This life I can’t kill myself o, allow me to enjoy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hi everyone! You can support me by sending Stars - they help me earn money to keep making content that you love. Whenever you see the Stars icon, you can send me Stars. #StarsEverywhere
Hi everyone!You can support me by sendingStars - they help me earn money to keep making content that you love.Whenever you see the Stars icon, you can send me Stars. #StarsEverywhere
When last did you pamper yourself? Or when last did anyone pamper you? This dog is living a life some of us can only imagine 😆. Self care is must 🙌
When they say Nurses only work 3 times a week. 😀 @followers @highlight #foryouシ #viralreelschallenge #goviral
Yesterday I watched a Helicopter take off, it wasn’t my first time but I watched this one from a very close proximity, luckily I wore a sunshade because the dust was something else. Have you seen a Helicopter or Plane take off before?
Recent studies reveal that exposure to screens reduces babies’ ability to read human emotion and control their frustration. It also detracts from activities that help boost their brain power, like play and interacting with other children. Furthermore, screen time reduces the amount and quality of interactions between children and their caregivers, it can also have an impact on language development. Additionally, excessive screen usage has detrimental effects on social and emotional growth, including a rise in the likelihood of obesity, sleep disorders, and mental health conditions including depression and anxiety.
Her Soup is different 😋 If you don’t like David, we’ll have to build your own world for you 🤣🤣🤣😆because, you must be an alien 👽 😆 #CHIVIDO2024
Today should be declared public holiday in Nigeria ☺️ OBO no go minus 🤩 #chivido2024
Who else noticed how Chioma enjoyed her party without carrying a phone to video herself? Some people would have still carried their phone to video themselves and take selfies with all the paparazzi they've got following them around, she's a wife of a king and she understood the assignment! Babe has mastered the act of being absolutely happy without the cameras and social media, the last time she posted for the gram was in 2022. I wish Chioma and David a life of bliss, God bless this union forever. #chivido2024
😂 See how far people can go for content creation, money must be made 😂. Very soon I go carry tear tear clothes enter street 🫣
Nah, I’ll rather carry 10 of this washing machine cos what? my eyes see my ear inside nursing school 🥹I no do again 🤣
Before you say UK is Nigeria promax, I want you to know that I unconsciously stood on this tactical paving close to a Zebra crossing on my way out this afternoon pressing my phone, and all the cars came to a halt. My leg hasn’t even touched the Zebra crossing yet o. Try am for Lagos Nigeria first and we can have that conversation again 😁😁