Not long until the full moon now, which for those of us who believe that the Swedish archaeo-astronomer Andreas Nordberg was correct in his theory that the Norse people followed a solilunar calendar, this moon will be the full moon of the first new moon after the winter solstice and therefore the festival of Jól (Yule). If you incline to that view - I wish you all a Merry Jól!
Recently, I have been researching þórliefs þáttr jarlaskáld to work up as a story for oral recitation, and came across the following word: aðfangskveldjöla. 'kveld'means 'evening', 'jöla'is the genitive of 'jól' and the rest seems related to the modern Icelandic verb 'at fanga' - 'to provide' (victuals). I think this would be when the local goði would be required to provide a feast at Yule.