S01 E013 Women in Tech' in Ghana: Africa Investor Stories
#investmentinafrica #England #Ghana #Tech #branding #brandingdesigner
S01 E011 Real Estate & Healthy Living in Gambia: Africa Investor Stories
#England #Africa #metropolitan #herbalist #estateconsultant #nubianhealth
S01 E010 How the B,W,M Gambian Foundation was founded: Africa Investor Stories
#africa #investinginafrica #investors #podcast #gambia #london #development #foodandclothing #work #vision
S01 E009 Who I am and Why I invested in Africa
#africa #investinginafrica #africainvestors #kenya #mombasa #investors #money #business
S01 E009 Who I am and Why I invested in Africa | Africa Investor Stories
#africa #investinginafrica #africainvestors #kenya #mombasa #investors #money #business
S01 E007 Sweden to Kenya, Investing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: Africa Investor Stories
#BrazilianJiuJitsu #BJJinAfrica #InvestingInKenya #Investingmombasa #investinginafrica
#Fitness #podcast #MMAinAfrica #MombasaSharksBBJJClub
S01 E006 Gary Carr, Life as an Consultant in Kenya: Africa Investor Stories
#InvestingInKenya #InvestingInAfrica #ConsultancyInAfrica #mombasa #retialservices #Kenya #nairobi
S02 E006 Sales & Engineering in Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya & Egypt | Africa Investor Stories
#InvestinginAfrica #AfricaInvestorStories #InvestmentOpportunitiesinAfrica
S01 E04 Nelson Zambrano, Investors character advice: Africa Investor Stories
#podcast #investor #propertydevelopment #America
#TruesizeofAfrica #RealEstateinAfrica #africanland #africainvestors
S01 E03 Yie Davies beauty college in Kenya | Africa Investor Stories
#YieDaviesbeautycollege #Mombasa_Kenya #Africa #Beauty #Salon @LIQ Salon