Great fun creating this piece for our good friends over at @fender with the hottest band of the moment… @wetlegband
This is the 60 second teaser - Full 3 song session on Fender’s YouTube channel now 🎸
Awesome squad on this one!! ❤️❤️
Director// @pentimax91
DOP// @andihamptondop
Producer// @ultragold
Production Manager// @oyinfowowe
AD// George Nelson
Production Assistant// @matiashudsonfilm
1st AC// @alexrawsonfocuspuller
Trainee// Oliver Wesley
Gaffer// @lawbenjamin65
Spark// Kevin Malbas
Spark// Alex Cullen
Art Director// @artdept_han
Art Assistant// Lucie Butler
Art Assistant// Mollie Curtis
Dancers// @clarice_lantalilly @rosealiceofficial
Post Producer// @bamyrazz
Editor// @pentimax91 @andredenervaux
Sound Design// @cloudbreakcreative
Colour// @colourbymegwan
3 Cities in 3 Days for @vans_europe a few years back. Travelling around Europe to hang with some awesome creatives @nairone @roseyjones @dailygoodsldn
Looking forward to our next road trip In 2030! 🤢
Schon! Remix
One from the archives. ⏰
Was great fun to work with longtime collaborator @harryreavley on this piece for Schön! Magazine ❤️
Director / Edit - Harry Reavley
DOP - Andi Hampton
Gimbal - Joe Harvey
1st AC - Alex Rawson
Loader - Joe Rae
Colourist - Felipe Szulc (Nomad)
Sound Design - Patrick Lee
Photography - Max Bamber
New Era x Fulham Football Club
Awesome fun shooting this for New Era & Fulham FC Official