UK Bangla Research TV

UK Bangla Research TV Conduct extensive research into the area which have not been looked at yet to change the world He has formed “ConstructinoAid UK Ltd ” in 2015 in the UK .

Md Somon Ahmed was a Global Poverty Ambassador in 2013 , Global Poverty Advocates in 2014 by Global Poverty Project,now it is renamed “ Global Citizen”. He is Executive Director of “Poverty Alleviation and Human Development Steps, Bangladesh which had started its work in 2000 in Bangladesh .Then he have carried out his activities in the UK . He is a qualified Civil engineer and Quantity Surveyor

(AssocRICS ,Construction and Quantity Surveying Pathway). Please see his portfolio to this . He has formed another group called “Mckenzie Friends Group Ltd” ,aiming to help people who are struggling in legal issues in the UK. He has compassionated to carry out joint research between United Kingdom and Bangladesh by an institution called “UK Bangladesh Research Centre” ,where UK Bangla Research TV will be an outspoken for “ UK Bangladesh Research Centre”( . Its member will carry out various research to help communities .


"Politics and democracy are for the people
It should not be used as a weapon against the people,
Freedom fighter's reputation must not be politicised"
Why are freedom fighters' reputations being used for politics or being politicised in Bangladesh?
Is it good for a country or country people?
We, everybody, respect freedom fighters mostly, no doubt at all.
Why and who included fake freedom fighters in the name of revision?
First list after liberation:
1970s: Shortly after the Liberation War, the first list of freedom fighters was compiled based on records, personal accounts, and recommendations from various sectors and local administrations.
Major Revisions:
1980s: The list underwent significant revisions to include more names and address initial omissions.
1990s: Further scrutiny and verification processes led to additional changes, including the removal of names that could not be verified and the addition of overlooked individuals.
2002-2004: The government undertook a comprehensive review to address concerns about the accuracy and integrity of the list. This period saw a considerable number of names being added and removed.
2009-2013: During this time, the list was reviewed again, and more rigorous verification processes were implemented. This included the collection of more detailed information and documentation from claimants.
2014-2015: A major update was announced, leading to the inclusion of additional verified freedom fighters. This period saw the introduction of digital records to enhance transparency and accessibility.
2016-2018: Further revisions took place, focusing on verifying claims and addressing disputes regarding inclusion and exclusion from the list.
2021: On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh's independence, a significant update was made. This included a fresh verification process and the publication of an updated list in government gazettes.
It was a conspiracy theory.
We should not divide our country by politicising our glorious achievements.
Who is liable for that?


সার্ক মানবাধিকার ফাউন্ডেশন চট্টগ্রাম বিভাগের মা সম্মেলনে বক্তারা :
★ শিশুদের স্মার্ট ফোন ব্যবহার আমাদেরকে মেধা শূন্য জাতিতে পরিণত করবে★......

সার্ক মানবাধিকার ফাউন্ডেশন চট্টগ্রাম বিভাগের উদ্যোগে শিশুদের স্মার্ট ফোন ব্যবহারে ভয়াবহতা সম্পর্কে সচেতনতা তৈরির লক্ষ্যে মোটিভেশনাল প্রোগ্রাম ‘মা সম্মেলন’ ১৩ জুলাই শনিবার সকাল ১০টায় চট্টগ্রাম জেলা শিল্পকলা একাডেমিতে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। সংগঠনের সভাপতি অহিদ সিরাজ চৌধুরী (স্বপন) সিআইপি’র সভাপতিত্বে এতে প্রধান অতিথি হিসেবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন চট্টগ্রাম বিজিএমইএ ইউনির্ভাসিটি অব ফ্যাশন এন্ড টেকনোলজি’র উপাচার্য অধ্যাপক ড. ওবায়দুল করিম। যুগ্ম সম্পাদক আবছার উদ্দিন অলি ও মোঃ ইমতিয়াজ আহমদ’র সঞ্চালনায় সম্মানিত অতিথি হিসেবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন মানব পাচার অপরাধ দমন ট্রাইব্যুনাল চট্টগ্রাম’র সিনিয়র জেলা ও দায়রা জজ জান্নাতুল ফেরদৌস, সিএমপি’র অতিরিক্ত পুলিশ কমিশনার (ক্রাইম এন্ড অপারেশন) প্রকৌশলী আবদুল মান্নান মিয়া, শিশু স্বাস্থ্য বিশেষজ্ঞ অধ্যাপক ডা. প্রণব কুমার চৌধুরী, চবি ইংরেজি বিভাগের সাবেক বিভাগীয় প্রধান অধ্যাপক ড. সুকান্ত ভট্টাচার্য্য, চট্টগ্রাম ভেটেরিনারী এন্ড এনিম্যাল সাইন্সেস বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অধ্যাপক ড. ওমর ফারুক মিয়াজী। অনুষ্ঠানে স্বাগত বক্তব্য রাখেন সার্ক মানবাধিকার ফাউন্ডেশন চট্টগ্রাম বিভাগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জাফর ইকবাল। শুভেচ্ছা বক্তব্য রাখেন সংগঠনের সহ—সভাপতি লায়ন আলহাজ্ব আব্দুল মান্নান, আজিমুল ইসলাম চৌধুরী রিপন। বক্তারা বলেন শিশুরা যেভাবে স্মার্ট ফোন ব্যবহারে ঝঁুকে পড়ছে সেটি আগামীতে আমাদের নতুন প্রজন্মকে মেধা শূন্য জাতি হিসেবে তৈরি করবে। ক্ষতি হবে মেধা শক্তি, নষ্ট হবে চোখ, শ্রবন শক্তি হারাবে প্রজন্মের শিশুরা এটি আমাদের জন্য অশনি সংকেত। তাই অভিভাবকদের সচেতন হতে হবে সবার আগে। অনুষ্ঠানে অন্যান্যদের মধ্যে বক্তব্য রাখেন মোঃ সেলিম, আজিজুর রহমান, লায়ন শেখ সামিদুল হক, আনোয়ারুল আজিম চৌধুরী, মো: মোরশেদদ আলম, জাকিয়া জিহান নিপু, আসিবুর রহমান, সালমা বেগম, এড. বিবি আয়েশা, প্রমা তাহের, সাবরিনা সাবা, সার্ক মানবাধিকার ফাউন্ডেশন চট্টগ্রাম মহানগর’র সাধারণ সম্পাদক আবু নাসের রনি, ওসমান সরোয়ার, ওব্যাট হেল্পার্স’র সোহেল আকতার খান প্রমুখ।

Invisible efforts, visible results!What an outstanding result I have had in my life!Thanks for everything that I have re...

Invisible efforts, visible results!
What an outstanding result I have had in my life!
Thanks for everything that I have received from communities.
I did what I thought right and promised . It will be continued ........
"You reap what you sow
Though it had started long ago "
Kind regards,

Get the latest news and election results in the 2024 General election from BBC News

Vote for justice on 4th July 2024 in the UK Parliamentary general election . Please pray for me . Kind regards, Md Somon...

Vote for justice on 4th July 2024 in the UK Parliamentary general election . Please pray for me . Kind regards, Md Somon Ahmed

ব্রিটেনের জাতীয় নির্বাচন আগামী ৪ জুলাই অনুষ্ঠিত হতে যাচ্ছে। দেশটিতে ৬৫০ আসনের জন্য নির্বাচনে অবতীর্ণ হবেন ৪৩৭৯ ....

Advocating for Bethnal Green and Stepney: Standing  for your communitiesWith 24 years of dedicated experience in poverty...

Advocating for Bethnal Green and Stepney: Standing for your communities
With 24 years of dedicated experience in poverty alleviation, I have gained invaluable insights into the critical issues that communities face, especially those in the Bethnal Green and Stepney constituency. I have witnessed firsthand the struggles they endure year after year.
1.Armed with my professional skills, I have consistently demonstrated my commitment to making a tangible difference. My journey, marked by significant projects and the establishment of organizations reflects my unwavering dedication to the following promises.
2.Work on housing crisis and implement policies for fair rental policies for communities.
3.Work on local council and DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) to provide required support for families who are struggling with jobs and universal credit.
4.To implement stringent security policies to reduce crime.
5.Research the NHS and increase it’s funding to ensure communities receive timely referrals with specialists for specific diseases. Additionally, and make local GPs more resourceful with more NHS staffs.
6.Ensure increased funding for public mental health and immediate specialist appointment for children and elderly people.
7.Ensure fair wages for doctors, nurses, dentists and all others NHS staffs.
8.To support local businesses, increase jobs, and reduce exploitation of wages or earning.
9.Conduct comprehensive research and review all immigration policies to ensure they align with British values for respect of common law or domestic law for the best interest of justice.
10.Take preventive measure against any fraud, improve cyber security to protect public’s personal data in e-visa mechanism and ensure quality services on border.
11.Put on end to the theft of personal information and ID by fintech companies.
12.End tax avoidance schemes by the wealthy and stop tax cuts for the rich.
13.Stop exploitation by taxi companies to ensure right payment for Uber drivers and ensure freedom of earning by withdrawing income threshold for hard working people e.g. Uber drivers, cleaners etc.
14.Work on legalise undocumented migrants within 14 years long residency route
15.Ensure religious harmony for working together for facing most difficult time in the world.
16.Stop discrimination in employment through agency mechanism and implement fair legislation so that fresh graduate gets job in the required field.

With 24 years of dedicated experience in poverty alleviation, I have gained invaluable insights into the critical issues that communities face, especially those in the Bethnal Green and Stepney constituency. I have witnessed firsthand the struggles they endure year after year.

How Recruitment Fraud is affecting the UK Job MarketRecruitment is the basis of building a skilled workforce and is pivo...

How Recruitment Fraud is affecting the UK Job Market
Recruitment is the basis of building a skilled workforce and is pivotal for business success. However, amidst the pursuit of talent, a shadow of recruitment fraud looms. With studies finding that a typical organisation will lose around 5% of their annual revenue due to fraud. In the UK recruitment fraud poses a significant threat to businesses, job seekers, and the economy at large.
It is not just employers who need to be wary, but job seekers must be on the lookout for fake job postings which can lure unsuspecting job seekers into their trap, with promises of lucrative salaries and attractive benefits. During Q3 last year, JobsAware, a service that provides free help to UK victims, reported a 35% year-on-year increase in job scams. From those looking for work, or to switch jobs scammers are cashing in. Often their approach uses fake job adverts to extract personal information and gain access to sensitive data. They create a synthetic recruiting experience, from fake job adverts, application process and interviews these frauds have become more convincing than ever before. Platforms such as LinkedIn are seeing a major surge in fabricated job ads and profiles having to block 22 million fake accounts between January and June 2023.
Figures from the US Federal Trade Commission show there were more than 92,000 job-related and business scams in 2022, with $367mn reported lost, a sum considerably higher than the previous year’s $209mn. UK companies are warning job seekers to be wary of online recruiters – with their reputations on the line they are keen to combat this prevalent issue. Employers can help reduce this issue by ensuring consistent communication methods and what comms potential employees should expect.

Recruitment is the basis of building a skilled workforce and is pivotal for business success. However, amidst the pursuit of talent, a shadow of recruitment fraud looms. With studies finding that a typical organisation will lose around 5% of their annual revenue due to fraud. In the UK recruitment ...

Educational System: Substantive research required 1. Development of an Effective Educational System and Materials for Ch...

Educational System: Substantive research required
1. Development of an Effective Educational System and Materials for Children
• Curriculum Outdatedness: The UK’s National Curriculum, while comprehensive, often fails to keep pace with rapidly changing job markets and technological advancements. This lag can render education less relevant to students’ future careers.
• Diverse Needs: The UK's student population is highly diverse, encompassing a range of abilities, socio-economic backgrounds, and learning needs. Standardized educational materials often fail to address this diversity adequately.
• Curriculum Modernization: Regular updates to the curriculum to include skills like digital literacy, critical thinking, and adaptability.
• Personalized Learning: Leveraging technology to create personalized learning experiences that cater to individual student needs.
• Resource Allocation: Ensuring equitable distribution of resources to provide all schools with adequate educational materials and support.
2. Impact of Technology-Dependent Educational Materials on Children's Mental Growth and Screen Time
• Excessive Screen Time: Increased reliance on digital educational materials can lead to excessive screen time, which has been linked to issues like eye strain, sleep problems, and reduced physical activity.
• Attention and Focus: Technology-based learning can sometimes hinder the development of sustained attention and deep focus due to the nature of digital devices encouraging multitasking and short attention spans.
• Mental Health: There is growing concern about the impact of screen time on children's mental health, including anxiety, depression, and social isolation.
• Balanced Approach: Developing a balanced educational approach that integrates both digital and traditional learning methods.
• Screen Time Guidelines: Implementing and enforcing guidelines for healthy screen time usage within educational contexts.
3. Graduates Struggling to Find Jobs in Their Fields
• Mismatch Between Education and Job Market: Many graduates find that the skills and knowledge they acquired during their studies do not align with the demands of the job market.
• Experience Gap: Employers often seek candidates with practical experience, which many graduates lack despite their academic qualifications.
• Economic Factors: Economic instability and changes in industry demands can lead to fewer job opportunities in certain fields.
• Curriculum Alignment: Closer collaboration between universities and industries to ensure that curricula reflect current job market needs.
• Internships and Placements: Expanding opportunities for internships and work placements during studies to provide students with practical experience.
• Career Services: Enhancing career services in universities to provide better job search support, career counseling, and skills development workshops.
4. University Job Support Units
• Lack of Dedicated Resources: Not all universities have dedicated job support units, leaving many students without adequate guidance and resources.
• Variability in Support: The quality and availability of career support services can vary significantly between universities.
• Post-Graduation Support: Many career services focus on current students, with less support available for graduates.
• Mandatory Job Support Units: Requiring every university to establish a dedicated job support unit that offers comprehensive career services.
• Standardized Services: Developing a standardized framework for career support services to ensure consistency and quality across universities.
• Alumni Engagement: Creating programs to support graduates for a defined period post-graduation, helping them transition into the workforce.


Who does not want to live a long life? But this brings challenges in terms of physical and psychological wellness. Despite embracing a health regime enabling people to live longer, in many cases, the quality of life is increasingly demeaned by mental health issues. However, the ‘one size fits all....

Securing Religious FreedomIn many societies throughout history, lack of religious uniformity has often been feared as a ...

Securing Religious Freedom

In many societies throughout history, lack of religious uniformity has often been feared as a source of social unrest. In the socio-cultural, political and legal context of Britain, proactive governmental regulation and engagement is essential to maintaining a healthy balance between religious freedom and social harmony. Religious identity and practice influence voting intentions and voter turnout. It is an established fact that religion fosters citizenship and serves as a significant source of social capital. When the state performs its role properly and proportionally, it is a trusted arbiter between faith communities and provides the framework for faith communities to live out their lives as their faith enjoins them to. Consequently, this endows the civic identity and citizenship of Britain, recognising the multiple identities a person has. A faithful patriotism that encourages, equips, and enables our capacity and skills to show respect for another, building multi-faith relationships as we integrate toward ‘a more perfect union’.” This entails “the obligation, the responsibility, and intentional pledge to engage, respect, and protect the other’s liberty of conscience, without necessarily lending moral equivalency to the other’s resulting beliefs and behavior.”

The global decline in religious freedom is both a humanitarian and a strategic crisis. By taking religious freedom seriously, we can see emerging threats more clearly, and understand better how to act against them. Religious freedom should be understood not only in terms of human rights but also as a strategic issue. It should be used to help judge security risks and, where necessary, be prioritised, even if it conflicts with other short-term goals. An international religious freedom adviser should be appointed to the National Security Council. Protecting religious freedom for all must also be treated with greater urgency within the UK. Domestic policymaking should be coordinated with our international religious freedom strategy.

To initiate and promote religious harmony in their constituency, here are some key promises that:

Establish an Interfaith Council: Promise to create a local interfaith council comprising leaders from various religious communities to facilitate dialogue, mutual understanding, and collaboration on community issues.
Promote Interfaith Events and Festivals: Commit to organizing and supporting events that celebrate the diverse religious traditions in the community. These could include interfaith dialogues, cultural festivals, and joint community service projects.
Support Religious Freedom and Anti-Discrimination Policies: Pledge to uphold and strengthen policies that protect religious freedom and combat discrimination based on religion. This could involve advocating for stronger hate crime laws and ensuring enforcement.
Create Safe Spaces for Worship: Ensure that all religious groups have safe and adequate places to practice their faith. This could involve supporting the construction or maintenance of worship facilities and ensuring their security.
Encourage Community Service and Volunteerism: Promote joint community service initiatives that bring together people from different religious backgrounds to work on common goals, such as cleaning parks, helping the needy, or disaster relief efforts.
Address Socio-Economic Inequalities: Recognize and address any socio-economic disparities that may exist between different religious communities. Work on policies that promote equal opportunities in education, employment, and housing.

Over the past year, Tower Hamlets has experienced a 175% increase in vacant homes, the highest rise among London boroughs, with 960 more vacant houses compared to 2021. This occurs despite Tower Hamlets having one of the highest rates of homelessness in London and 21,249 households on the council ho...


Inflation measures the change in prices of goods and services in the economy. A drop in inflation means that prices are now rising more slowly.  Combined with wage growth, this makes the cost of living more affordable, because you can buy more with the money in your pocket. This means being able to...


Life is very unpredictable though, I have been so blessed by Almighty Allah with good health ,decent life and successful transparent achievement over the year in 2023 .I have handed over my respect to Almighty Allah who had protected my reputation and had continued bless. Hopefully I will be blessed in upcoming future as long as I am in the right way with right people. Happy New Year 2024 to my friends and family . Please pray for us all. Kind regards,

Skilled Worker guidance updated in line with HC 1160 Document InformationIssue date: 31 March 2023Published date: 31 Mar...

Skilled Worker guidance updated in line with HC 1160
Document Information
Issue date: 31 March 2023
Published date: 31 March 2023
Source: UK Visas and Immigration
Jurisdiction: England
Northern Ireland
The Home Office has updated its sponsor guidance in relation to the Skilled Worker route. Notably, a new Annex SK1 has been inserted in relation to upcoming changes , as set out in the Statement of Changes HC 1190 eg increasing the salary thresholds for applications supported by a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) issued on or after 12 April 2023. In addition to the changes in the Rules, the guidance states that the National Minimum Wage (NMW) rates for those aged 21 or over from 1 April 2023 are increasing. As the new NMW rates will be in excess of the £10.10 minimum hourly rate requirement for Skilled Worker, sponsors must ensure that where a CoS is issued from 1 April 2023, applicants are paid the revised NMW rates, where relevant. Note that the Skilled Worker minimum hourly rate requirement is increasing to £10.75 for applications supported by a CoS issued on or after 12 April 2023. The guidance also provides examples of circumstances in which a sponsor may not be required to operate PAYE on the worker’s earnings (which must be explained on the CoS) eg ‘if the worker is covered by an exception set out in HMRC EP Appendix 4, or is self-employed’.

The Home Office has updated its sponsor guidance in relation to the Skilled Worker route. Notably, a new Annex SK1 has been inserted in relation to upcoming changes , as set out in the Statement of Changes HC 1190   eg increasing the salary thresholds for applications supported by a Certificate of...


Very good property in Whitechapel in London. Please let me know if anybody is looking for suitable property in London.

We would like to hear from you. Be volunteer with us  for supporting to protect human rights.

We would like to hear from you. Be volunteer with us for supporting to protect human rights.

PAHD shares their innovative and different thinking , ideas ,views ,campaigns with others civil society groups ,donors ,policy makers, private sectors, stakeholders regarding any local ,national and international issues to lobby on behalf of developing countries and create a positive impact or aware...




There are a lot of people in the world does always cry. My small try to make them happy so that they try to laugh .



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