Viața în Scoția

Viața în Scoția information on Scottish culture and living, working, studying, visiting in Scotland.

ALEGERI PENTRU PARLAMENTUL ROMÂNIEI Consulatul General al României la Edinburgh organizează în Scoția - 6 secții de vota...

Consulatul General al României la Edinburgh organizează în Scoția - 6 secții de votare:
1. Edinburgh 1, 7-9 N St David St, EH2 1AW
2. Edinburgh 2, The University of Edinburgh Po***ck Halls, 18 Holyrood Park Road, EH16 5AY
3. Glasgow 1, The Merchant House of Glasgow, 7, West George Street, G2 1BA
4. Glasgow 2, Fuse - Glasgow East Youth Drop-In and Community Project, 1567-1573 Shettleston Road Glasgow G32 9AS
5. Perth, St John’s RC Academy / North Inch Community Campus, Gowans Terrace, PH1 5BF
6. Aberdeen, Leonardo Hotel Aberdeen, Guild Street, AB11 5RG,
iar în Irlanda de Nord - 3:
1. Belfast, Chinese Resource Centre, 1 Stranmillis Embankment, BT7 1GB
2. Ballymena, Adair Arms Hotel, 1-7 Ballymoney Road, BT43 5 BS
3. Portadown, Portadown Town Hall, 15 Edward St, Craigavon BT62 3LX
🔴PROGRAM: Pentru secțiile organizate în străinătate la alegerile pentru Senat și Camera Deputaților, calendarul de votare va fi următorul: 30 noiembrie (interval orar 07:00-21:00), 1 decembrie (intervalul orar 07:00-21:00)

Consulatul General al României la Edinburgh organizează în Scoția - 6 secții de votare:
1. Edinburgh 1, 7-9 N St David St, EH2 1AW
2. Edinburgh 2, The University of Edinburgh Po***ck Halls, 18 Holyrood Park Road, EH16 5AY
3. Glasgow 1, The Merchant House of Glasgow, 7, West George Street, G2 1BA
4. Glasgow 2, Fuse - Glasgow East Youth Drop-In and Community Project, 1567-1573 Shettleston Road Glasgow G32 9AS
5. Perth, St John’s RC Academy / North Inch Community Campus, Gowans Terrace, PH1 5BF
6. Aberdeen, Leonardo Hotel Aberdeen, Guild Street, AB11 5RG,
iar în Irlanda de Nord - 3:
1. Belfast, Chinese Resource Centre, 1 Stranmillis Embankment, BT7 1GB
2. Ballymena, Adair Arms Hotel, 1-7 Ballymoney Road, BT43 5 BS
3. Portadown, Portadown Town Hall, 15 Edward St, Craigavon BT62 3LX

🔴PROGRAM: Pentru secțiile organizate în străinătate la alegerile pentru Senat și Camera Deputaților, calendarul de votare va fi următorul: 30 noiembrie (interval orar 07:00-21:00), 1 decembrie (intervalul orar 07:00-21:00)
🔴DOCUMENTE CU CARE SE POATE VOTA: act de identitate emis de autoritățile române (pașaport, carte de identitate sau buletin de identitate), împreună cu un document care atestă reședința în străinătate, lista completă fiind cuprinsă în ordinul ministrului afacerilor externe nr. 373/28.02.2024 publicat în Monitorul Oficial nr. 187/2024:
Potrivit listei aprobate, documentele acceptate pentru cetățenii români din UK sunt:
1️⃣Colant/Ștampilă/Vinietă aplicat(ă) în pașaport sau dovada electronică din contul personal UKVI (UK Visa & Immigration) care atestă reședința sau dreptul de ședere/de muncă în Regatul Unit
2️⃣Document fizic sau electronic care atestă reședința permanentă în Regatul Unit, precum EU Settlement Scheme — inclusiv scrisoarea de confirmare a statutului de rezident EUSS, Certificatul de aplicare pentru EUSS (Certificate of Application) — indefinite leave to enter (ILE) și indefinite leave to remain (ILR)
3️⃣Permis de reîntregire a familiei pe teritoriul Regatului Unit
4️⃣Orice document emis de autoritățile britanice/instituții publice/instituții de învățământ/furnizori de servicii/utilități/instituții bancare din care rezultă că persoana respectivă are reședința în Regatul Unit
4️⃣Permis de conducere britanic


🎅 Santa Mail is back! 🎅

Send your letters to Santa by 9 December. Don’t forget to include a stamp on the envelope and include your full name and address so Santa can reply.

Send your letters to:

Santa/Father Christmas
Santa’s Grotto

Responses in braille are also available. More info can be found at


Have you signed up to the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland Alert system? You'll receive alerts about local crime prevention and safety issues from partners such as Police Scotland and Trading Standards.

Find out more 👇


Today marks the start of Scams Awareness 2024. To make sure you can avoid scams, remember to be aware of the red flags below.

🔺 Offers that seem too good to be true
🔺 Unexpected messages from strangers
🔺 Requests for personal info
🔺 Urgent payment demands
🔺 Unusual payment methods

If something feels off, it's important that you don’t share your details. If you suspect a scam, reach out to Citizens Advice. or visit

The Palace of Holyroodhouse

The Palace of Holyroodhouse

Police are working with the Scottish Ambulance Service and Save a Life Scotland to provide virtual training sessions on ...

Police are working with the Scottish Ambulance Service and Save a Life Scotland to provide virtual training sessions on CPR

Police are working with the Scottish Ambulance Service and Save a Life Scotland to provide virtual training sessions on CPR.

As part of a Save a Life Scotland, Restart a Heart Live initiative, the sessions will be live streamed via the Save a Life Scotland Youtube channel on Thursday, 10 October, 2024. They will hourly from 9am.

The initiative aims to equip as many people as possible with the technique, allowing them to help if someone nearby goes into cardiac arrest.

The sessions will cover what to do in the event someone goes into cardiac arrest, how to administer CPR, and how to use a defibrillator. Participants will also be able to ask questions throughout the sessions.

Detective Constable Liam Myers said: “Working alongside partner agencies, we hope to demonstrate that anyone is capable of learning and performing CPR. It is a highly valuable skill that can ultimately save a life.

“I hope participants will come away with the confidence to assist if they see someone in cardiac arrest.”

Further information can be found on the Save A Life For Scotland website.

A new benefit, Pension Age Disability Payment, is replacing Attendance Allowance in Scotland. It will be introduced in A...

A new benefit, Pension Age Disability Payment, is replacing Attendance Allowance in Scotland.
It will be introduced in Argyll & Bute, Highland, Aberdeen City, Orkney and Shetland from 21 October 2024 and will become available nationally on 22 April 2025

A new benefit, Pension Age Disability Payment, is replacing Attendance Allowance in Scotland.

It will be introduced in Argyll & Bute, Highland, Aberdeen City, Orkney and Shetland from 21 October 2024 and will become available nationally on 22 April 2025.

Existing Attendance Allowance claimants do not need to take any action, as they will be automatically transferred to Pension Age Disability Payment. This will happen in phases, with the first transfers expect to be in early 2025.

Find out more:


Stranded pensioners banded together when their bus service was axed — and launched their own.

The villagers got moving after losing their lifeline transport twice in the space of three years.

And after setting off last year with a borrowed bus and two staff, the determined group now have a fleet of six vehicles and 25 drivers carrying 1,500 passengers a week.

Read more:



💥 The Cornetto Trilogy
🦹🏻‍♂️ The Boys
👽 Paul
🕵🏼‍♂️ Mission Impossible

Appearing Saturday only!

For tickets to meet Simon please go to


Police Scotland is recruiting police officers to support our urban, rural and remote communities 👮🏻

Have you thought about becoming a police officer? The skills you need might be the ones you already have.

Being a police officer is less about formal qualifications and all about the skills you already have, skills that get added to every day. These skills come from the jobs you do, the community you live in, your friends and family, and the expectations and values that you set yourself.

Do you have what it takes to keep the people, places and communities of Scotland safe? Apply to become a police officer. It really is a job like no other.

Apply today ➡️

Bin strike 14 – 22 August.

Bin strike 14 – 22 August.

STRIKE ACTION. Members of the trade unions GMB and Unite are planning strike action in Edinburgh from 14 – 22 August.

Bin collections and street cleaning services will be severely disrupted across the city during this time.

The following services are not expected to run during the strike:

- Waste and recycling collections, including all communal and kerbside bins and boxes
- Street cleansing including litter bins
- Recycling centres
- Flytipping collections
- Bulky uplift service
- Public toilets

This is a national dispute over pay, with strike action planned in other councils across the country unless agreement is reached. Discussions are ongoing between COSLA, trade unions and the Scottish Government with a view to agreeing a pay deal and resolving the dispute.

Please prepare for the strike action by visiting our website regularly for the latest updates and advice. Please tell neighbours, friends and family who may not have heard about the upcoming strike so they can prepare



Astăzi, la 13:15, actrița româncă, Edith Alibec, va juca Glitch, la Assembly George Square, The Crate. Spectacolul este ...

Astăzi, la 13:15, actrița româncă, Edith Alibec, va juca Glitch, la Assembly George Square, The Crate. Spectacolul este parte a Festivalului Fringe, care se desfășoară în această perioadă la Edinburgh.

Romanian theatre is back in Edinburgh Fringe at the Assembly George Square, The Crate


🚨 Warning 🚨

⚠️Your bank or the police will never call you to ask you to verify your personal and bank details or ask you to send them large amounts of cash or expensive gifts via post for safekeeping.

🤔Not sure if it’s really your bank calling? Contact them directly using contact details you know are correct, such as those on your bank statement or bank card, or by calling 159 for your bank.

Find out more:





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