I can shoot at your home, location or in various studios to suit your geographic location. I hope you like what you see and feel free to like and comment on my photos. If you have any questions let me know and I’ll do my best to answer them. I am a Kidderminster based photographer but I work all over the Midlands. I’m happy to travel up and down the country for a shoot, a model, or a great locatio
n. I am able to set up appointments pretty much any time during the day or evening, provided I have a little notice. I have been interested in photography for a long time but have only managed to pursue my passion fully in the last five years. My interests vary from Fashion to Art N**e either in the studio, at home, or on location. I like to keep my shoots simple and fun and I am always looking for new faces to photograph. So if you are looking for some fresh photos, a portfolio update, or you're new to the scene, then please get in touch. I mainly shoot TFP (Time for Print) and I’m more than happy to collaborate with models and MUA’s on any ideas you may have. If you wish to bring a chaperone they would be welcome (providing they do not interfere with the shoot). Published Work:
Published in Bizarre 203 page 46
Published in BD Magazine issue 7
Published in BD Magazine issue 8
When booking could you please supply a contact number and I will confirm arrangements 24 hours before the shoot.