I have been active on social media for just over two years and it has changed my life... not just through sharing my words but also through meeting my now fiancé! We have travelled to 13 countries together; I have since moved to Canada and in the next two months we will be heading to Mexico! We are looking to develop our careers as influencers, travellers and digital nomads and I am delighted to n
ow be part of this particular community. I have recently been published (see links below) and have built a solid following on Instagram. I will be developing other media channels over the next year and I am super excited to grow even further! My book 'Out of the Shadows' is a significant volume of 'freestyle creative poetry'. It is written as an autobiographical journey of a boy who believed in love to the man who faced his darkest demons in the midst of heartbreak. This book encompasses over 15 years of personal thoughts, with 287 pages across 7 chapters. Each piece is in chronological order and is my journey from 'darkness to light'. I hope to inspire and support, help and encourage. I have been delighted with the response so far and I am looking forward to even more feedback. A bit about me - I grew up in a deep dark corner of London and was living on the poverty line until I found my career in retail and went on to spend a decade in management. More recently I ran a reclamation and antiques business for 3 years. I have also been a plumber and a real estate agent and currently I am an Operations Manager for a sponge manufacturer. I have a huge passion for history, travelling, long walks and impulsive road trips (I love driving). I have just as big a passion for politics and I am always ready for a good debate! Or just philosophical musings or learning new things. Space and the universe also fascinate me and I am a big fan of Canadian bonfires now after spending two summers here! Give a drink and it would be brandy but rum or beer also works 😋 I have broken my leg in 13 places, my first job was on a fruit and veg stall, I moved home 9 times in 12 years and have worked all over the UK. I have visited 20 countries in total and I love reading on a beach. In fact I could live on an island no doubt 😆
Anyway thanks for reading, just wanted to introduce myself properly. It is great to be heading on this journey with you all 🙏