Covid Conspiracies, The Covid Vaccine: Is It Safe?
With the vaccine for Covid being rolled out globally, questions have arisen as to whether the vaccine is safe to take. After all, a typical vaccine takes anywhere between 5 to 10 years to develop with most of that time taken with the trials to ensure it is safe to be administered to the general population. The Covid Vaccines that are currently being rolled out have taken within ten months to develop and many health experts and doctors are starting to question its safety. This closing episode of Covid Conspiracies looks at the Covid vaccine and the conspiracies surrounding it. As always, please watch with an open mind and draw up your own conclusions. With all information, question everything.
Covid Conspiracies, What Is Agenda Behind Lockdowns?
Lockdowns are said to help curb the spread of Covid. But in reality, how effective are lockdowns and do they really stop the spread of Covid? Does it really justify shutting down vast swathes of the global economy, thus destroying jobs and businesses in the process? And with the stories recently circulating about new variants and strains of the virus, how long will all this madness last? What will be the outcome to this? This video explores the lockdowns and sinister agenda that is rumoured to be behind them.
The third episode of the fourth series of Ian's X Files explores the mysterious pagan origins of Christmas.
Ian's X Files, Series 4, Episode 2, Phantom Dogs
This episode explores the four legged canines of the supernatural variety. When we think of devil dogs, black dogs, dogs that are malavolent and evil, we think of the black type with fiery eyes and big teeth. The British Isles is adorned with tales of these phantom dogs.
But who are they?
What are they?
This second episode of Ian's X Files, series 4, looks behind the mysteries surrounding these phantom four legged monsters.
The Bella Riley Mysteries, Series 2, Episode 6, Reptilian Aliens
Ian's X Files: The Confidential Files, The Nazi's Secret Antarctica Base
Ian's X Files: The Confidential Files, Did Humanity Come From Outer Space?
The Bella Riley Mysteries, Series 2, Covid 19 And The Surveillance State
Ian's X Files: The Unopened Files, Can Tarot Predict The Future?
Covid-19, Not 1 Disease, Not 1 Cause
Ian's X Files: The Unopened Files, Haunted Roads In Britain
Ian's X Files: The Unopened Files, Episode 2, Shadow People
The Bella Riley Mysteries, Series 2, Episode 3, The Puppet Masters & The New World Order