
Pawtfolio Content creation services perfect for pet businesses. Written by experts, shared by you!🐾 Pet owners can be left feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn.

The internet is full of information about pet health and wellbeing, but not all of it is written by people with the relevant expertise. You can make a difference. Pet owners trust you. By sharing reliable information, you can play a crucial role in educating pet owners and improving pet care. But whilst you have the opportunity and expertise, rarely do you have the time. Our mission is to make it

easy for you to improve pet owner access to reliable information about pet health and wellbeing, whilst simultaneously making your business stand out from the crowd. With our content, you can get give your client comms and social media a professional, glossy vibe whilst keeping hold of the local or family feel you’ve worked so hard for. About Dr Victoria Strong, Pawtfolio Founder:

“I am a vet, lecturer and content creator and have a background in clinical practice, education and research. I have a passion for veterinary communication – helping owners to make the best decisions for their pets. What’s more, I love it when I get a chance to embrace my inner creative side, and to share information in a fun and engaging way. As a freelance vet communicator, I have worked with a variety of client groups – from veterinary practices, pet professionals and pet food manufacturers to a company specialising in garden pest control! Projects have involved producing everything from articles and infographics, social media posts and videos to first aid guides. No matter the client, no matter the brief – my focus is always on client education. Whilst I love having a project to really get my teeth into, there’s a limit to how widespread the impact of these standalone projects can be. I wanted to find a way to make sound, reliable information about pet health and wellbeing accessible to as many people as possible. And so, the idea for Pawtfolio was born. The fact that having a library full of awesome resources and engaging content right at your fingertips, can really help your business to stand out from the crowd, is just the icing on the cake."

And just like that, another month is well under way, and we are a quarter of the way through the year. We are definitely...

And just like that, another month is well under way, and we are a quarter of the way through the year.

We are definitely well out of the new year “honeymoon period” in which we are optimistic in our plans to find time create and share lots of engaging and informative posts. Reality about how much headspace and time that takes has definitely.

So if you’re looking down the barrel of the gun of an empty social media calendar, wondering how you’ll fill it, let us help.

You get a dog, you walk it lots, right? Walking is good for your dog’s physical and mental health. (And yours too!)OR IS...

You get a dog, you walk it lots, right?

Walking is good for your dog’s physical and mental health. (And yours too!)


There are plenty of dogs/situations where a walk might not be in the dog or owner’s best interest to go out for a walk.

For example:
Anxious/reactive dogs might not enjoy it.
Dogs recovering from surgery or illness.
Extreme weather conditions put them at risk.

There’s so much that can be done in the home using games and enrichment.

Use the grab and go social media posts and graphics from to help raise awareness.

So many of you know you need to (and WANT to) do more on social media.  But you’re paralysed by the fear of not being go...

So many of you know you need to (and WANT to) do more on social media.

But you’re paralysed by the fear of not being good enough. Comparing to others, and blindsided by the rate at which things are progressing.

Maybe you’re yet to master posting regularly and haven’t a clue what the differences are between a post, a reel and a story.

And yet now you’re being told its time to get on TikTok. And that you NEED to post 3x a day… and goodness knows what else.

And it makes you want to not bother at all.

So you don’t post. Not today. Not tomorrow.

And then? It feels like it’s been too long. You’re standing still and don’t know where to start.

But you’re not trying to become an influencer or super-duper internet star. You just want to give your business an online presence, and (importantly) to use it as a force for good.

You want to use it as a platform to connect with pet owners, and inform them about important matter relating to their pet’s health.

And that is enough. MORE than enough. In fact it’s bloody marvellous.

So JUST DO IT. Move slowly.

Start small. One post is better than none.

Be brave. No one else will judge your content as harshly as you!

Be YOU! Authenticity is everything.

After a fab day at VETstagram 2023: The Veterinary Social Media Summit I’m feeling inspired. I’m filled with energy and ...

After a fab day at VETstagram 2023: The Veterinary Social Media Summit I’m feeling inspired. I’m filled with energy and now loads more knowledge about HOW to better engage my audience. But I’m still short on TIME.

Who. Is. With. Me?

If you’re a vet, nurse or practice manager and want to get your hands on a whole month’s worth of vet-written content, sign up to our mailing list.

Visit to find out more.

Today is   day. It’s a day designed to raise awareness about all those dogs for whom being approached/jumped on whilst o...

Today is day.

It’s a day designed to raise awareness about all those dogs for whom being approached/jumped on whilst on a walk is scary.

And to tell fellow dog owners that our Dogs in Yellow need space!

Help raise awareness by sharing this post.



My passion for helping pet owners to help their pets is exactly WHY I founded Pawtfolio. So, I get really excited when I see other people clearly driven by the same values.

I was scrolling through a group hosted by Rachel Spencer one day, when I came across the campaign. Started by Sarah from My Anxious Dog UK, the campaign aims to raise awareness about or indeed any dog that needs space - e.g. if they have a painful condition or are recovering from surgery.

I wanted to get on board and help if I could, so have created a bundle of content about anxiety in dogs. Videos, social media graphics and posts and written copy for blogs or newsletters.

Dogs in Yellow Day is on March 20th.

If you are a vet or pet professional and want to know how to get your hands on this bundle of content and to help raise awareness of the , comment below and I'll be in touch.

As promised, here are 5 things that should ring alarm bells when looking at products and brands claiming to have benefit...

As promised, here are 5 things that should ring alarm bells when looking at products and brands claiming to have benefits for pet health and well-being.

There are more than 80 articles and countless videos and infographics in our   of content. It simply wouldn't have been ...

There are more than 80 articles and countless videos and infographics in our of content. It simply wouldn't have been possible for me to create it all alone. Besides, there are so many people out there who know of these topics way better than I do.

So, what better day than to celebrate and thank just some of the fabulous ladies who have helped me collate an extensive library of expert-written content, as well as the many women who have inspired us along the way.


The internet and social media are filled with information about pet health and wellbeing. Not all of it is written by pe...

The internet and social media are filled with information about pet health and wellbeing. Not all of it is written by people with the relevant knowledge or expertise.

In fact, often it's the people giving out bad or incorrect information or advice, that can shout the loudest.

As vets and pet professionals we should be shouting louder.

We need to reposition ourselves as the "go to" experts in pet health and wellbeing.

I established to help vets and pet professionals to be heard. To enable us to work together, to use one voice to fill the internet with reliable information about pet health and wellbeing, that pet owners can trust.

February is a short month and March sure seems to sneak up on us out of nowhere, doesn't it? If you've found yourself sc...

February is a short month and March sure seems to sneak up on us out of nowhere, doesn't it? If you've found yourself scrabbling around for ideas for content for your social media page this month, check out our latest blog featuring loads of ideas and dates for your diary.

I’ve been a little quiet on here in the last couple of weeks. I’ve been juggling poorly kids and ‘life’ but have also be...

I’ve been a little quiet on here in the last couple of weeks. I’ve been juggling poorly kids and ‘life’ but have also been quite affected by the Nicola Bulley case. It seemed so trivial posting about pet stuff when two little girls were looking for their missing Mummy.

If I’m honest, the case has also made me hate social media a bit. Seeing how people can use it for bad… to throw hateful accusations at people they’ve never met, and to become ‘sofa experts’, criticising professionals who are just human beings trying to their best to do their job.

But today I realised, it shouldn’t make me want to turn my back on social media but to help pet and vet businesses to use it for good. To help those “in the know” within the pet industry to find their voice and show that they really do care, and know their stuff. And to help them reposition themselves as the experts in pet health and well-being.

Social media can be a rubbish place to be sometimes, but it’s also a fantastic thing to have at our finger tips. A tool to deliver good quality, reputable information to pet owners.

And the good news is that our Pawtfolio is filled with content designed to help you do exactly that.

Personally, I'm a scruffy mutt with a long muzzle and floppy ears kinda' gal. Don't get me wrong, I agree that their bab...

Personally, I'm a scruffy mutt with a long muzzle and floppy ears kinda' gal.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that their baby-like faces make them look cute. But like many other brachycephalic dogs, many have been bred to have extreme conformation that affects their health and welfare.

To paraphrase the British Veterinary Association - BVA, the whole animal industry must work together to ensure we consistently present images and messages that encourage responsible pet ownership and positive animal health and welfare outcomes.

That’s why, as part of the promise, we've pledged not to feature images of pets with extreme conformation in any of our library content.

The following are also off our list:

🐾 Animals in unsuitable environments or unsafe situations

🐾 Animals with surgically altered physical characteristics that can negatively impact on their health and/or cause suffering (such as cropped ears or docked tails)

🐾 Animals in situations that which might cause them fear, stress or harm.

🐾 Animals in inappropriate social situations for their species e.g. rabbits on their own

Find out more at

Vet practice owners and social media managers - THIS ONE IS FOR YOU.Awareness days (or weeks or months!) are often set u...

Vet practice owners and social media managers - THIS ONE IS FOR YOU.

Awareness days (or weeks or months!) are often set up by charities or organisations, to help achieve a specific goal.

You can use them as inspiration for posts to get your vet practice noticed online and give pet owners lots of reasons why they should come to, and trust your vet practice with their pet’s health.

14th February is best known as the  ❤️ but it's also  . This click-worthy carousel graphic offers top tips for owners on...

14th February is best known as the ❤️ but it's also .

This click-worthy carousel graphic offers top tips for owners on keeping their pets safe.

Loving it but worried it doesn't quite match your colour theme? Don't worry - there's a green version in our of content too. And the option of having a branded or bespoke copy of all of our graphics if you sign up for one of our custom packages.

Any questions, get in touch.

SCIENCE SATURDAY. Newly published research suggests that many pets could be experiencing painful joint disease, without ...


Newly published research suggests that many pets could be experiencing painful joint disease, without treatment, due to owners mistaking the signs for ‘just old age’.

Here’s some ways you can use this study for engagement and educational content:

1️⃣ Share the story about this study on your page.

2️⃣ Link it to any stock or evergreen content you have on osteoarthritis or elderly pets.

3️⃣ Share any other content related to the topic - signs of joint disease, treatments, prevention etc.

4️⃣ Link it to your services. Showcase how YOU can help arthritic pets.

5️⃣ Add a call to action. E.g. encourage owners to book an appointment.

6️⃣ Boost engagement. Ask owners a question about their pet or even offer an exclusive discount to anyone who likes/shares the post).

At Pawtfolio, we make it our job to stay on top of industry news so you don’t have to. Then we include content related to topical issues and trending stories, in your monthly bundle!

Find out more - get in touch.

It’s time to talk about this phrase.  It’s intended as lighthearted, tongue in cheek fun. I see it on mugs, T-shirts and...

It’s time to talk about this phrase. It’s intended as lighthearted, tongue in cheek fun. I see it on mugs, T-shirts and doing the rounds on social media.

But I hate it.

Don’t get me wrong, as a vet I understand the sentiment. There’s nothing more infuriating about having spent 5+ years studying and countless hours in practice for a pet owner to tell YOU what’s wrong with their pet, or how you should be treating it.

Because it suggests that pet owners should always take what we say as gospel. (Those days are gone!)

And it suggests pet owners are to blame for the bad advice they find online.

But if a pet owner comes into our consulting room with pages of information they’ve found online, it means:

1. They care
2. They want to do the best for their pet
3. They want make informed decisions about their pet’s care.

And as annoying as it might be sometimes, surely that’s a GOOD thing?

The internet and social media are filled with information about pet health and well-being. Not all of it is written by people with the relevant knowledge or expertise.

Owners can’t be blamed if the information they come across is incorrect.

It shouldn’t surprise us either. After all, those giving out bad information often shout the loudest.

But as vets and allied professionals, we should be shouting louder!

We need to reposition ourselves as the “go to” experts in pet health and well-being.

Now I know what you’re going to say “but we don’t have time”! Too many pets. Not enough time. I hear you.

That’s exactly why I established Pawtfolio. To make it easier for us to be part of solution (not victims of it!). So veterinary and pet professionals could work TOGETHER to fill the internet with reliable information about pet health and well-being, that pet owners can trust.

Pawtfolio is not just for vet practices, it’s for any pet business looking to share reliable information about pet healt...

Pawtfolio is not just for vet practices, it’s for any pet business looking to share reliable information about pet health and well-being.

Are you a pet rehabber? Dog groomer? Canine hydrotherapist or physio?

Do you find yourself talking about the same topics again and again, and wish you had expert written content you could share with your clients?

I want to know what topics you want to see included. Tell me in the comments.

I started Pawtfolio because I’m passionate about increasing the availability of sound, reliable information about pet he...

I started Pawtfolio because I’m passionate about increasing the availability of sound, reliable information about pet health and well-being for .

But deep down, I’m a spaniel at hear… it might not be a good rub of the ears but a client testimonial sure feels like a pat on the back.

Stock image websites are FILLED with pictures of dogs being hugged and held in a way they find uncomfortable or stressfu...

Stock image websites are FILLED with pictures of dogs being hugged and held in a way they find uncomfortable or stressful.

Thanks to the promise, you won’t find any of these pics used in our content.

What’s more, we’ve got content written by behaviour experts tackling these issues head on and answering questions like “do dogs like hugs?”.

Members get access to expert written content to use in their blogs and emails, as well as graphics and infographics to go with them and grab the attention of their audience.

Want to WIN a month’s worth of branded content for your veterinary practice? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3…!To be in with a ch...

Want to WIN a month’s worth of branded content for your veterinary practice? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3…!

To be in with a chance:

1️⃣ Follow Pawtfolio on Facebook (PS, we are Insta too .folio).
2️⃣ Like and share this post.
3️⃣ Tag a friend who might appreciate a bit of help with producing content for their practice social media page.

A winner will be chosen at random. The competition will close at midnight on the 31st January (provided we have at least 50 people enter).


Today was National bubble bath day and it features on my January list of dates for pet professionals to use for creating...

Today was National bubble bath day and it features on my January list of dates for pet professionals to use for creating content.

You might be wondering why? It’s not a classic or obvious choice of a veterinary or pet relevant awareness day.

The beauty of content is we can be really creative. Don’t consider yourself a creative type? Maybe not, but every day your job requires you to think outside the box. So you CAN do it!

So how can you use bubble bath day to engage with pet owners?

Here’s some ideas…

* Tell owners about some of the shampoo products you stock

* Tell owners about some of the skin conditions bathing can help with

* Remind owners that a bath can be a really opportunity for owners to get hands on with their dog and to spot problems like lumps and bumps

* Offer tips and tricks for making doggy bathtime a success

* Share a picture of a staff or client pet having a bath

and Emma Betts has written an article on bathing in dogs for

It’s just one of the 90+ articles in our Pawtfolio of content. Members can get their hands on the article and share in full, or take excerpts to use in emails, newsletters or social media posts. There’s a bunch of related graphics too.

If you want to get your hands on this content, absolutely FREE, drop us a DM

It’s been a long time coming but it’s finally nearly ready for launch. Pawtfolio is a one stop shop for content about pe...

It’s been a long time coming but it’s finally nearly ready for launch.

Pawtfolio is a one stop shop for content about pet health and well-being.

Monthly subscription, starts at just ÂŁ15.

Packed with graphics, videos and articles.

Written and fact checked by experts. Shared by you.

FOLLOW for more information, top tips and special offers.

December can be an easy ish month for social media content - there’s so many hazards to warn people about for a start. B...

December can be an easy ish month for social media content - there’s so many hazards to warn people about for a start.

But now you’re looking down the barrel of 2023, which a social media calendar to fill…

If you want to get your hands on a batch of free content, social media suggestions and post templates for January, simply drop us a DM or email us now.

Are you in charge of your   social media page? Feeling daunted at the task of filling a whole month with content? Here’s...

Are you in charge of your social media page? Feeling daunted at the task of filling a whole month with content?

Here’s some key dates to inspire you.

Not sure how to turn some of these into posts relevant to your practice? Drop us a DM and we’ll send you some suggestions, templates and free content.

pawt.folioToday is   day and what better day to take the plunge and announce my new venture, Pawtfolio.I've been working...

Today is day and what better day to take the plunge and announce my new venture, Pawtfolio.

I've been working hard on developing this over the last 12 months and been planning/dreaming of it for way longer.

It's finally time for me to stop keeping it under my hat, and to tell people it's here!

Website launching soon, for now just follow for lots of tips and tricks about online engagement with pet owners.




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