Germany and Humour
It has been claimed that the German sense of humour is no laughing matter. I beg to disagree and Easter may serve to sway opinion.
Both hares and eggs were pagan springtime symbols of fertility and new life force, yet it seemingly took Lutheran Germany to combine the two and create a bunny that delivered eggs. Migration and marketing united to made them popular. Whilst on the topic, colouring them became a tradition during the middle ages.
Now the country has proven a further zealous light-heartedness when it comes to getting high. As of today, regulations on cannabis control have radically changed. However, it’s all in the wording.
As the world’s nations develop legislation to control this popular drug, terms of reference vary. Use or cultivation, medicinal or recreational purpose, decriminalise or legalise plus volumes of possession are all key elements to consider. That said, surprise at this bold and wide-ranging move by the Germans is prevalent on a global scale. And at home too.
On a lighter note, so many children and parents had such fun hunting for cheerfully coated eggs hidden by that fluffy Easter rabbit, that they have decided, today of all days, to repeat it next Sunday.