Matthew Burbridge

Matthew Burbridge Shape the world, tell your story.

Everyone is out there thinking the answer to more “success” is a shift in strategy…But really, it all starts with a shif...

Everyone is out there thinking the answer to more “success” is a shift in strategy…

But really, it all starts with a shift in your mind 🧠

Simply thinking differently brings about a new reality and results.

Once you change your internal and external dialogue, things begin to happen for you.

MASSIVE things👇

>more opportunities
>more possibilities
>new outcomes
>more money
>more clients
>more joy in your business
>more of work you love to do

It’s already there for you, you just aren’t tuned in to receive it.

This is the work I do 1:1 with clients— and have done for the past 3 years.

And today, I’m stoked to say…

Spaces for my mentoring are now officially OPEN 🎉

I always open with 3 spaces and I believe I’ve found the perfect fit for client #1.

So essentially, 2 spaces remain.

You can apply through the form in my bio and then if the application is successful, we can book a call.

P.S no, there is no Black Friday offer here.

P.P.S don’t bother applying if you are squeamish about making heavy investments.

Working with me in this capacity is initially a 4-figure sum (5-figures if you stay for the year, 10k+).

I appreciate your time reading today and look forward to your form responses.

5 reasons to hire us when looking for a virtual assistant to join your business👇1️⃣ We don’t hire random freelancers.Had...

5 reasons to hire us when looking for a virtual assistant to join your business👇

1️⃣ We don’t hire random freelancers.

Had experience with VA’s before from sites like Fivver? You’ll know that it can be tough to get someone who is dedicated to the work you are delegating.

Many of the hires from sites like this are working for multiple people on multiple projects and you are never their top priority. No bueno.

We ONLY hire part or full time from our existing portfolio.

The VA’s we recruit for you, are vetted, meet our company standard and are focused on you and your business entirely.

2️⃣ Our prices are fixed but flexible.

Generally speaking, the average cost of hiring a VA (per hour) varies.

Ranging between $4 to $50 per hour depending on where they are from and what they can do.

That doesn’t include the time you spend and revenue you miss out on while searching for someone and actually hiring them.

Or firing them. Or rehiring again.

Our prices are fixed. But we also offer some flexibility. If you need to upgrade or downgrade your subscription, you can do it easily.

We won’t hinder your growth by taking from budget that you don’t have, in the event of needing to cut back expenses (god for bid).

Equally, if you start with part time, and then need full time, we got you.

3️⃣ We help you identify your zone of genius and what get really clear on what you need to delegate.

As soon as you hire us we go through a report with you 1:1 on what you love doing vs what you hate.

Of course some things only you can do. As a business owner, this is just the way it is.

But anything else— can and will be delegated. Once you’re in your zone of genius, we aim to keep you there.

Reason #4 and #5 continued in the comments…

There is a reason why you might be burning out or not enjoying what you do in business……and it isn’t because you don’t e...

There is a reason why you might be burning out or not enjoying what you do in business…

…and it isn’t because you don’t enjoy what you do.

It’s because you don’t do what you enjoy, enough.

When you start out in your journey building a business it’s all new.

It’s exciting.
It’s scary.
It’s fun.

You start making progress, selling your expertise, making money & it feels good.

But after a while you realise that a lot of what you did today, is what you need to do tomorrow.

Repeated & mundane tasks.
Working systems.
Running operations.
Meetings (yay, zoom🙄)
Delivering client calls.
Creating content.

For most business owners & entrepreneurs, this is the reality of running a business.

Yet out of those things, you realise only certain things bring you life.

You also realise that out of all these things you now need to do, certain things you do, although necessary, bring you death.

And if you don’t do them,
Things slow down.
As if you’re taking your foot off the gas.

So you slam the foot down hard and keep going.

You subscribe yourself to a never-ending list of to-do’s.

Only to find yourself between a rock and a hard place.

Growing your business & actually enjoying growing your business.

Two entirely different things.

If this sounds like you, here is what I advise you to.

First of all👇

Do a personality test/entrepreneurial archetype test.

Find out where you are in flow.

Figure out what you actually enjoy spending your time/energy doing, what your natural areas of genius are.

After that, subscribe ONLY to doing these things.

That’s why hiring virtual assistants is the one of the best moves you can make.

It will free up you up so you can focus on the things you enjoy rather than doing things that shuttle you toward burn you out.

Remember what got you here— won’t get you there.

We’re here to help. Part/full-time VA’s are ready to join your business.

If you join us in November, we will pay for your personality test & go through it on a 1:1 consulting call (worth £350).

This way you can be sure you’re in your flow & confident about what you need to outsource.

All gas no brakes. Hmu 🤙

If you hire a freelance virtual assistant, don’t be surprised when the work they do is subpar and they ghost you from ti...

If you hire a freelance virtual assistant, don’t be surprised when the work they do is subpar and they ghost you from time to time.

We recently took on a new client and on the call I asked if they had experience with VA’s before.

He said they’d used some freelancers.
Found them from upwork and fivver.

I asked what that experience was like…

He said…

Not the best.
Not exactly what he wanted.
Thought it would easy.
Felt like he was chasing them up.

And that’s from when he hired them.

Not to mention all the messing around trying to find the right fit for the hire in the first place.

What should have been getting on top of some work he had to delegate turned into a quest.

And it ultimately cost them. This is the case most of the time.

That’s because freelance VA’s don’t generally care about the growth of your business. They care about theirs.

They are looking after multiple clients at once.

They are always hunting the next pay cheque.

They are prioritising clients based on how much they pay them.

So whenever you hire someone like that, just remember that they aren’t an employee, they aren’t a partner, they don’t want to be integrated into your business or be part of your team.

YOU are a client to them.
It’s as simple as that.

With our virtual assistants, they are dedicated to helping you grow and supporting your mission.

We can ensure you are top priority to them because we only hire for part and full time.

They work with you.
And they won’t go anywhere.
Unless you fire them or want to rehire.

Which to be honest, is unlikely.

We use an AI software when you join us that finds out ALLLL about YOU, your biz and what you need, then pairs you to a VA in our portfolio who will be at least an 80% match.

Once they are hired into your team, they’ll continue to learn about you.

From there, they’ll give you 100%.

Most business owners & entrepreneurs are trying to do it all.On social media they make it out to seem like it’s all work...

Most business owners & entrepreneurs are trying to do it all.

On social media they make it out to seem like it’s all working. And I get it.

If they told you how much they were struggling it’d wreck their positioning.

But the reality is 90% of them are experiencing pandemonium in their biz.

Tasks mounting up.
To-do lists longer than Ron Jeremy’s dick.
Stressing over getting things done (that probably don’t even need to be done).
Wondering where to put focus, time & money.
Burning the F out.

Ultimately spending what they don’t have.

I love the hustle.
The mentality.
I really do.

To a certain point in growing a biz and creating a vision, it’s necessary.

Beyond a certain point though- it’s literally preventing growth.


I get it. Because I used to try do it all too.

But I don’t anymore. And haven’t since 2019.

Back then, I made the shift to hire someone after investing in ’s mastermind.

At first I was a little pessimistic, anxious I suppose.

But I knew playing big, meant making scary decisions sometimes.

Mike had my back too.
And instilled faith in me that I was on the right path.

I dropped a couple grand on a company to find me someone and I hired an executive assistant.

I never looked back. The impact was profound.

Sure. It took a while to get used to the “new role” I found myself in.

Delegating was different.

Eventually with the support of my mentor, I was able to identify what I needed to do, to avoid the draining tasks and responsibilities in my business and stay in my flow.

Life changing. Never needed to rehire, she’s been with me ever since and now is my COO.

So in May this year, I launched my own business in the VA space.

Now we have a small team of incredible humans that are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs & business owners like you scale out of the pandemonium (bedlam) and into eudaemonia (a state of happiness).

It’s why we called the company Eudaim.

If you read this and realise that you might be taking it all on.

Just know, you probably don’t need to. Hit me up if you resonate with this. I got you.

I spent a large portion of my early adult years wasted off my face on all kinds of drugs😞Now, this is my drug of choice....

I spent a large portion of my early adult years wasted off my face on all kinds of drugs😞

Now, this is my drug of choice. And I’m totally hooked🙏

She’s my person. She’s always been my person. My first born. I grew up struggling to understand what love was because wa...

She’s my person. She’s always been my person. My first born. I grew up struggling to understand what love was because was looked at, observed and was experienced in certain ways for me. Maybe you too. There are wounds around “love” in my story. Some deep ones. And still with all that, when she came along, she was the first to show me what it truly meant to fully love someone that is fully them, abundantly, wholly, unconditionally— and feel that love right back. Abundantly. Wholly. Unconditionally. She’s someone who fully loves and is fully loved right back. She’s that person. She’s love. Moo moo. Daddy loves you forever and always. Keep being fully YOU! ❤️

A man who transcended his childhood trauma and became the father he needed in his life.That’s who I am. And breaking the...

A man who transcended his childhood trauma and became the father he needed in his life.

That’s who I am. And breaking the cycle has been on of my proudest achievements.

The abuse and dysfunction in my family dates back generations.

Knowing my children do not have to go through what I went through, just because I went through it, brings me an immense amount of joy.

I need to learn more about it. Especially seeing as I’m going to one day write a book about it all, with the help of my brother of course!

Anyway, to all the dads out there who are truly doing the “work” they need to do, so their children never have to experience things we experienced.

Keep going. I salute you🫡

Annnnd, to all the other dads who aren’t. Grow up. You need to take responsibility for your story, stop playing the victim and wake up to the gift you have in front of you.

Happy Father’s Day to me and all you dads out there! This is my beautiful Millie-Grace and me, we love snapping photos. ...

Happy Father’s Day to me and all you dads out there!

This is my beautiful Millie-Grace and me, we love snapping photos. I should post about us more. I think I will from now on.

Anyway, there is nothing like being a father.

I was born without one. Neglected some might say. Abandoned. A bastard. I remember being called that when I was younger.

I didn’t feel loved by someone who was meant to love you, no matter what.

I had no idea growing how much it would affect my life having children one day. Then that day came…

We had children. Me and became parents.

And it DID affect my life as a parent. But not in the way you might think…

I am thankful I didn’t feel love from a father during my childhood- because I understand contrast now.

I know what not feeling loved is, feels and looks like- in contrast, I also understand what feeling abundant in love is, feels and looks like. I, as a father, get to pour love in to my children and feel unconditional love back. The greatest feeling in the world.

Days like today make me reflect and think about my story. It makes me think about how we can change the story, how we can heal wounds and break the cycle.

What was for us, doesn’t need to be for them❤️

These hugs finished off what was an amazing weekend. I also got to be best man and wedding! Post coming soon… 😬👌

Over the years growing up I recall hearing people in their 30’s and 40’s saying things like, “it all goes down hill from...

Over the years growing up I recall hearing people in their 30’s and 40’s saying things like, “it all goes down hill from here”…

And I used to believe them.

I’ve moved on since believing that in my early teens/20’s.

And since realised they weren’t just talking about their bodies for example.

This language and attitude toward their bodies and what they believe it will look like in the future, bled into other areas of their life.

Money, business, success, achievements, etc etc.

But yo, I just want to say something to set the record straight.

All that was, was YOUR limiting beliefs.

And you know what I’m about to say next…

F**k all those limiting beliefs!

Especially when 99% of the time they’re coming from people who don’t have what you want.

People out of shape > telling other people getting into shape that it is silly, a waste of time and just to “be happy”- s**u.

People that are broke af > telling other people who have an ambition to earn more money that “it isn’t all about the money”- s**u.

People who haven’t done s**t > telling other people who want to do some s**t, that “it won’t work, it’s hard blah blah blah”- s**u.


People who don’t have results in the areas you want to get results, and that don’t talk the talk and walk the walk, can s**u.


Go do some s**t. Try some s**t. Fail at some s**t. Then succeed at some s**t before telling others that they can’t.

Because they can.

You can.

I can.

We all can!

And if you tried and failed and ended up as the type of person who goes around forcing your limiting beliefs on others, understand this…

You are talking s**t and not realising how disempowering your frame is around growth…

Is stopping you from experiencing growth.


It’s never down hill. Unless you want it to be.

So, this message is for you.

Maybe it might make you mad and you can turn things around.


Maybe not.

Anyway, I digress…

I don’t think I’m doing too badly for almost 34 years old.

In fact, I kinda feel like it’s uphill from here on out 🚀

If you want to get food at something, doesn’t matter what it is, there is a simple formula that will work.Always be lear...

If you want to get food at something, doesn’t matter what it is, there is a simple formula that will work.

Always be learning, be open to feedback & NEVER quit.

It’s that simple, but it isn’t easy 💯

Thankful for my coaches .cooper.31945

I spent many years without understanding this and it cost me (almost my life).No, I’m not talking about nearly getting b...

I spent many years without understanding this and it cost me (almost my life).

No, I’m not talking about nearly getting beaten to death on a beach…

Narrowly avoiding capture and arrest when clearing out a grow house…

Having 2 cars stolen and burnt out…

Or even flipping a car 3 times…

I’m talking about the dominating and sabotaging thoughts that occupied the space between my ears at that time.

I’m talking about the internal dialogue that led me down those dark paths in the first place.

When I was in my mid twenties, I had narrowly avoided prison or death several times.

The common theme in my life became a vibration of shame and guilt, with pain and suffering.

As it had been the theme growing up between 0-7 years old - I was running a programme.

But I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

And I didn’t know how else to do things.

I felt like a victim, all the time.

I thought that everything was out to get me.

Those thoughts were all consuming.

And that almost cost me my life.

We’re years down the line now.

I’m a father of 3 beautiful girls.

My family eat good.

And know we always will.

It’s been over a decade since many of those things happened.

Fortunately, I was one of the rare ones who through deep work, investing in myself and mentors made it to the other side.

What I have learnt over the past 10+ years is that a lot can be said for mastering your internal dialogue.

And that the inner dialogue you choose to tune into, the language you use and the way you describe experiences you are having in life, matter.

Your external outcomes are a result of your internal musings so to speak.

If you focus on “battling your demons” - then demons is what you’ll find.

That almost cost me my life.

More than once.

You don’t need to let it happen to you.

You got this.

I was just reflecting from a few years ago……and sat in my feels with this one.We are a few years down the line now from ...

I was just reflecting from a few years ago…

…and sat in my feels with this one.

We are a few years down the line now from when this photo was taken and LOT has happened in that time.

-leaving FitStory, coaching and the podcasting to invest my everything in a brick and mortar business
- Iona-cunaide Gill having severe sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum) and being hospitalised when the twins were born
-Covid (the cold, and all the weird s**t that happened with that)
-finding out about my sisters diagnosis
-almost losing everything I worked so hard for the past 6 years
-dealing with repressed trauma and parts of my story that I didn’t want to confront

And of course…

-pretty much turning vegan (lol)

To name a few of the “hairiest” moments.

But you know what?

As much of a crazy time it was.

As unhinged as I became at times.

As difficult the mountain seemed to be to climb.

I’m just so glad that I got to experience it all with YOU!

What we’ve been through together and what we’re willing to do for each other is everything.

And sure, days can be tough- but just remember, no matter how tough they may be, we’re blessed to have each other and our girls.

I love you so much and will ALWAYS have your back in this life and forever.

And thank you to all of you who have had mine/ours this past few years.


 when I get to blue belt, you’ll be a purple belt. Then, things are going to get REALLLY fun.

when I get to blue belt, you’ll be a purple belt. Then, things are going to get REALLLY fun.

Trust yourself. And do the work. The universe is working on your behalf. Trust it.And do the work. I have been and it’s ...

Trust yourself.

And do the work.

The universe is working on your behalf.

Trust it.

And do the work.

I have been and it’s paying off.

Born fatherless without a positive family dynamic. Childhood trauma. All the hardships and victimhood resulting in drug addiction and bulls**t. Chose working out over prison and/or death. Trained consistently in some way for over 12 years. Changed my entire life and story.

I’m grateful, but not satisfied.

I know myself, what I want and what is required of me to become who I want to be.

And I know so long as I show up trusting myself and doing the work, that the universe is always working on my behalf.

It’s like, I always asked for a decent set of quads and well…

They’re comingggg 😉👉

Terrible selfie - but I am thankful for this guy, .coaching Little backstory…Back in 2018-2019 Scott hired me as his men...

Terrible selfie - but I am thankful for this guy, .coaching

Little backstory…

Back in 2018-2019 Scott hired me as his mentor to help with his business and primarily, his mindset.

We’d meet up for our coaching sessions, the good old fashioned way.

In person. Face to face.

And because were local to each other, we would take the opportunities we had to train together as well.

Within weeks of working with him I knew he would shape the world with his story and the brand.

I can see him doing that today, in his own unique way through how he serves the women he works with.

It’s a pleasure to watch his vision unfold and still be part of it in some way all these years later.

We still training together from time to time too.



I see you bro.

I appreciate you.

I know how hard you work.

And I know that everything you want, is on its way to you 🙌

I keep seeing pictures of me pop up from around 2017-2018 and I am just so ready to reclaim a physique like this as I ap...

I keep seeing pictures of me pop up from around 2017-2018 and I am just so ready to reclaim a physique like this as I approach my mid 30’s.

Naturally, of course.

I endeavour to get back to the 80kg lean muscle mark which is what I weighed in this picture.

I am 70kg now.

And sure, I lost some size this past few years.

Training shifted, as did my “diet” and other variables.

I don’t think going 100% plant based for almost 2 years, finding Jiu Jitsu (again) and running almost a thousand miles really helped…

Equally, I don’t think it did any harm either.

I really enjoyed venturing into new areas of health/fitness and there is a lot to be said for keeping your mind in shape too by changing things up and trying different things.

There was probably just other ways to go about things that would have kept my size and symmetry - I just wasn’t looking for them.

Anyway, I’m back in the mindset and routine to add some size and claim the body I know I can.

Which is full muscle bellies, decent size, shape and symmetry - similar to this shot.

Obviously, with the goal of competing in BJJ this year and doing some other physical/mental challenges.

Suffice to say, I am already on the road to redemption.

But I won’t lie.

It’s not been easy so far.

However, this is me we’re talking about…

And I am always going to confront and conquer the challenges that are in my way.

Time to step up a gear. So let’s fu***ng GO!

With you all the way, bug❤️

With you all the way, bug❤️

Celebrating 33 years on this realm. I made it mumma. Breakfast with moo moo  then gym, movies with my G  (watched Plane,...

Celebrating 33 years on this realm. I made it mumma.

Breakfast with moo moo then gym, movies with my G (watched Plane, well worth a go) and then finished the day off with some tough Gi rounds 🙌❤️

A man, couldn’t ask for more.

Thank you to everyone who made my day.

It’s no secret, often times life pressures you.And seeing as life is very much 99% what happens to you (or for you - dep...

It’s no secret, often times life pressures you.

And seeing as life is very much 99% what happens to you (or for you - depending on the lens you choose to view it through).

It’s widely agreeable that you cannot stop “it” from happening.

The pressure is real.

It is what it is.

What you CAN DO however, like me and my brothers here, is spend as much time as you can fabricating “pressure” in your life.

So when you experience it, you are conditioned for it.

While most people are worried about the pressure and cave.

You face the pressure.

Fabricating pressure however you do it, carries over when your own personal battle of hasting occurs.

That’s why I spend time on the mats doing this type of s**t - among other forms of movement and disciplines.

They all pressure you.

And that pressure is reflected in life.

Have a day, eh✊

“Ponder and deliberate before you make a move” - Sun Tzu.

“Ponder and deliberate before you make a move” - Sun Tzu.

Happy 2nd birthday Twinnies 🎉Me,  are here for you, to love you and protect you, forever and always. Wish em’ a day, eh ...

Happy 2nd birthday Twinnies 🎉

Me, are here for you, to love you and protect you, forever and always.

Wish em’ a day, eh 🥳

I’ve found myself thinking about a lot this past few days 🧐 No. More than thinking…I’ve been deeply reflective.Reflectin...

I’ve found myself thinking about a lot this past few days 🧐

No. More than thinking…

I’ve been deeply reflective.

Reflecting on past.

Thinking into the future.

And about the actions I want to take in business, relationships and health, as next year approaches very quickly.

I’m sure you have been, too.

Well here are 3 things (out of a much larger list) of what I am taking into the new year.

1. In business, my old mentor for late 2019-2020 helped me discover that as a star profile (on the wealth dynamics test) I naturally should totally promote more people.

I have my eyes on a few brands, products and services that I want to work with in 2023 and promote on my podcast.

FitstoryTV has a future, I’m going ALL IN 🔥

2. In relationships, learning from the past couple years that cost me greatly (in more ways than one).

I know who I am. It’s about finding people that align with that energy and not changing it to please others.

Be real ✌️

3. In health, I have non-negotiable things that I must do to stay in top shape, year round and always be ready.

Last year it ran 32 miles just 4 months after running my first 5k and did some cool mental/physical toughness stuff but this year I am going to challenge myself in new ways.

It’s time to get in the hurt locker ☠️

So these are just some of the things I wanted to share about what I am taking into the new year.

I’ve been really MIA and inconsistent on social media this past 6-9 months - been going through and growing through a lot.

But it’s always good to reconnect/connect and hear about what you’ve got on your mind about 2023 and beyond...

Share below👇

Me, beautiful baby mumma & our incredible children wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas..And an abundant (in hea...

Me, beautiful baby mumma & our incredible children wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas..

And an abundant (in health, wealth and relationships) as f**k 2023🙏

P.S love you forever + always❤️


On the mats with these savages this week was amazing🙌It’s actually the second time I’ve travelled to  and all I can say ...

On the mats with these savages this week was amazing🙌

It’s actually the second time I’ve travelled to and all I can say is I’m grateful for the invites, teachings and community.

I can fully appreciate the levels in BJJ and am thankful to meet so many killers from all walks of life who all want to see the game and all it’s players develop.

Thanks to on the day too who was an awesome host.

See y’all soon for more murder yoga.

Pre-Christmas NoGi rounds with these lot ✊See you on the mats in the next couple days for more ninja s**t.

Pre-Christmas NoGi rounds with these lot ✊

See you on the mats in the next couple days for more ninja s**t.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas🎄 and me wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas🎄

and me wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas.

Yo, if life is tough now it can only get better.Patch up your problems. Elevate past your adversity. Transcend your pain...

Yo, if life is tough now it can only get better.

Patch up your problems.

Elevate past your adversity.

Transcend your pain.

I’ve been through a lot of tough times this past two years.

In business, in relationships, in family, in life.

I’m almost ready to talk about it openly (on a podcast coming soon).

But my message here is simple.

At the end of the day, it’s all a matter of perspective.

Wherever you are in the journey of life, remember YOU are still in the journey.

Some people aren’t that blessed.

So if life is tough now, it can only get better.

In London with champ  (also corner) and Nathaniel 👊🔥Breakfast in. Coffee in. Banter in. Comp ready. Looking forward to t...

In London with champ (also corner) and Nathaniel 👊🔥

Breakfast in. Coffee in. Banter in. Comp ready.

Looking forward to the experience. Let’s GO!






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My Bu****it Story.

Let’s go back to when I was 10 years old. Unfortunately, I won’t get to take you back any further than that. Due to the traumatic experiences I faced at such an early age, many of the previous memories I had, were deleted - seriously, I would have to look through a photo album in order to remember things. From what I DO remember, we always lived in rough places, council estates, dirty flats and blocks just like you see in the movies. We didn’t have it good and we never had the luxuries that some people have in life. We had average upbringings, average christmases, average birthday’s and VERY average lives. But what happened next made our lives far from average… And for the next 18 years, I held this story back. Until early 2018 when I decided to set fear to one side, I began to open up and be honest about what happened. Just like you and the other 7.6 billion people out there, my story is unique - and I know it can help create impact in the world so holding it back wasn’t doing me or anyone else any good. For safety purposes, names, locations and dates have been slightly altered. I remember walking to the local shops with my mum to get a news paper. We always got on the with owner there, even though he caught me just weeks before stealing Pokemon cards and one of those collectable magazines with the ‘build the model’ cars things on the front, that day was no different.. He greeted us the same, with a smile and a wave. My mum grabbed a paper, it had a story plastered all over the front page, headlined - “A body found”. Where we lived, that was nothing unusual but I just remember her being quite off as she was talking to the shop keeper, but I didn’t think anything of it (on reflection, I think intuitively, she knew something was wrong) We made our way back home. When we got there, there was a knock on the door, one of my brothers came walking in, crying, hugging my mum, barely able to speak. It was strange to see him in that state because he was always such a strong guy, always held his head high and acted the alpha in almost every situation. He muttered something to her and that’s when my mum told me to go to another room. Little did I know that the conversation going on in the next room would ultimately change my life forever. All of our lives, forever. He proceeded to inform my mum that my other brother, the eldest one, had murdered somebody. Without going into too much detail because it just isn’t necessary, he had bludgeoned the victims face completely unrecognisable during a black out. She came in and told me. I’ll be honest, at 10 years old I couldn’t really comprehend what it meant for the family moving forward but I was about to find out. So as a family, we stormed down to the local police station and turned him in, within 12 hours they had him in custody and before we knew it, our last name was in the papers. You see, a lot of people assume that when something like that happens, the world for victims family is the only one that changes, right? But turning him into the law was just the beginning. Ours lives fell apart. Destruction unravelled at an unfathomable level. It caused a serious ripple effect and things began to spiral out of control very fast. The area we lived in was rough, like I said. A tough place to grow up and while my brother was in custody, the victims family and friends were obviously unable to get to him, so we quickly became the target, we were blamed, outcasted, attempts on our lives were made and we were pushed into hiding in our home as the council couldn’t move us right away - literally made hostage in our own home, until they found us some temp digs. “Windows and doors were boarded up and we had police panic buttons installed in the house”. One was situated downstairs and one upstairs, at the push of a button, the police would be there within 3 minutes ‘if’ anything happened. And yes, you guessed it, s**t happened. Multiple attacks on the property in the middle of the night, bricks being thrown at the house and the door being kicked in. At one point a gang of angry attackers almost got in and my brother had to stand at the top of the stairs with a knife in his hand with us behind him while we sat, huddled together waiting for the police sirens. At 10 years old I was completely torn away from friends in school, people I grew up with as an infant, relationships just gone, almost overnight, I became very isolated and was outcasted. Left feeling very confused as to why I was being labelled a ‘murderer’ when I hadn’t done anything wrong. As time went on, eventually the council managed to move us, not permanently though, from one bed and breakfast to another, for almost 2 years while my mum battled and pleaded with them to keep us safe wherever we were. We had barely no money, food was scarce, we even spent time in bed and breakfasts without basic things like a fridge. I remember we would have to fill the sink with cold water overnight to store our milk for a cup of tea (yes, it keeps for around 8-12 hours in cold water in case you ever run out of electric - I won’t charge for that super life hack by the way). After 2 years, a change of location and even a name change by deed poll, we finally got resettled and I ended up going back to school. It was an extremely hard thing to do, I was going through counselling at the time, something that even to this day I found to be useless. So picture this for a moment; A quiet, reserved, slightly awkward kid sitting in the corner of the classroom. To the other kids, I was a target. I was picked on for my teeth, my curly hair and generally how weird my mannerisms and personality came across. I found it incredibly difficult to have a conversation or look people in the eyes and I probably didn’t help myself because, quite frankly I was just a bit weird (still am today but I just embrace it now). Couple years passed and school finished. I left with barely nothing in terms of grades - good job because I went on to find entrepreneurship, which was totally badass. So there I was, a young adult, 17 years old facing new opportunities in life. I saw college as a chance to break away from the people in school who picked on me, get away from being me and change my identity. I still wasn’t in a good place after all the trauma and moving around. I couldn’t go anywhere without feeling paranoid and uncomfortable. We get that chance around college to reinvent ourselves but the problem was, I just ended up doing drugs as a way to escape from reality. Ironically enough, it helped me cope with my paranoia. When I was on drugs, I was a different person, I wasn’t scared, I actually felt in control of my life for the first time in years. It wasn’t long before I began to deal the drugs too. I’m not proud of that but at the same time I don’t regret it and here is why… I had developed this entrepreneurial mindset. Now yes, granted at the time I didn’t know that’s what it was, I was just a mindless idiot selling drugs but on reflection, I genuinely believe I had traits forming that would come back later in my life and resurface, to serve a different market. But back then.. I had a high quality product. I provided quick delivery and great customer service. I consolidated well and retained my customers. I ensured they recommended me to a friend. And I eventually scaled it by getting others to do some of the work for me. And I was good at it. I was just completely misguided and had no one in my life to look up to or show me the way forward. By the time I hit the age of 20, I was taking drugs almost every day of my life, I had been arrested a few times (but not charged), lost a baby, cleaned out grow houses, spent a some cold nights in jail for mindless criminal damage and disorderly behaviour. I even had 2 cars stolen and burnt out within the space of 6 weeks - to list just a few of my misdemeanours and blunders. “My life was merely getting started yet it was so close to finishing. I always found myself in a negative place, both externally and internally”. Emotionally dead, mentally broken and physically drained (I am surprised I didn’t turn to faith, but I am not completely sold on all that, plus, I like dinosaurs too much). 21 was a significant age for me. I had a huge epiphany during a conversation with my mum one day. She said “If you carry on like this Matt, you are going to end up in prison (like my brother) or dead”. At that moment, I realised that if I continued to live my life the way I was, she was right. A fork in the road appeared.. And although I honestly thought my life was pre-defined and that my story was already written, I began to make some SERIOUS changes in my life. I entered personal development, small at first but gradually the steps I found myself taking led me down refreshing avenues of growth. That wasn’t by any means overnight of course, it took an incredible amount of work and what felt like a billion ah-ha moments but most of all, it took me taking responsibility for myself and my actions. I am aware now, years on that the reason it took me so long to make the changes I needed was because up until then, I was selling myself a real bulls**t story. I can vouch for this.. CHANGE THE STORY - CHANGE YOUR LIFE. That’s why I am so connected to storytelling because I understand the power it has, in both the tellers life and those that are listening. Huge impact and connection. And what has it done for my brand? Well, if you are here now reading this then you’ll know. Since sharing my story, it’s allowed me to reach more people, inspire more people and the best thing, is sharing my story has given others permission to share theirs. That’s why we focus heavily on storytelling in the Impact Movement and why I do the same with my clients. So if you are ready, to not only ditch your bulls**t story but step up and share your story with the world through your personal brand, let me help you. I would LOVE to hear from you sometime but if you want to reach out, the best way to reach me is by clicking this button and send me a message or if you would prefer to jump straight in with a strategy call, click here. If you made it this far, I appreciate you. And as always, if my story resonated with you or you got value from reading, just tell a friend about me, that’s all I ask. Matthew Burbridge signing out (for now) Take care and I will see you around. Now go out there and create your hero-movement.