*** As a survivor of this - it hits home 💯🔥
🚩 Common Toxic Relationship Red Flag Everyone Should Know 🚩
This doesn’t happen in every toxic relationship, but it’s one of the most common and usually happens in the first six to nine months. It doesn’t matter your age, how pretty you are and how much you have going for yourself. If you’re looking for a healthy relationship, you need to recognize this.
Here’s how it happens:
At first, they’ll seem to admire everything about you. LOVEBOMB and MIRRORS YOU..You’ll feel a deep, soulful connection. It’s intoxicating—like you’ve met the person who truly sees you, they call you their soul mate, the one or the best thing to ever happen to them. But then, seemingly out of nowhere, they’ll rage over something small. Something so insignificant you’ll feel shocked, confused, and even question yourself: What just happened?
Because of your connection, you’ll want to fix it. You’ll try to talk it out, resolve things, and get back to good ground. But here’s the truth: They don’t want to understand or resolve anything. They want control.
If they’re jealous, you’ll make small adjustments at first—what you wear, who you talk to, maybe even how you interact in business relationships—to make them more comfortable. But over time, those small adjustments grow. You’ll find yourself cutting off meaningful relationships, second-guessing how you dress, and isolating yourself. Why? Because their insecurity, jealousy, and need for control demands it. They may even give you silent treatment as a calm way of manipulation but it's still all control.
The rages will keep coming. They turn into by weekly episodes at first, they’ll apologize and return to the person you fell in love with fora few great days. You’ll believe they’re capable of change. But the space between those apologies will get smaller. Eventually, it disappears. What’s left? Bad moods, tantrums, and insults, silent treatment, gaslighting and even disappear for hours or days. Inflicting deep rejection wounds.
And here’s the hardest truth: You’ll never see the person you originally fell in love with again—unless they want something from you.
If your partner rages, or gets angry with you for any little thing this is a severe red flag.🚩 People who behave like this are skilled at breaking you down, making you question yourself, and taking away your independence. They want you under their control because that’s how small they feel inside.
Don’t ignore this. Don’t explain it away.
You deserve better. This behavior will escalate into the next level of physical abuse. It all starts with the emotional and verbal abuse first. The manipulation and mind games, then cheating and lying.
Don't wait for someone to change who doesn't see a problem in their behavior, cycles, patterns and toxic traits. This who they truly are and their character. Find help with friends, resources and family but get out. Narcissist have no shame, no remorse, no sympathy or care for your well being but their own. They will destroy you. Seek healing in Jesus Christ and know you are worthy to Him💜