Indigos Journey

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Indigos Journey A woman on a mission to live life on her own terms.


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✨ A clairvoyant psychic medium with a decade of experience in divination and intuitive healing.

Here is the advice that consistently saves my life.If you do not show gratitude for what you have, it will be taken from...

Here is the advice that consistently saves my life.

If you do not show gratitude for what you have, it will be taken from you.

It can start with a simple,

𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

It's easy to fall into a trap or resentment and blame, especially when things don't seem to be working out the way you want them to or the way that YOU think they should.

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴.

Hey, you did all this inner work, this outer work. You have these goals and ambitions but the path is twisting and turning and you are heading into a direction that is not how you pictured it.

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦.

Let go of what 'should' be happening. This holding on is like clinging to a knife that cuts you to the bone whilst you curse at it.

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺.

You don't know what should be happening. You don't know what is in store for you.

But that is ok.

It doesn't have to be scary, and there is something greater than you could ever imagine mothering and guiding you.

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦.

Everything that ever hurt you, everything you ever blamed for your sadness and misery turned into something bigger, more powerful and essential to your destiny and life path.

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦.


I'm back!❤️

I have been lost for what to say. I'd fallen into a hole that I couldn't get out of, no matter how many times I tried to...

I have been lost for what to say. I'd fallen into a hole that I couldn't get out of, no matter how many times I tried to climb.

I hadn't felt so defeated for almost a decade and I'd been lulled into believing that life was on a constant up.

But there was so much the universe needed to teach me before I could go forward. So many mistakes I had to make right, so many minor changes I had to make to fulfill my purpose and to pave my path forward.

Hallelujah for dogs and providing their humble support through mankind's darkest times. ✨

Who else completely lost sight of their dreams and identity when becoming a parent? 💁‍♀️Becoming a mother was the bigges...

Who else completely lost sight of their dreams and identity when becoming a parent? 💁‍♀️

Becoming a mother was the biggest shift I have ever gone through in my identity, and I owe my daughter everything for allowing me to become her mother and evolve in this way.

Despite of this, I had phases of complete ego death. I often felt as if I was hidden behind this tiny innocent shadow.

Just 9 months before Indys birth we were travelling full time, living out of a backpack and never wearing shoes. Life had been spontaneous, albeit largely irresponsible. To be honest I hadn't really set goals before her birth, but we always had a destination we were heading to, a financial goal to hit to move on and travel more.

Yet suddenly I was sharing my body with my tiny future best friend and my whole world suddenly evolved around her comfort, peace and happiness. Most parents don't think twice about this, and I gladly gave, gave and gave, until I started to feel empty.

Six months passed after Indys birth and I had become a shell.

The transition from woman to mother is beautiful, but there is often a need to reclaim part of who you were before, a merge of both identities.

I realised the best thing I could do for her, was for me to remain happy, attentive, calm and at peace. I had to learn to invest in myself again. I had to learn to take care of myself so I could stay well for her.

I invested in my health and a business. I put time into writing my goals and determine what would make me feel joy again, what would make Indy feel joy in the future. I established long term hopes and dreams that incorporated all of us.

If you ever felt like I did, you're not alone.

The best thing you can ever do for your children is invest in them and yourself. You are your greatest asset and every ounce of time, money and energy you put in, you will receive tenfold.

A blessed 2022 to my online community! ✨ Here are the main lessons I've learnt over the last year. I hope they can help ...

A blessed 2022 to my online community! ✨ Here are the main lessons I've learnt over the last year. I hope they can help you too.

♥️ First and foremost, our experience is everything. Yes we always want to work towards success but it's so easy to get caught up with reaching the next accomplishment that we don't appreciate the success on the way. Real joy is only ever felt in the present. Do whatever it takes to enjoy the journey.

♥️ If everything you know is crumbling around you, use the clean slate to build something better. No matter how dark it seems one day you will look back and be grateful for where it brought you.

♥️ You are the centre of your own experience and you need to invest in YOU. Your health, prosperity and overall quality of life depends on your self love! Spending time, money, resources on your own growth will create substantial returns for you and your family.

♥️ Always follow your own truth. Follow what feels right to you. I speak to so many unhappy people listening to people who do not align with their values. Only you know what you truly want.

Merry Christmas to my beloved online family. 🎄❤️To the ones I've connected with through my online business and the ones ...

Merry Christmas to my beloved online family. 🎄❤️

To the ones I've connected with through my online business and the ones I've known for the majority of my life. I love you. There is so much to be grateful for. Thank you for making life special!

One of my earliest memories was telling my grandma that nothing can be perfect.She would be wrapping a present or knitti...

One of my earliest memories was telling my grandma that nothing can be perfect.

She would be wrapping a present or knitting a jumper, but it goes much deeper than crafting.

I now know that our imperfections, our mistakes, the things that we play over in our head again and again, are so necessary for our greater collective experience.

We've been conditioned to think that everything has to be seamless, plastic and without fault. The things that make us human, our curves, birthmarks and pimples, all air airbrushed and hidden in every accesible magazine.

It isn't just about how we look. It is also part of our programming. The grading system in our schools and the restriction of critical thinking. The A+ pupil, the most susceptible to classroom conditions and following orders.

When really, the people who go against the norm and problems that force us to stop, to stumble, and to try again on our journey are worth gold.

They are really glistening gateways to brand new methods of doing things. Brand new innovative ways of thinking, of inventing and creating.

The imperfections lead to beautiful lessons, experiences, connections.

So many of us do not even start something as we believe it will never be good enough, never be perfect.

Your individuality and your imperfections could be just what someone else is seeking.

Do not limit yourself. ♥️


Goal Setting for 2022 🥳

True strength is having the ability to work and harness our own shadow.The dark reflection your programming has on your ...

True strength is having the ability to work and harness our own shadow.

The dark reflection your programming has on your actions, and how these patterns of unconscious behaviour reflect upon your life and cause your outward experience.

One of the greatest skills to develop is the ability to decipher these reflections. To shine the light on the things that are no longer serving us.

Doubt, jealousy, hatred all may have served a purpose to bring you to where you are today, but when we see them for what we are (limitations) we can accept and free ourselves. ❤️

When we became parents we never thought we would travel again full time.For us, Indigos birth made us fearful of the sim...

When we became parents we never thought we would travel again full time.

For us, Indigos birth made us fearful of the simple things in life. What food we ate, what water we drank. What healthcare we received. The world suddenly seemed so much more toxic when protecting a tiny human and wanting to be around for her.

My birth was traumatic and a week after Indy arrived to the earth I developed severe septicemia and almost died in a Northern English hospital.

It was after that I realised just how unaligned our life had become. I returned to our two bedroom flat in a small mining village and felt empty inside.

This was the flat I yearned for throughout my entire pregnancy. The flat I'd obsessively chosen red kitchen appliances for and searched the internet for hours to ensure everything would be perfect on her arrival.

The flat I'd wobbled around second hand shops for and chosen the vintage furniture that reminded of my grandma. I'd cleaned it endlessly before Indigos arrival. Scrubbing the floors to Rusted Root my waters broke, when they probably shouldn't have.

I created this supposed sanctuary all whilst working 50 hour weeks my entire pregnancy to pay for all the things we would sell 6 months later.

It wasn't until I realised that sanctuary was within us that the sick feeling in my stomach subsided.

We were free to travel and build an outer sanctuary wherever we existed. We were the comfort, we were the protection. Not the stained glass windows, brick walls or green velvet sofa.

The earth is our home and we have a duty to explore it and show it to our child.

It could have gone two ways when I almost died.

We could have become MORE fearful and remained caged forever in a a place we had settled for and did not truly belong.

Yet we chose liberation, transformation and eventual ascension.

Your life belongs to your inner self, not your ingrained fears.

Live it.

If you want to be more happy, then stop taking yourself so seriously.Share your experiences. Post the funny photos. Tell...

If you want to be more happy, then stop taking yourself so seriously.

Share your experiences. Post the funny photos. Tell people when you like their hair, clothes, accent or dog.

Laugh at your mistakes then learn from them. Share them with others so they can learn from them too.

Be expansive.

Be open to learning new things and don't view yourself as the final project. You are a constantly evolving project. A painting with new strokes being added minute by minute.

Don't be the person with who has to fit a perfect image. Be the person that expands to create your own image in every situation.

Don't wait to be happy. Be happy now and watch all the things you were waiting for come to fruition with that energy.

Unclench your fists and your jaw, watch the knot in your stomach loosen.

Watch who you become.

I'm guilty of something I promised I'd never do.I was so focused on the outcome of my success, I forgot to enjoy the jou...

I'm guilty of something I promised I'd never do.

I was so focused on the outcome of my success, I forgot to enjoy the journey I've taken to get there.

I was responding to messages 24/7 and was always distracted.

My mind fragmented into different avenues that were not leading to anywhere positive. Always to another task. Then another...

I slowly burnt out. The results came and came but I became less and less happy about them.

Jaw clenched, fingers digging into my palms from stone fists.

I wasn't even enjoying where I'd gotten to, Lake Atitlán, a place of peace. A place of healing.

I was focused on the next thing, then the next thing. Never really stopping to admire where I'd gotten to.

But of course the universe forcibly stopped me. Body aches, stomach cramps and high temperatures. Laying in bed for a week I asked myself why I'd let it get to this point.

A lesson was learnt.

As an entrepreneur you do not have a boss over your shoulder telling you to work, or when to take a break.

I get that some people need that motivation and accountability to achieve results, but I am a workaholic, focused and somewhat obsessed.

Whilst I laid in bed, all I wanted was to cherish my daughter. To feel the grass under my feet and drink healing cacao.

I did not start my business to become a workaholic, the beauty of my business is that I don't have to do all that much 'work'.

I became obsessed with controlling the outcome.

The universe reminded me once again about the power of now. The importance of true health. How unhealthy obsessions will always catch up with me.

If you're reading this and you haven't done something kind for yourself then do it today, do it now.

Your happiness is in this moment only and there is no guarantee you'll have tomorrow to experience. ❤️

Being able to surrender to experiences and fight past the fear is the key to changing your life for good.The most import...

Being able to surrender to experiences and fight past the fear is the key to changing your life for good.

The most important thing I've learnt is that taking risks brings about necessary lessons and evolution of spirit.

It scared me to travel and live in a van with a baby, but without doing that I doubt we would have ever travelled again. We were cocooned in a blanket of baby items, extortionate central heating bills and boredom.

A cage of comfort.

It terrified me to fly long haul with a toddler and relocate to a country we'd never even visited. Indy screamed for 6 hours straight as we desperately rocked her in our cramped seats in a foreign sky.

It was worth it when we finally saw and lived amongst the volcanos and hummingbirds.

It scared me to start a business and make an investment of time and resources. Yet without doing that me and my partner could never have become fulltime parents and digital nomads and had the joy of watching our daughter grow.

I've had the most life changing experiences through saying yes to things that terrified me most.

When I'm afraid, I know I am getting closer to fulfilling my purpose because my ego is fighting it.

Now I welcome fear, I know on the other side there is always reward. A universal test where you are rewarded for answering your highest calling and desires.

Our true calling always hides behind fear, beckoning us to push forward, align and evolve.

If you want to live the best life you have to face this test.

It's worth it every time. ❤️

I was one who always demonized my own self love and acceptance.I was so closed, I wouldn't even accept a glass of water ...

I was one who always demonized my own self love and acceptance.

I was so closed, I wouldn't even accept a glass of water when a stranger offered it me.I was always fearful of taking too much.

I was scared to love myself fully, to be open to others love.

I was overly sensitive to criticism and the thought of self development made me venomous to anyone suggesting it (including my psychotherapist).

I was unhappy but comfortably stuck like so many of us.

It was only after I started a business that I realized the true importance of self care and acceptance.

In entrepreneurship I've found the more you work on your true self, your inner being, the more successful you are.

Your business becomes the enterprisal reflection of your own innate self love.

You are given permission to take care of yourself and transform to represent a much bigger reflection of you.

Inevitably this transformation opens a floodgate of abundance.

Put simply, you get paid to work on yourself and shine your divine light.

Yes you have to grow and learn new skills.

You have to work through the shadows you've suppressed through the years of robotic survival.

Yes it may be uncomfortable.

But inbetween these periods of discomfort and growth you feel intense gratitude.

Waves of true joy and feelings of ex**cy without the class A drugs.

Exhilaration, accomplishment, creative exploration. All whilst promoting lifestyle and positive health choices.

Connecting with others that align with you and your physical and mental health.

Freedom comes from self love, self love comes from self investment.

You deserve it all. ❤️

Are you committed to building an incredible life? ❤So many say they are but settle for less.Sometimes taking a different...

Are you committed to building an incredible life? ❤

So many say they are but settle for less.

Sometimes taking a different path to what our parents did or friends did is scary.

Paving the way of our own future leaves us with the total responsibility of what to create.

Without truly knowing ourselves, setting personal goals and intentions we can be left stuck in the same cyclic behaviour.

We listen to peoples opinions on our intentions and lose the ability to think for ourselves, following the crowd and losing ourselves.

To shine we need to strip ourselves down to the core, to the loving child we all have within us.

We need to realise that others perception of us is not important.

What we THINK we should love is not important.

What is important is living in true authenticity, freedom and allowance to enjoy and explore all that lights us up.

Do yourself a favour and write a list of all your favourite things to do, eat, wear, see and experience.

Commit to doing at least three of these daily and truly be present in these moments.

Love is our true nature, let's allow ourselves to feel it more.

Listen to the people who have the results you want, it's really that simple. 🤓So many people I speak to make the assumpt...

Listen to the people who have the results you want, it's really that simple. 🤓

So many people I speak to make the assumption that I have achieved this lifestyle because I'm lucky. That the odds were simply in my favour, but it wouldn't be that way for them.

I am not particularly lucky and the odds were not really in my favour.

I simply connected to people who had the lifestyle I wanted and learnt from them.

I found a tried and tested business model that supported my ability to become a digital nomad.

I worked hard, there is no luck in working hard, there is only consistency that brought results.

I talk about manifesting a lot but it is important to understand manifestation techniques are meaningless without taking the required action steps towards your future.

Get tough with yourself, be honest with yourself.

You hold the key to your own future - own it.

A strange happened recently that made me realise something.The universe is always conspiring in our favour.It started a ...

A strange happened recently that made me realise something.

The universe is always conspiring in our favour.

It started a month ago when we fostered a puppy called Mudi. Of course chose the weakest, saddest puppy of the lot. He was found in a dumpster with his tail broken, bad mange and seriously underweight.

He improved massively over the past few weeks with a diet of supreme chicken breast but had this phase of dry coughing. We took him to the vets and they instantly feared the worse. Distemper.

I really felt this puppy chose me. When we went to see him he approached me first. The woman taking care of him said he had never approached anyone before. He rested his limp little head on my knee and looked at me like I was the one to change everything.

Fast track to sitting at the vets with the worse prognosis ever, with a screaming toddler ripping at my hair wanting to leave. Mudi the puppy having his blood taken and joints massaged staring at me with vacant eyes.

I had to go to the waiting area outside. Indy just could not stay still and how could I blame a two year old for wanting to explore.

We approached the square patch of mud and plants where we could wait. There were biting ants and broken plastic plastic chairs to greet us.

I found the best place to sit, on a flattish rock away from the ants nest.

I looked down and saw a piece of citrine.

I held it in my hand and in that time and place I knew we would all be protected. Including Mudi, the dog that chose us to help him.

In the end he didn’t have distemper, just a small case of parasites and dehydration and has since been picking fights with us and his favourite tea towel.

Call me woo woo or crazy but I know beyond all doubt that we are protected.

When at our lowest and on our knees we are always guided.

As long as we show gratitude towards all there is, we will never be lost for long. ❤️

Travelling saved my life. Before I started to travel I used to see a therapist multiple times throughout the week. I was...

Travelling saved my life.

Before I started to travel I used to see a therapist multiple times throughout the week.

I was sectioned before I turned 16 on a psychiatric ward with adults.

I destroyed my body with self harm and abused all the substances I could get my hands on.

I don't share this to shock you or receive pity. I share this as it may be what someone needs to hear right now.

Nothing else healed me like travelling.

Crossing paths with the right people at the right time.

Trusting my journey on whatever path I found myself on.

I traded the stagnation of my home town, a place of intense trauma for me, to diverse cultures.

I learnt about the Rainbow Serpent, Tao Buddhism and the connection of all beings.

That's why I mentor and teach others how to develop the mindset and business practices to explore indefinitely.

We all deserve to explore.

We all deserve freedom.

How to start and grow a business using social media.

Since manifesting exactly what I envisioned six months ago, I hit a glass ceiling.A lot of negative feelings of scarcity...

Since manifesting exactly what I envisioned six months ago, I hit a glass ceiling.

A lot of negative feelings of scarcity, worthlessness and loneliness came up for me.

I started to miss my family.

I started to miss conversing with people in English.

I started to feel incredibly fearful for being so far away from where Indigo was born.

A mothers anxiety and fear went into overdrive.

We became very sick the first week of getting here and I would envision terrible situations of my baby feverish, weak and desperate.

I would have dreams of me failing to get her the care she required.

People looking onto my journey saw a woman achieving her goals, growing her business and supporting her family.

Yet internally I started to withdraw and forget the reasons why we came here.

Five years ago this situation would have gotten so dark and I would have fallen into a mental hole without the ability to get back out.

Yet over the past year I've developed the skills and acquired the resources to shift my perspective back to gratitude.

I'm grateful to have manifesting an online business leading to an amazing life, a beautiful dog, an incredible view and absolute freedom.

This was just an honest post to remind you all...

On the surface things can seem perfect.

Yet we are all continually facing internal battles that force us to evolve and grow. ❤

I'm going to be really honest with you all. For a long time I didn't believe I deserved good things. I saw people living...

I'm going to be really honest with you all.

For a long time I didn't believe I deserved good things. I saw people living the life I dreamed of but thought, they did it, but I can't make that my reality.

I shied away from leadership and supporting others, I did not want the responsibility of others failure. Because of this I disallowed myself to support others success.

Deep down all I wanted was to mentor others and help them to live their dream. That was and will remain my souls purpose on this earth.

My goals and dreams were fractured, they were always based on what I thought was possible for me, rather than what I actually wanted.

As I sit here, in what I feel is the most beautiful place in the world, it is hard to imagine a life without dreaming and manifesting.

Part of me remembers how it feels to live day by day. Eight months ago I focused only on surviving and making those around me happy. I felt frustrated. I felt intense jealousy. I felt complete isolation. I was limiting myself.

Please know that things can change very rapidly for you when you stop restricting your life and dreams based on what you think is possible.

Eight months ago I was living in a van, with a single hob, in deep winter, with a one year old daughter and a desperate desire to travel and remain free. Never in my wildest dreams could I have predicted my reality now.

I live in a complete tropical paradise. I eat amazing food. I support local communities. I foster local dogs. I homeschool my daughter and watch hummingbirds every morning drink nectar from flowers.

I work for for two hours a day, but it never feels like work because of my incredible team and I am promoting health and happiness.

I constantly have to pinch myself as to how this became my reality.

If you feel lost but have a deep desire to change, you are not alone.

You are me eight months ago, and with the right opportunity, the world is your oyster. ❤️

You deserve to live a life that excites you. You reserve radical alignment and abundance. ❤

You deserve to live a life that excites you.

You reserve radical alignment and abundance. ❤

'The child of a tiger is a tiger." - Haitan Proverb.

'The child of a tiger is a tiger." - Haitan Proverb.

What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail?So many people have been trained to believe it's irresponsible to not be...

What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail?

So many people have been trained to believe it's irresponsible to not be terrified of everything.

Terrified of being authentic, being honest, spending money on things that make you happy and even dislaying emotions freely.

Let's be honest.

Life would be so different if we stopped living in fear.

We would be honest, inspired and authentic.

We would be full of gratitude and acceptance.

We would do the job we love.

We would speak to the girl or boy that we love.

We would buy the things we love.

We would have the experiences we love.

We would operate on the frequency of love!

Every day, I take a step further from the space of fear.

I find more freedom in my life as I choose this frequency.

We weren't born afraid, we were taught to be.

It's time to choose freedom.

It's time to choose love.

How have we become so conditioned to believe we cannot have it all?The truth is, technology means we can live a life gre...

How have we become so conditioned to believe we cannot have it all?

The truth is, technology means we can live a life greater than our wildest dreams.

We’ve been made to believe that to receive something great, we have to sacrifice something greater.

We’ve been led to believe we have to spend a lot of time to make money and then have no time with those we love.

We’ve been led to believe we can’t be attentive and responsive parents as well as making a full living wage.

In 2021 the sacrifices seem endless, when really it’s the opportunities that never end.

We are in an age of artificial intelligence, where algorithms think faster than we ever could and we are happily ever more reliant on the support technology gives us.

We could debate for hours whether this is the doom of mankind.

For me and thousands of others, this is a golden age, where we can make technology work FOR us rather than AGAINST us.

We can commit an hour or two a day to work, but then can leave our businesses to run on autopilot whilst we live in our souls full expression.

We can travel the world and spend the only viable currency we have on planet earth.


If you feel called to find out how, my inbox is always open. ❤


Let me re-introduce myself 🥰

Like so many of us, I turned off my intuition when becoming a mother, yet on my journey I am finally becoming the parent...

Like so many of us, I turned off my intuition when becoming a mother, yet on my journey I am finally becoming the parent that I dreamed of being.

I vow to never again limit my childs potenial because of my own anxiety.

My head was clouded with what other mothers are told to do, what medical professionals advised and the sea of statistics that was recited to me every time I followed my gut.

I was told not to sleep in the same bed as my baby, despite the sleep deprivation through breastfeeding.

I was told the safest place for my baby was alone, on a separate surface away from my contact. Despite her being part of me for 9 months, 'she just has to learn.'

The raw mother deep within screamed. I was so torn. I laid awake for days just staring at her.

The most natural thing in the world had been warped to the prospect of manslaughter.

Indy turned 6 months and I started to realise that the fear of these statistics have a deep emotional impact on our children. I recognised the increase of depression and anxiety in teenagers. The helicopter parenting dictated by fear and an overactive mind.

I've realised that as we grow into adulthood and we adapt to our own restriction, we can go on to restrict our children, regardless of their true innate freedom.

With legs tired from the rat race we disregard our dreams for a career that doesn't fulfill us and it reflects back onto our parenting.

Our depression, our inner solitude, our disconnection from source.

Break the cycle.

Thirty hours of travelling with a toddler. Layovers and three aircrafts. A speedboat that saved the day.Indigo hypervent...

Thirty hours of travelling with a toddler. Layovers and three aircrafts. A speedboat that saved the day.

Indigo hyperventilating and screaming for 6 hours straight on a plane. Car sickness and projectile vomiting on the winding roads.

Running with suitcases to a speedboat where she finally felt calm and pressed her little cheek to my chest and looked at the volcanos in wonder. Indigo is slowly learning that not all journeys are easy, but the struggle makes the surrender of the final destination all the better.

She has now fallen in love with a pregnant cat and the turbulence of the journey is forgiven. ❤️

To me, luck does not exist.Throughout my life, I’ve had timeless accounts of people saying ‘good luck’ when I shared my ...

To me, luck does not exist.

Throughout my life, I’ve had timeless accounts of people saying ‘good luck’ when I shared my dreams and aspirations.

Almost like I was going through the world a victim of the random curse of luck.

Like everything is chance and nothing is down to your own energy and determination.

It still triggers anger in me to this day.

Rather than make people believe they are a powerless force, drifting through life with absolutely no control of the things that happen to them.

I will continually choose to empower people by reminding them with what they intuitively know.

That is, we are living in a synchronistic paradigm.

Nothing is by chance, your energy and thoughts manifest your reality.

To start with this realisation is scary. You actually have a choice and can’t blame external scenarios or bad luck for your situation anymore.

But eventually you can use this to completely reclaim your power in this world and start building and enjoying all that you deserve to. ❤️

My life truly began after my daughter was conceived. Like my consciousness was finally able to comprehend my souls purpo...

My life truly began after my daughter was conceived.

Like my consciousness was finally able to comprehend my souls purpose in this life.

I could only manifest small things before. Discounts, free rides and great connections.

Yet after I had indigo I could manifest everything. As long as it was for her, I could manifest it. She opened my eyes to the eternal power of love and the creative force within us all.

She forced me to live completely, limitlessly and overcome all internal obstacles that ever held me back.

Thank you Indigo. ❤️






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