Spotted : Worldwide

Spotted : Worldwide Spotted something funny, interesting or crazy? Got a story to share or want to ask the fans somethin


As a kid who would have thought Balloons would kill you, anyway there are no deaths in these videos but Balloons WILL kill you.

Here are some thugs defending a couple of "AIR" heads ..... (badum tish) sorry


Is this true?


finally speaks out on and the


What’s the best shop in Wakey? Well, if you’re a muppet that’ll buy an energy drink for £100 a can off a former class A drug dealer then you’ll say whatever you have to won’t you?

Lol, it’s supply and demand. If people are paying it, why would he cash in? Anyone would…and that’s also what the price gouging a-holes did during the pandemic. Logan Paul


So are they gonna Epstein Andrew Tate or Kanye him?


Is the war on Christmas still going on or has Santa been released? Fat f*ck hasn’t been to my house yet.

So in order to understand how wrong this is…If an asian ever calls you a Pakora, consider it an insult. It’s a tasty lit...

So in order to understand how wrong this is…If an asian ever calls you a Pakora, consider it an insult. It’s a tasty little snack yes, but it’s also a mangled looking thing. For the love of God DO NOT NAME YOUR BABY “PAKORA”!


When idiots hire cars they cant control and try racing with no clue, well this is what happens.

£200,000 bill coming. No dodgy insurance is going to be paying this out


Diversity at its finest in Britain. Supermarket war between white guys and Pakistanis in Manchester has broken out.


War is bad, but why is it only bad when the victims are white or European?


Throwback to this guy and his pièce de résistance of finally getting sent to prison despite complete belief in being untouchable. All I know is grassing and snitching solved all your problems then Julian Assange would be sipping cocktails on a beach right now.

I’ll be back, you piece of s**t - The Terminator (can also be said after taking a dump and leaving a floater)

I’ll be back, you piece of s**t - The Terminator (can also be said after taking a dump and leaving a floater)

Pretty much

Pretty much

Works 100%, try it

Works 100%, try it


Tesco on Great Horton Rd are selling Cow & Gate baby milk with MAGGOTS in it. Don’t know who’s to blame but Food Standards Agency have also been made aware and a complaint has been lodged and is now being addressed with Cow & Gate.

Any of you using this milk, double check it before giving it to your kids. This is utterly revolting

A fact which you may not have known previously...Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio filmed the whole of Titanic using Bl...

A fact which you may not have known previously...Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio filmed the whole of Titanic using Blue Screen technology in their kitchen


Deepdale area last night
From a house on Broad Oak Lane:

Dear all, I would like to make you aware of an incident which took place recently [16/11/20 at 23:15]:

A woman knocked on our door and rang our doorbell repeatedly late last night asking me to open the door because she had allegedly lost her dog. Due to this being an odd request and as it was late at night, I refused to open the door. Instead, I spoke to the woman via our Ring doorbell. Even though I was talking with the woman and had already refused to open the door numerous times, she persistently urged me to open the door. This behaviour was clearly suspicious.

I have attached footage which shows the woman removing a phone from her pocket and saying “_be quiet_” before placing it back out of sight. Later in the video, the woman can be seen stepping away from the door and talking into the phone, which was once again partially concealed. Alarmingly, the woman can be heard saying “_Can you see?_” to which a male voice replies “_Yeah_”. This indicates that the woman was not acting alone. Although her male accomplice was not visible in the video footage, a neighbour had spotted an unfamiliar black Nissan Juke parked nearby at the same time.

I am sure that if I had opened the door, the woman and her accomplice(s) would have attempted to enter my house. The blatant manner in which the woman made no attempt to hide her identity, her insistency that I opened the door, and the fact that she was not acting alone are all extremely worrying.

As I was very shaken by this incident, I reported it to the police to make them aware. If you have had or know of a similar incident please report it to the police to ensure that they have an audit trail.

Please be vigilant.


Thats a great laugh...

Girl - "YOU LI 🐎 🐄 🚚 🎷 🚗 ARRRRRRRRR"

All Fridays Matter

All Fridays Matter


Conspiracy Theorists

November 2019 - "ah swear down people r dropping dead in da streets in China and dis guvment aren't telling us anyfinkkkkkkk about dis new plague!!!"

November 2020 - "Ffs dis corona dunt even exist, dis stupid guvment making uz believ ders a virus dat bad dey must Av summert big planned..... Jus open sports direct ffs!"

Almost there

Almost there

Close enough

Close enough


"Move me, move me".... Well, she did


With 2nd lockdown looming, I saw a man with 4 cases of San Miguel, 5 paellas and 7 sombreros, I think Hispanic buying...


He won't be robbing that house again...


It's fair to say this guy didn't like the police breaking his door down... Sounds like Paddy McGuinness

Anyway he told them to F off.... And they did 😂

Time for a Dad joke...

Time for a Dad joke...


When you really feel like saying the N word, well things happen

Saw this, had to share.I’m not gonna lie, this boyfriend did pull off a pretty cool trick 😂

Saw this, had to share.

I’m not gonna lie, this boyfriend did pull off a pretty cool trick 😂

Good evening

Good evening


How to spot a bellend on your newsfeed.... Since when has this been a "DANCE"?!?

These "dance moves" are just as bad as the music these days.





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