Love Of Learning

Love Of Learning What are the ways that we, as parents, can guide our children to grow into their full potential and Thrive? My guests and I wil

Since we only teach by example, how can we Thrive as parents ? How to integrate this knowledge effortlessly in our daily life ?

The more we try to implement conscious parenting strategies the easier it will's like forming a ...

The more we try to implement conscious parenting strategies the easier it will's like forming a pathways are rewiring...and like anything else that's important in life...never give up when the set backs happen...but keep moving forward...our children deserve it!!! 🌿

We may not always be able to follow these “rules” but we can let them guide us. Treat these like an invitation and PRACTICE rather than a checklist. 💗

Posted • Conscious parenting has no tricks to follow - only a path led by your heart and intuition.

Development takes time. Maturity is achieved after a long childhood and many years of trial and error.

Not after you say, "No."
Not after you give the "limit."
Not after you use a "consequence."

But with time + tools. So give yourself a break - we don't get mature beings after a few years.

HT Teach Through Love

Do we know how to LOVE our children or are we just loving them unconsciously without putting the extra effort into our r...

Do we know how to LOVE our children or are we just loving them unconsciously without putting the extra effort into our relationship with them? Most parents would say Yes...but how many of those parents looked for actual information or were working on themselves in order to be their best version for their children ? We really hope that number grows steadily and more and more parents join the Conscious effort to Love and Nurture their children's Minds and Hearts as well as their Physical Health! 🌿

Children are whole people.
They are separate individuals.
They are humans with problems
and plans and goals and opinions
and preferences and interests
and wants and needs and feelings
and good days and bad days and ideas
and anxieties and hopes and fears
and dreams and disappointments that are
Give them space to grow and explore.
Help them if and when they ask for help.
Encourage them when they struggle.
Support them when they fail.
And guide them gently
when they get off course.
Love is the answer
to every question,
every problem,
every challenge.
Love is always the answer.
That is the heart of peaceful,
gentle, respectful parenting.
- L.R.Knost

🌻 🌻 🌻
A parenting mantra to tuck in your pocket:

So many problems can be avoided if we respond with L.O.V.E. instead of reacting in haste…

💞Listen - “I hear you.”
💞Observe - “I see you.”
💞Validate - “I accept you.”
💞Empathize - “I understand you.”

Remember, a need met is a problem solved. Responding with love restores peace — to your relationship, to your child, and to yourself.

🌻Peaceful parenting resources:


Fighting a rare, incurable cancer, but I'm still here!💞 L.R.

Who doesn't want to raise Confident, Secure and Emotionally Healthy Children...well here is a suggestion how this can ha...

Who doesn't want to raise Confident, Secure and Emotionally Healthy Children...well here is a suggestion how this can happen by meeting their emotional needs 🌿

Understanding our child's emotional needs and how we can help meet them is the first step in supporting their confidence and self-esteem.

This means we need to create more daily nature encounters for our children. One simple way to do it is to submerge our s...

This means we need to create more daily nature encounters for our children. One simple way to do it is to submerge our schools in nature...have practical nature classes like gardening and foraging and herbalism. We need to invite Nature back to our urban lives...not with few parks only, but with Nature initiatives like planting fruit trees, cleaning beaches and creating community gardens. We have all those ideas and initiatives existing but not practiced often, nor regularly...and this is where our work lies. 🌿

Every. Single. Child. 💚🌲

And a clear way to become aware of it if we choose 🌿

And a clear way to become aware of it if we choose 🌿

If the same issue keeps coming up over and over....
Original source unknown

This is how we build their self-confidence, self-esteem, self-love and resilience...and for the record...They Really Are...

This is how we build their self-confidence, self-esteem, self-love and resilience...and for the record...They Really Are Magical 🌿

May be we should look through children's eyes  more often...and may be even try to have fun as they do...or marvel at ev...

May be we should look through children's eyes more often...and may be even try to have fun as they do...or marvel at everything as we see it for the first time, with fresh eyes like they do 😀🌿

Toddler Talk... Toddler 1: You look a little frazzled, Dude. Hard day?

Toddler 2: Hard doesn’t even begin to describe my day! I love my mommy to pieces, but seriously, she does NOT know how to share. I took one little thing out of her purse, and she freaked! Snatching and saying, “Mine!” and everything. And right in the middle of the store, too! So embarrassing. Everybody was looking at me, rolling their eyes. I felt like a total failure.

Toddler 1: I hear you! I have the same problem. And mine has been getting into EVERYTHING, too! Like, I stashed my cracker under the couch so I could have a little snack later, and she totally threw it in the trash! Who does that?

Toddler 2: You think that’s bad? Check this. I’m minding my own business, just chillin’ with my toys, and she just snatches me up and carts me off and straps me in the highchair, no warning at all. And I’m not even hungry! Then she gets all upset when I do a little physics with my food. Btw, so cool how sometimes it falls straight down and sometimes it splats against the wall. I think it has something to do with the consistency of the food and the angle of my trajectory. Just a working theory atm, though.

Toddler 1: Cool! Let me know what you figure out. How about this. I can’t get anything done! No joke! I spent all morning building this stellar block tower. Dude, you should have seen this thing. It was epic! So, I walk away for like one second, and she dumps the whole thing in the toy box! An entire morning’s work, gone. I don’t know why I bother sometimes.

Toddler 2: Same! And what’s with this new ‘time-out’ thing mine’s into all of a sudden? I get the slightest bit upset about something and, just when I need a cuddle, she sticks me in this chair and won’t let me get up! Like a chair is a good hugger? Really?

Toddler 1: That’s just wrong. Hey, how about this potty training dealio? She wants me to do my business in a little plastic bowl. We eat out of those things! Seriously, you gotta wonder what goes on in their brains sometimes...

Read more:


🌻Peaceful parenting resources: 🌻
Please respect the work of authors, photographers, and artists. You are welcome to share provided you include appropriate credit and do not crop out authors' names from quote memes. Thank you. :)

Fighting a rare, incurable cancer, but I'm still here!💞 L.R.

We all should play a little more, but our kids learn best through play so may be schools should incorporate more educati...

We all should play a little more, but our kids learn best through play so may be schools should incorporate more educational games throughout the grades not just for preschool. The older kids can even create games and help the little ones learn through them! So many options for playful learning! 🌿

Yes! Absolutely this! 🙌🏼💖

It is of great importance to just be present and aware of our children and their needs...but also to see through the cre...

It is of great importance to just be present and aware of our children and their needs...but also to see through the creative ways in which those needs are presented or acted out 🌿

Sometimes we can be so pre-occupied with getting through the day that we don’t make time for connection. Let’s be intentional about responding to our child’s bids.

Posted • How do you respond to your child’s bids for connection? ⁠

Dr. John Gottman refers to bids as “the fundamental unit of emotional communication.” Bids can be small or big, verbal or nonverbal. ⁠

If your friend or partner begins a conversation with “I’m worried about my job” and receives an empathetic response from you, they’re likely to elaborate. You both end the interaction feeling closer. If their comment is ignored, however, they’re unlikely to make themselves vulnerable. The relationship loses a chance to deepen. ⁠

In post "Turn Toward Your Child to Nurture Intimacy,” Dr. Laura Markham explains how this same process occurs with our children in daily interactions. If we ignore their feelings, correct them, or judge, they’ll shut down. If this interaction happens often, kids get in the habit of holding their feelings inside. They may stop reaching out to us, and might reject our bids to connect with them. ⁠

How you respond to your kid’s bids can greatly impact your connection. Discover tools to model emotional intelligence and connect with your children by starting Emotion Coaching: The Heart of Parenting today. Link in bio.

HT The Gottman Institute

This is so important! We as parents and caregivers have to provide vocabulary to all the emotional nuances of the child'...

This is so important! We as parents and caregivers have to provide vocabulary to all the emotional nuances of the child's inner world...and yet we are not really equipped to fulfill this task. Unless we had a proper training, or we read tons of books, we won't posses the rich vocabulary and knowledge to be able to map our own emotions and therefore we won't be able to provide this emotional richness to our children. That's why it is of Extreme Importance to have Emotional training in Schools, in Birth-giving places, and Parenting education! 🌿

Great thoughts from Connected Families:

So often the way forward in parenting/discipline is not clear. We wonder what to do next. We don't want to "mess up".

But there are certain things we can do in the moment. Every time. We can coach our kids in what they are feeling.

👉 Take a breath (takes you out of fight/flight and gives you a few seconds to think about what to do)
👉 Make your body posture non-threatening (also, facial expression calm)
👉 Name the feeling, "You are frustrated right now!", or, "You seem so sad!" (this communicates you are in tune with them, as well as helping them learn how to name their own feelings)

What is your favorite thing to say to your child after you've taken a breath and gathered yourself? (One of our favorites is, "Tell me more about that.")

You CAN help them find a way to communicate what’s going on under the surface of the misbehavior, and guide them to make wiser choices.

The bare truth is that we need to work on our own healing...and it starts with an honest look at our own selves 🌿

The bare truth is that we need to work on our own healing...and it starts with an honest look at our own selves 🌿

Our triggers are invitations. 💗

If you don’t already follow Shelly Robinson - Raising Yourself, I highly recommend you do so!

Posted • Every week I receive DMs or comments that ask: how do I begin my own healing journey? ✨💗 (I explain my first step below)

If you've been on this path of inner work for any length of time you know the process zigs and zags and goes up and down and all around in ways we could never predict. It's non-linear and messy and no matter how hard we try, healing doesn't fit (nor does it belong) inside a neat and tidy box.

Healing is a practice of coming back come home to ourselves over and over again until the end of time, showing our children what it looks like to belong to ourselves. Also: while there are wonderful, amazing resources on healing out there that are worth investing in (ahem, shameless plug for my Midlife Magic Journal - link in bio), if someone tries to tell you they have the "perfect formula" for "healing you" pls run the other direction.

Healing is about tapping back into your own values, your own intuition, your own knowing.

While everyone's journey begins differently, mine began by examining my triggers. My rage. My repressed anger. My deepest fears. And who is most expert at bringing all that muck to the surface???

Yep, you guessed. Our beautiful, wonderful, wise kids.

They have this incredible ability to shine a light on our wounds, inviting us to become curious about where those came from and whether its' time to finally heal them.

So, quick recap: if you're unsure where to start on your healing journey, pay attention to what pi**es you off when your kids (or partner?) don't act the way you want. Lean in to those feelings and trace them back to where they may have been born. This may require a therapist, or coach, or friend who can hold a safe container for you. I am always in your corner rooting you on because I know in my bones our collective healing is gonna change the world.

(and don't forget to check out my journal to get started on this in bio)

When did your healing journey begin?

Unconditional Love says - I Love you no matter whatConditional says - I love you if you behave/ be as I like you toParen...

Unconditional Love says - I Love you no matter what
Conditional says - I love you if you behave/ be as I like you to
Parents don't necessary speak it like that but do behave like that...and through our behavior we teach our children to love that way as well...even more importantly we teach them how worthy of Love they are...and that is the deepest and most pervasive wound Humanity has.
How to work through it...we can pause and center in Love before we react...than we can choose consciously what's of Highest good for our children...and I hope we all choose Unconditional Love ! 🌿

Unconditional love is a reminder that no matter what, you will be cherished. ❤️

Mental shortcuts like these can be very useful and amazing tool to instantly rearrange perceptions 🌿

Mental shortcuts like these can be very useful and amazing tool to instantly rearrange perceptions 🌿

What peaceful parenting mantras do you have?

Posted • Mantras for parents are more than positive thoughts. They can retrain our subconsciousness to help increase our motivation to solve problems, find goodness in the world, and accept ourselves as we are.

And as we grow, we can better model positive behavior for our children.

✨Here are positive parenting mantras to use on rough days.

Follow for more on raising resilient, confident, and emotionally healthy kids. 💗

HT Big Life Journal

We all need more nature in our lives, but for Children is crucial! 🌿

We all need more nature in our lives, but for Children is crucial! 🌿

Creativity is the play of the imagination 🌿

Creativity is the play of the imagination 🌿

Imagine who our children could be if given the space...

The words we instill in our children, are the words that they instill in themselves.

What glasses we are looking through...shapes what we see 🌿

What glasses we are looking through...shapes what we see 🌿

Happy Children's Day to All Children who Celebrate or not today ! We all, as Parents and Caregivers, need to Remember ev...

Happy Children's Day to All Children who Celebrate or not today ! We all, as Parents and Caregivers, need to Remember everyday, the Magical Gift that Children are! We need to Cherish, Protect and Provide for their highest Well being and this includes our highest Well being too! 🌿

November 20th is an important date as it is the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It is also the ...




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