The Wandering Spirit

The Wandering Spirit The Wandering Spirit l Entrepreneur l Free Spirit

Growing up I never quite fitted into any specific friendship groups, trends or in a mould that was expected of me.. I re...

Growing up I never quite fitted into any specific friendship groups, trends or in a mould that was expected of me.. I remember very clearly that I used to and still do go to the beat of my own drum, i always ended up doing what felt right for me and was just authentically my weird little self💕

This meant I just naturally didn’t fit in the crowd like everyone else did, I stuck out like a sore thumb and yet I still carried on skipping down that yellow brick road on my ones😅

When I look back on it now I realised I had so many friends/ family and external people around me constantly trying to dim my life with light with either their criticism, bullying or their own projected feelings but despite all of it I still some how managed to stay true in who I am and it never made sense until recently when I had a spiritual epiphany😂🔮

The reason why I managed to stay completely true in who I am, was so I am able to help others step into their true power in expressing themselves in who they are! There is a type of power that comes with being able to just let go and be silly, so who cares what other people think?

They’re properly going to criticise anyway, so you might Aswell live how you truly want to, embracing your highest self and surrounding yourself with like minded people✨

I know now that my purpose in this life time is to help raise the collective and encourage those to whole heartedly be themselves🧚🏼‍♀️
What a better way to do that than by living in my true self, while showing others that it is possible to do it…I’m now in a position were I am able to do that and what a wonderful thing that is🌻✨

What is Endometriosis?It is a chronic inflammation disease that affects more than 1 in 10 women and can take between 8-1...

What is Endometriosis?

It is a chronic inflammation disease that affects more than 1 in 10 women and can take between 8-10 years for a diagnosis!

Endometriosis impacts every aspect of a woman’s life but more importantly it is significantly under researched and under funded.

Like many other women’s health conditions endometriosis, it’s symptoms and the impact it has are often discussed in hushed voices, ignored or belittled.

To be able achieve gender equality we must continue to advocate for the needs of those with limiting health conditions, push for more research and advocate for those underrepresented!

If you have any of these symptoms then please go to your GP as it’s not just a “bad period” your pain is valid🎗️💛

How did I know an online business would be best for me?🦋One of the main reasons for starting my business back up again i...

How did I know an online business would be best for me?🦋

One of the main reasons for starting my business back up again is simply because of my own health issues, 10 months ago it completely deteriorated due to an Endometriosis flare up that never left🎗️

This left me no choice but to go on sick leave and eventually became that 1 in 6 of women to lose their job because of Endometriosis! Now this happened right at the start of setting up my business so I really was made to chose between one or the other…

I got completely ignored and gaslit by my GP and NHS (well still am and thousands of other women) which took me so long to get someone to listen to me to try an get a diagnosis but I managed to have a laparoscopy surgery in April that finally confirmed thst I had Endometriosis💛

It was such a relief to get the answers to the pain I was in but it was also gut wretching at the realisation that I have a chronic illness that will be with me for the rest of my life and now had to find ways to accommodate to it in everyday life! That obviously took a minute to process but I then gained clarity in knowing that the pain was real, it wasn’t in my head and that so many other women have similar experiences to mine💕

These were now major factors as to why I wanted to continue with setting up my online business because firstly Ive seen it from being surrounded by others in the community and can see the benefits enagic products were providing them, so why wouldn’t it work for me and my health?✨

And secondly I don’t have the stress of worrying about how many times I call in sick when I’m in chronic pain (which is daily) while being in a constant state of anxious worry (long term affects of this can also impact your body) in fear of losing my job, because now I am the job, I am my own boss! So why wouldn’t I want to invest in myself to make that happen?

Has anyone else ever suffered from a chronic illness and struggle with the 9-5 work life? Wouldn’t you want to create a different reality for yourself, while benefiting your health as well?


Well it certainly been a minute since I was last on here aye?😅 As much as I wanted to focus on my business and invest in...

Well it certainly been a minute since I was last on here aye?😅

As much as I wanted to focus on my business and invest in myself 4 months ago, I realise now I was simply not ready for it at the time, not just in my mindset but also in my physical health too and that was okay✨

Because it led me down a road to the continuation of my spiritual and health journey, where the universe really made me prioritise them in these last 6 months…but like they say everything happens for a reason right?
This is why I had to make the decision and take a step back from my business and really focus on what was important and that was putting my health first✨

In that time I have been able to work through an incredible amount of inner trauma healing, that then allowed me to take a deep dive into my shadow work to fully understand who I am as a spiritual being and what my purpose is✨
This is what paved the way for me to have the right mindset I need in order to be successful in what I want to achieve in a new perspective and positive light✨

This is why I realised starting an online business would be the best decision for me, because not only do I get to work on my terms and put my health first but I am also able to pick up where i left off!
I’m so glad and grateful to be back, It’s so nice to just be able to dive back into where I started without any pressure…What an exciting journey this is going to be✨

Sometimes we have to take chances in life no matter how risky they are…. Just like how I took a chance on this branch no...

Sometimes we have to take chances in life no matter how risky they are….
Just like how I took a chance on this branch not to snap on me😂🙏🏻

When we start our journey on spirituality we often think it’s all about finding peace and joy✨But as we go deeper we dis...

When we start our journey on spirituality we often think it’s all about finding peace and joy✨But as we go deeper we discover it’s much more than that…

This is what is known as the paradox of spiritual awakening, it’s not about just feeling happy or calm✨Its also about facing and understanding the harder sides of life✨

In Buddhism the path to awakening is seen as a journey of deep change✨It shows us that Enlightenment isn’t just about being content it’s about experiencing life in all its forms, the good and the tough parts✨

Life is a mixture of both happiness and challenges✨Understanding this mix is a big part of growing spiritually, just keep swimming my dudes🐠🤙🏻

Choosing what’s right for you might make some people upset and that’s okay✨Your choices will properly be labeled as outl...

Choosing what’s right for you might make some people upset and that’s okay✨Your choices will properly be labeled as outlandish or selfish✨But when you start to receive replenishment from your inner being, you then become immune to the attacks on your character✨Their objection isn’t about what you’re doing for yourself, it’s about what you’re not doing for them anymore✨Redirect them to focus on their own lives and keep both eyes on yours✨It’s your life so why shouldn’t you be able to do what you want with it?💖

I think Self-love is far more deeper than many of us make it out to be✨Its about developing trust within yourself by sta...

I think Self-love is far more deeper than many of us make it out to be✨Its about developing trust within yourself by staying accountable to the habits that are good for you✨Its about checking your inner-critic and not talking to yourself with hatred and constant criticism💕
Its about actualising your self-worth and respect into action by intentionally doing things each day to support your growth, healing, and peace🪬
And most importantly, its about recognizing that connections, friendships, compassion, and love, all have the power to heal you when you need most✨
A better world begins with the relationship you have with yourself, and as a result, with the world around you🌍
To truly love yourself, you have to understand how vital it is to care for yourself so that you can show up for a world that needs you, now more than ever✨All of it starts within you💕

You should never underestimate the power of a small step or even the tiniest of changes✨Sometimes it’s the smallest step...

You should never underestimate the power of a small step or even the tiniest of changes✨Sometimes it’s the smallest step that can lead you to a beautiful new path✨Sometimes it’s that first little change that can lead to ten big changes✨Sometimes that one decision can change everything✨You don’t need courage to always take the giant leaps, this is when it can start to get overwhelming✨Sometimes you just need the courage to take the tiniest step in the right direction🌸

Have you ever thought to consider that now maybe the time to: Start focusing on what truly matters, find what really bri...

Have you ever thought to consider that now maybe the time to:
Start focusing on what truly matters, find what really brings a purpose in your life✨Learn to let go of anything that no longer serves you✨Lean into those things in life that bring peace to your nervous system and stay there for a little while longer✨Its time to nourish your soul at a deeper level🪬Learn to love yourself💕Why not choose now to start putting yourself first?💁🏼‍♀️🌸🤙🏻

Living our truth is the ultimate expression of our authenticity✨It’s having the freedom to allow our actions to align wi...

Living our truth is the ultimate expression of our authenticity✨It’s having the freedom to allow our actions to align with our inner values and beliefs, do you understand how important this is?✨

For it is only when we decide to live our true authentic self that we can then achieve a sense of fulfilment and purpose✨One of Shakespeare’s famous quotes said “This above all to thine own self be true”✨

Even back then it was acknowledged that by doing this not only do we pave the way for our own enlightenment but we can also inspire others to embark on their own journey of self discovery and spiritual awakening🧿✨

My whole life I have struggled with terrible period pains, I thought it was normal for so long to be in so much pain dur...

My whole life I have struggled with terrible period pains, I thought it was normal for so long to be in so much pain during “your time of the month” and to bleed so heavily it’s borderline haemorrhaging🫤… I can’t tell you how many times I had gone to the doctors as a teenager to talk about the excruciating pain I get when I have a period…only to be patronised by doctors telling me that it was normal and would say “have you tried taking paracetamol or ibrophen”. Which we all know don’t fu***ng work🙄

Then at 19 I tried again with the doctors to explain that my “period pains” have become worse overtime only to be gaslighted again saying that they were “normal”…I got diagnosed LAST YEAR with Polycystic O***y Syndrome at the age of fu***ng 24, I got ignored for so long when I knew something wasn’t right with my body and now again since last year i have been trying to get diagnosed with Endometriosis as those so called “period pains” have escalated to the point it’s debilitating…But guess who got gaslighted EVERY . SINGLE. TIME . When do women finally get the proper healthcare that they need instead of having to grin and bare it?

I have quite literally just been fired because I have been on sick leave too long due to an ongoing possible Endo flare up🙃Like what kind of treatment is that? Would they of done that if I had broken my leg? Or been in an accident? Why is it that when it comes to uterine issues they’re all labelled as a “period” and not taken seriously? And this is done by quite literally anyone who doesn’t understand the pain we go through physically and mentally, the trauma our bodies go through just for it to be palmed off as “not that bad”.

How many of you have been pushed aside by health care professionals trying to tell you what is going on with your own body? How many of you have been gaslighted or have been told your being dramatic? This is a safe place for anyone who feel like their voices aren’t being heard🫶🏻let’s all stand together and support one another💜It’s nice to know that your not on you own going through something like that👯‍♀️We can all share this s**t experience together💕✨🌸

We all know life can certainly have its ups and downs, but if we looked at them from a different perspective and just si...

We all know life can certainly have its ups and downs, but if we looked at them from a different perspective and just simply embraced the truth in that they do happen, even when we are the faced with adversity✨That is where we can find our true inner peace✨Its understanding that setbacks do happen and are a part of our journeys✨These “setbacks” are what lead us to gain further growth and wisdom✨Remember that they everything happen for a reason✨So just let things be and trust that everything will work out the way it’s meant too🌸

When we choose to take on the path to enlightened consciousness✨We need to remember that this is not just a solitary jou...

When we choose to take on the path to enlightened consciousness✨We need to remember that this is not just a solitary journey✨Meaning that we are all apart of a community of seekers that are each on their own unique journey of awakening✨
I saw a quote by Philosopher Ramdas that said “ We’re all just walking each other home”✨
This is a beautiful way of saying we ARE all one✨We are all in this human experience together so let’s walk each other home with humility and gratitude✨Supporting and learning from one another along the way🧿👯‍♀️🌸

To my fellow outcasts, weirdos and chaotic bi***es, just a friendly reminder that the universe does not make mistakes✨Yo...

To my fellow outcasts, weirdos and chaotic bi***es, just a friendly reminder that the universe does not make mistakes✨You are uniquely you for a reason✨So why not embrace it? ✨Why not celebrate it instead of suppressing who you actually are?✨It is time to step into the grandeur of your true self and let the authentic expression of your soul shine brightly🌞The world could use some more light🌍✨

Sometimes change can be uncomfortable but ultimately it is inevitable✨Changes are needed in order for you to allow yours...

Sometimes change can be uncomfortable but ultimately it is inevitable✨Changes are needed in order for you to allow yourself the growth that is required to become the best possible version of you✨Just trust the process, it’s not finished yet✨

If the vibes don't feel right, move on✨Let this be the year we no longer allow forced conversations, friendships, relati...

If the vibes don't feel right, move on✨Let this be the year we no longer allow forced conversations, friendships, relationships, attention or love✨Anything forced is just not worth fighting for, so just let them go✨Your life naturally makes room for the people who are meant to be there✨So just go with the flow 🦋

Just a little reminder to remember to allow yourself time to recover from the year you just had✨Everyone is quick to jum...

Just a little reminder to remember to allow yourself time to recover from the year you just had✨Everyone is quick to jump on the band wagon of getting the year right the minute it hits January and when things don’t go to plan it’s assumed the rest of the year is gonna be s**t✨but you don’t have to have your whole year figured out right now✨take the time to reflect on what you really want to experience or uncover, set some informed intentions and most importantly show up for yourself✨One day at a time🪬

The meaning of life is just to simply be alive✨It is so plain and so obvious✨And yet, everybody rushes around in a great...

The meaning of life is just to simply be alive✨It is so plain and so obvious✨
And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves in a small time frame✨
“This is the real secret of life - to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play” -Alan Watts

Lately I’ve been making sure I go for a walk down the beach everyday, there’s just something about the cold sea air that...

Lately I’ve been making sure I go for a walk down the beach everyday, there’s just something about the cold sea air that makes you feel like you’ve been slapped in the face by wind that clears your mind and refreshens your soul✨what do you do to ground yourself?

I remember when i was adament that i wasnt going to go to my graduation because i felt inadequate in the acheivement i w...

I remember when i was adament that i wasnt going to go to my graduation because i felt inadequate in the acheivement i was being given and i wasnt talking to my family at the time so i didnt want to experience this on my own but in the last minute my friend persuaded me to go and shared this mile stone in my life with me the fact i even have this video is significant as I achieved something that i thought was not possible for so long, not to mention my chair number was 333...what a lovely little reminder from the universe that i was on the right path in a time when i was so Unsure✨

I feel like If we aren’t going be taught how to grow our own food🌽how to take care of ourselves and our families💕and how...

I feel like If we aren’t going be taught how to grow our own food🌽how to take care of ourselves and our families💕and how to live without the need for huge governments, banks and corporations - like our ancestors once did🧿then we aren’t being educated at all; we’re being indoctrinated to be dependent and subservient to the system🪬If you align with this, then come on a journey with me✨where we break out of the choke hold the system has us under, connect back to the earth and build the life we want✨

All these temporary experiences in temporary human vessel means we forget that our soul is eternal✨long before we were h...

All these temporary experiences in temporary human vessel means we forget that our soul is eternal✨long before we were human, our energy existed beyond the start of time because it cannot be created nor destroyed✨that is how divine you are✨why are you
unhappy with yourself when you are so cosmically beautiful, so divine? You and the universe are one, reflections of one another✨
There is no higher power because the higher power flows within you as the ‘soul’🦋nurture it💕cherish it🧿

Sometimes in life things don’t work out the way that we want them too, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it wasn’t supp...

Sometimes in life things don’t work out the way that we want them too, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it wasn’t suppose to happen✨Even if it doesn’t seem it right now, certain things are put in place by the universe to ensure that we are on the right path intended for us✨We just have to keep swimming🦋💕

Staying true to who you are and what you stand for is important in the making of becoming the possible best version of y...

Staying true to who you are and what you stand for is important in the making of becoming the possible best version of you✨Just by simply being yourself will get you further than you could imagine🧿🦋

Happy New Year Everyone✨Let’s see what 2024 has to offer, we’ve got this🦋

Happy New Year Everyone✨
Let’s see what 2024 has to offer, we’ve got this🦋

When was the last time you lived your life on the edge?Are you ready to take back control and start living the life you ...

When was the last time you lived your life on the edge?

Are you ready to take back control and start living the life you want and not just what is expected of you through society standards?💪

The human mind is a powerful tool that we get to use whenever we want to🧠Imagine all the possibilities there could be if...

The human mind is a powerful tool that we get to use whenever we want to🧠

Imagine all the possibilities there could be if we stayed consistent with out spiritual, physical and mental growth, could we then dare to dream outside of that box and create a life we want and deserve?





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