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… celui qui est réputé pour être à l’origine du plus grand scandale du quinquennat Macron” Interview: Me. Antoine Domingue * ‘Il est possible que la hiérarchie de la force policière turns a blind eye dans certains cas…En général, ils ne vont pas encourager activement de telles pratiques de torture’ * ‘A Maurice, certains policiers qui sont en civil se comportent comme des agents politiques’...



Read More… Become a Subscriber Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 3 June 2022 An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Times was founded with a resolve to fight for justice and fairness and the advancement of the public good. It has never deviated from this principle no matter how daunting the challenges and how costly the price it has had to pay at different times of our history....


Mauritius Times – 60 Years By Peter Ibbotson The Francomaniac press has for some time been publishing the programmes of ...

Mauritius Times – 60 Years By Peter Ibbotson The Francomaniac press has for some time been publishing the programmes of Radio St Denis; and at least one reporter on Le Cernéen listens to the news bulletins from the radio dyonisienne. It seems that Hon. Sauzier’s letter to the Times, which appeared on March 12, was the subject of a news item in the morning newscast from Radio St Denis on March 13....


Mauritius Times – 60 Years By Peter Ibbotson The Francomaniac press has for some time been publishing the programmes of...

Editorial It would seem that Xavier Duval has reopened the Pandora’s box as regards the conduct and organisation of the ...

Editorial It would seem that Xavier Duval has reopened the Pandora’s box as regards the conduct and organisation of the 2019 elections by the Electoral Commission (EC) with his assertion pertaining to the alleged use of the Social Media Analytics Cloud (SMAC) software by the EC for the last elections – a software that would allow for the profiling of electors....


Editorial It would seem that Xavier Duval has reopened the Pandora’s box as regards the conduct and organisation of the...


Qs & As Registration of Voters …Cloud by the Electoral Commission for the 2019 elections, why should the Electoral Commissioner deny it…?” * ‘Computers were used in the 2019 elections but the Electoral Commission asserted that were not used for the counting the votes. Why were they there then?’ By Lex The Electoral Commissioner’s Office is proceeding apace with its canvassing of electors in what must be the most antiquated method available, that is door to door checking of inhabitants at a fixed period in time....


By Dr R Neerunjun Gopee About ten days ago on Sunday morning I left the road on Trou-O-Cerfs after completing my rounds ...

By Dr R Neerunjun Gopee About ten days ago on Sunday morning I left the road on Trou-O-Cerfs after completing my rounds and was walking on the grass to a spot where I would do some free hand exercises to wind up. As I was doing so, I was followed by a friend who started to engage me in conversation. Up there we all have our own little groups with whom we walk, and that friend was in the group who can go round and round the whole day and talk nothing but Liverpool and Manchester and the league matches going on – that friend happened to be a Liverpool diehard –, which is not my cup of tea....


By Dr R Neerunjun Gopee About ten days ago on Sunday morning I left the road on Trou-O-Cerfs after completing...


Interview – Cader Sayed-Hossen … aucune manipulation quelconque au niveau des élections et au niveau du décompte des votes” * ‘Malgré une petite contestation de courte durée, à aucun moment, le leadership de Navin Ramgoolam n’a été remis en question’ * ‘66% des Mauriciens trouvent en 2022 que le pays va dans une mauvaise direction. La perception au sein de la population que le pays va vers une catastrophe est très claire…”...



Read More… Become a Subscriber Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 27 May 2022 An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Times was founded with a resolve to fight for justice and fairness and the advancement of the public good. It has never deviated from this principle no matter how daunting the challenges and how costly the price it has had to pay at different times of our history....


By Nita Chicooree-Mercier That is all we needed, folks around the world must be thinking to themselves right now. After ...

By Nita Chicooree-Mercier That is all we needed, folks around the world must be thinking to themselves right now. After Covid-19’s trail of millions of deaths, economic hardships, bankruptcy of multiple businesses, high unemployment, disruption in the supply chains, soaring prices of commodities and food, the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is likely to impact the basic food requirements of millions of people around the world....


By Nita Chicooree-Mercier That is all we needed, folks around the world must be thinking to themselves right now. After...


The Abortion Debate It is a sad commentary that courts in Colombia, Argentina, and Mexico have ruled to decriminalize abortion while the American Ayatollahs of the US Supreme Court yank us backward with their medieval thinking By Anil Madan In Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton spoke to the division of power among the different departments or branches established by the new Constitution of the United States....


Judicial Independence Qs & As By Lex There are no indications that our judiciary does not value its independence even if...

Judicial Independence Qs & As By Lex There are no indications that our judiciary does not value its independence even if the current mode of appointment of the Chief Justice, by the President on the advice of the PM, may have to be looked into. Our Supreme Court operates differently from the judicial activism and public interest litigation that were pioneered by the Supreme Court of India....


Judicial Independence Qs & As By Lex There are no indications that our judiciary does not value its independence even...


The idea of healing by openly exposing hitherto hidden truths that have caused immense suffering to so many people across the world is not new, the hope being that such candid revelations publicly made would constitute a kind of collective catharsis By Dr R Neerunjun Gopee The latest that I have come across about the Ukrainian war is that President Zelensky has declared that he is now prepared to consider neutrality, that is not tilt towards the West – US and Europe – or towards Russia, and not push for NATO membership which would automatically mean being pro-West.In this regard, it is now public knowledge that Ukraine joining NATO was never going to be a walk-over, despite Zelensky’s expectation, wish or hope....



The authorities may feel some justification in the continuance of the emergency conditions that have prevailed since 2020 and extended repeatedly, for many citizens there is need for better justification for such a prolonged state of affairs By Jan Arden The term pandemic fatigue, which may have been mentioned here and elsewhere over the past year or so, does not refer to weariness with sanitary protocols and restrictions that were absolutely vital to contain the viral spread and our individual health once the virus hit our shores....



Interview : Jean Claude de L’Estrac ‘Le PM verrouille totalement le système. Cette tentation a été celle de tous les Premiers ministres, mais personne n’a été aussi loin que Pravind Jugnauth’ * “Après la drogue, les paris clandestins sont sans doute la principale source de l’argent sale qui inonde le pays” ‘Giraud en sait des tonnes, c’est pourquoi même les vrais faux propriétaires de chevaux ont voulu qu’il ‘ferme sa grande gueule’…...



Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 20 May 2022 Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 20 May 2022 An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Times was founded with a resolve to fight for justice and fairness and the advancement of the public good. It has never deviated from this principle no matter how daunting the challenges and how costly the price it has had to pay at different times of our history....



Editorial Even if there is no better instrument than elections to express the people’s will in a democracy, opinion polls at times constitute an efficient way to measure views on a burning issue affecting society or on forthcoming elections at a point in time. Not always so however, for polls can turn out to be disappointingly off the mark, particularly so on small sample sizes or if people are wary of venting their real feelings or prefer to answer what they feel the interviewer wants to hear....



Qs & As Judicial Inquiry into ‘Removal’ of Peter Uricek * ‘Let us wait and see how long the police inquiry into the SoopramanienKistnen case will take, which will hopefully be expedited’ By LEX A considerable fuss has been created around the recent “extraction” of a Slovak national and his handing over to waiting Slovak authorities despite a restraining order from a Supreme Court judge....


Interview: Kugan Parapen The MTC-GRA tussle was inevitable When you pour millions behind a political alliance, you expec...

Interview: Kugan Parapen The MTC-GRA tussle was inevitable When you pour millions behind a political alliance, you expect your agenda to be fulfilled * ‘governments since independence have been the ‘sirdars’ of the ruling economic class.If we dissect the anatomy of victorious electoral alliances down the years, we will find that most, if not all of them, surfed on populist measures’ …...


Interview: Kugan Parapen The MTC-GRA tussle was inevitable When you pour millions behind a political alliance, you expect your agenda...

The war in Ukraine shows how daily spin doctoring and propaganda repeatedly rehashed and recycled by the media and polit...

The war in Ukraine shows how daily spin doctoring and propaganda repeatedly rehashed and recycled by the media and political leaders can systematically mask and occult the truth. There are also clear signs of a ‘Ministry of Truth’ culture in Mauritius as well. By Mrinal Roy The war in Ukraine is a major eye opener for the world and people in general on the insidious role of government propaganda and a compliant media in shaping the tenor and thrust of narratives regarding the evolution of the war....


The war in Ukraine shows how daily spin doctoring and propaganda repeatedly rehashed and recycled by the media and political...

Opinions will waver, change and fluctuate over the coming months as the regime tries to avoid shooting itself further in...

Opinions will waver, change and fluctuate over the coming months as the regime tries to avoid shooting itself further in the foot in the harsh times ahead and the Opposition ponder their strategies for change By Jan Arden The recent publication in Le Mauricien of a Straconsult poll conducted we assume by phone over 600 respondents has obvious limitations (notably a low 95% confidence level) but it does provide some broad-brush picture of the current state of the Mauritian mind with regard to political horizons still more than 2 years away....


Opinions will waver, change and fluctuate over the coming months as the regime tries to avoid shooting itself further in...


Read More… Become a Subscriber Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 13 May 2022 An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Times was founded with a resolve to fight for justice and fairness and the advancement of the public good. It has never deviated from this principle no matter how daunting the challenges and how costly the price it has had to pay at different times of our history....


An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Times was founded with a resolve to fight for justice and fairness and the ...

An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Times was founded with a resolve to fight for justice and fairness and the advancement of the public good. It has never deviated from this principle no matter how daunting the challenges and how costly the price it has had to pay at different times of our history. With print journalism struggling to keep afloat due to falling advertising revenues and the wide availability of free sources of information, it is crucially important for the Mauritius Times to survive and prosper....


An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Times was founded with a resolve to fight for justice and fairness...

By Nita Chicooree-Mercier Victory Day parade in Red Square. Pic – Financial Times Noam Chomsky, the famous American acad...

By Nita Chicooree-Mercier Victory Day parade in Red Square. Pic – Financial Times Noam Chomsky, the famous American academic once observed that fighting wars had been a favourite pastime in western countries for centuries. Non-European countries were stunned by the ferocity Europeans displayed in fighting. He added that they even gave beautiful names to wars. Well, they came back to their senses after World War II and opted for a more civilized way to resolve issues....


By Nita Chicooree-Mercier Victory Day parade in Red Square. Pic – Financial Times Noam Chomsky, the famous American academic once...

Interview: Dr Michael Atchia * ‘The closure and taking over of the MTC is utterly condemnable. Will any private institut...

Interview: Dr Michael Atchia * ‘The closure and taking over of the MTC is utterly condemnable. Will any private institution be safe from unilateral takeover after that?’ * ‘The embers of discontent are out for now, mainly through communication with citizens. People rumble, protest when they, rightly so, do not understand what is happening…” Dr Michael Atchia needs no introduction to our readers as a pedagogue with an interest in environmental matters....


Interview: Dr Michael Atchia * ‘The closure and taking over of the MTC is utterly condemnable. Will any private institution...


Administrative prose and public agency websites are a reflection of our levels and aspirations often to an internet-savvy world, but what really matters is whether the agencies do walk the talk By Jan Arden Recent weeks have seen the island engulfed in a number of storms ranging from flood disaster discontent through water shortages to the plight of many sections of the population with cascading price rises, not all due to the Ukraine crisis, to the recent “exfiltration” by the police (against a stay order from the Supreme Court) of a Slovak national with an Occupation permit to a waiting plane, and the reactions of or the management by the authorities of such events....



‘Dawood Rawat was under a Red Notice for a long time. Would or could the Mauritius police have landed in France and take him away with the assistance of the French police force?’ By LEX A sovereign democratic State, reads our Constitution in the substantive provision of its Section 1. Today, we try to further our readers’ enquiries about the notion of sovereignty, the multiple ramifications of this fundamental tenet and the agencies that would be exercising full vigilance to ensure its application over the breadth of our territories (including Rodrigues, Outer Islands, Chagos)....



It is in times of crisis that the managerial acumen of the government is put to test. The onus is squarely on government to prove its mettle or face public sanctio GETTY By Mrinal Roy Across the world people are suffering from the continuous erosion of their purchasing power caused by the constant rise of prices of essential goods and commodities fuelled by the disruptions to trade and escalating costs in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and the sanctions imposed in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine....


Read More… Become a Subscriber Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 6 May 2022 An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Tim...

Read More… Become a Subscriber Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 6 May 2022 An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Times was founded with a resolve to fight for justice and fairness and the advancement of the public good. It has never deviated from this principle no matter how daunting the challenges and how costly the price it has had to pay at different times of our history....


Read More… Become a Subscriber Mauritius Times ePaper Friday 6 May 2022 An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius...


An Appeal Dear Reader 65 years ago Mauritius Times was founded with a resolve to fight for justice and fairness and the advancement of the public good. It has never deviated from this principle no matter how daunting the challenges and how costly the price it has had to pay at different times of our history. With print journalism struggling to keep afloat due to falling advertising revenues and the wide availability of free sources of information, it is crucially important for the Mauritius Times to survive and prosper....





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