
Arktos Making anti-globalism global since 2009. Increasingly, people sense that something seems terribly wrong with the modern world.

Arktos has been founded to offer such individuals - however varied their philosophic and aesthetic inclinations - the resources necessary to discover for themselves a true alternative to the onslaught of modernity. Arktos on Gab:

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"On the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict," an essay by Rose Sybil, published by Arktos.Rose Sybil explores the complexities ...

"On the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict," an essay by Rose Sybil, published by Arktos.

Rose Sybil explores the complexities of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, revealing overlooked aspects like the West’s double standards, Israel’s contentious origins, and the problematic portrayal of Palestinians as perpetual victims.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict highlights three main concerns:

1. the double standard of Israeli support in the West and Europe by those who push multiculturalism;

2. the foundations that Israel was founded upon conflate religious tribal feuding with racialism, patriotism, and nationalism;

3. treating Palestinians like a victim group removes accountability from Arabs and perpetuates a status quo of dependency of dysfunctional ethno-religious groups on Europids.

All of this must be unpacked instead of treating complex issues as simple because...

Read the full essay here:

by Rose Sybil

“I insist on the fact that the American protection has taken away from Europe the taste for independence and the sense o...

“I insist on the fact that the American protection has taken away from Europe the taste for independence and the sense of responsibility. Atlanticism is an o***m for political Europe; Americanism is a morphine which coarsens us and takes away all personality from us.”

— Jean Thiriart, 'Europe: An Empire of 400 Million'

Purchase 'Europe: An Empire of 400 Million' here:

NEW FROM ARKTOS‘Towards Awakening: An Odinic Perspective’ by P R Reddall“Myth tells of a Hyperborean Folk, those from ‘b...


‘Towards Awakening: An Odinic Perspective’ by P R Reddall

“Myth tells of a Hyperborean Folk, those from ‘beyond the north wind’, precursors of the European kindred. This myth offers the spiritual seeker a logical, rational lineage for a faith which continues to evolve.”

Watch the author introduce his book here:

Purchase ‘Towards Awakening’ here:

"The Acceleration of Awakening," an essay by Zander, published by Arktos.Zander argues that the dramatically intensifyin...

"The Acceleration of Awakening," an essay by Zander, published by Arktos.

Zander argues that the dramatically intensifying war on Whites has catalysed the growth of ethnonationalism amongst the younger generations.


We are being written out of our own history. History books and television programmes, particularly those aimed at children and young adults, are now centred around revisionist lies that the building of our nations and greatest achievements are the work of non-Whites.

Away from mainstream media and on the less censored social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok, you will frequently see little snapshots of actual reality; White people being brutalised in...

Read the full essay here:

Zander argues that the dramatically intensifying war on Whites has catalysed the growth of ethnonationalism amongst the younger generations. I was born, grew up and spent much of my life in London. My childhood spanned the 1980s, during which Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government restored an...

"The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part Two," an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by A...

"The Legacy of H. P. Lovecraft from an Identitarian Perspective: Part Two," an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulović explores the intersection of H. P. Lovecraft’s personal beliefs with his literary creations, revealing how his views on race, society, and political systems profoundly influenced his iconic works of horror and cosmic dread.

H. P. Lovecraft remains a problematic literary figure for today’s liberal establishment. While he is still celebrated as the master of horror and cosmic dread, his personal views on race and society would place him on the “far right” of the currently accepted social and political opinions. To reiterate what was emphasized in the first part of this essay, his views on the above-mentioned subjects may be much scarier to his more left-leaning readers than any of his fiction. In the second part of this essay, we will briefly examine a few instances of how his controversial opinions and...

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by Andrej Sekulović

Released from the paywall:"Éliphas Lévi and the ‘Profanation’ of Tradition: Part Two," an essay Dr. Kerry Bolton, publis...

Released from the paywall:

"Éliphas Lévi and the ‘Profanation’ of Tradition: Part Two," an essay Dr. Kerry Bolton, published by Arktos.

Dr. Kerry Bolton explores the intricate connections between secret societies, Masonic traditions, and the historical underpinnings of the European Union, shedding light on their influence in shaping Kalergi’s vision of contemporary Europe.

Anti-Tradition and Revolution

Levi devotes an entire section of 'The History of Magic' to the subject of ‘Magic and Revolution’.

Continental Masonry became the current for spreading atheism and materialistic doctrines in the manner described by Guénon.

Some particularly interesting commentary on the role of secret societies comes from Conrad Goeringer, the Director of Public Policy for American Atheists and staff writer for the 'American Atheist Magazine'. Goeringer, a well-known atheist scholar in the United States, often focuses on such subjects, and while eschewing any notion of ‘conspiracies’ nonetheless has written of the mystical association of revolutionary secret societies in a manner that accords with the ‘counter-’ and Anti- Traditional descriptions of Guénon and...

Read the full essay here:

by Dr. Kerry Bolton

Jason Reza Jorjani – Interregnum  #73Jason Jorjani discusses his new book 'Psychotron', which outlines the psychic arena...

Jason Reza Jorjani – Interregnum #73

Jason Jorjani discusses his new book 'Psychotron', which outlines the psychic arena in which techno-totalitarianism and techno-idealism now stand opposed across battle lines that defy the space-time continuum. Giving a philosophy-with-the-hammer analysis of the regressive Great Reset, as currently enforced by the anti-human globalist elite, Dr Jorjani reminds us that truly effective worldview warfare requires exiting comfortable perception bubbles — and validating alternative timelines.

Watch the podcast here:

Purchase 'Psychotron' here:

Sisyphus Radio: The Dutch ElectionsThe Sisyphus panel explores the surprising outcomes of the Dutch national elections. ...

Sisyphus Radio: The Dutch Elections

The Sisyphus panel explores the surprising outcomes of the Dutch national elections. We dig into the odd swing to the right and sudden support for a party that has been demonized for over a decade. Are they, the PVV (Party for Freedom), the true opposition that can turn the globalist tendencies around? Perhaps all is not that clear in the murky political landscape. The panel tries to elucidate some of the underlying driving factors of these remarkable election outcomes.

Listen to the podcast here:

Released from the paywall:"Éliphas Lévi and the ‘Profanation’ of Tradition: Part One," an essay by Dr. Kerry Bolton, pub...

Released from the paywall:

"Éliphas Lévi and the ‘Profanation’ of Tradition: Part One," an essay by Dr. Kerry Bolton, published by Arktos.

Dr. Kerry Bolton examines the profound intricacies of the Perennial Tradition, juxtaposing it with Anti-Tradition, while shedding light on the historical roles and mysteries of Freemasonry and the Templars.

The Perennial Tradition as a terrestrial manifestation of the connexion with the divine order1 has its antithesis in the currents of Anti-Tradition and Counter-Tradition.

On the terrestrial level, Tradition, Anti-Tradition and Counter-Tradition manifest politically, socially, spiritually, and economically; indeed, in every facet of life, the latter emerging as reflections of a civilisation’s cycle of decline when materialism or money values become the zeitgeist. Devolution or ‘The Fall’ is a common belief of the Perennial Tradition, contra the belief in lineal evolution or ‘progress’ held by rationalistic theories that arise during the epoch of cultural decay. The Western civilisation, which has assumed global forms that consume most of the rest of the world, is in its epoch of decline, or what Oswald Spengler referred to as...

Read the full essay here:

by Dr. Kerry Bolton

"The Struggle for the Soul and Blood of Europe," by Guillaume Faye, published by Arktos.Guillaume Faye asserts that Euro...

"The Struggle for the Soul and Blood of Europe," by Guillaume Faye, published by Arktos.

Guillaume Faye asserts that Europe’s survival hinges on preserving her biocultural identity and demographic vitality amidst internal decay and external threats challenging her very existence.

The following is excerpted from Guillaume Faye’s 'Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance' (Arktos, 2011).

The history of the world is a history of the struggle between peoples and civilisations for survival and domination. It’s a battleground of wills to power. It’s an uninterrupted succession of prolific tragedies resolved solely through the creative powers of the determinant forces. Class struggle is no less a reality, but of a secondary order.

A people’s long-term vigour lies in its germen, i.e., in the maintenance of its biological identity and its demographic renewal, as well as in the health of its mores and in its...

Read the full essay here:

Purchase 'Why We Fight' here:

"Meta-Politics and Spiritual Ascension," an essay by P R Reddall, published by Arktos.P R Reddall argues that Odinism re...

"Meta-Politics and Spiritual Ascension," an essay by P R Reddall, published by Arktos.

P R Reddall argues that Odinism represents a path of progression, offering hierarchy, equilibrium, and a coherent ancestral link to the mythological beginnings of our Hyperborean people.

Synchronicity, Wyrd, the interconnectivity of all things — science cannot yet properly explain this, yet we have all witnessed the phenomena at an experiential level. This very evening is a case in point. I got into the car with my eldest son to take him to football training. I had my Chromebook under my arm with which to write this article, together with a scrap of paper upon which I’d scribbled ideas that had come to mind during the day. We then put on a recent podcast by an American wolf who has his act together, and in the first minute he touched on some of the very ideas which I had earlier noted down for my article.

If such things happened only once, then we could pass these events off as ‘coincidence’... but they happen regularly and it appears that...

Read the full essay here:

Purchase P R Reddall’s 'Towards Awakening: An Odinic Perspective' here:

Youssef Hindi – Interregnum  #72Watch it here:

Youssef Hindi – Interregnum #72

Watch it here:

Youssef Hindi (b. February 11, 1985, Morocco) is a French essayist. He is the author of several works, and is best known for his work on the messianic origin...

"Chaos, Corruption, Deep Corruption, and Extension of the Domain of Struggle," a speech by Peter Töpfer, published by Ar...

"Chaos, Corruption, Deep Corruption, and Extension of the Domain of Struggle," a speech by Peter Töpfer, published by Arktos.

Peter Töpfer examines the complex interplay of social forces and individual motives in shaping historical events and current geopolitical situations, highlighting the often contradictory and chaotic nature of these dynamics.

Speech at the 'Chisinau Forum: UN Agenda 21 and the Great Reset – The Fall from Liberalism to Technocracy and Transhumanism', September 9, 2023.

Historical events can be the result of effects emanating from fairly unified forces. Then peoples or large social groups stand relatively united behind an action: the interests are relatively clear and motivate the individuals to work together towards a goal.

But that’s actually not the rule. Even in a dictatorship that is tightly run from above and uses a great deal of force, different forces can be in competition with each other that the dictator does not really have under control. With regard to the Third Reich, for example, one speaks of an ‘anarchy of offices’. But even below the offices, groups there worked against each other as well as with each other upwards against the regime. Hi**er certainly did not have all this under control. And even if the competition of subordinate leaders may have been in his interest as supreme commander — the so-called playing off of actors against each other and the balancing of their interests — that did not have to be the case at all. Forces that were clearly working covertly against him need not even be mentioned here, although...

Read or watch the full speech here:

by Peter Töpfer

“For I deem it to be the chief function of history to rescue merit from oblivion, and to hold up before evil words and e...

“For I deem it to be the chief function of history to rescue merit from oblivion, and to hold up before evil words and evil deeds the terror of the reprobation of posterity.”

– Tacitus, 'Annals'

"Third Reich Art in Arnhem," an essay by Hans Vogel, published by Arktos.Hans Vogel challenges the narrative of the Arnh...

"Third Reich Art in Arnhem," an essay by Hans Vogel, published by Arktos.

Hans Vogel challenges the narrative of the Arnhem Museum’s exhibition of Third Reich art, questioning its interpretation and highlighting the broader historical context.


In order to control the opinions of the visitors and to make sure they have the politically correct mindset when contemplating each painting, the exhibition is tightly structured. Organized into separate chapters, such as the glorification of many virtues in war (of course, since it is about N**i art!), the idealization of agriculture, rural life and traditions, and of industry, construction, nature and the human body, each section carries a concise explanation of the topic. Within each section, each individual painting has a politically correct interpretation, telling the visitor what he is actually looking at and...

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Hans Vogel challenges the narrative of the Arnhem Museum’s exhibition of Third Reich art, questioning its interpretation and highlighting the broader historical context. The Arnhem Museum in the Netherlands deserves praise for organizing the exhibition

"The Phonies Will Be Revealed," an essay by Kenneth Schmidt, published by Arktos.Kenneth Schmidt discusses the current p...

"The Phonies Will Be Revealed," an essay by Kenneth Schmidt, published by Arktos.

Kenneth Schmidt discusses the current political shift toward national-conservative governments and the challenges they face in maintaining their agendas.

Back in the nineties, I was giving speeches and writing articles claiming that nationalism, in some form, would become a major political trend in the West.

It didn’t take a prophet or son of a prophet or any brilliance to predict that a major force would challenge the neoliberal world order. Of course, men like Francis Fukuyama were predicting the “end of history” and envisioning an entire world under the thrall of the wrestling tag team of John Stuart Mill and Adam Smith. Poor Dr. Fukuyama can be perhaps forgiven for his error; being the son of a Japanese immigrant, he perhaps did not fully understand the inscrutable and mysterious ways of...

Read the full essay here:

by Kenneth Schmidt

"Liberalism with Marxist Characteristics," an essay by Christopher Jolliffe, published by Arktos.Christopher Jolliffe ex...

"Liberalism with Marxist Characteristics," an essay by Christopher Jolliffe, published by Arktos.

Christopher Jolliffe examines the Marxist-liberal synthesis, probing its impact on society, family structure, and individual identity, while predicting its eventual collapse due to inherent contradictions.

It appears in our age that there is little reflection on what has happened to our collective ideational dispensation. Part of this can be put down to the decline of the mind, which appears to have happened in tandem with the great proliferation of things to do our thinking for us — this without mentioning our educational institutions intent on churning out credentials like Zimbabwean dollars, paid for in indulgences a little less valueless. If you prefer, we can blame that Stygian companion to post-modern life and social media, which has done more to dull our thinking than the most potent op**te. If that doesn’t suffice, lay the blame with our ever-increasing empirical bent. If something isn’t peer-reviewed, backed by several studies, and produced by a dogsbody of that Zimbabwean dollar factory, then we can safely ignore it. Scientism, and its acolytes, are everywhere abroad, and statistics are their angels; try to read 'Sapiens', I dare you, and prepare to believe that everything that matters is mere functionalism. Efforts to prevent our lives from feeling artificially machine-like betray the truth that, even though we have off-shored our factories, we still live inside them. Inside the machine, it is hard to...

Read the full essay here:

Christopher Jolliffe examines the Marxist-liberal synthesis, probing its impact on society, family structure, and individual identity, while predicting its eventual collapse due to inherent contradictions. It appears in our age that there is little reflection on what has happened to our collective i...

Julius Evola's 'Metaphysics of War' is required reading for all those interested in the Traditionalist movement. However...

Julius Evola's 'Metaphysics of War' is required reading for all those interested in the Traditionalist movement. However, it will be of special appeal to the sort of man who scorns the easy life and seeks to give birth to something noble and heroic in himself.

Buy it now:

"War as Inner Experience: Part Five," by Ernst Jünger, published by Arktos.This is the fifth part of Constantin von Hoff...

"War as Inner Experience: Part Five," by Ernst Jünger, published by Arktos.

This is the fifth part of Constantin von Hoffmeister’s translation of Ernst Jünger’s profound treatise 'War as Inner Experience', which will be published here in installments.


As the war flared like a torch over the gray masonry of the cities, everyone suddenly felt torn from the chain of their days. Staggering, disturbed, the masses flooded the streets under the crest of the enormous wave of blood that towered before them. Tiny before this wave were all the values whose interlocking had swung time in ever more frantic turns. The fine, the complicated, the ever more sharply honed culture of nuance, the elaborate fragmentation of pleasure evaporated in the spraying crater of drives thought to be submerged. The refinement of the spirit, the tender cult of the brain, was lost in the clanging rebirth of barbarism. Other gods were raised to the throne of the day: strength, fist, and masculine courage. When their embodiment thundered in long columns of armed youth over the asphalt, cheers and awe-struck shivers hung over...

Become an Arktos member and read the complete fifth part here:

by Ernst Jünger

"Germany’s AfD: Controlled Opposition," an essay by Tomislav Sunic, published by Arktos.Tomislav Sunic explores the comp...

"Germany’s AfD: Controlled Opposition," an essay by Tomislav Sunic, published by Arktos.

Tomislav Sunic explores the complex role of Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and its potential status as controlled opposition within the nation’s political landscape.

Each time an aspiring nationalist party scores some parliamentary gains, let alone enters the corridors of power, its followers assume that the System faces imminent death, announcing the dawn of a shining nationalist future. Over the last seventy years, such a self-serving delusion has framed the mindset of countless White nationalist voters in the U.S. and Europe – leading, as a rule, to their constant disappointment. From Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in France (Rassemblement National [RN]) to the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the Flemish Vlaams Belang, followed by the recently installed post-pseudo fascist Italian government of Giorgia Meloni, or the would-be second term U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump, along with a few lurking Latin American Bolsonaros, such prominent nationalist voices sooner or later lapse into self-caricature. Even if they miraculously manage to scramble to the System’s gates of power, the next day they will piously start...

Read the full essay here:

by Tomislav Sunic

"Realism in International Relations," an essay by Alexander Dugin, published by Arktos.Alexander Dugin discusses the eme...

"Realism in International Relations," an essay by Alexander Dugin, published by Arktos.

Alexander Dugin discusses the emerging multipolar world, highlighting the distinctive ideological and civilisational paths of various global regions in opposition to the Western liberal paradigm.

Realists believe that human nature is inherently flawed (a legacy of Hobbes’ anthropological pessimism, and even deeper, echoes of Christian notions of the fall from grace — 'lapsus' in Latin) and cannot be fundamentally corrected. Therefore, egoism, predation, and violence are ineradicable. From this, it is concluded that only a strong state can restrain and organise humans (who, according to Hobbes, are wolves to each other). The state is inevitable and carries the highest sovereignty. Moreover, the state projects the predatory and selfish nature of humans, hence a national state has its interests which are its only considerations. The will to violence and greed make war always possible. This has always been and will always be the case, realists believe. International relations, therefore, are built only on the balance of power between fully sovereign entities. No long-term world order can exist; there is only chaos, which changes as some states weaken and others strengthen. In this theory, the term ‘chaos’ is not negative — it is merely a statement of the factual state of affairs resulting from the most serious approach to the concept of sovereignty. If several truly sovereign states exist, no supranational order can be established that all would obey. If such an order existed, sovereignty would not be complete, and in fact, there would be none, and...

Read the full essay here:

by Alexander Dugin

"Truth, Beauty, and Goodness," an essay by Sietze Bosman, published by Arktos.Sietze Bosman elaborates on the notion of ...

"Truth, Beauty, and Goodness," an essay by Sietze Bosman, published by Arktos.

Sietze Bosman elaborates on the notion of modernity as an inversion of eternal values.


What has become of a society that allows its so-called “leadership” to lie through its fu***ng teeth and get away with it? In fact, every time the establishment lies straight to their face, the hordes of morbidly defunct yay-sayers spread their butt cheeks a bit further apart, so they can take it even further up the ass. No values apply, just coupons, discounts, sales, and super sales to satiate the unending hunger for consumerism. Woe he who, in the pursuit of truth, gets in the way of the masses en route to the shopping mall or Taco Bell and throws a big monkey wrench in...

Read the full essay here:

Sietze Bosman elaborates on the notion of modernity as an inversion of eternal values. Truth, beauty, and goodness are eternal, immutable values. The greatest periods of artistic expression known to mankind were periods where these values were dominant but, most importantly, dictated top-down to soc...

"A Letter to the Irish," by Kaisarion, published by Arktos.Kaisarion criticizes the current state of Ireland and urges t...

"A Letter to the Irish," by Kaisarion, published by Arktos.

Kaisarion criticizes the current state of Ireland and urges the Irish to strive for a society free from modern democracy and united under a benevolent monarchy, while warning against violence and reactionary ideologies.

Firstly, I must stress that I bare my teeth in frustration with you. Ireland, once fabled Hibernia, has been reduced to the meanest of forms: crushing unemployment, rampant alcoholism, mass immigration by those least deserving of pity, broken trust in the Church that defined Irish resistance only a century ago; even the Island itself remains splintered along sectarian lines. The Irish drift aimlessly, a third-string concern of the European Union to which it is subservient, utterly failed by Democracy and betrayed by the authorities that have sworn to keep your communities safe. Change must come, and it...

Read the full letter here:

by Kaisarion

"To Whom Does Israel Belong?," an essay by Georg Immanuel Nagel, published by Arktos.Georg Immanuel Nagel argues that th...

"To Whom Does Israel Belong?," an essay by Georg Immanuel Nagel, published by Arktos.

Georg Immanuel Nagel argues that the ‘Middle East conflict’ can never be resolved and no state has the ‘right to exist’.


The ‘Middle East conflict’ is mostly discussed in two incorrect ways: historically and morally. Realpolitik has nothing to do with either. The question of who the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ guys are, as well as who has done more harm in the course of the conflict, is unanswerable. The historical debate is highly interesting but equally worthless. The history of the Jews is certainly very special and full of burning questions, which are interesting, sometimes highly remarkable, but have no place in political debates.

Become an Arktos member to read the full essay:

by Georg Immanuel Nagel

Invite your friends to read Arktos Journal!We sincerely appreciate your engagement with Arktos Journal. Your continued s...

Invite your friends to read Arktos Journal!

We sincerely appreciate your engagement with Arktos Journal. Your continued support is vital in enabling us to maintain and improve our work.

Should you find value and enjoyment in the content of Arktos Journal, we would be honored if you would consider sharing this experience with friends by inviting them to subscribe. As a token of our appreciation, referrals will unlock exclusive benefits for you, enhancing your access and experience with Arktos Journal.

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"The Three Layers of Oppositional Thinking," an essay by Petr Hampl, published by Arktos.Petr Hampl explains why widespr...

"The Three Layers of Oppositional Thinking," an essay by Petr Hampl, published by Arktos.

Petr Hampl explains why widespread public dissatisfaction often fails to lead to significant political change by examining the diverse and conflicting nature of opposition groups and the intricate dynamics that hinder their collective action.

How is it possible that overwhelmingly prevalent popular discontent does not translate into sweeping political change? How is it possible that millions of people, dismayed and angered by the actions of the ruling oligarchy, are prepared to vote for the same parties again?

Sometimes I come across an attempted explanation based on...

Read the full essay here:

by Petr Hampl

"A Pyrrhic Victory for Geert Wilders," an essay by Hans Vogel, published by Arktos.Hans Vogel explores the victory of Ge...

"A Pyrrhic Victory for Geert Wilders," an essay by Hans Vogel, published by Arktos.

Hans Vogel explores the victory of Geert Wilders in the Dutch general elections, a triumph overshadowed by the EU’s aggressive encroachment on national sovereignty, rendering such national political achievements potentially futile.

After more than two decades of humiliation, ridicule and ostracism, last night (22 November) Geert Wilders had his finest hour. His Islamophobic PVV (Party for Freedom), which he founded in 2006, won the Dutch general elections, obtaining almost one quarter of the popular vote. It should be borne in mind, however, that more than one in five eligible voters did not cast their vote, a record for...

Read the full essay here:

Hans Vogel explores the victory of Geert Wilders in the Dutch general elections, a triumph overshadowed by the EU’s aggressive encroachment on national sovereignty, rendering such national political achievements potentially futile. After more than two decades of humiliation, ridicule and ostracism...



"War as Inner Experience: Part Four," by Ernst Jünger, published by Arktos.This is the fourth part of Constantin von Hof...

"War as Inner Experience: Part Four," by Ernst Jünger, published by Arktos.

This is the fourth part of Constantin von Hoffmeister's translation of Ernst Jünger’s profound treatise War as Inner Experience, which will be published here in installments.

The Trench

The Trench. Labor, horror, and blood have forged the word into a steel tower, weighing heavily on anxious minds. Not just a wall and bulwark between warring worlds, but also a wall and dark cave to the hearts it incessantly drew in and expelled. A glowing Moloch, slowly burning the youth of nations to slag, a spun web of veins over ruins and desecrated fields, from which the blood of humanity pulsed into the earth.

From afar, it was already a grip and cold fist at weapons testing and feasts in the villages on the edge of horror, where the fighter...

Become an Arktos member and read the complete fourth part here:

by Ernst Jünger

"Farewell, Argentina," an essay by Cristián Barros, published by Arktos.Cristián Barros criticizes the ascent of Javier ...

"Farewell, Argentina," an essay by Cristián Barros, published by Arktos.

Cristián Barros criticizes the ascent of Javier Milei, a figure emblematic of the systemic failings that plague Argentina’s political system.


Now enters Milei, the winner of Argentina’s recent presidential election. The figure in question stands out for his mental fog and his co***ne charisma, not to mention his mixture of anarcho-capitalism and Zionism, an ideological blend that is becoming less and less exotic in the West. A bastard between Ayn Rand and Likud, presenting himself disguised as a Marvel superhero, the incumbent President Javier Milei is a symptom of the alienation produced by the galloping hyperinflationary environment. Nothing about him seems peculiar to Argentine political culture, and indeed Milei himself poses as an outsider, a player coming to kick the chessboard. Yet the portrait is quite false. Rather, Milei intends to prolong the free-trade jihad of former President Macri, himself a Marrano, although the irreverent and carnivalesque Milei currently adds the extravaganza of...

Read the full essay here:

by Cristián Barros

“The decline of the West, which at first sight may appear, like the corresponding decline of the Classical Culture, a ph...

“The decline of the West, which at first sight may appear, like the corresponding decline of the Classical Culture, a phenomenon limited in time and space, we now perceive to be a philosophical problem that, when comprehended in all its gravity, includes within itself every great question of Being.

If therefore we are to discover in what form the destiny of the Western Culture will be accomplished, we must first be clear as to what culture is, what its relations are to visible history, to life, to soul, to nature, to intellect, what the forms of its manifestation are and how far these forms – peoples, tongues and epochs, battles and ideas, states and gods, arts and craftworks, sciences, laws, economic types and world ideas, great men and great events – may be accepted and pointed to as symbols.”

– Oswald Spengler, 'The Decline of the West'

Purchase Volume 1: “Form and Actuality” here:

Purchase Volume 2: “Perspectives of World-History” here:

“We Have More Allies than It Seems”: Why Philosopher Alexander Dugin Rejects Liberalism and How He Sees the Future of th...

“We Have More Allies than It Seems”: Why Philosopher Alexander Dugin Rejects Liberalism and How He Sees the Future of the World, an interview with Alexander Dugin, published by Arktos.

In the context of global challenges, Russia is finding its unique path and national idea. One of those who is indispensable in understanding Russia’s role and place in the modern world is Alexander Dugin — a political scientist, philosopher, and ideologist of Eurasianism. His ideas have gained recognition not only in Russia but also beyond its borders. Geopolitics, within which he develops his theories, has gained significance not only in academic circles but also among the ruling elite due to him. The new realities require a new ideology, which will be expressed in a new step into the future, believes Alexander Dugin. In response to the hegemony of the Western world, Russia should present its grand idea and become the center of a global alternative to the liberal world order. Alexander Dugin’s Fourth Political Theory is based on concepts such as social justice, diversity, solidarity, national sovereignty, and traditional values., as part of the 'History of Russian Thought' project, spoke with the philosopher about the foundation of his anti-liberal ideology, the current state of the national idea in Russia, and why the Western world is dying.

What is the Fourth Political Theory, and how did you come to create it?

Alexander Dugin: The Fourth Political Theory is the result of reflecting on the experience of Western political philosophy over the last several centuries, i.e., a philosophy that claims universality.

When I was thinking about which political ideology is optimal for Russia, I noticed that all disputes are conducted between...

Read the full interview here:

Purchase books by Alexander Dugin in English here:




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Arktos — Making Anti-Globalism Global Since 2009

Arktos was founded in November 2009 and officially launched to the public on 1 May 2010. Since that time, we have published more than 150 titles in fourteen languages and circulated them globally, both through our own Web site and through our distribution channels.

Arktos has established itself as the principal publisher in English of the writings of the European “New Right” school of political thought (including original translations of works by its luminaries Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye and Pierre Krebs). We have also issued the first translations into English of the prominent Russian geopolitical thinker Alexander Dugin, who has served as an adviser to Vladimir Putin, as well as several works by the noted Italian traditionalist philosopher, Julius Evola. Our books have garnered praise from across the political spectrum, from the pages of The American Conservative to AdBusters. In April 2013, the noted paleoconservative magazine The American Conservative ran a praiseful review of our collection of essays by Prof. Paul Gottfried, one of the principal paleoconservative thinkers, entitled War and Democracy. Likewise, excerpts from our book by the Finnish radical ecologist, Pentti Linkola’s Can Life Prevail?, were included in issue 95 of the famed countercultural magazine AdBusters, which was published in May/June 2011, simultaneously with its first calls for what became the Occupy Wall Street movement. Arktos has also begun publishing works by members of the growing identitarian youth movement that has just recently arisen and begun flourishing throughout Europe.

Arktos focuses primarily on works pertaining to politics and political philosophy, traditional spirituality and religion, history, philosophy, culture, and literature. We have done reprints, original translations and also published original works. To date we have reprinted several works by scholars of the famed “Conservative Revolutionary” school of the Weimar Republic, and published a collection of essays by Prof. Paul Gottfried, one of the principal members of the paleoconservative movement in the United States. Among our other authors is the American novelist Tito Perdue, who has been favorably reviewed in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Reader and The New England Review of Books; Porus Homi Havewala, a Parsi Indian author who is renowned throughout the global community of Zoroastrians for his novels based on their scriptures; and Steven J. Rosen, one of the most important voices in the academic study of Hinduism today.

Arktos does not seek to propagate any specific ideology, system of beliefs or viewpoint, nor do we seek consistency. Rather, we want to provide a voice for individuals and viewpoints who are often overlooked by the mainstream, but who offer original and challenging alternatives to our prevailing culture that cannot be found elsewhere. We view ourselves as offering fodder for the minds of those who envision a world that is different from the one we inhabit today, but are uncertain of exactly what shape it will take. We leave it to the Fates to decide which of these seeds will bear fruit in the future. Arktos on Twitter: Arktos on YouTube: Arktos on tumblr:

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