I was very fortunate to see wild Dolphins today when on my boat trip.
A truly amazing experience seeing these beautiful animals in their natural habitat.
This is where they should be. Not trapped and made to perform to crowds of people for money like toys. It’s important not to fund those terrible places. They wouldn’t exist if people didn’t pay to visit them.
Bud takes his after dinner wash very seriously 🤣
Percy has a new morning routine at the moment 🤣
After yowling the house down at 6am before my alarm goes off he then jumps onto the bed and purrs in my face and dribbles on me. Then not long after he plays games with the cats. These games consist of chasing the cats up the cat tree and then down the stairs. Once downstairs he likes to chase Evie round the round cat tunnel that Joan McCann purchased for him for Christmas. Evie isn’t a fan of this but he still proceeds lol. Sometimes he sits outside of the tunnel in the middle of it and watches her race round and bops her in it from the outside.
I’ve actually seen him run after the cats now a few times, down the stairs and up the cat tree. The first time I saw it I thought I was seeing things as I’d never seen him run before.
Here you can see in the video him talking to fluffy and chasing her up the tree lol.
Thought I would share this video of what a typical wake up looks like for me. Buddy holding my hand and purring and multiple cats on the bed with me. My idea of heaven.
P.s ignore my Botox stickers on my forehead 🤣
I never get bored of seeing this 💕
Percy loves a fuss. He never stops purring bless him.
Tinky is getting so much more confident. A few months ago she would have never got on my lap on her own accord but the last few weeks she has been jumping on my lap and asking for cuddles which is so lovely to see.
She is a very nervous and anxious cat and you can tell she’s been through a lot in the past which has made her like that. When she came into rescue she was emaciated and her tail was degloved and practically hanging off. She then had it amputated and came into foster with me. After I got some weight on her she then ended up getting adopted but sadly it didn’t work out with her new families existing cats as they didn’t take to her. Tinky was then returned and I decided to adopt her. She was my “the one that got away” cat so I was thrilled to adopt her.
She absolutely loves it here and adores the other cats. She has a special relationship with Coco and eats for England!! She has food scarcity issues which is common in a lot of ex strays. She always thinks she’s not going to get another meal so she over eats. I had this for a few years with buddy also and it’s only in the last year or so he’s gone from inhaling every bit of food to actually grazing on his food so I’m hopeful in time Tinky will improve bless her.
She loves playing with the cats and her and Perdi and Evie can often be found chasing each other through the cat tunnels and around the bedroom. If she’s not doing that or eating she’s usually snoozing in one of the heated cat beds. She is also one of my cats that prefers to sleep downstairs on the sofa. Her and Evie normally sleep downstairs with the rest of the gang in bed with me.
The cats decided to go on a covert mission to steal a bag of treats from the kitchen whilst I was working upstairs 😂
Perdi enjoying another new toy the cats got for Xmas from me. 🥰
Thank you to Anne Thompson who purchased this toy for percy for Christmas. As you can see him and also Perdi absolutely love it! ❤️
Buddy is back to eating by himself 💃💃🥰
He’s still sneezing but his nose isn’t congested anywhere near what it was. Yesterday he was eating if I held the bowl right under his nose and today he’s eating completely unaided.
No more pesky syringe feeding!
A welcome sight this morning, Bud drinking some water. He hasn’t been drinking or eating by himself for several days so I have been syringing both. I still had to syringe feed his breakfast today as his nose is still very congested but it’s a good sign to see him atleast drinking water unaided.
His eyes are less inflamed and less gunk is coming out of them. The goo seen in the video is his eye ointment.
The vet did prescribe some anti biotics just incase anything else has hopped on to his cat flu like a secondary infection but I haven’t given them to him at this stage as he had a course back in April when he last had cat flu and I don’t want to over use them as antiobiotics only work a set number of times in a cats life and with his immune system being so stripped It’s very possible at some point in his life he may really need them.
He deffo seems brighter this morning and he’s been up and about more which is a great sign. Buddy absolutely amazes me at his strength, he’s been through so much this year and he truly makes it look like a breeze! He truly is the toughest cat I have ever known.