Go With The Flo

Go With The Flo Spirituality | Women’s health | Free Spirit🧿🌻

~ Travel and Freedom Lifestyle🌴🌍

Advocate for Endometriosis~ Fibromyalgia~ PCOS🎗️

Annd The Witch Is Back🧿🧚🏼‍♀️🔮Well it’s certainly been a minute hasn’t it?…Since the beginning I have been quite open abo...

Annd The Witch Is Back🧿🧚🏼‍♀️🔮

Well it’s certainly been a minute hasn’t it?…Since the beginning I have been quite open about my physical & mental health an the process that comes with healing them, it’s what I’m advocating for, it’s why I created my page♥️

Again I have had to take some time away not only from the work I have been doing within my business but also from social media all together, as my health took another decline❤️‍🩹

This is the reality of living with multiple Chronic Illnesses & Mental Health Disorders, it comes with the turf of constantly being on an up & down rollacoaster🎢 of being well one moment, then the next your not…

If I’m being completely honest in my mind I have only been away from social media & my business for only a couple of weeks but actually it’s been 4 months😅…

This is the reason I am open about my physical & mental health, Im hoping it helps shred a light on others who go through the same struggles as I do❣️

We are only human, an we can only handle what our mind & bodies can handle at the time✨It’s our job to listen to what they need, an sometimes it can be just down to a simple thing called Rest🫶🏻

Which is exactly what I have done, I feel stronger in myself, an in my energy✨I can’t wait to enjoy this next chapter in my life🥰

What is Fibromyalgia🎗️Fibromyalgia is a Chronic Condition that causes widespread pain throughout the body, it has so man...

What is Fibromyalgia🎗️

Fibromyalgia is a Chronic Condition that causes widespread pain throughout the body, it has so many aspects to it that I don’t think people realise💕

This is something that I am still processing since my diagnosis, even though I now know that the feeling I have had my whole life was Fibro, it still doesn’t take away the shock of actually having it or why I have it in the first place🌚

As most of you know this whole year has been about healing & getting all my diagnosis’s I should of had when I was younger, so to finally have the answers to the pain I have had since I was a child was a big pill to swallow as well as it was validating🫶🏻

The hardest part was accepting the fact that there are two ways you can get Fibro: 1: There is a certain gene that triggers it, 2: it’s trauma induced❣️

It doesn’t take a genius to know which one I accumulated this condition from, this brought on a new type of rage, sadness & utter despair within my

While I am aware that trauma can be a major factor in certain conditions, it still doesn’t take away the ancestral rage that comes with the realisation that someone who was supposed to provide love & support caused so much damage, that my body now has a Chronic Pain Disorder that will be with me for the rest of my life💫

It’s something I am still trying to overcome but I know I will just the same as I did with everything else💕as always it’s important to share knowledge about topics like this, these are some of the symptoms I have experienced with it🎗️

Remember everyone is different so if you suspect you may have it but don’t have all the things I experienced with it, don’t let that deter you from fighting for your diagnosis - Being in pain all day, everyday Is . Not . Normal💜

How much can your life change in a year?Last November I had an Endo flare up that completely took over & changed my life...

How much can your life change in a year?

Last November I had an Endo flare up that completely took over & changed my life! I spent so much time waiting for it to pass like the ones before but shortly realised that the pain is never going away✨

I was in the GP every week trying to get someone to listen to me, i was ignored & gaslighted throughout the whole process…I felt completely on my own, eventually the physical health started to negatively impact my mental health significantly❤️‍🩹

It all got too much at one point and I was prepared to end my life on the 29th Dec…I just honestly couldn’t handle the pain both physically & mentally anymore, it was extremely difficult to deal with that alone✨

I somehow managed to make it through to Jan where I then lost my job due to my health…I was then unemployed for 5 months & that’s not including the 2 months prior I was off on sick leave🤒

Leading me to struggle financially for a while, I barely had enough for rent every month - let alone do any food shops, so my pre-existing eating disorder had easily reappeared to get me by without eating for a bit, some things were sacrificed so i could keep a roof over my head❤️

I then had my diagnostic surgery in April where my pain was finally validated, i was told it was a “Minimally Invasive” surgery, turns out I had 3 procedures done while I was under and I had no idea because I was discharged without my surgeon speaking to me🫠

Fast forward 3 months, im having to go on sick leave again because my body has proven to me that we can no longer cope with the 9-5 work life anymore👩‍💻

So in my time off from employment I took a deep dive into my shadow work, I got to discover a lot about myself that I would never have known if I did not have the time off that I did, I was able to tap into a strength I have never known, I was able to truly heal my Mind🧠Body🧍🏼‍♀️& Spirit🔮

By doing this I was able to make space in my life to create my own Online Business💻Where I not only became apart of an amazing community but I also get to build on my future to gain the Time⏳Location✈️& Financial💸 Freedom I thought I would not be able to have anymore due to the decline of my health🌿

October Recap🍂🎃This October has been so transformative for me for many reasons, I have been off work on sick leave for t...

October Recap🍂🎃

This October has been so transformative for me for many reasons, I have been off work on sick leave for the last 2 months so I have been able to truly rest, focus on myself and heal what needed to be healed❤️‍🩹

To be honest most of October consisted of me staying in and resting my chronically I’ll meatsuit, so there is not much to show however….I did go to Portugal for my 1st & our community’s 1st offline event, where 100 people attended🫶🏻🌴🌞

This week was filled with so much healing, love & laughter with complete strangers😅Who very quickly then became family, did I mention that it was also utterly life changing?✨

Im glad I had the spiritual rebirth that did before this event as it was definitely needed, as it meant that I had made space to allow this new abundant energy into my being🔮I was able to connect with so many like minded beautiful souls who I know will be around for a long time🫶🏻

I was able to learn an incredible amount from the mentors who created our community & hosted the event, I got to utilise their knowledge and learn from their mistakes so I able to succeed in my business🌿

It opened my mind to truly see what not only our community can do for people but what I can also do for so many women who were in the same position I was in, I was able to be my authentic self and I re-found myself again, my purpose, my values of why I am doing what I’m doing🫶🏻

I got to be free, just following my intuition fully surrendering to the universe and trusted that I’d be okay✨I got to really step into my power, embracing this new version of me and just going with the flow💧

That sounds like a pretty incredible week to me, don’t you think?

Would you want to be apart of something like that? If so then you can fill out the form in my bio and I will be able to connect with you🦋


What is Endometriosis?🦋It is a chronic inflammation disease that affects more than 1 in 10 women and can take between 8-...

What is Endometriosis?🦋

It is a chronic inflammation disease that affects more than 1 in 10 women and can take between 8-10 years for a diagnosis❤️‍🩹

Endometriosis can impact every aspect of a woman’s life and yet it is still significantly under researched & under funded💸

These are the symptoms that I have experienced with just endometriosis alone, remember that it affects every women differently🫶🏻

Some of these symptoms are common, while others are not but regardless if you are experiencing any of these then please go speak to your GP, as none of this is normal❤️

If you are already in the process of trying to get diagnosed, do not stop fighting & advocating for yourself or others who may need it🎗️

It’s unfortunately a long upheaving battle but at least we are all in this together💕


The power of self love ❤️Today I want to talk about self love & the power it can have on your life… im gonna be real, I’...

The power of self love ❤️

Today I want to talk about self love & the power it can have on your life… im gonna be real, I’ve been told I was fat & ugly for the majority of my life… An speaking from experience, when your surrounded in a negative environment for a long period of time your gonna believe what’s being said🦋

So for a while I was just as bad as my abusers, because it was all I knew how to talk to & about myself.. Until one day I decided to stop doing that, it wasn’t helping me feel better, it was doing nothing for me expect bring my self esteem down with it❤️‍🩹

So I started on this self love journey that felt completely alien to me, I didn’t know where to start, especially when I didn’t like what I would see in the mirror or even know what self love was…

But over time with continuous effort by me , for me I was able to shift that negative thought pattern and turn it into something beautifully positive🧚🏼‍♀️

On my healing journey I came to realise there was never anything actually wrong with me, it was the people I had around me who just wanted to dim or steal my light✨

Through my self love journey I came to realise that I am a beautiful being, my body has gone through a lot to make sure we survived what we did so why wouldn’t I love her?

Aphrodite is depicted all over the world as the epitome of love & beauty, my body just happened to be designed like hers and she’s a fu***ng GODDESS, so again why would I say anything that was not positive about it?

You will start to see yourself the way you actually look, once you strip down all the negative energy that has been thrown your way, you will finally be able to see the beauty of your own light💫

My endo belly & scarring always being front and centre is still a presenting challenge for me but that is something I’m still working on, I would never have been able to post these pictures 4 months ago, let alone 2…

This is the power self love can have on you, your confidence & self esteem, keep loving yourself the way your soul & body deserve❤️

The year for healing 🦋🧚🏼‍♀️🧿This last year for me has all been about healing myself and getting all my health  issues di...

The year for healing 🦋🧚🏼‍♀️🧿

This last year for me has all been about healing myself and getting all my health issues diagnosed…

Now I’m not normally one to share the real nitty gritty aspects of my life but I’m trying to stop that considering how many chronic illnesses I have I think it’s about time I spoke up, not only for myself but for others who are currently going through the same thing I did🫶🏻

So I’m just gonna say it, with my mental health issues alone I have been diagnosed with ADHD, Austim, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder💫

On the physical side of things I’ve been diagnosed with Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, IBS, Hyperbolic Joints and only recently got diagnosed with fibromyalgia🎗️

Most of which I have had for most of my life but it has only been in this last year I finally got my answers💕Like it brings me a massive amount of validation because I have been told for so long nothing is wrong me..

When it was clear that something (or in my case a lot of things) was in fact wrong with me but it also brings so much grief for the lack of care and mistreatment little me received over something I could not control❤️‍🩹

So my point being why I am sharing this with you is that if you any physical or mental health disorders, that make you feel like that you will never be able to have a life again because of how debilitating they can be, I am here to show you that there is a way around it✨

Let me share with you that anything is possible, despite where you come from or what chronically ill meatsuit your given in this life❤️🧚🏼‍♀️🧿

The year for healing 🦋🧚🏼‍♀️🧿This last year for me has all been about truly healing myself and getting all my health issu...

The year for healing 🦋🧚🏼‍♀️🧿

This last year for me has all been about truly healing myself and getting all my health issues finally diagnosed…

Now I’m not normally one to share the real nitty gritty aspects of my life but I’m trying to stop that considering how many chronic illnesses I have, I think it’s about time I spoke up, not only for myself but for others who are currently going through the same thing I did, well still am🫶🏻

So I’m just gonna say it, with my mental health issues alone I have been diagnosed with ADHD, Austim, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder💫

On the physical side of things I’ve been diagnosed with Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, IBS, Hyperbolic Joints and only recently got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia🎗️

I have had most of these for the majority of my life but it has only been in this last year I finally got my answers💕Like it brings me a massive amount of validation because I have been told for so long nothing is wrong me..

When it was clear that something (or in my case a lot of things) was in fact wrong with me but it also brings so much grief for the lack of care and mistreatment little me received over something I could not control❤️‍🩹

So my point being why I am sharing this with you is that if you any physical or mental health disorders, that make you feel like that you will never be able to have a life again because of how debilitating they can be, I am here to show you that there is a way around it✨

Let me share with you that anything is possible, despite where you come from or what chronically ill meatsuit your given in this life..Our illnesses do not define us, it’s how how we react to them & handle it that matters, are you going to let it control you?❤️🧚🏼‍♀️🧿

How much are you willing to leave behind?✨It’s true when they say the best things in life do not come easy, because if i...

How much are you willing to leave behind?✨

It’s true when they say the best things in life do not come easy, because if it were then everybody would be on that band wagon🦋

I don’t think people realise just how much you have to grow, let go & sacrifice to get to where you want to be in life✨

There is a lot of internal & external work that needs to be done before you can go demanding manifestations from the universe, I think that Is what catches people out🔮

Have you ever let go of people or situations that do not bring you either love, positivity, support or even kindness?

Do you stay stuck in your old habits & beliefs because your comfortable staying there?

Are you wanting another reality for yourself?

Are you willing to work hard to get there?

If so, then click on the link that is in my bio and we will go from there🥰

Well that’s a wrap, what an incredible week it has been❤️This week has been incredibly life changing, more than I ever t...

Well that’s a wrap, what an incredible week it has been❤️

This week has been incredibly life changing, more than I ever thought possible..Like I knew it was going to alter my perspective but I never could have anticipated the positive impact it has had on me🫶🏻

Nearly 2 years ago I used to watch my mentors stories, seeing everyone gather together to make the world a better place and wishing to be apart of that mission, well look at where I’m at now✨

Not only have I manifested a place in one of these group photos but also found a beautiful community that is just filled with so much love & support, we have an opportunity to help raise the collective and to also help people realise their truth health🌿

That’s pretty amazing if you ask me🙌🏻

DM me CHANGE if you also want to leave your footprints in the sands of time👣 and make a difference in this lifetime💕

I’m so glad I listened to my intuition✨Sometimes even I don’t trust my own intuition, I allow the self doubt to creep in...

I’m so glad I listened to my intuition✨

Sometimes even I don’t trust my own intuition, I allow the self doubt to creep in and make me question if what I’m feeling or thinking is the right decision to make, an by doing this I have missed out on so many things because of it🙄

However, on the odd occasion I do listen to my intuition and allow my spirit guides to guide me, I am blessed with so much abundance that I honestly wouldn’t have chosen for myself as I didn’t believe I would ever able to live that kind of life🌸

Well here I am living my best life, meeting members of my soul tribe and building on my business, sometimes you’ve just got to say f**k it and roll it🫶🏻

Time to celebrate a Milestone in my business🎉🤘🏻 Now to me the words Business Learning Course have always sounded so daun...

Time to celebrate a Milestone in my business🎉🤘🏻

Now to me the words Business Learning Course have always sounded so daunting😳Those words together are enough for my brain to switch off and go nah ‘I’m alright thanks’, I’ll then most likely neglect what I should be doing if I’m not interested in it🤷🏼‍♀️I’d normally really struggle to try and find the motivation to do it…

However, after some inner reflection I was able overcome my inability to stay consistent✨I think it also helped the fact that the course itself was nothing like how my brain interpreted it be🐝

Not only was it incredibly easy to follow, the content itself was great, it was so insightful it made me actually want to learn more and continue persevering with it💫

I’m so proud of myself for finishing the 6 weeks course💕Especially just in time for my first offline event, where I will be able to learn & grow even more🫶🏻

I dare you to take that jump🦋 What would happen if you took that chance? If you took that leap of faith? What would your...

I dare you to take that jump🦋

What would happen if you took that chance?

If you took that leap of faith? What would your life look like?

I read something once that said “when you are scared to jump, that’s exactly when you should as it will always lead you to where your suppose to go” and it really stuck with me for so long because it’s true💫

When I have wanted to do something in the past but was always to scared to do it it, I missed out on that opportunity but since reading that statement I have jumped Every . Single . Time . I was scared and I can hand of heart tell you some of the best things have come out from it🧚🏼‍♀️

I took a leap of faith when I invested in myself & in my business, it has and will continue to open new doors for me🚪Granting me the luxury of being able to work on my personal development, while creating a future for myself I could only dream off💭

I took a chance in following my intuition, by doing this I caused a ripple affect🌀I not only got to help a beautiful soul make a decision that has altered her life for the better, who I also know will help so many other spiritual beans but I also gained a new member of my soul tribe🫶🏻

The universe has a lovely way of rewarding you if you fight through that fear and choose something for yourself, you know will ultimately change your whole life for the better✨

It’s just the matter of are you willing to work for it?

Are you willing to take that risk?

How do you know you’ve evolved as a soul living a human experience?🧚🏼‍♀️For me I know I have evolved as a spiritual bein...

How do you know you’ve evolved as a soul living a human experience?🧚🏼‍♀️

For me I know I have evolved as a spiritual being because this time last year I was at the start of my Endo flare up that completely changed my life, I was financial unstable barely being able to get by even with the job I had then, I was also severely depressed and at the beginning of a very intense spiritual awaking🔮

I was utterly miserable and knowing what I know now the months after that did not start to improve until literally 2 months ago, it really was a make or break situation and for so long it felt like I was on the breaking side of the scale⚖️

But recently I’ve been taking the time to be present💫appreciating where I am now, so I am able acknowledge that even though I’m still healing physically & mentally❤️‍🩹i am no where near how bad I was this time last year, i am now scaling my way back up to the making of the life I want to create for myself🦋

I know I have grown as ive made space not only in my mind, body & spirit but in my life so I am able to build my own sustainable health based online business💻🌿

I know I have grown because in a weeks time I’m flying out to Portugal for my 1st offline event to meet other like minded souls who want to better themselves and the world around them🌍This just means to me that I have also raised my vibration frequency higher enough to be surrounded by other higher vibrational souls🧚🏼‍♀️

It really does show that if you continue to take the time to put in the effort into your shadow work, allowing yourself time to heal and grow✨You will eventually get to where you want to be when you are supposed to be there🫶🏻

Time to be vulnerable🥰So the last month has been quite intense for me, I have been going through the motions of healing ...

Time to be vulnerable🥰

So the last month has been quite intense for me, I have been going through the motions of healing from my past traumas, my mental+physical health and happened to of been going through a spiritual rebirth at the same time💫an anyone who has ever had one knows how fu***ng brutal they can be.. As you can imagine it’s been a bit of an emotional rollacoaster, but in for a penny in for a pound right?

Of course all of this had to come about right at the start of my business journey didn’t it, so I’m not exactly where I thought I would be at this point but… maybe it was suppose to happen exactly this way🫶🏻Im surprisingly grateful for it to be happening the way that it is because it’s working for me, even if it not all sunshine and rainbows🌈 like how am I suppose to help other people if I’m still going through the trenches myself?

Allowing myself to feel my emotions have always been a struggle for me, growing up from an early age I was taught that my feelings and emotions didn’t matter, so it has taken me a long time to reprogram my brain to get to this point where I am not only able to speak about it but I’m finally able to allow myself to feel what needs to be felt🌸

This is why I love having my own online business that truly focuses on my health & wellbeing🌿I’m given the time that I’ve never had before to fully allow what needs to come through and heal the wounds that are still very much present❤️‍🩹
It has given me the opportunity to be able to better not only myself but others around me, which is why I think it’s so important to speak up on things most people would keep to themselves in fear of being judged or not believed🫶🏻

Well I’m hear to tell that healing isn’t linear and even though years may have past it’s still okay to feel the way that you do, it’s okay to allow yourself to cry, scream or shout out what you have buried deep down..

Your feeling these things because they clearly still need addressing, which is what I’m still learning to cope through, healing isn’t just all love and light💫it’s also dark and painful but then end result of making it past that pain makes it all worth it🦋

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together ~ Marilyn Monroe🧚🏼‍♀️I couldn’t relate to anything m...

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together ~ Marilyn Monroe🧚🏼‍♀️

I couldn’t relate to anything more than this quote, you see 9 months ago I not only lost my job while on sick leave, my physical health rapidly declined, I was financially struggling and lost a 12 year friendship with my best friend….
I was quite literally in the eye of the storm for a long time⛈️So it was extremely difficult to see past the pain and trauma❤️‍🩹

These are some of the major factors that have happened in the last year that has shaped me into who I am now and prepared me for the journey I’m about to take✨ At the time I thought losing my job was the worse thing to happen to me, as it made it extremely difficult to afford live during this cost of living crisis💸However, the said job itself was also triggering my endometriosis and I was still financially struggling while working there doing insane hours, so how exactly was it benefiting me other than make my stress worse? 🫠

With the time I had off from being unemployed (1st time since I was 16) I was able to truly heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually🔮I may not have seen it as being ideal at the time but it was exactly what I needed to let go, grow & heal what needed to be healed💜

The loss of my friendship was also another big blow to the soul, it completely devastated me as we were all each other had for a long time🕰️We grew up together and I was a big part in raising her girls🫶🏻Again at the time there was no looking past that loss, I couldn’t understand it after everything we went through together but through my growth I saw the truth🌸

I realised that she was a very toxic person and I deserved better than the way I was treated at the end by her, the universe really made me choose between accepting what I’m given and take that as face value or to not do that and put myself first, guess which one I did?….

Sometimes sacrifices are needed in order to become your highest self, I wouldn’t be becoming who I am if it weren’t for the struggles and pain of losing the things or people i thought would always be around…Sometimes letting go is absolutely needed, no matter how painful✨





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