The main reason I’ve been absent most of season 4 ….. will try harder in season 5!
The Season 3 Welgun. Let me know what you think in the comments…
The Cooper Carbine everyone …..
Firebase Z boss fight from Easter Egg | Viewers Edition
Love nothing more than to take a viewer through the Easter Eggs on Cold War. Need help? Let me know…
STG is no doubt meta but watching the pc players post their “no recoil” loadouts just aren’t a true reflection of how you’ll see it yourself. Check out this video from a console player and see how it actually looks. Drops me a comment if you’d like to see more.
CW AK47 & OTs9 | Season 3 Warzone | AWalksLad
Who else is feeling the CW AK & OTs9 right now??!
Watch the video for attachments or leave me a comment with questions.
Todays gameplay going through the Outbreak Easter Egg. Just along for the ride
Speaks for itself really. Sometimes maybe good….
Owen Gun | Warzone | Season 2
Meeting AWalksLad.
Putting myself out there has been a difficult thing to do.
I’m going to start posting videos about different weapons with some gameplay footage and attachments.
The gameplay you’ll see is made on console meaning you’ll see a true reflection of recoil patterns and how to handle them compared to what you see from the high end streamers on PC.
Comment if there are any specific weapons you want to see.
Part 2 - clutching the 1 v 3. Comment if you need the load outs for these insane weapons.