Christmas Eve, the big day’s near,
List all things that bring you cheer.
Family, warmth, gifts, and more—
Name them all, joy galore!
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers #christmasjokes #christmasjoke #christmaseve #FamilyGameNight
Twenty-three carolers sing so clear,
What songs of cheer do you hold dear?
Quick, name them, with a smile so wide,
Let’s keep up this holiday ride.
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers
Twenty-two ornaments, shiny and bright,
Name festive decorations that delight.
Baubles, lights, and tinsel string—
List them quick, let the fun swing.
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers #christmastree
Twenty-one presents under the tree,
What gifts are on your wish list, three?
Think of them, share them fast,
Make the moment sweet to last.
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers
Twenty snowmen, built to last,
What’s winter fun that goes by fast?
Skiing, sledding, snowball fights,
Rattle them off, lights so bright.
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers
Nineteen stockings on the wall,
What are stocking stuffers, big and small?
Candy canes, toys that gleam—
List them out in this quick stream.
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers
Sixteen snowflakes swirling free,
List wintry things that you might see!
Ice, frost, a snowball throw,
Hurry up, let answers flow!”
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers #christmasjokes #christmasjoke
Fifteen elves with work to do,
What toys are they crafting for you?
Name them quick—one minute starts,
Puzzles, trains, and building parts.
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts
Fourteen cookies, baked with care,
List ingredients—name them fair!
Ginger, sugar, cinnamon spice,
Get them down, make it nice!
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers #christmascookies
Thirteen carols, sing them out loud,
Name lyrics that make hearts proud.
A minute’s all you’ve got, so race -
Find each line and hold your place.
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers
Eleven pipers play the tune,
Name Christmas songs, don’t swoon!
Eleven answers on a roll,
Keep laughing, that’s the goal.
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #stockingstuffers
Ten lords a-leaping, full of zest,
What’s ten gifts that pass the test?
Name them swift, from socks to tech—
Manic Minute earns respect!
#Christmas #manicminute #cardgame #boardgame #christmascardgame #christmasfamilygames #boardgames #boardgaming #christmasgifts #santaworkshop #santa #santaclaus