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*Dr. Saffa Abdulai’s Dynamic Leadership Brings a New Era to the National Sport Authority*.

*By Maada Lans*

The National Sport Authority (NSA) is experiencing a revitalization under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Saffa Abdulai, appointed as the new Executive Director earlier this year. Dr. Abdulai has introduced a wave of innovation and strategic direction to the institution, positioning it for a promising future in the world of sports.

Since taking office, Dr. Abdulai has implemented a series of reforms ranging from administrative restructuring to engaging with various sports disciplines and conducting comprehensive assessments of sports infrastructure. His vision for the NSA is not only to elevate the performance of Sierra Leonean athletes on the global stage but also to ensure that sports serve as a unifying and empowering force within the country.

Currently, Dr. Abdulai and his team are on a tour to assess sporting infrastructure in the eastern region, with plans to visit the northern province next. These visits are part of a broader initiative to improve facilities and create a more conducive environment for athletic development.

Dr. Abdulai's leadership style, characterized by his hands-on approach and commitment to excellence, has already yielded tangible results. The recent success of Sierra Leonean athletes in regional competitions, as well as the achievements of the national football team, can be attributed to his effective leadership and strategic planning.

In a recent interview with the SL News Blog, Dr. Abdulai expressed his optimism for the future of sports in Sierra Leone. "We are committed to creating an environment where everybody has the opportunity to excel. Sports have the power to bring people together," he stated.

As the NSA continues to implement Dr. Abdulai's vision, there is a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation among athletes, coaches, and sports enthusiasts across the country. With his bold initiatives and unwavering dedication, Dr. Saffa Abdulai is ushering in a new era for the NSA, one that promises to elevate Sierra Leonean sports to new heights.


*"I Hear Your Cries" —Saffa Abdulai Comforts Disgruntled Bo Stadium Workers*

Having listened to their cries with empathetic ears, the Executive Director of the National Sports Authority (NSA), Dr. Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai Esq, put on his humanitarian lens and comforted the aggrieved staff of Bo Stadium during his facility assessment tour in Bo.

His encounter with the said aggrieved staff was not only to lend listening ears to their grievances but also to seek proactive solutions to their concerns. The visit was part of his comprehensive assessment of the Bo Stadium.

Their concerns ranged from inadequate wages (below the minimum standard) to substandard conditions of service since transitioning from the Sports Council to the National Sports Authority. During their conversation, Dr. Abdulai learnt that a good number of the workers have families to take care of.

To this growing sense of humanity, the NSA Boss spoke: "I hear your cries. It is disheartening to witness the critical underpayment of staff members." He assured them their concerns weighed heavily on his conscience and pledged to explore viable solutions.

Acknowledging the complexity of the situation, he noted the employees' civil servant status and the constraints imposed by civil service regulations on salary adjustments. Dr. Abdulai urged patience as he explored avenues such as secondment opportunities for additional allowances or potential transitions to public service roles.

Closing the meeting, the workers expressed gratitude for the first glimmer of hope provided since 2014. They commended Dr. Saffa Abdulai for his clarity and commitment to resolving the issue promptly, expressing optimism for a swift resolution.

In the spirit of progress and empathy, Dr. Saffa Abdulai's engagement with the grievances of the Bo Stadium workers exemplifies a proactive and compassionate leadership approach that seeks to address challenges and restore morale within the NSA.

*NSA Media*


*Tribalism and Regionalism:*

*Time to Unite through Sports*

*Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai*

Approximately one hundred days ago, President Bio entrusted me with the responsibility of spearheading the promotion and development of sports in Sierra Leone under the umbrella of the National Sports Authority (NSA). This appointment has filled me with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and apprehension as I contemplate the potential of utilizing sports as a unifying force for our nation. What better platform exists to champion the cause of national cohesion and the detribalization of our society?

Assuming my role, I entered the NSA fold only to discover an institution marred by division. At the NSA, palpable excitement exists among those who perceive me as an ally and fellow tribesman, juxtaposed with the feelings of fear and intimidation from individuals representing the so-called national divide. In my initial days in office, I engaged a myriad of individuals, both from "my tribe" and from other ethnic backgrounds. The encounters revealed a stark tribal and regional divide that permeates the organization.

The prevailing sentiment among many has been to caution me about detractors; however, these warnings often culminate in statements like "But remember, you are one of us." Those who do not harbor a perceived connection with me are now hesitant to speak up and share their insights, even when they possess valuable advice to offer.

Regrettably, it has become increasingly common to witness the weaponization of tribal affiliations as a means to undermine opponents, even when those opponents may be more competent. Individuals vying for positions often resort to labeling their competitors as members of specific political parties or ethnic groups such as SLPP or APC, Temne, Limba, or Mende, simply because they are unable to compete on merit alone.

As the Head of sports, I firmly believe that sports transcends such divisions and should be embraced by all. It is imperative that we unite under the banner of sports to advance the vision of our President and foster unity within our nation. However, I am disheartened to observe that even within my own team, divisions persist along party lines, regional affiliations, and tribal identities. How can we effectively serve the youths and deliver impactful change when we remain fragmented by superficial distinctions such as tribe and region?

I have made it clear to my team that remaining in their positions is contingent upon competence rather than tribal affiliations. While this message has not been well received by many and has lightened the mood of some cautiously, it is imperative that we prioritize meritocracy over tribal considerations. Unfortunately, our workforce has been depleted as a result of politicians exploiting gullible individuals to sow seeds of hatred. Certain individuals have undermined the very institutions that sustain them, all in the pursuit of scoring political points, to the detriment of our nation and to the dismay of the few who recognize the gravity of the situation.

The challenges faced by the NSA mirror those prevalent within the wider civil and public services of Sierra Leone. The deep-rooted political divide, fueled by the fierce competition for access to limited resources, has brought us to a critical juncture where tensions are escalating.

It is evident that we are capable of more. By leveraging the unifying power of sports, we have the opportunity to bring together the youths and people of Sierra Leone, transcending divisive lines and fostering a sense of unity and common purpose. It is through collective effort and a shared commitment to excellence that we can overcome these challenges and work towards a brighter future for our nation.

My fervent hope is that we can rise above these divisions, prioritize unity and inclusivity, and work collectively to harness the transformative power of sports for the betterment of our nation and its young people.

Sierra Leone's best swimmer to represent the country at the Olympic Games in Paris.

Sierra Leone's best swimmer to represent the country at the Olympic Games in Paris.

Bo Rangers retain Sierra Leone🇸🇱 Premier League title in the 2022/23 season, with four matches remaining. They achieved ...

Bo Rangers retain Sierra Leone🇸🇱 Premier League title in the 2022/23 season, with four matches remaining.
They achieved this after defeating Wusum Stars by 2 goals to nil at the Southern Arena on Sunday 2nd July 2023.

*The Southern Arena Passed the FIFA Mandatory Test with Quality Pro Ratings*The Southern Arena has passed the FIFA-appro...

*The Southern Arena Passed the FIFA Mandatory Test with Quality Pro Ratings*

The Southern Arena has passed the FIFA-approved mandatory test which was conducted by *Kiwa ISA Sport B.V.* on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2023. Kiwa ISA Sport B.V. is a Netherlands-based FIFA-certified artificial pitch testing company.

Passing the FIFA mandatory test with quality pro ratings means the Southern Arena has fulfilled all international standards and professional requirements for hosting international football competitions and operate as a certified FIFA-approved stadium. However, it's no surprise to the management of the Southern Arena as the right processes were followed since the inception of the project and with excitement applaud all contractors (local & international) for the excellent work done together.

The management is certain that shortly, the Southern Arena will be able to host international matches for Leone Stars and other nations or teams who will desire to host their matches in Sierra Leone. A new dawn will be coming in for Sierra Leone football with a better pitch and better atmosphere for the best performance of our players.

The Quality Concept Football Turf Report Summary submitted to the management of the Southern Arena indicates an excellent passing rate in all areas of requirements for a FIFA-approved turf pitch and stadium.

The Southern Arena management will like to inform everyone to be patient and await the grand opening of the Southern Arena as the first FIFA-approved quality pro standard turf pitch in Sierra Leone.

*© The Southern Arena*


Let's talk about our national team Leone Stars as they face Sao Tome and Principe in the Afcon qualifiers today.


World hope outing for disable kids

In a bid to clean the game in Sierra Leone, drastic actions are now being carried out against referees who fail to live ...

In a bid to clean the game in Sierra Leone, drastic actions are now being carried out against referees who fail to live up to expectations. Below is an example of such actions.

A big project for the development of football in my country Sierra Leone.

A big project for the development of football in my country Sierra Leone.

After match day 13 of the Sierra Leone Premier League, here is is the log. Can you tell me where your team is?

After match day 13 of the Sierra Leone Premier League, here is is the log. Can you tell me where your team is?

SL Premier League Board League standings after 12 matches

SL Premier League Board League standings after 12 matches



After several dissatisfaction from football fans, spectators and football club officials in recent times ; allegedly over the poor way and manner referees officiate matches in the 2022/2023 Sierra Leone Premier League officiate matches.

On Friday, 10th February, 2023 during the match between Wusum Stars FC versus Bo Rangers FC at the Wusum stadium, Makeni, presided over by Central referee Rashid M. Conteh and his officiating team from Western Area, were hugely applauded by the home fans by what they described as an excellent officiating in the said match.

The Freetown based central referee was on top of match proceedings with a mesmerising performance which caught the attention of many football enthusiast that were in attendant. His show of believe in his ability with a combined integrity and firmed judgement ; communication and consistency ; common sense and coverage that resulted to a positive outcome of the showpiece, were top notched.

It could be recalled that fans of Wusum Stars FC have been expressing serious concerns over the way match officials have been officiating their matches which sometimes resulted to fans overreaction. According to them, Some of these poor officiating against their team is one of the factors that has contributed to their poor start in the league.

However, in the said match fixture (Wusum Stars vs Bo Rangers) it was a different narrative as referee R.M Conteh terrific decision making from credible position - that was because he read the game and covered a huge amount of ground, left the home fans with no option but to gave him a standing ovation at the end of the match despite they lost to their opponent by 0-2.

According to some of the fans when interviewed by the the SLPLB media, they stated that was the best officiating they have seen so far in the ongoing league season. They also encouraged other referees officiating the league to emulate same from referee conteh for the good and decency of the game.

© *SLPLB Media team*

Latest in the Sierra Leone Premier League as we enter week 12.

Latest in the Sierra Leone Premier League as we enter week 12.


The OlympAfric Center commenced its Youth Games today with basketball competition for Children at Goderich.
According to the Director of the OlympAfrica Center, Frank Turay, who doubles as Chairman of Sustainability Commission at the National Olympic Committee in Sierra Leone (NOC-SLE), the Youth Games aim at raising the level of children from 2022 to 2025.
The programme was supposed to take place last year but it was kick started on 30th January, 2023. It consists of so many activities and it will last for at least two months.

The first-ever Sierra Leone Women's Premier League is getting tough every week.

The first-ever Sierra Leone Women's Premier League is getting tough every week.

Beach Volleyball continues to make Sierra Leone Proud.

Beach Volleyball continues to make Sierra Leone Proud.

Congratulations to Senegal for winning this year's, Chan tournament.

Congratulations to Senegal for winning this year's, Chan tournament.

  The Ministery of Lands, Housing and Country Planning and TAF Global Africa currently Signing a "Joint Venture Agreemen...

The Ministery of Lands, Housing and Country Planning and TAF Global Africa currently Signing a "Joint Venture Agreement" for the Construction of 5,000 Affordable Homes for Sierra Leoneans under the leadership of president Bio.

Founded in 1990, TAF Africa Global Limited is a Pan African real estate development company with presence in 8 African countries and dominance in two - Nigeria and The Gambia.

The second term vision of the Bio administration is to construct morthan one million affordable quality homes across Sierra Leone for Sierra Leoneans.

JUST IN….  I have been reliably informed by Sources in Libya that the Libyan football club Al-Ittihad, based in Bab Ben ...

JUST IN…. I have been reliably informed by Sources in Libya that the Libyan football club Al-Ittihad, based in Bab Ben Gashier, Tripoli. Have agreed on a Six Months Loan deal for Musa Noah Kamara to Bo Rangers. Messages have been sent to contact his agent Roland Ekokobe the Chief Executive Officer of R6 International Sports Agency,USA to confirm the news but he has still not been reached.

Massage From the Chief Executive Officer of BO Rangers Football Club.Babadi Kamara: "On a Sunday and under the hot, burn...

Massage From the Chief Executive Officer of BO Rangers Football Club.

Babadi Kamara: "On a Sunday and under the hot, burning sun, I am here working for my country." The short-term objective of my work is to ensure our most loved National Team Leone Stars play their next qualifying match here in Sierra Leone instead of going to neighboring countries with no home advantage, which mostly count against us. I can’t be distracted by any blog against my personality, for I know my inner self. Most importantly, I can bet my life that those who steal don’t do what I do.

I am not actually disturbed by blogs, but by the numerous calls and messages from well-wishers that keep interrupting my job. I appreciate you reaching out, though.
"Fixing our country is a job for all of us, not just the government."


Sierra Leone Strongest Man 2022 Presentation at the NSA Head Office.

Watch out for another weekend of real football. Match Day Two in the Sierra Leone Women's Premier.

Watch out for another weekend of real football. Match Day Two in the Sierra Leone Women's Premier.

The Current state of the Southern Arena in Bo.

The Current state of the Southern Arena in Bo.

ALL EYES ON GEORGE WYNDHAMThe Proud Paralympian from Sierra Leone who got his qualification to the quarter-finals of the...


The Proud Paralympian from Sierra Leone who got his qualification to the quarter-finals of the Para Table Tennis in the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games would be in action on Wednesday 3rd August 2022 and Thursday 4th August 2022 to fight for a sport in the semi-finals.
After the draw was done on Monday afternoon, the eight quaterfinalists were divided into two groups wherein two players would qualify from each group to the semi-finals. Sierra Leone's Paralympian George Wyndham was placed in Group B alongside India's Alagar Raj, D. Bullen of England and Ogunkinkle Isau of Nigeria.

George plays his first opponent at 12:25 pm on Wednesday and on the same day he faces England's D. Bullen at 7:30 pm as his second opponent.
The quarter-final continues on when George plays Nigeria's Ogunkinkle Isau as his third and final opponent of this stage.

Speaking to George from Birmingham, he said he is physically and mentally prepared for the challenge and he can sail through from the group that is dubbed the "Group of death".
"I don't know much about my opponents, just as they don't know much about me". "I am going into the quarter-finals with an open mind, free from pressure and to make it to the semi-finals".
Sierra Leoneans would be waiting back home to celebrate as George Wyndham flies the Green, White and Blue.

Media Team

TM SALIM APPOINTED NATIONAL U - 17 TEAM MANAGERThe exercutive committee of the Sierra Leone Football Association has app...

The exercutive committee of the Sierra Leone Football Association has appointed Musa Kpokawa as team manager of the national under 17 team.
His appointment didn't come as a surprise to many followers of the beautiful game of football as his involvement in the game has been long standing as he has always been interested in the development of the game especially in the youth /grassroot level.
TM Salim has served teams like MED MANS FC, INNER-CUR, KAI FC, EAST END RANGERS and a lot more in different capacities and he is presently the team manager of of his community team which is FOURAHBAY COMMUNITY. Sources from the FA disclosed that TM Salim's in and around grassroots football is deemed to be satisfactory and resulted to being the most qualified person to server in that capacity.
Musa Kpokawa in his own words, stated that his appointment is like a dream come true as serving his country is his utmost priority. He said working with the Under 17 team is an opportunity for him to continue with what had started.
"I am going to do my best in developing youth football in the country and this appointment just came in at the right time".
He expressed his gratitude by appreciating the executive committee of the Sierra Leone Football Association for believing in his work and giving him a role to play in the country's football.


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