Are you making friends with your future self?
Picture yourself in 10, 20, 30 years time...
☀️ What does your day look like?
👗 What are you wearing?
🌊 What is the view from your window?
🧘🏾♂️ How are you approaching work?
💕 Who are you surrounding yourself with?
What does success look like for you at THAT age?
🔮 Maybe you’ve written that book, finished that screenplay, bought / sold that company and you’re living the healthiest version of yourself.
I ask this because transforming our story requires imagination, creativity and introspection.
Looking ahead (not in the past) will help you to create the life you want to live and imagining with such focus and detail will turn those scary decisions and distant dreams into a very tangible reality.
I think it was who shared on a podcast episode that being able to fully trust in your own decision making requires practice, to become a habit, that will lead you to the best version of your future self.
As we head into week two of the Personal Branding Challenge, I’d like to encourage my fellow founders to ditch the comparisonitas, and hone in on what the ultimate version of your future yourself would want you to be doing in this moment, RIGHT NOW, to start building the life you want to look back on with a smile on your face.
I see personal branding as the habit we need to keep practicing to create the best future version of ourselves.
What would 80 year old you be advising you to make a start on? 👵🏾 👨🏽🦳