The Ballroom of Power is a good metaphoric tool for explaining who’s really in charge.
There is never simply a top table which is conveniently occupied by an elite shadowy cabal who all conspire to control absolutely everything. Absolute power is a fantastic trope to feed to the inmates of dystopia, as they rock backwards and forwards, trapped inside their own nightmarish version of our supposed reality, but it’s not true.
I have heard every simplistic version of this heavily repeated trope. Various people have told me: It’s the CIA who’s really in control! Others say: It’s Bilderberg who manage it all. More say: “It’s the Council on Foreign Relations”, or “it’s Israel”, or “it’s Britain via MI6”, “it’s the Rhodes scholars”, “it’s the Rothschilds”, “It’s the Knights of Malta”, “the British Royal Family”, “the Freemasons”, “the illuminati”, “Crowley’s minions”, “the Papacy”, “The World Economic Forum”, or any other well known mysterious and suspicious organisation. In fact, these many tropes are only tropes if you apply them to the notion of an all powerful head of an all powerful snake.
As always, in reality, the truth is far more complicated, nuanced, and naturally collaborative, than the proponents of any one of these given tropes would prefer it to be. These true believers are not totally wrong to have come to their conclusions since they have usually followed a thread of information which led them there. However, the truth is that these entities, and each of the individual humans who populate them, make up a very small portion of what I’m going to term the vast Ballroom of Power.
Within the Ballroom of Power are many tables, the majority of those tables are the same shape as they would be in any good ballroom worldwide. They are large and round, and each of them are labelled with a pre-existing incarnation of power. Some are permanently labelled and set with names, while others are more temporary, and are only made manifest by manipulated events such as Covid, Brexit, or even 9/11, alongside any other trending major event which has the potential to lead to the allocation of true power.
You must understand this basic idea, this is very important. Within the Ballroom of Power, some tables are permanent, and some tables are temporary. Sitting at the permanent tables are some of the people you’d expect. Bill Gates will surely be seated at one of the permanent tables. There will also be representatives of the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Clintons, the Kennedys, the Maxwells, and the Trumps, at these permanent tables of power. Some of these people will also have seats at more than just one table.
At each table, a different type of power is consumed. For instance, there will be a table where dynastical political power is consumed, and over a generation or two, the most powerful members of that dynasty will take there place at the table. Each of these tables serves up the potential power which each any every event creates. For instance, 9/11 saw the awarding of military contracts galore, it led to war on multiple fronts, a rewriting of the American Constitution, the further building of the Globalist surveillance state, and an intelligence power grab which we’re still coming to terms with today.
Each of these permanent tables within the Ballroom of Power has a source of perpetual permanent power. If we go to the permanent tables where various parts of the medical Establishment reside, we’ll find hundreds of people we know very well at present. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Jeremy Farrar, Richard Sykes, and the thousands of other members of the Establishment’s medical cabal dine at this table.
However, it should also be pointed out that there are temporary tables of power which pop up to serve the medical Establishment, too. Covid was a relatively short lived event which saw a temporary table of power emerge, and some of the people who were already sitting on the Medical Establishment’s permanent table of power could also grasp their seat at this impermanent table.
The creation of temporary events, also brings in new temporary guests, who will happily consume as much power as possible while they have the opportunity. Those people who quickly take their places at their temporary tables of power are often eager to be involved. For a short amount of time, they get to eat as much power as they desire, while also having the opportunity to hang around with their all powerful superiors. Those who are temporary occupants of some of these tables know that this is a limited time offer for the most part. Yes, certain people will be welcomed into the fold, however the vast majority of these temporary guests will never find a seat for them at any of the enduring tables when their time in the spotlight comes to an end.
Leaders such as Jacinda Ardern or Kamala Harris only have temporary seats in the Ballroom of power, but others such as Justin Trudeau & Boris Johnson have seats due to their dynastical claims. The latter two men represent families which, generation after generation, have some how managed to occupy a permanent seat at the ball. Some of those perpetual placeholders are from old money, but others have managed to wriggle their family into occupying a perpetual place at a permanent table.
Joe Kennedy managed to do this for his children, with JFK and RFK being the most prominent, and successful, members of the family so far, but only because of their fathers work at getting the family a long lasting place at the Ballroom of Power.
One of the components of Joseph Kennedy Sr.’s success was making sure that his children were taught by an extremely high ranking dancer at the ball, that being John Kenneth Galbraith. “Ken” Galbraith as he was referred to, taught Joseph Jr. and John F. Kennedy at Harvard, and then went on to be asked by JFK to become his Ambassador to Moscow during the peak of the Cold War. Although JK Galbraith refused Kennedy’s request, he instead became JFK’s Ambassador to India. His son, Peter Galbraith, also has a permanent seat, donated to him via his dynastical claim, went on to mentor Pakistan’s Benazir Bhutto while at Harvard. This was after her father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, went to JK Galbraith and asked for him to be her mentor, too.
RFK also helped to solidify his descendents chances of staying within the Ballroom of Power by marrying a woman of Prussian royal ancestry. Something which has no doubt benefitted Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s chances of maintaining his family’s continued inclusion at the ball.
Although we could go deeper into how someone gets and maintains a permanent seat at the Ballroom of Power, or how some people end up gaining a temporary place, the process, for the most part, takes a very long time. That’s partly because there are tens of thousands of people on the table plan, and partly because the selection process is non de-script.
There is not just simply one person at the top of the pyramid, or one top table which rules them all absolutely, and there’s barely a passing thought about nationality amongst these people. They do not really care about the petty matter of national allegiance, they only care about seeking power, gaining power, and utilising power. The attendees at the Ballroom of Power do not worship anything except for power.
They can dress in whatever gowns and garments they want. They can play make believe, and put on whatever pretence whenever it is required of them. But these seasoned dancers hold zero allegiance to anything positive or true, they only bow to power, they only consume power, that is why they’re naturally drawn to the Ballroom of Power.
To enter the ballroom, you don’t need a special ticket or a certain amount of money. You don’t have to have passed a certain exam, or gone to a specific school, though it can help in your ascendancy. All you really need is the ability to seek power, a true hunger to gain power, and a real desire to utilise power. If that’s not in your nature, if it’s not a part of your character, if power means nothing to you, then you will not gain entry into the Ballroom of Power.
As humans, we are often incapable of understanding what we don’t have the drive or a motivation to understand. If we don’t understand true power, we tend to fear it instead. Then, we often manage our anxiety by bundling up all of our minor fears into a more symbolically relevant major threat. By doing that, we are able delude ourselves into believing that we can potentially destroy the one root cause of everything which makes us afraid. This is a simplistic psychological coping mechanism, adopted by many people—an affliction which I have also been guilty of on occasion—which gives us the opportunity to hope that all of our fears derive from a simple and solvable issue. We allow ourselves to imagine that this messy melee of power resides in one place. We convince ourselves that there is a single enemy. An absolute force of power on Earth. But, alas, it’s not true.
The head of the hydra is not the CIA, it’s not Bilderberg, or the Council on Foreign Relations, and it isn’t Israel, or Britain. The power is not wielded only by the Rhodes scholars, or the Rothschilds or the Knights of Malta, we’re not absolutely ruled by the British Royal Family, the Freemasons, or the illuminati, the Papacy, the World Economic Forum, or any other expression of man’s desire for absolute power and control.
All those forces still occupy the Ballroom of Power, they mingle and dance, they connive and conspire, they rise, they rule, they conquer and fall. The one thing you can definitely say about those at the ball: they are a representation of what they truly desire, what they lust over, what they long for... POWER!
The true head of the snake is the very concept of power itself, and that can never be defeated.