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🌱 "Change is the end result of all true learning." Having a growth mindset is like having a compass that points to 'poss...

🌱 "Change is the end result of all true learning." Having a growth mindset is like having a compass that points to 'possible'. It's the unwavering belief that with effort, perseverance, and openness to learning, we can hone our abilities and create positive change. A growth mindset propels us towards personal and professional success, transforming challenges into stepping stones and feedback into fuel for growth.

Here are some key aspects of a growth mindset:

1️⃣ Embracing Challenges: A growth mindset views challenges as exciting, not intimidating. They are opportunities to learn and grow.
2️⃣ Learning from Mistakes: Every mistake is seen as a lesson, an opportunity to better understand and improve. Mistakes are not failures, but feedback.
3️⃣ Perseverance: With a growth mindset, effort is seen as the pathway to mastery. Persistence in the face of difficulties is rewarded with growth and development.
4️⃣ Open to Criticism: Constructive feedback is welcomed as it aids in recognizing areas of improvement and fostering growth.

By adopting a growth mindset, we become resilient learners, ready to take on any obstacle and acquire new skills, inching closer each day to our full potential.

Are you ready to embrace a growth mindset? Share how you're cultivating this powerful approach to life in the comments below! 👇

☀️ In the hustle and bustle of daily life, one crucial aspect we often fail to prioritise is our self-care. We make spac...

☀️ In the hustle and bustle of daily life, one crucial aspect we often fail to prioritise is our self-care. We make space for other important things - work, family, chores, social commitments - and forget that in order to do all these well, we need to prioritise ourselves too.

🌱 Self-care isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. Think of it as maintaining your personal vehicle, the one you need for the journey of life. If you don't take care of it, eventually it's going to break down. 🚗

It's okay to take a break, to say no, to rest, to do something just because it makes you happy. You're worth the time it takes to take care of yourself.

So today, take a few moments to do something just for you. And while you're at it, share in the comments what your favourite self-care activity is. Let's inspire each other to practise more self-care! 💌

🌱 When we are struggling with challenging thoughts and feelings, one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal ...

🌱 When we are struggling with challenging thoughts and feelings, one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal is to ground ourselves in the present moment. 🕰️ But why is grounding in the present moment so important? Let's break it down.

1️⃣ Outmaneuvering Anxiety: Anxiety loves to play tricks on us, pulling us into the future's uncertainties or past regrets. By centering our attention to this moment, we stop time travelling to situations we can’t change and situations that may never happen. 🚫

2️⃣ Stress Dissipater: Immerging ourselves in the current moment has been scientifically shown to lower stress hormone levels. 🧘‍♀️🌊

3️⃣ Increased Self-Awareness: By settling into the now, we are better able to observe our feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations, thereby enabling us to steer through the sea of anxiety with greater ease. ⛵

4️⃣ Cultivates Acceptance: Being fully present encourages us to embrace our experiences, rather than attempting to alter or evade them. 🤲

5️⃣ Enriches Life's Quality: By not being entrapped in what was or what may be, we open ourselves to fully savor life as it unfolds. 🌈

Cultivating present moment awarness is akin to learning a new language - it takes practice. Start with simple act of running through your 5 senses. Let the present be your haven amidst the storm of anxiety. 💖⚓

Drop your favorite techniques to anchor in the present below. 👇

💖 Self-compassion starts with givine ourselves permission to prioritise our needs.  It may seem simple, but practice min...

💖 Self-compassion starts with givine ourselves permission to prioritise our needs. It may seem simple, but practice mindful permission giving can have a profound shift in how we treat ourselves. ✨

🌱 You can start by practicing allowing yourself to feel without judgement, allowing yourself to make mistakes, to grow, to rest, to say no, to put your needs first - these acts can be incredibly liberating.

🔆 And perhaps most importantly, allow yourself to show and accept love and kindness from yourself. You are deserving of the same patience, understanding, and compassion you would show to a good friend.

Comment below how you will allow yourself to be kind and accepting today. 👇

🌟 You will inevitably encounter hurdles and make mistakes. These are not indicators of failure, but vital milestones on ...

🌟 You will inevitably encounter hurdles and make mistakes. These are not indicators of failure, but vital milestones on your path towards growth.

Mistakes are rich learning experiences; each one presents a unique opportunity to grow. Embracing these missteps builds resilience, teaching you to adapt, recover, and progress with newly acquired knowledge.

Feel free to share your stories of growth and resilience in the comments. Let's celebrate our collective journey of learning, adaptation, and success. 💌👇

✨ What makes affirmations so beneficial for our overall mental health? 🧐🌿 1️⃣ Fosters Self-Compassion: Starting your day...

✨ What makes affirmations so beneficial for our overall mental health? 🧐

🌿 1️⃣ Fosters Self-Compassion: Starting your day with affirmations like "I am enough" or "I am Worth" can help set a self-compassionate tone for the day.

🌿 2️⃣ Builds a Growth Mindset: Regularly affirming your worth and capabilities can strengthen your self-confidence and increase self-belief.

🌿 3️⃣ Encourages Change: Affirmations can stimulate areas of the brain that make us more likely to affect positive life changes. It’s not magic - it’s neuroscience! 🧠

🌿 4️⃣ Reduces Stress: By promoting a growth mindset, affirmations can help reduce stress and anxiety.

🌿 5️⃣ Enhances Performance: Studies show that affirmations can improve our performance by increasing our motivation and energy.

Create your own affirmations or choose ones that resonate with you. Once you have your affirmations, write them down, say them aloud, or meditate on them. Use them any way you like!

Share your favourite self-supporting affirmation in the comments below! 👇

🧘‍♀️ Mindfulness - the simple act of paying attention to the present moment, non-judgmentally. Sounds simple, right? Yet...

🧘‍♀️ Mindfulness - the simple act of paying attention to the present moment, non-judgmentally. Sounds simple, right? Yet, if you’ve ever tried you will know it can be quite a challenge. The good news: it's a challenge worth taking on!

Mindfulness has been shown to help with …

1️⃣ Stress Reduction: Mindfulness helps us manage stress by breaking the cycle of habitual reactions. It allows us to respond to situations rather than react impulsively.

2️⃣ Increased Focus: By training our minds to concentrate on one thing (the present moment), we can also enhance our ability to focus in other areas of our lives.

3️⃣ Emotional Regulation: Mindfulness invites us to observe our feelings without judgement. This enhanced emotional awareness can help us better navigate our emotions.

4️⃣ Improved Physical Health: Studies suggest that mindfulness can improve physical health in several ways, from lowering blood pressure to improving sleep and even alleviating chronic pain symptoms.

5️⃣ Better Relationships: Mindful communication—listening and speaking with full attention—can enhance our relationships by fostering empathy and understanding.

Remember, mindfulness is not about emptying the mind, but about becoming an observer of the mind and of the present moment.

🧘‍♀️ Why not try a simple mindfulness practice right now? Take a moment to focus on your breath, and notice the rise and fall of your chest, the sensation of the air entering and exiting your nostrils. That's it—you're being mindful!

Please feel free to share your favourite mindfulness practices in the comments below. Let's inspire each other to live more mindfully! 🌱👇

🌟  It's easy to fall into the trap of equating our worth with our accomplishments, or the illusion of perfection. But…✨ ...

🌟 It's easy to fall into the trap of equating our worth with our accomplishments, or the illusion of perfection. But…

✨ Reminder: Your value isn't determined by your achievements or performance - you are intrinsically worthy simply by virtue of your existence.

🌿 Releasing the constant pressure to perform and excel can free us to fully embrace ourselves, just as we are.

💖 This creates room for self-compassion, gratitude, and nourishment of our inner selves. It allows us to celebrate our imperfections and discover beauty in our unique existence.

🌿 Cherish your unique qualities and strengths and practice letting go of the need for perfection. You are enough, just as you are. 💕

🌟"I am resilient. I am resourceful. I can make progress." These empowering statements can create significant change when...

🌟"I am resilient. I am resourceful. I can make progress." These empowering statements can create significant change when adopted as a daily business mantra. Affirmations are potent declarations that, when consistently repeated, help us overcome the unhelpful thought patterns often associated with perfectionism and procrastination. They guide our mindset towards self-assurance, self-compassion, and resilience.

Choose affirmations that genuinely resonate with your business journey and challenges. Whether it's "I embrace progress, not perfection," "I am capable of achieving my business goals," or "I am overcoming procrastination," find your affirmations and echo them in your daily routine.

An entrepreneurial journey starts with supportive and kind self-talk. 🔑💬

🛠️ Implementing gratitude as an integral part of your business practice can pave the way for a healthier work environmen...

🛠️ Implementing gratitude as an integral part of your business practice can pave the way for a healthier work environment, enhanced relationships, and even contribute to better business performance. Here are some practical ways to infuse gratitude into your entrepreneurial journey:

1️⃣ Start with Yourself: Before extending gratitude outward, start with yourself. Acknowledge your efforts, accomplishments, and growth, even when things are not perfect. This can help alleviate feelings of perfectionism and procrastination.

2️⃣ Maintain a Gratitude Journal: Make it a daily habit to jot down at least three things related to your business for which you're grateful. It could be a successful meeting, a positive customer review, or even overcoming a minor challenge. This practice can help shift your mindset from focusing on problems to appreciating successes.

3️⃣ Express Appreciation to Your Team: Make it a regular practice to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of your team members. This could be through verbal recognition, thank you notes, or through appreciation in team meetings. Not only does this build a positive culture, but it also motivates your team and strengthens your relationships.

4️⃣ Show Gratitude to Customers: Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Regularly expressing gratitude to them—be it through thank you emails, appreciation notes with orders, or loyalty programs—can improve customer relationships and loyalty.

5️⃣ Reflect Gratitude in Your Services/Products: Deliver your services or products in a way that shows you're grateful for your customers' trust in your business. This could involve going the extra mile in quality, customer service, or adding a personal touch to your offerings.

6️⃣ Gratitude in Difficult Times: It's easy to be grateful when things are going well, but the real challenge comes during hard times. Try to find lessons or growth opportunities in difficult situations. This shift in perspective can boost resilience and positivity.

Integrating gratitude into your business practice is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. So take it one step at a time, and remember, even small expressions of gratitude can have a big impact.

🌟 "I deserve" - two simple words, that can carry immense power in our journey towards self-love and self-acceptance (esp...

🌟 "I deserve" - two simple words, that can carry immense power in our journey towards self-love and self-acceptance (especially if we struggle with perfectionistic tendencies!) 💖

1️⃣ "I deserve happiness" 🌈: You have the right to experience joy and satisfaction in life. Your happiness is not contingent on your achievements or your mistakes. It's inherent in your existence. 💛

2️⃣ "I deserve respect" 👑: You deserve to be treated with dignity and kindness, by others and most importantly, by yourself. This includes setting boundaries and protecting your peace.

3️⃣ "I deserve love" ❤️: You are wholly deserving of love, both from others and from yourself, regardless of your perceived flaws and imperfections.

4️⃣ "I deserve peace" 🏞️: Grant yourself the tranquillity to accept the things you cannot change. You deserve inner peace. 🌿

5️⃣ "I deserve to make mistakes" 🎭: Perfection is an unattainable illusion. You deserve the space to learn, grow, and sometimes stumble along the way. Mistakes are steps towards growth, not indicators of failure. 🌱

6️⃣ "I deserve self-care" 🛀: You're worthy of time, space, and activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. Prioritising yourself isn't selfish; it's necessary!

Remember, you are enough, just as you are. Your worth isn't tied to external factors. You deserve love, respect, peace, joy, growth, and self-care simply because you exist. So, repeat these affirmations, believe in them, and let them guide you on your journey towards self-love and acceptance. 🌟💗

Comment below your own "I deserve..." affirmation! 👇

🌼 Self-care isn't selfish - it's a vital part of supporting others! As the old saying goes, we can’t pour from an empty ...

🌼 Self-care isn't selfish - it's a vital part of supporting others! As the old saying goes, we can’t pour from an empty cup.💧When we neglect our own wellbeing, our ability to care for others the way we want becomes compromised over time.

🌈 Self-care looks different for everyone. It might mean a soothing bubble bath 🛁, a rejuvenating walk in nature 🍃, setting some boundaries with others, or enjoying a few calming deep breaths 🧘‍♀️. Whatever it is that fills your cup and makes you feel refreshed and grounded, make it a priority. ⏳

💖 Let's pledge to honour our needs, so that we can fully show up for the ones we love (and for ourselves!). We all deserve to feel our best, and it starts with recognising own well-being is just as important as the wellebing of those around us. . Your health, both mental and physical, matters. Here's to creating a life that respects that. 🥂

🌍 Look out, world! I'm trading in self-criticism and taking up self-compassion - because treating myself with kindness i...

🌍 Look out, world! I'm trading in self-criticism and taking up self-compassion - because treating myself with kindness is way more my style.

🌿 Here are some tips to get you started:

1️⃣ Practice self-kindness: Treat yourself with the same kindness, concern, and understanding you would offer to a good friend. Be gentle and understanding with yourself, and avoid self-criticism or negative self-talk.

2️⃣ Recognize your common humanity: Remember that everyone goes through difficult times and experiences negative emotions. We all make mistakes and have flaws, and that's part of being human.

3️⃣ Mindfulness: Practice being present in the moment, and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help you understand and accept your experiences, rather than pushing them away or getting caught up in self-criticism.

🌿 Remember to be compassionate towards yourself, It's not always easy but with practice it can become a habit.

👍Like and follow for more content on anxiety and perfectionism.

🪷 Starting a conversation about our mental health can be scary, but it's important to remember that we are not alone in ...

🪷 Starting a conversation about our mental health can be scary, but it's important to remember that we are not alone in our struggles.

🌿 When talking to someone about your mental health, try to use "I" statements to express how you feel, and be honest and open about what you need.

🌿 Remember to also listen to the other person and try to understand their perspective.

🌿 Together we can break the stigma and create a more understanding and supportive communities.

👍 Like and follow for more content on anxiety and perfectionism.

🌿 Remember, you don't have to be perfect to get things done. In fact, procrastinating is a very common and sometimes hel...

🌿 Remember, you don't have to be perfect to get things done. In fact, procrastinating is a very common and sometimes helpful part of the productivity cycle.

🌿 So next time, those negative thoughts start creeping in, take a step back and give yourself some grace - you don't have to be productive all the time!

👍 Like and follow for more content on anxiety and perfectionism.

Don't feel guilty for setting boundaries 🙅‍♀️ - it's a sign of self-love and respect!🌿Making connections with people is ...

Don't feel guilty for setting boundaries 🙅‍♀️ - it's a sign of self-love and respect!

🌿Making connections with people is great, but if the balance gets off, it is okay to communicate our needs and set boundaries in that relationship.

Not sure where to start? Follow these steps:

1️⃣ Identify your boundaries: Take some time to reflect on what you are comfortable with and what you are not comfortable with. This can include physical boundaries, emotional boundaries, and boundaries related to your time and energy.

2️⃣ Communicate your boundaries: Once you know what your boundaries are, it's important to communicate them to others. Be clear and direct in your communication, and don't be afraid to assert yourself.

3️⃣ Enforce your boundaries: If someone crosses your boundaries, it's important to take action to protect yourself. This can include setting consequences for boundary-crossing behavior, or even ending a relationship if necessary. Remember that you have the right to set and enforce your own boundaries.

👍Like and follow for more content on anxiety and perfectionism.

🌿 A Monday reminder as we head into the week!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠                     ⁠

🌿 A Monday reminder as we head into the week!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

In case you needed a reminder 🌿⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠                     ⁠

In case you needed a reminder 🌿⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

⭐4 Journaling Prompts for July 📓✏️⭐⁠⁠I am a big advocate of journaling for mental health and self-reflection. ⁠⁠🧡Here ar...

⭐4 Journaling Prompts for July 📓✏️⭐⁠

I am a big advocate of journaling for mental health and self-reflection. ⁠

🧡Here are a few prompts to get you started. ⁠

All you need is something to write with, something to write on, and a quiet place to sit and reflect (unless you reflect best with some of your favorite music 🎶!)⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

🙋🏼‍♀️ I don't know about you but my inner critic has been pretty active recently!⁠Maybe it's the realization we're halfw...

🙋🏼‍♀️ I don't know about you but my inner critic has been pretty active recently!

Maybe it's the realization we're halfway through the year 🗓 or the rainy weather ☔ but my brain has been kicking up all kinds of unhelpful thoughts.⁠

🧠 "You should be doing more!"⁠
🧠 "Why aren't you more like x?"⁠
🧠 "This should be easy for you"⁠

Something I've been trying to practice more over the years when my brain's inner critic shows up is self-compassion.⁠

I try to hold those self-critical thoughts a bit more gently and stay to myself instead ⁠...

💛 "You're doing all you can"⁠
💛 "We're all on our own journey"⁠
💛 "It's okay to struggle sometimes"⁠

It's a work in progress to be kinder and more compassionate to myself but the aim isn't perfectionn but an acknowledgement of our common humanity.

What self-critical thoughts have you been struggling with lately? Can you hold them a bit more gently? ⁠

Let me know in the comments below⁠ 👇👇👇⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

What is one way to be more compassionate towards yourself? Let go of your internal shoulds!⁠⁠Many of us get caught up ab...

What is one way to be more compassionate towards yourself? Let go of your internal shoulds!⁠

Many of us get caught up about how we ‘should’ act, what we ‘should’ achieve and what we ‘must’ do. ⁠

All day, every day our brain throws these conditions at us!

These ‘must’ and ‘should’ statements cause us to put unrealistic expectations on ourselves. But...⁠


You don't have to be perfect or anyone other than yourself!

Do you agree? Let me know. ⬇⁠

⭐If you want to learn more about self-compassion and letting go of perfectionism check out the links in my bio.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

A reminder as we head into the weekend to be kind to yourself ❤

A reminder as we head into the weekend to be kind to yourself ❤

Meet Edith, my Procrastination Monster. ⁠⁠I bet you've been visited by your Procrastion Monster at some point too. You k...

Meet Edith, my Procrastination Monster. ⁠

I bet you've been visited by your Procrastion Monster at some point too. You know the signs...⁠

You have 101 things to do and you feel like you have to drag yourself to make a dent in your workload.⁠

Edith and I have found some ways to work around each other so I’m sharing my favourite ways to motivate myself with you:⁠

👉Set small goals. You might find it useful to use a timer. Start small (think 2-5 minutes) and take a short break when the timer goes off. Build up the length of time you can sit and concentrate.⁠

👉Remind yourself to be kind! Self-criticism is the number one thing that fuels procrastination. Try talking to yourself like you would to a good friend who was struggling.⁠

👉Don't deprive yourself of rest and relaxation.⁠

🌿How will you motivate yourself today? Let me know in the comments!⁠

🌿If you're struggling with anxiety and procrastination check out the other resources and one-to-one support available using the link in my bio.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠



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