Welcome to our word search book
we’ve got a treat for you!
One hundred AWESOME word searches -
how many can you do?
Diggers, mermaids, unicorns,
planets, pets and more.
You’ll find them all inside this book
there’s so much fun in store!
Order it on Amazon:
🇬🇧 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0D3Y59TDD
🇺🇸 https://www.amazon.com/Awesome-Word-Search-Kids-Ages/dp/B0D3Y59TDD/
We're planning on doing a book containing lots of different kinds of puzzles next but we're not sure what to include. If you've got kids in the family and they love a certain type of puzzle let us know about it in the comments as it'll help us decide what to put in our book.