“People buy from people they like” and before they meet you physically, they’re going to judge whether they like you based on what they see on the screen.
Think about it, if your business services require physical contact like physios, trainers, health professionals, cosmetics etc. Then you’ll know that how you come across, will impact your sales. If people like you, and like seeing you, then as long as your product is good, they’ll continue to purchase your services. If they don’t like you, then even if your service is great, they’ll go elsewhere. Therefore it’s vital that your marketing presence and content is catered to your market. For service based, you’ll want to appear friendly & knowledgable in your field. Therefore plenty of content involving you & your clients/models with smiles, and regular posting of informative content, will leave people with a good impression of you before they even meet you.
Think about it for yourself, perhaps you’ve been to a coffee shop, or booked in for a message, a consultation somewhere…and unfortunately you had a bad service experience with the person dealing with you. Did you go back? Even if you know they’re good, or others tell you they’re good. If you didn’t enjoy the environment they provided you with, you didn’t return did you.
Well. it works the same for you. Contact me to get your content levelled up for your market and your services.