Founded in 2012, Willowhayne Records is an independent classical label based in Hampshire. We are de This is definitely one not to be missed."
We are devoted to providing high quality recordings covering a wide range of repertoire, with the majority of our albums recorded in high resolution 'studio quality.'
Our first release Trans Europe Experience began our exciting Experience series: to explore organ repertoire played on renowned organs (both in the UK and abroad). Trans Europe Experience, played on the organ of Gloucester Cathedral
by Keith John, (the organ on which he began his study of the instrument) features the music of European composers. This inaugural release from Willowhayne won an Editor's Choice in Organists' Review:
"The clarity yet coloruful richness of the Gloucester organ is ideally matched to the music... from a musician of extraordinary breadth of ability and imagination, this landmark CD from Gloucester rises effortlessly above more routine releases through the qualities of Keith John's performances and programme-planning. There are now nine recordings in the Experience series, continuing our journey through many of the world's great organs, with another currently in production which takes us to Engelberg Abbey in a programme played by Markus Kühnis. We have also nurtured our interest in young artists, including BBC Young Musician Finalist Ben Goldscheider (horn). His album Debut was met with critical acclaim:
"A musician whose credentials belie his youth, Goldscheider proclaims with this impressively-engineered, absorbing Willowhayne Records release that he is poised to honour Brain’s legacy with his own once-in-a-generation artistry." A further recording with Ben Goldscheider is planned for later this year for release in 2021, with repertoire commemorating the centenary years of Ruth Gipps and Sir Malcolm Arnold. Leeds Piano Competition semi-finalist Ashley Fripp, another young artist, was praised by composer Thomas Adès for our recording of his Concert Paraphrase on Powder Her Face (part of Ashley Fripp plays J.S. Bach, Thomas Adès & Frederic Chopin) :
“Ashley Fripp is a genuine virtuoso, an astoundingly brilliant and masterly pianist and his total grasp of the music is a joy to hear.”
Our portfolio includes a growing range of choral, chamber and instrumental repertoire, with many world premiere recordings. We also distribute a growing number of recordings from Associated Labels (including Piano 21, MPR and Sheva Collection) - broadening the range of repertoire and genres available through Willowhayne Records: from classical to jazz and world music, all exhibiting the strong qualities that we believe in. Recordings can be purchased on CD or downloaded from our website, with free shipping in the UK with availablity to ship worldwide. We provide the digital booklets where possible on our website, and you can 'try before you buy' by listening to excerpts of every track directly on our website. CDs can also be obtained from our worldwide distributors. Please contact us to discuss any potential recording projects or distribution enquiries.
Congratulations Ad Fontes!
'A recital rich in instrumental colour and atmosphere from Peter Stevens which powerfully evokes the spiritual air of Westminster Cathedral, on whose Grand Organ it was recorded.'
We are delighted to announce that Elia Cmiral: Two Suites for Pan Flute and Orchestra has won silver medals at the Global Music Awards!
• Silver Medal: contemporary classical
• Silver Medal: composer
Congratulations to Elia Cmiral, Gheorghe Zamfir, the Prague Sinfonietta and Radek Baborak on these outstanding achievements.
Founded in 2012, Willowhayne Records is an independent classical label based in Hampshire. We are devoted to providing high quality recordings covering a wide range of repertoire, with the majority of our albums recorded in high resolution 'studio quality.' Our first release Trans Europe Experience....
Delighted to have released this wonderful album - please vote if you can!
Dragii mei, sunt încântat să vă împărtășesc că, cel mai nou album al meu, "Two Suites for Pan Flute and Orchestra", a fost trimis spre luare în considerare în patru categorii la premiile Grammy® 2025. Acest proiect mă reprezintă ca interpret și mi-a fost dedicat în totalitate, fiind compus de extraordinarul compozitor de la Hollywood, Elia Cmiral. Albumul a fost înregistrat în 2022 și 2023, în Cehia, alături de Sinfonietta Cehă, sub conducerea lui Radek Baborak și s-a bucurat de remarcabila contribuție a inginerului de sunet Andrei Kerestely. Aceste compoziții sunt un tribut sincer adus virtuozității extraordinare a naiului, ca instrument complex, adus la cele mai înalte valențe ale sale. Acest album revoluționar marchează, în premieră, o operă originală, care a fost compusă special pentru solo de nai și orchestră, în stil contemporan. M-am străduit să redau o paletă interpretativă de excepție, ajutat de instrumentație și de magia armonioasă a lucrării. Sper din tot sufletul ca această muzică să rezoneze cu voi toți, la fel de profund ca și cu noi cei care am creat-o, pentru a o împărtăși tuturor cu mare drag. Gheorghe Zamfir.
Recorded as part of the Great Bowden Music Fest
Congratulations to all involved with this recording.
With Great Bowden Music Fest – I just got recognised as one of their top fans! 🎉
We're very much looking forward to recording the Great Bowden Music Fest 2024, which starts tomorrow. Their 10th anniversary opening concert opens with the 'Devil's Trill' Sonata, Schumann's wonderful Piano Quintet, and Dvořák's Dumky Trio. Thursday's lunchtime concert showcases Debussy's Cello Sonata and Dvořák's Silent Woods; there's a big band concert in the evening as well. Friday's lunchtime concert includes a rare live performance of Dora Pejačević's 1st Violin Sonata, with Friday evening devoted to Friday Night at the Musicals. The lunchtime concert showcases some of Great Bowden's younger talent, as well as their established musicians, and the evening is devoted to performances of the Piano Trio No. 2 by Shotakovich, Schumann's Dichterliebe, and Beethoven's 5th Symphony in the piano duet arrangement. Sunday's lunchtime concert brings in some of Leicestershire's rising starts, and the Fest closes with a rousing Prom, including all of your favourites.
The Great Bowden Music Fest is a wealth of riches - wonderful repertoire, top class musicians and a superb atmosphere, so do come along to any of these events if you can - you won't be disappointed!
Very proud to have released this wonderful album!
Dragi prieteni, sunt atât de fericit și recunoscător pentru oportunitatea de a lucra la un proiect muzical deosebit, compus și dedicat în întregime excepționalei arte interpretative a Naiului, de către foarte talentatul compozitor Elia Cmiral, din Los Angeles. Poate îl cunoașteți pentru coloanele sonore din filmului Ronin, sau Atlas Shrugged sau alte filme. În timpul unui proiect muzical diferit, am descoperit și împărtășit o apreciere comună pentru estetica muzicală și pentru melodiile cu rezonanță emoțională. Îi mulțumesc profund pentru că a ales nivelul meu de interpretare ca inspirație pentru noul album muzical „Two Suites for Pan Flaut și Orchestra”, care este acum online.
Distribuitorul oficial este Willowhayne Records Ltd, Marea Britanie. Pentru comenzi directe folosiți adresa [email protected] sau linkul
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Founded in 2012, Willowhayne Records is an independent classical label based in Hampshire. We are devoted to providing high quality recordings covering a wide range of repertoire, with the majority of our albums recorded in high resolution 'studio quality.'
Our first release Trans Europe Experience began our exciting Experience series: to explore organ repertoire played on renowned organs both in the UK and abroad. by emerging aand launched our popular Experience Series. Trans Europe Experience, played on the organ of Gloucester Cathedral by Keith John, (the organ on which he began his study of the instrument) features the music of European composers. This inaugural release from Willowhayne won an Editor's Choice in Organists' Review:
"The clarity yet coloruful richness of the Gloucester organ is ideally matched to the music... from a musician of extraordinary breadth of ability and imagination, this landmark CD from Gloucester rises effortlessly above more routine releases through the qualities of Keith John's performances and programme-planning. This is definitely one not to be missed."
There are now nine recordings in the Experience series, continuing our journey through many of the world's great organs, with another currently in production which takes us to Engelberg Abbey in a programme played by Markus Kühnis.
We have also nurtured our interest in young artists, including BBC Young Musician Finalist Ben Goldscheider (horn). His album Debut was met with critical acclaim:
"A musician whose credentials belie his youth, Goldscheider proclaims with this impressively-engineered, absorbing Willowhayne Records release that he is poised to honour Brain’s legacy with his own once-in-a-generation artistry."
A further recording with Ben Goldscheider is planned for later this year for release in 2021, with repertoire commemorating the centenary years of Ruth Gipps and Sir Malcolm Arnold.
Leeds Piano Competition semi-finalist Ashley Fripp, another young artist, was praised by composer Thomas Adès for his recording of his Concert Paraphrase on Powder Her Face:
“Ashley Fripp is a genuine virtuoso, an astoundingly brilliant and masterly pianist and his total grasp of the music is a joy to hear.”
Our portfolio includes a growing range of choral, chamber and instrumental repertoire, with many world premiere recordings.
We also distribute a growing number of recording from Associated Labels (including Piano 21, MPR and Sheva Collection - these recordings broadening the range of repertoire and genres available through Willowhayne Records: from classical to jazz and world music, all exhibit the strong qualities that we believe in.
Recordings can be purchased on CD or downloaded from our website, with free shipping in the UK and available to ship worldwide. We provide the digital booklets where possible on our website, and you can 'try before you buy' by listening to excerpts of every track directly on our website. CDs can also be obtained from our worldwide distributors.
Please contact us to discuss any potential recording projects or distribution enquiries.