Getting those consistent sales can be hard! You’re trying to run a business as well as keep posting all the time to get your audience to see what you’re doing and purchase too!
That’s why Facebook ads can be great for your business! Iv just started working with a company who are brand new, new website , new ad account and within a couple of days got them to over £100 days with very little spend! Now we use those analytics and results and scale up ⬆️ they did £170.. now we use those results and scale up ⬆️ our aim in the first month is to hit £330 days .. that’s your £10k month!!!
When you work with me.. I treat your business as my own! I watch that spend, I celebrate your wins and I adapt quickly to get you the very best results!
If you want more info let me know 🥰
Don’t be discouraged!
Yes we all know Facebook ads have been hard over the years! With various changes and updates but it really has never been easier to learn and run them yourself for your business!
They have realised they need to make it easier for the every day user, they have implemented features that make it quicker to find your people, they have introduced campaigns where in my experience you can now scale them up from £5 a day to £400 a day with ease!
So if you’re new to ads and want to try or you’ve run ads before but need a refresher my course is for you!
Get started from just £12.50 today 😳 that’s insane!
Comments ME below and I’ll send you some info 👇🏼
Did you know this? How are you at reels? Do you prefer single images?
It’s so hard.. I get it!
I used to want to call up those making comments about me and my business and hash it out! Over the years Iv learned a lot!
After growing my e-commerce business online to over 800k followers I have definitely had my fair share of unwanted and unnecessary comments!
I don’t let them get to me anymore 😃
It’s kind to be kind!
More than ever you need to watch every penny! If you don’t know how to do ads properly, learn it or you’re just throwing your hard earned cash away!
Comment ME below for my course on Facebook ads and learning how to do them properly.. easily!
You’ve spent your hard earned money on ads and you have no idea if you have done them right or how to see if theyre even getting good results or not?!
Dont worry the answer is right here, ill show you exactly how to set up those ads to get you sales and what numbers you need to look at to see if its the ads you have created or possibly your website that is the issue!
Comment HELP below and ill send you some info ⬇️
First things first...⬇️
Save this post for later so you can come back to it 👍
These are the methods Iv used for years for many clients and that I now teach in my Facebook ads masterclass!
If you run ads and you want to make them better or understand them even more then my Facebook ads masterclass is for you!
Comment ADS below and I’ll send you the link to grab my Facebook ads masterclass so you can get started on how to make your Facebook ads win for you THIS WEEK!
Ps - what I teach in this masterclass is exactly how I did over £12 million in my previous E-commerce business and helped many other businesses scale their ads too!
I gotchu 😉
Have you ever dreamed of setting up a business from home to make a better life for you and your family but just don’t know where to start or how to start!
Don’t worry, I’m here! I’m Tanya and 9 years ago I started a business selling door signs and plaques from home. Posted on my social media and bam … the rest is history!
Over the last few years I have been helping other small businesses grow using the same methods I did!
If you’ve had that dream, but something is holding you back then comment NOW below and I’ll send you my FREE E-book today on how I did it and hopefully it will inspire you to start your journey and will also teach you how to get started!
Can’t wait to see you on the other side .. you’ve got this! 💕
#mums #workfromhome #businessideas
I’m spilling it all 👇🏼
Just strolling past Buckingham Palace thinking about the last 10 years and not only grown so much as an individual but all my knowledge too!
I learnt so much about starting and growing a business on social media over the last 10 years. Literally starting it from my kitchen table to over £12 million in revenue. At one point having 22 members of staff!
It’s been a blast but has had its ups and downs for sure! I’m telling you exactly how I did it and how Iv helped so many other businesses grow their businesses using social media and my strategies!
So grab a cuppa and whilst the kids are busy or you’re sitting in the car waiting for them to finish classes or literally manage to get 5 minutes to yourself .. ( rare I know! ) open up and enjoy!
I want to inspire you to feel like no matter how hard it feels, how alone you may feel there’s people out there that have been exactly where you are now! I was
Get it here
Lots of love, T ✌️
If you run a business then this is for you 🫵
This month alone (January) Iv managed to get one of my clients over £100,000 in revenue with Facebook ads and it’s only the 12th!
Their ad spend is budgeted into each product and when we’ve found a winning ad, we’ve scaled it… FAST!
They have a ROAS of nearly 5!
So if you don’t know what that means if you have a product that you sell for £10.. then it’s cost them around £2 to sell that product on Facebook!
(Just an example)
Marketing at a higher level will cost you money wherever you advertise, the aim is to get it as cheap as possible.
How did I do it? ⬇️
I’ve been working with these guys for around 3 months and they came to me because they just weren’t getting the sales they used to with their ads.
They were disheartened BUT believed so much in their business that they felt they needed help with their ads and was reaching out to me for advice. I Had a great call with them and they decided to let me run their ads for them.
They’ve had a great few months, great Black Friday and Christmas and anxious about January sales as last year was awful (before me 😉)
I made sure we were prepared with products, marketing tactics and we communicate ALL the time. We have to work together, not separately!
Fast forward and already having a better January than previously but YESTERDAYS results were insane.
Spent just over £1,500 on ads but bought in OVER £11,000 in ONE day!
Well the product that did well on posts, I then used that in a few different ad campaigns. All sales campaigns but different audiences and different Ad copies (so your images and text)
Throughout the day I always check on my clients Ads, make sure nothing crazy happening or wasting money and I saw that some were performing really well so I expanded them!
Super happy for these guys, I can’t wait for their first 20k day 🙌🏻🙌🏻
If you need help getting sales for your business you can take my course