Let's celebrate teachers who make us skilled and job-ready.
Happy Teachers Day!
IJOHS invites your submissions on your breakthroughs, successes and outcomes in the realm of simulation.
Your narrative on how you employed simulation is certain to help advance the work of several others.
Guidelines and submission details can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/3zP9EMG #healthcare #health #healthsimulation #healthcaresimulation #medicine #medicalsimulation #medsim #medical
Is there a difference between remotely facilitated simulation and in-person-facilitated simulation? Considering a psychologically unsafe environment can negatively impact team dynamics and learning outcomes, it was important to find out.
Unsurprisingly though, RFS is comparable to IPFS. Deep dive into a study that shows that remote simulation is in fact a viable tool for simulation educators. https://bit.ly/3QpLyPh
Debra NestelCalgary World Health Organization SimulationSheffield World Health Organization Simulation - SheffWHOMedical DeviceMedical SimulationSociety for Healthcare Simulation #healthcaresimulation #meded #medicalsimulation #healthsimulation #medicalsim
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Medical Simulation Center at Vincent Pol University in Lublin Medica Healthcare in India HEALTHCARE QUALITY Healthcare Jobs Healthcare Infoguide Health Medical Simulation Simple Moulage for Medical Simulation Medical Simulation Center - MSC Calgary World Health Organization Simulation Sheffield World Health Organization Simulation - SheffWHO #healthcare #healtharesimulation #medsim #meded #medicalsimulation #medicaljournal #medicaldevices #healthcarejournal