A journey that I set out on about 13 years ago was to learn how to build a membership site.
Well... I learnt how to do it, spent a ridiculous and uncountable amount of hours on it, but never actually launched it... 🤦
Then I got a sidetracked for a while and ended up building a little thing we call Tubers Academy instead.
Tubers Academy has now been running for 5 years delivering weekly in person video training session for young creators, but we have now officially lauched a 'virtual' membership site called Tubers Online!!
This means anyone in the world (under 18yrs old) can now register to become a Tubers member and learn how to create awesome video!
Check it out and get a 7 day free trial at portal.tubers.uk
A journey that I set out on about 13 years ago was to learn how to build a membership site.
Well... I learnt how to do it, spent a ridiculous and uncountable amount of hours on it, but never officially launched it... 🤦
Then I got a sidetracked and built a little thing we call Tubers Academy instead..😆
Well... Tubers Academy now officially has it's own 'virtual' membership site called Tubers Online.
Anyone in the world (under 18yrs old) can now register to become a Tubers member and learn how to create awesome video!
Check it out at portal.tubers.uk