Why am I choosing to Live LOUDLY?
I have been fighting back against those who have done nothing but repress me since I was 7 years old, I have never had a problem in voicing the wrong doings of my childhood or disagreeing with an adult when they had disrespected me in a way I shouldn’t have been, as kids we are expected or taught to just to take it because they are the “adult”, while your the “child”👨👩👧
The idea of that never sat right with me, even when I was younger I just couldn’t help but speak out on the things that weren’t right…I think it’s one of the many reasons as to why I became the “problem child”, as I was the one brave enough to “voice the problems”❤️🩹
This is what then conditioned me to start learning when to pick my battles, meaning that I taught myself to remain silent as I found that is what kept the peace (most of the time) I lost my voice due to the length of time I kept her quite🙊
When you internalise your emotions especially ones like fear, anger & sadness they start affecting your cortisol levels which are you fight or flight responses❣️
It is always prepared for the worst outcome, this is what can cause you to have things like CPTSD or Auto-Immune Diseases that can still affect your body long after you escaped a toxic environment🫶🏻
So by staying silent, trying to keep the peace it was actually irrevocably causing me more damage, this is why throughout my healing journey I have made it my mission to just be unapologetically myself🦋
I stopped worrying about what people thought of me because, I . am . finally . FREE….Free to be myself & Free to live the life I want by my choosing💕
I decided to start living my life the way my younger self would have..Without fear✊🏼
We have always gone to the beat of our own drum, following where ever the wind took us 🌬️
An I think now in this moment of time, especially with the way the world is at the moment and it’s tre
Are you ready to start making a difference in your life?
If you have been following me for a while or are new to my page and have been wanting to know what I do or what my organisation & community are all about, then this is opportunity for you🫵🏼🥰
This SUNDAY two of the Co-Founders of our community are hosting the very 1st MASTERCLASS Call where you will able to find out everything from;
✅What we are about
✅Our Mission
✅The company we are partnered with
✅The products we use & the benefits of using them
✅The commission plan
Everything you could think of will be included this 60 minute call, you will be amongst other like minded individuals who are also wanting a change in their lives, who are ready to take action in creating a better future for themselves🫶🏻
It is also the perfect opportunity to get any questions answered that you have that may be holding you back from becoming your full potential💫
Are you Determined enough to step up and take control of your life?
Are you coachable & actively wanting to start your own Online Business?
Are you ready to start showing up for yourself?❣️
If you align with this then you can either, DM me PASSION or fill out the form in my Bio & we can connect from there🦋
How do you cleanse your soul?🦋
Sometimes doing the most simplest of things can rejuvenate the soul, for me it’s being surrounded by nature🌴
There is nothing quite like being surrounded by the elemental spirits, whether you acknowledge them being there or not they are still there, listening, guiding people to where they need to be🫶🏻
They are also LOVE gossip, so don’t be afraid to speak about what is bothering you, they love to listen &
Other times, it’s good to just scream into the sea and let the emotions flow away along with the tide🌊😂🤘🏻💕
#spiritual #spiritualgrowth #witch #witchvibes #healingjourney #ocean #elementalmagic #treespirits #waterspirits
How are you coping with processing why your chronically I’ll?
Over the last few weeks I have shifted so much old energy, pain and stored trauma❤️🩹Which is why the other aspects of healing are now showing up… the anger..the rage…at who & why we are the way we are…
Now people will tell you to calm down, to let that anger go..But I’m here to say no don’t do that, feel that anger, it’s a part of you✨It’s only there because it’s the part of you that knows your mistreatment & abuse was unacceptable…
Your anger knows that you deserved to be treated well and with kindness🫶🏻
Your anger is the part of you that loves you, which is why it is important, it needs to be expressed…So why would we repress her as-well like everyone else did?
So my question is for anyone who has been chronically I’ll since you were kids, now being diagnosed as an adult are you also angry at those who were supposed to spot these things but completely ignored your pain?
Like how do you come to terms with the fact that you’ve had a chronic illness or multiple your WHOLE life and its only now being validated?
Is anyone else struggling with that thought process?
Because I was, I couldn’t fathom the fact that I am finally safe in a stable environment, and yet my body & mind we’re still waging a war against me…Now I know why, it’s because half of the chronic illnesses I have are linked to trauma🦋
Meaning that my body will continue to deal with the aftermath of what was known as our life..But it’s okay because we are still healing, we are still growing, we are still safe❤️🩹
We just have to go about things a different way to other people and that’s also okay, slow and Steady wins the race remember?🐇💕🐢
#healingjourney #endometriosisjourney #chronicillnessawareness #fibrowarrior #cptsdawareness #bpdawareness #womensupportingwomen
Have you ever lost a job and it wasn’t your fault?🦋
Because I did at the beginning of the year in January, I was on sick leave at the time due to Endometriosis🎗️
I became that 1 in 6 to lose there job because of the debilitating pain of endo, it completely changed my life last November💕
Bare in mind I’ve had Endo and Fibromyalgia since I was 12yrs old but for some reason my body came to a halt and I couldn’t carry on the way I was living anymore, it couldn’t take the stress I had it under…
This then meant I was let go as I was deemed unreliable even though I was a grafter, I then didn’t get employed again until May after I had my laparoscopy surgery🏥
3 months I managed to last at this new job before I had to go on sick leave again, which I am still on😅
This prompted me to make the very adult decision and create my own sustainable online business,🌿where I am able to not only be my own boss, I’m given the time I need to truly focus on my health & not have to worry about being fired again for being sick❤️🩹
But I also get to help change the lives of other women who are in the same position I was in, I couldn’t be more grateful than I am that I have the opportunity to do that for myself & for you🫶🏻🧚🏼♀️✨❤️
#grateful #chronicillnesslife #chronicallyworking #networkmarketing
It was the best decision, I could of made for myself💕
Don’t judge a book by its cover📖💙
To say that the last 24 hours have been a bit random is an understatement, yesterdays travel plans did not go according to plan…
My blonde dumbass self decided to travel a day before than I was actually supposed, like of course I managed to make sure I have everything ready but still manage to get the day wrong🤷🏼♀️
Meaning that yes..I did get stuck in Luton on my todd and because of this I had the pleasure of meeting a really kind man who helped me when I needed it most🫶🏻
He not only gave me shelter for the night, he helped me save my money by tenfold, he introduced me to a lovely community and told me his story💕
Now I am very aware of the danger that could of happened last night but being the witch i am, I knew he was a safe person…It really does go to show that you shouldn’t judge someone based on their outer appearance! It also felt like he needed that interaction more than I needed it💫
We spoke a lot on this topic as many other things last night and it was really enlightening to meet someone like that, I am blessed to have had the experience I did have❤️
This is just a friendly reminder that kindest cost absolutely nothing, you never know when a person may need it💕
#grateful #blessed #spiritualguidance #dontjudgeabookbyitscover
The reality of living with a Chronic Illness🎗️
As September is chronic pain awareness month I thought it would be good show you guys the reality of what it’s like living with a chronic illness that affects my life on a daily basis, endometriosis is a full body disease which affects 176 million women/girls worldwide🌍
It causes severe exhausting pain which can be persistent even after medical treatment or surgery…It has no cure and is up there with one of the top 20 most painful conditions❤️🩹
I want to show the the level of discomfort and struggle I go through just to complete normal everyday tasks that I used to take for granted, in hopes that it either educates you or find it relatable🫶🏻
Endometriosis not only impacts you physically but also mentally…It’s a tough one to battle with on a daily basis, which is why I want to show you the other side to it and how difficult it can be doing to the most mundane things…
Now imagine on top of doing these tasks, then having to go to work, socialise and try to live your life all while your body is constantly fighting against you… It causes soul shattering exhaustion that makes you feel guilty for being tired for doing the smallest of things, as that’s not how everyone else is…
Well unfortunately us chronically ill beans are not like them and that’s okay…It’s important to remember your body is different and it’s alright to struggle to do the things others wouldn’t, your body is constantly at war with itself so why add on the pressure to it?
Give yourself the self care and love your body deserves💕
Allow yourself to have breaks in between tasks, allow yourself time to truely rest without giving yourself sh*t for being lazy…Our bodies just aren’t designed the way everyone else is, so why do we keep forcing ourselves to live that type of life?
Create the life that benefits you and your health, do what makes your feel better and just take it day by day that’s all
Wouldn’t you want to change your life if you could?🌿
I never thought much about having a healthy holistic lifestyle, for some reason it never really appealed to me I was just content to go through the motions of life and not really being present in myself🧚🏼♀️
That was until I got diagnosed with a chronic illness this year, that completely took over my life🎗️Endometriosis is still so unfunded with little to no research into as to why it grows, or why it is incurable and what types medications of can actually help manage it?
In the last 10 months my symptoms drastically changed which meant I was in significant amounts of pain everyday for well, was going to say an end date but that hasn’t happened yet as I’m still living it😅
But due to the lack of knowledge on what this disease actually is, my doctors didn’t know what to prescribe me so these were all given to me on a “trial and error” basis🫠
So as you can see I’ve been on a cocktail of different strong medications, that ineffectively didn’t work🤷🏼♀️
Obviously I wasn’t taking all of them at the same time but these are what I have been prescribed in the last 10 months alone and that’s not including the ones I’ve been given since this video however, over time as you can imagine the effects of being on so many different types of meds had started to affect my mental health💕
This is why I now want to find alternative holistic medicines and methods to help manage the pain or at least try to keep the inflammation down, i don’t want to keep putting pharmaceuticals into my body💊We all know they do more harm than good, especially when even the medical professionals don’t know how it will affect me or help the pain…
So why would I continue down that path when it is carefully constructed to eventually kill me?
We are all children of the earth🌍So why wouldn’t we use what is provided naturally to us instead of something that’s made in a lab?