Have you been following our journey?? We are just getting started 😉 new event announcement this week 🫶🏻
Tunnel Vision PT 2.
The tunnel popped off last night! We brought you techno , hardcore , bassline , ukg and of course the dirtiest drum and bass there is 🔥 with our special guest mc all the way from Bristol spitting bars through another successful event!! Was you there?? Put your pictures and video’s in the comments section!! J-Flow also gave out some badges last night 🤣 who’s got one??
We are back in the pure west studio tonight 5-7pm for our weekly radio show 👀
Then after that we will be preparing to play in OUT in Pembroke for the first time 🫶🏻
Exciting Day/Night ahead💪
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#thinline #westwales #instagram #foryou #tenby #nightlife #djset #milfordhaven #drunkmemes #rave #day10 #dj #capcut #djs #feral #haverfordwest #wicked #viratkohli #carmarthenshire #swansea #wildwestsounds #swanseanightlife #djsetup #radioshow #djsetupstuff #house #letsgo #radio #djsetups #facebook
Ready for another year of wildwest??🫨🔥🔥❤️. @top fans #thinline #day10 #foryou #instagram #haverfordwest #capcut #viratkohli #djs #djset #wicked #nightlife #milfordhaven #swansea #westwales #drunkmemes #feral
J-Flow & LMNT Packed a high energy set on NYE as you can see from the video it was a little bit warm 🫨 more pics and video’s to follow 🫣
We love the wildside 😎. #instagram #swanseanightlife #djsetupstuff #house #viratkohli #djs #foryou #capcut #djset #tenby #djsetups #rave #letsgo #haverfordwest #dj #djsetup #wildwestsounds #carmarthenshire #radioshow #radio #fᴀils_dᴀy #fails_day #feral #drunkmemesofficial #drunk #drunkmemesofficialis #fails_day😂😂 #drunkmemes #fail #westwales
New Year’s Eve at Club Mambo going to be messyyyyy 🔥🫶🏻🫣
Not long to wait now until we go live on pure west radio 😁. #radio #radioshow #viratkohli #carmarthenshire #capcut #instagram #djsetups #djset #djsetupstuff #swanseanightlife #dj #djs #djsetup #wildwestsounds #foryou #tenby #house #haverfordwest #letsgo #rave #westwales #swansea #nostopping #milfordhaven #facebook #pembrokeshire #wicked #nightlife #carmarthen #narberth
Elmo has the right idea😁
We will see you all tonight 🫶🏻❤️
#instagram #fᴀils_dᴀy #feral #drunkmemesofficialis #djsetupstuff #djsetup #wildwestsounds #drunkmemesofficial #drunkmemes #drunk #viratkohli #dj #carmarthenshire #fails_day😂😂 #djs #djsetups #fails_day #swanseanightlife #capcut #djset #fail #foryou #tenby #house #haverfordwest #letsgo #rave #westwales #competition #swansea
We definitely do condone it 🫣😁😁
#capcut #swanseanightlife #wildwestsounds #fails_day #fᴀils_dᴀy #drunkmemesofficial #instagram #drunk #carmarthenshire #djset #feral #viratkohli #djsetups #drunkmemesofficialis #dj #djsetupstuff #djs #djsetup #drunkmemes #fails_day😂😂 #fail #foryou #tenby #house #haverfordwest #letsgo #rave #westwales #competition #swansea
It do be like that sometimes 🤣. #wildwestsounds #viratkohli #carmarthenshire #fails_day😂😂 #dj #instagram #swanseanightlife #drunkmemes #feral #drunk #djsetupstuff #djsetups #fails_day #djset #capcut #drunkmemesofficialis #djsetup #fᴀils_dᴀy #drunkmemesofficial #djs #fail #wildwestsounds #foryou #tenby #house #haverfordwest #letsgo #rave #westwales #competition #swansea