How can I pray for you? 🙏🏼
“We need our African brothers and sisters to teach us how to dance our praise of God” ( Timothy Radcliffe, OP).
Today the RC Diocese of Aberdeen had their yearly pilgrimage to Pluscarden Abbey. A day during which you can really see the cultural diversity we are blessed with in this rural diocese.
A good example of this is the wonderful Aberdeen African Choir, that performed for all those attending, both in the overflowing abbey and the surrounding tents, to accommodate everyone.
It really shows the beauty of the rich traditions that we are blessed with in the beautiful Catholic faith.
All praise be to God 🙏🏼
In todays 2nd reading 1 Corinthians 16 we are told If “I preach the gospel, this is no reason for me to boast, for an obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it!”
But in order to preach the gospel we have to have people that will listen to us. This week I was asked to give bell ringing before mass a try. And it struck me how important this job actually is, it really is the way we call people to come to church to be with the Lord and worship Him, to listen to His words. For me as Theologian and Catechist this seems the logical next step, or at least an extra step in spreading the Gospel. (As well as a good way to stay warm in the cold Scottish winter) ❤️❤️
Walking into this 13th Century Chapter House at Elgin Cathedral. Sound 🔊 on. Such a wonderful surprise to have the worship music still playing in this ancient religious house 🙏🏼♥️