If you spend so much time focusing on others you’re going to stay still, whilst watching everyone else move forward 🙈.

Eyes forward and stay in your lane 😍.

Ps... We have 3 spaces left on the Launch Mindset Beta Programme that will help you to build emotional resilience whilst launching, so you can bounce back and grow time and time again. Grab your space by sending me a dm.

Do you write off launches as failures if they haven't gone to plan?We don't. 🌟We see them as opportunites to learn and g...

Do you write off launches as failures if they haven't gone to plan?
We don't.

🌟We see them as opportunites to learn and grow.🌟
Helping us to be able to improve and take the next step forward.

In the 6 week beta programme Launch Mindset one of the modules is called Post Launch Reboot.

It's where we support you to create a mindset that helps you to reflect openly and honestly without any judgement so you can see the learnings and to create an action plan and integrate these learnings into your next launch.

You can grab your space for just £99.00 by sending me a dm 🙂

Having a good strategy in place for your launch is fantastic but what about you?What about the rollercoaster of emotions...

Having a good strategy in place for your launch is fantastic but what about you?

What about the rollercoaster of emotions you feel throughout a launch and even after?

The emotions are so up and down one minute you're so excited you have this amazing offer you want to tell everyone about, then you're checking to see who's commented waiting in anticipation for people to join, the fear creeps in "what if I don't sell any places"

Then again the sheer excitement when you see people signing up, and boom back down again you're exhausted no energy but you have to show up!

Fear of failure and rejection rear their head along the way too.
All these emotions literally drain you,

but what if we told you it doesn't have to be like this?

You can jump off that rollercoaster and have a smooth launch by making sure you have a strong launch mindset.

You can have a clear plan in place taking care of your emotions, energy and mindset before you even get started.

You will build an emotional resilience that will carry you through the three stages of launching.

* Pre Launch
* In launch
* Post Launch

If this sounds like something you need we are running our Launch Mindset Beta Tester programme starting on 27th September.

£99.00 One off Beta tester price

DM us for details

P.s.....Share with anyone you think may benefit

Ever been on a roller coaster and as soon as you sit down and they strap you in, you think why the heck am I doing this?...

Ever been on a roller coaster and as soon as you sit down and they strap you in, you think why the heck am I doing this?

Launching a service or product can feel exactly the same.

It's one big emotional rollercoaster but can often leave us feeling depleted and exhausted.

If this is you you will be interested in our beta test programme starting the 27th September for introverted, highly sensitive and empaths business women to develop your emotional resilience whilst launching.

We only have 4 spaces left. To grab your space now send us a DM

I don't care what glasses you wear!Before I gained my NLP practitioner qualification and co founded If She Can I Will di...

I don't care what glasses you wear!

Before I gained my NLP practitioner qualification and co founded If She Can I Will digital Magazine I had spent 8 years as an Optical Advisor.

Now this is a job role that literally cannot be explained, there are so many roles contained within the one role.

So primarily you are selling glasses, so that makes it retail based, but its also healthcare lead and part of the NHS services.

Then there's the endless admin, but for me the real job was the customer service, customer care, customer journey whatever term you use for it it all comes down to the same thing, making sure your customer leaves feeling happy.

Now for me that wasn't about being happy with their choice of glasses it was about being happy with the time they spent with me.
They wasn't just a paying customer to me, they were a mum, a nan, a son, a dad.

They were the man nursing his wife in her final days who needed to get out for an hours respite, who needed conversation with someone who wasn't connected, to off load some of the sadness.

That same man who came back days after losing his beloved wife to say thank for that much needed chat.

That is the part of the job that lit me up and that I've taken away and brought into the work I do now.

I've literally picked the part out of my role which I love and started my own business using exactly that part.

The part where the person is far more than the money they are paying, yes we exchange money for services that's life, but some services you cant put a price on.

For me I want to be able to say that during every one of my clients journeys I stay true to my values and they feel recognised, heard and they leave happy.

Kellie and I have been on a call this morning and spoke about our future visualisations.Have little visualisation of you...

Kellie and I have been on a call this morning and spoke about our future visualisations.

Have little visualisation of your own, and visualise your perfect week.

What are your best moments?




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