Sofia started her career in media at Sunrise Radio in 2016 hosting unique shows, Dil Se (Urdu), Dil Diyan Gallan (Punjabi), Dil Ni Waaz (Pahari-Pothwari) and Friday night Qawwali each week. Sofia has a strong belief to constantly learn new skills to make her into a true all round presenter. Sofia brings you an exciting Punjabi programme, with her sense of humour and charming Punjabi banter, which
makes everyone’s day. She has become a popular presenter who loves meaningful Poetry and Songs. Sofia also provides listeners with plenty of fun and useful information. She has strong ties to her family and is a caring mother who has also looked after other children when working a within a child care company. Sofia’s ability to speak Punjabi, Urdu, Pahari-Pothwari and English has helped her greatly when working in a children’s community centre where she also helped support parents and carers from all backgrounds. She continues to build on languages she knows and is looking to learn Saraiki. Sofia is motivated through self belief and a constant determination to do better. She encourages, guides and supports others as well as appreciating their input and ideas. Sofia is a true people's person who enjoys listening and talking with others around her.