Buddy's Bucket List

Buddy's Bucket List I started this page when i received a terminal diagnosis for my soul cat Buddy. Facebook are not allowing me to change the page name for some reason.

After seeing a specialist his diagnosis changed and he was able to be treated thankfully.

Piglet in the pod 💕He’s having a chilled Saturday after having his breakfast.

Piglet in the pod 💕

He’s having a chilled Saturday after having his breakfast.

In 2023 whilst volunteering in cat rescue I attended an SOS to collect a cat whose owner was having to go into sheltered...

In 2023 whilst volunteering in cat rescue I attended an SOS to collect a cat whose owner was having to go into sheltered accommodation through no fault of his own and in turn had to give away his best friend. His beloved cat Elsa.

The circumstances and details of the story were heartbreaking and whilst I can’t share the details for the need of his privacy and protection, what I will say is it’s something that has stuck with me since that day. It broke my heart seeing him in tears putting her into my pet carrier. For many people all they have in the world is their animals and I knew Elsa was everything to him.

I explained to him I foster for the rescue and that Elsa will come to live with me temporarily before she would be rehomed to a loving family. I promised him she would go to the best home. Days passed and I kept thinking about how sad the situation was and the promise I made to the man and I decided I would adopt Elsa as I made the promise she would have the best home and I felt it was my duty to honour that with the only way I could guarantee that was by adopting Elsa myself.

I had the details for the relevant authorities involved in the situation and got in contact with them to tell them I had adopted Elsa and If they could let the chap know and I also asked if there was anything he needed and if so I would provide it as I was so touched by his story. The info was appreciated and passed on but sadly as the months went by contact was lost despite numerous efforts by myself.

Ever since, I have wondered what happened to the chap and thought about how he is doing and if he is ok. During this time I have spoken to Elsa regularly keeping his memory going. Explaining to her that her dad loves her very much and it wasn’t his fault he had to give her up. I decided in December 2024 that my Christmas wish would be to see if i could reunite Elsa with her beloved dad. I put up a post on Swindon community notice board explaining the story but I had to be extremely vague with details to protect this person due to them being vulnerable so I really felt I would get nowhere as how can you appeal for someone yet barely share any info on them??

I was extremely lucky that someone was reading my post that day who knew this person and was able to identify who I was talking about with only the vague details I mentioned and to my joy was able to contact Elsa’s dad and ask if he would like to speak to me.

I was thrilled to hear he was overjoyed that I had got in contact and that he would love to speak to me and hear how Elsa is doing and see some photos of her. Last Friday I had such a lovely conversation with Elsa’s dad where he shared how much he misses her and not a day goes by where he doesn’t think about her. He expressed how grateful he was that I adopted her and told me lots of things I didn’t know about Elsa - one being that she loves watching the simpsons! Needless to say after the call ended I went and put the simpsons on for her much to her delight.

Elsa’s dad explained he had experienced an awful last 12 months having been in hospital for pretty much all of 2024 and that he has only been home several weeks. He expressed he would love some photos of Elsa which I of course sent over. But I said to him I can do better than that. I will bring Elsa over for a visit so you can see your special girl. He was delighted!

So today me and Elsa went to visit her dad and we took him over some of his favourite snacks with us along with Elsa’s favourite snacks 🥰. We had the most lovely afternoon and Elsa recognised him straight away, jumping out of buddys pram into his arms where she remained for most of the visit. Having cuddles and kisses and treats from her dad. It was truly such a beautiful sight to see how much happiness today brought to both Elsa and her dad.

Whilst Elsa will remain in my care as her dad isn’t allowed pets at the accommodation he is in and also has complex health issues, I will continue to bring Elsa to visit him regularly and help this man however I can. He expressed today he’s not been to the cinema in years and how much he misses it and loves the pictures and the theatre. I’m already on the case and making arrangements to take him to the cinema which he is really looking forward too.

I took lots of very special photos and videos today which I’m going to get printed off for Elsa’s dad. I have chosen only to share this one below with you all as I need to protect his identity due to safeguarding reasons.

Im so happy that I was able to reunite Elsa with her dad and bring some happiness to his life after what’s been a very difficult time for him and I’m really looking forward to our next visit.


Evie looking very cute having her breakfast in bed this morning. 💕

Evie looking very cute having her breakfast in bed this morning. 💕

Evie pops is very glad I’m home as you can see. She couldn’t wait to jump on my suitcase. I had the most lovely welcome ...

Evie pops is very glad I’m home as you can see. She couldn’t wait to jump on my suitcase.

I had the most lovely welcome back from the cats. Buddy came running downstairs purring away and was straight on my chest having cuddles!

They all had a lovely time with nanny and were giving her lots of cuddles. She had to use her ear plugs though to sleep as Perdi is very active in the early hours of the morning and Percy is extremely vocal these days. He howls at all times of day and night bless him and it is loud. His personality continues to develop the longer he has been with me and he’s gone from being super quiet to super vocal asking for food and pets at all times of day and night haha.

I had a lovely time away although I had to have a day to recoup when I got back as we did lots of partying and it caught up with me 🤣

Whilst I was in Egypt the rescue received £220 in donations to their PayPal from some of my followers. So thank you to everyone who donated its really appreciated. It makes a massive difference. I’m back out to Egypt again in September so excited to see them and the cats again then.

I also had some lovely news yesterday regarding something close to my heart and this should come to frooition later this coming week so look out for the post on that as it will be a heartwarming one.

I hope everyone is well ❤️

Look at this beauty who joined me at the beach club today. Last time I was here I saw her also and gave her some food. M...

Look at this beauty who joined me at the beach club today. Last time I was here I saw her also and gave her some food. Maybe she recognised me as she was loving having cuddles today.


I was very fortunate to see wild Dolphins today when on my boat trip.

A truly amazing experience seeing these beautiful animals in their natural habitat.

This is where they should be. Not trapped and made to perform to crowds of people for money like toys. It’s important not to fund those terrible places. They wouldn’t exist if people didn’t pay to visit them.

Yesterday I went to visit the rescue in Egypt Sharm Cats. It was lovely to see Joanne and Tamer and all the cats. We too...

Yesterday I went to visit the rescue in Egypt Sharm Cats. It was lovely to see Joanne and Tamer and all the cats.

We took treats for them and they absolutely loved it. Lik e liks were a huge hit! The cats were going crazy for them. Their oldest cat Snowy who is around 19 (grey Persian) absolutely loved it and all the cats were trying to lick his mouth to try and get some of his lik e liks he had left round his chops haha.

There were around 22 less cats here this time as around Christmas time there was sadly a huge Parvo outbreak and they lost many cats. This was a very stressful time for them and although moving forward with there being a reduction in the number of cats it will mean things are a bit more manageable for them and less food and litter expenses but they are still facing all the debt of the vet bills for those 22 cats as they were all hospitalised in attempt to try and save them before they sadly passed.

If anyone would like to help towards this it would be much appreciated. But please don’t feel any pressure as I know it’s just after Christmas which is a very expensive time of year for people.

If you would like to donate please comment or PM me and I will send you their paypal. I haven’t posted it here as sometimes Facebook flags posts with e Mail addresses and things on.

I’m meeting Joanne and Tamer again tomorrow for lunch and we’re going to sit down and discuss their meeting with dahab cats and all the ideas and tips they shared and work out the best plan of action moving forward to put these guys in a better position to help them to carry on their work with helping these vulnerable cats. To my knowledge there isn’t another rescue in sharm for cats so their help with these cats is invaluable.

Having a lovely time away so far and enjoying some much needed rest. All the cats are doing good including Buddy which i...

Having a lovely time away so far and enjoying some much needed rest.

All the cats are doing good including Buddy which is great news. They really enjoy spending time with my Nan and there all super relaxed with her. Even tinky who gets very anxious bless her.

Yesterday I went to visit the rescue which was lovely. Took some lovely photos which I will be posting later so keep an eye out for my post this evening.

Hope you’re all having a lovely Friday and wishing you a great weekend ahead. ❤️

Very late update as today has been manic to say the least. Buddy went in to see his vet this afternoon and it was decide...

Very late update as today has been manic to say the least.

Buddy went in to see his vet this afternoon and it was decided that he would have a full blood panel done to check what’s going on and also that we would kill two birds with one stone and also do a urine analysis, and a blood pressure check as well as a full examination of him. This was because he was due to have his bloods and a urine analysis done at the end of this month anyway to check that his liver values are staying in check still with his current medication dose and also to monitor his kidneys as his vet thinks he’s in early stage kidney disease (stage 1 but potentially on the cusp of 2) so both these things need monitoring every 3 months or so and that’s what we have been doing.

I explained I was going away and my concerns about getting him seen and I was really fortunate that he had all those bits done and the results of all of it back within around 90 minutes which is amazing. Buddy’s vet who he sees is absolutely fantastic and I’m very fortunate that he gets looked after by him as he is so knowledgeable and is fantastic with him.

I’m relieved to say his results have all come back fine so it’s a mystery about why he’s eating the cat litter and it needs to be monitored. I’m pleased I got him checked as it now means I have peace of mind that he is ok and I can go away and not be worrying.

I’m so greatful that he was able to be seen same day and have his checks done and results back so fast. Now that’s what I call great vet care.

I also was able to get a repeat prescription for his meds today which was due soon. Due to everything getting done today it means he won’t need to go to his appointment that was due in a few weeks.

Thank you for all the lovely messages about Buddy it means a lot. I leave for the airport at 6am so I will post next likely on Thursday when I visit the Egypt cat rescue.

A few months ago I said to Joanne and Tamer that run the Egypt rescue Sharm Catsthat they should reach out to dahab cats...

A few months ago I said to Joanne and Tamer that run the Egypt rescue Sharm Catsthat they should reach out to dahab cats who I follow. Last week they were finally able to get together with the lovely lady who runs the rescue and share lots of ideas on how they can both help each other. Dahab cats is well established and do an amazing job and have lots of experience in what they do. During my visit to Egypt over the next coming week I will be meeting with Joanne and Tamer a number of times so we can discuss all things cat rescue and what systems we need to put in place in order to help them for the longer term to do what they do. A very important part of my trip ❤️

In other news Percy has been using the litter boxes more and more. He’s barely using the puppy pads now. Previously he w...

In other news Percy has been using the litter boxes more and more. He’s barely using the puppy pads now. Previously he would occasionally go in the litter trays but would favour the pads 9/10. Good to know he’s feeling more comfortable in his toilet habits and it’s been a long time since he’s had an accident in one of his beds etc.

It’s all about the small wins ❤️

Go Percy 🥰

Buddy boy is still eating the cat litter today so i decided this morning that I’m going to take him into the vets for a ...

Buddy boy is still eating the cat litter today so i decided this morning that I’m going to take him into the vets for a once over.

Fortunately I’ve been able to get a last minute appointment this afternoon for Bud to see his specialist vet he sees at eastcott referrals. Buddy has all his care related to his issues diagnosed last year taken care of by them and theyve been amazing with him.

I’m sure everything will be fine but it’s best to get him checked over and have that peace of mind and as I fly tomorrow morning I don’t want anything playing on my mind.

My Nan is coming to mine for the week to cat sit which the kitties are going to absolutely love as they really enjoy spending time with her.

All the other cats are doing fab and enjoying a good old afternoon nap session currently. Even Perdi is asleep! A rarity lol.

Will let you all know how Bud gets on later.

Buddy’s back on the pillow and under the blanket cuddling up after his breakfast. Coco just tried to come and get under ...

Buddy’s back on the pillow and under the blanket cuddling up after his breakfast.

Coco just tried to come and get under the blanket with him and he gave him a tap to say no this is my blanket time lol.

Yesterday buddy started eating the paper cat litter which he’s done before when he was poorly so I’m hoping it’s just an isolated incident as aside from that he seems himself. I’ve checked his gums and ears and things to check if he is showing signs of anaemia but it all looks pink. So all ok.

I’m off on holiday on Wednesday and my Nan is cat sitting the gang. I’ve briefed my mum as well on the buddy protocol if it all ends up going Pete tong. I’m sure it will all be fine and yesterday was just an isolated incident.

He does like to worry me though 🥲

A very happy and sleepy Percy 💕He’s had his dinner, cuddles and now is snoozing 💤

A very happy and sleepy Percy 💕

He’s had his dinner, cuddles and now is snoozing 💤

Buddy’s lazy day yesterday has extended into a lazy weekend.

Buddy’s lazy day yesterday has extended into a lazy weekend.

Buddy has been asleep in bed all day today 🤣He’s required mother to bring all his meals to him. He’s been napping and sn...

Buddy has been asleep in bed all day today 🤣

He’s required mother to bring all his meals to him. He’s been napping and snoring away and then watching a bit of cat tv in between.

He just loves to sleep with his head on the pillow like a human and to get under the blanket.

Gorgeous boy Percy

Gorgeous boy Percy




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