Ragit Productions, Ragit Media or even Rag-it depending on how long you have known the brand for! Now you know that bit, let's rewind even further…
From as early as I can remember I have always had 2 main passions in life, and that is Cameras and Cars. Doing anything I could to take a photo of anything with four wheels and an engine, whether that be a Polaroid camera or one of the disposable ones
you used to be able to pick up from the local ASDA stores, it was pretty clear which way my career was going and what I wanted to do in life. So, where did the word ‘Ragit’ or shall I say RAG17T… HUH?. Basically, to cut a very very long story short! Back in the early day of Instagram, I started to see some of these incredible photographers that I avidly follow upload photos with little watermarks in the corner, this would basically mean you could identify who’s taken the shot but also if the photo was ever shared it was a little bit of ‘PR’, anyway, I didn’t really want to go down the stereotypical route of just using my name, as I’ve always dreamed of one day all of this being part of a ‘bigger picture’ pardon the pun! I couldn’t decide on what I wanted to use or call myself, until one day my dad purchased his first of many mid-life crises cars which was a Volkswagen Golf R Convertible! (No he isn’t a hairdresser, but if you needed a blow-dry, it could do that very quickly!) with the Golf being a convertible or commonly known as a ‘RAG TOP’ my dad found this cracking number plate that's or too matched the car and its appearance, and that was RAG17T! BINGO! That's what I’m going to call myself, RAG17T MEDIA and in hope that one day my dad will give me the numberplate to match! Anyway, a few years went on, the more my photos started to get noticed, the more people used to ask me, what’s ‘RAG SEVENTEEN T’ mean? And then I’d have to give them the full shpeel, so I decided from then on I’d rebrand as it were to a more simple version Ragit Media or Rag-it media which its pronounced (not RAJIT MEDIA as people still say!). Some years on, my dad still hasn’t let me have the plate. BUT, since then and many many hard-working years later, we are still growing and developing as a brand and business, we have been lucky enough to work with some of the biggest brands and names in the industry, some of these to list are Gumball 3000, Stratstone Group including Porsche, Aston Martin and Ferrari, YouTube sensations MR JWW and Shmee150, Bentley Motors, M Sport, BeFastR, RepresentClo, Yelir, My Protein, DNA Sports and many many more! We are currently working with BeFastR alongside the British Touring Car team, PowerMaxed Racing on a very special project, shooting a season-long Amazon Documentary that’ll be hitting the screens in late December 2021! This highlights some of the incredible work and projects that we have been on. So, what do we do? We are creators, we are filmmakers, we are directors, we are storytellers, we are the team that can put your ideas and turn them into digital. Our ethos and approach to projects is exactly the same as it would be if it was an amazon documentary or a couple of small videos for social media purposes, no project we take on is to big or to small! We have created content for small businesses social media platforms and websites to push products/services, we have created YouTube videos to sit on some of the biggest channels, we have created mini docu-series for brands to help tell stories and we have created full season 8 episode documentaries for Amazon Prime. Brand Values
As a brand and as a person, I live my life by 3 simple rules, Educate, Deliver & Reinvest. We believe that no matter how established you are, education has always and will always be the key to growing, we spend hours and hours watching tutorials, learning from people and taking everything on board in order to always further develop ourselves as a brand and a professional outfit. We have always put the client first, I know this sounds incredibly cliche, but we will never over promise and under deliver, on every single one of our projects and commissions, we work very closely with the client to make sure we go above and beyond to deliver. We reinvest, this has never been a ‘get rich quick’ take as much money as we can and run scenario, we are always reinvesting into the brand, so we can guarantee we're always using state of the art equipment to deliver the best possible end results.