Reveil Impact E.

Reveil Impact E. There is nothing more frustrating than having questions without answers. So desperately frustrating

 : WHERE IS GOD WAITING FOR YOU?In a vision, the Lord revealed to the prophet Rick Joyner this: "Many (of my great leade...


In a vision, the Lord revealed to the prophet Rick Joyner this: "Many (of my great leaders) do good works but very few do what I have called them to do." He reports this vision in his book Final Assault.

Serving the Lord is not just about doing good things, things according to His Word. Serving him is also and above all doing what he calls us precisely to do.

Bernarda Fernandez, visited Heaven and asked Jesus what was the weakness of the church of our time compared to the primitive church? The Lord revealed to him that one of our major weaknesses lay in following the programs of men and not those revealed by the Holy Spirit. Now, the early church allowed itself to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Men's programs may appear beautiful, creative, and socially useful, but they do not necessarily meet the strategic demands of the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us in Romans 8v14 the following: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.”

What God expects from you, he does not necessarily expect from anyone else. Knowing what God expects of you must be your obsession.

So let us continually seek the presence of the Holy Spirit so that he can lead us to the right place, to the place where he is waiting for us.

God bless you !

By Eudes Léonel OTIRA
[email protected]
Infoline : +24106281190



It may happen that as a child of God we have to deal with people who are not at all believing. People who do not know God, who do not know anything about our values, people who very often are not receptive to the Christian Faith or have simply never experienced it. It can be a colleague, a classmate, a relative in short of a person whom our environment forces us to meet.

Quite often, some of us choose to be silent. Either because they don't want to be stereotypical or because they don't want to embarrass or embarrass others. They are silent in the name of respect for difference, but being silent is not respect or humility, it is spiritual su***de.

Indeed, when we choose to be silent, they are not silent. Know that ideas are like nails. You have to knock on them several times to push them in. In other words, a nail does not sink because it wants it but because the pressure to which the hammer subjects it leaves it no choice. In other words, we are influenced by what we listen to regularly.

By dint of being silent with our values, our ideas, our opinions, the others, opposite, flow all day long and gradually end up subtly influencing our subconscious. It is not a question here of debating here and there, nor of speaking indiscriminately. But it's more about refusing to be influenced by others.

It is about imposing our belonging with wisdom and acting with firmness because we know the one from whom we are drawn. It is also written in Daniel 11:32: "He will deceive the traitors of the covenant with flattery. But those of the people who know their God will act firmly."

It is a question of accepting to exist; to share wisely his opinion, his ideas, his positions borrowed from divine values. It affirms who we are, amplifies our confidence, limits outside influence on us, and gives us an option to influence back like the serpent of Moses that swallowed the snakes of the Egyptian magicians (Exodus 7: 8-12).

By Eudes Léonel OTIRA (Gabon)
Réveil Impact Magazine
[email protected]



External influence exerts real pressure on individuals. Most of the time we succumb to it. This pressure is most often exerted through the emotional ties that bind us to our immediate surroundings or to certain members of our families.

The emotional connection refers to the fact that two or more people share the same memories relating to an experience lived together. This common experience brings them together and leads them to identify with each other. This often leads to tolerating reprehensible behavior because we do not want to shock.

Unfortunately, such a situation can be harmful. Because, by spending a lot of time with unsavory people, you run the risk of having shared experiences that could lead to the creation of emotional and emotional bonds that are the source of moral debts and compromises.

The pressure could also come from people with some authority over us in order to either test us or outright push us to make mistakes. It could be a family authority. For example, some parents can often use their position to force us to drink, for example, or wallow in immodality. It is true that the Bible recommends us to obey our parents but it adds an important detail "ACCORDING TO THE LORD" (Ephesians 6v1). In other words, we are not required to obey if it goes against the word of God.

The pressure can also come from fashion, mockery and challenges from colleagues, friends or brothers who require us to prove something to them or when we are tempted to prove something to ourselves.

Pressure is therefore part of our daily lives, let's avoid it when possible or learn to manage it. Because the Bible instructs us in Exodus 23v2: "You will not follow the multitude to do evil (...)".

God bless you !

By Eudes Léonel OTIRA
Réveil Impact Magazine
[email protected]



The people of Israel in the wilderness did not have a synagogue. The religious service was held in the Tent of Meeting. This included the inner court, the holy place and the most holy place. Now, the holy place and the most holy place were separated by a veil. It was behind this veil that the high priest met God in his glorious presence. Access to this most holy place and to the presence of God was an exclusive privilege of the High Priest.

However, Mark 15: 37-38 affirms: “But Jesus, having uttered a loud cry, expired. The veil of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom ”. The death of Christ ended this exclusivity. From now on, any child of God can access the glorious presence of God if they so desire because the veil is torn. However, an open door makes it easier to get into and out of a room. Sometimes we come out of God's presence as quickly as we get into it. It is not uncommon to see a person in church, in prayer or in a moment of worship who disconnects and becomes distracted.

So Jesus said: “But when you pray, come into your room, close your door, and pray to your Father who is there in the secret place” (Matthew 6: 6a). Let’s enter the chamber of our heart to connect with God and close the door to all distractions. Let us close the door to these relationships, to these requests, to these initiatives that could disconnect us from what we have most precious to know our relationship with the creator.

By Eudes Léonel OTIRA (Gabon)


Réveil Impact Magazine



“Then God said, Let the earth bring forth greenery ... fruit trees ... and it was so” (Genesis 1:11). “God said, Let the waters bring forth living animals in abundance ... and let the waters brougt forth abundantly after their kind ...” (Genesis 1: 20-21).

Uproot a tree or pull a fish out of the water and keep them there long enough, you will understand how much the tree and the fish depend on their source of land and water. Likewise, Man, even if he understands it only superficially or not at all, depends in every way on his source which is God. Indeed it is written: “The spirit of God created me, and the breath of the Almighty animates me” (Job 33: 4).

The enemy is obsessed with disconnecting us from God. After being cast out from heaven, a symbol of the divine presence, he now works to distance us from the glorious presence of our creator. Have you noticed that sometimes you start your prayer joyfully and connected to God, then suddenly a thought crosses your mind and reminds you of a past event that you begin to relive inside. Later, you realize that you have stepped out of the presence of God and sealed off your moment of prayer. The enemy got you with a single thought.

If you don't know what demonic oppression is then try to live for God. Try to obey him, surrender your life, your will and all your choices to him. Try to live up to his Word all your life and I can assure you that the enemy will work to convince you otherwise. Satan is not afraid of your fasts and prayers, nor was he afraid to approach Jesus on a 40-day fast. He fears your connection to God through your obedience. So don't get disconnected!

God bless you !

By Eudes Léonel OTIRA (Gabon)
Réveil Impact Magazine
[email protected]

 : OUR WILL CAN BE AN OBSTACLEHave you ever wondered if the difficulties you experience in this or that area are not the...


Have you ever wondered if the difficulties you experience in this or that area are not the result of the fact that instead of letting God act freely you persist in trying to get him to do what you want at all times?

Have you ever wondered what God was thinking? What did he want from this situation and how did he see things? Have you taken the time to consult Him or have you clung so much to your own desire that you are afraid that the Lord will not validate your part?

Have your prayers become contests during which you try to validate your own projects and desires? If this is the case then this statement from the apostles James and Peter sounds like a challenge: “God resists the proud, But he gives grace to the humble” (James 4v6b, 1 Peter 5v5c).

Here, the word proud comes from the Greek “Huperephanos” which means, among other things, the fact of putting oneself in evidence. Thus, highlighting our own will, our own desires to the detriment of those of God makes us fall into pride. And in such a scenario, there is a good chance that God will resist us and not hear us.

Thus, we must learn to die to ourselves and to silence our own will so that it does not encumber the action of God in our lives. Especially since it is written: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14v12).

Now, know this, God does not wish us harm, he has plans of peace for you and not of misfortune (Jeremiah 29v11).

God bless you !

By Eudes Léonel OTIRA
+241 06 28 11 90
[email protected]



When you read the Word of God, if for you it is only a simple text on a blank page, if for you it is like a novel which gives you simple intellectual information to which you have no faith, you will not be able to enjoy the promises therein.

Faith goes beyond simply knowing Bible verses. It involves loving, admitting, believing the Word of God in our heart. It implies having faith in it, being aware of it, having the assurance within us, conforming to it.

As long as the reality of the divine promises depicted by the biblical text has not yet detached itself from the paper medium to imprint itself on our hearts and become alive there, we will not win our case. Faith is living the reality of God's promises within us and then seeing them manifested outward. It's like being pregnant.

This is why the Lord, to strengthen our faith in relation to a promise whose manifestation we expect, often arranges for us to be pregnant with it. For example, we could constantly see ourselves in dreams already possessing the thing, other people could also see the same dreams about you.

Also, even the sermons that we listen to could stimulate us in relation to this thing as if we had talked to the preacher beforehand.

Indeed, there is a whole system that the Lord will put in place so that what we hear, see or perceive, makes alive and amplifies in our heart the reality of the promise that we expect.

Remember that God had promised a child to Abraham whose wife was barren. To do this, God changed the name of Abram (high father) to Abraham (father of a multitude) (Genesis 17v5). God thus wanted to bring Abraham to change the perception he had of himself and to make real in him the promise according to which he would have descendants.

Moreover, by coming regularly to remind Abraham in a colorful way that he will have numerous descendants like the stars (Genesis 17v5) and like the sand (Genesis 22v17), God clearly wanted to make live and amplify in the heart of Abraham, the reality of the promise.

God bless you !

Eudes Leonel OTIRA
Infoline: +241 06 28 11 90

 : THE ONE WHO BREAKS PROTOCOLS.We read in the Gospel according to John 5v5 -9, the story of a paralytic who stood for 3...


We read in the Gospel according to John 5v5 -9, the story of a paralytic who stood for 38 years in front of the pool of Bethesda waiting to seize the opportunity to obtain his miracle.

When Jesus approached him and asked him if he wanted to be healed, this was his response: "Lord, I have no one to throw me into the pool when the water is troubled..." Verse 7 .

Likewise, there are many children of God today who find themselves in similar situations and react in the image of this paralytic.

You are looking for a job but you have no one to help you in this sector of activity which seems closed. You want to get into the business world but you don't have anyone to pave the way for you, encourage you, or even finance you. You are sick and you want to get treatment in the best hospital facilities but you have no one to take care of your medical care. You are desperately looking for a scholarship to continue your studies abroad but you don't know by what greatest chance this would be made possible. So many things that overwhelm you and for which you feel limited without any perspective or way out. This is exactly what this paralytic felt; a feeling of helplessness.

But in our text, Jesus didn't wait for the next movement of the waters of the pool to throw this man in so he could be healed, oh no. Rather, He ordered healing instantly. In other words, he broke the healing protocol that was established around this pool.

Likewise, for us today Jesus is able to break all the protocols that oppose us in order to give us without delay what we have spent years waiting for, hoping for and for which we have prayed so much.

A man of God once said, “God doesn’t need to look at your past to determine your future.” In other words, all the things that limited us and were like a roller coaster for us, he is able to smooth them out and give us rest.

So, let us attach ourselves to the one who, with a single word, can solve all our problems without delay.

“Get up,” Jesus said to him, “take up your bed and walk” (John 5v8).

God bless you !

By Laure Michelle OTIRA
[email protected]
Infoline: +241062890



“And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of." (Genesis 22v1-2).

Some would find it very unfair for God to ask Abraham such a thing. "How can God ask Abraham for his son, the fruit of his faith, when he knows very well that obtaining this promise was not easy?"

As someone once said, "God is good and he never makes a mistake, nor does he get up on the wrong side of the bed..." Unfortunately, sometimes a blessing of God become for us an idol in such a way that if it were torn from us or if it was taken from us, it would make us really sad to the point of even rejecting God.

Could it be this well-paid job, or this project that you have nurtured for so many years and which is finally taking shape? What would you do if the Lord asked you to sacrifice it to Him on the altar?

It could be a spouse, children we have had after long years of searching, whom we love above EVERYTHING even to the point where our consecration to God becomes secondary and prohibitive... It could even be this vision coming from God and in which we are so involved so much we are excited and bubbling with desire to prove to the world that we too have received the call of God...

God does not want us to serve him more than we love him. Likewise, he does not want us to love his blessings more than we love him. He asks us to sacrifice everything to him on the altar of obedience as it was the case for Abraham (Genesis 22v12).

" For all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee" (1 Chronicles 29v14b).

“Lord, you give us peace; for everything we do, you do it for us” (Isaiah 26v12).

God bless you !

By Laure Michelle OTIRA
Réveil Impact Magazine
[email protected]



One day a sister in faith told me of her frustration at how God used some people and not others. She did not understand this difference which she perceived as a form of discrimination on the part of the Lord. "If indeed we are all children of God, she said, why would God not manifest himself through all of us".

His observation is indeed verifiable since we can see here and there how the power of God is at work in one category of people and not in others. But what is this due to?

In reality, there is a truth that we must establish. In Romans 2v11 the Bible of the Sower clearly tells us this: "For God does not show favouritism". In other words, he has no preference. We are all his children and he loves us all unconditionally.

On the other hand, a few chapters later in the same book, it is said: "Therefore the creation awaits with ardent desire the revelation of the sons of God" (Romans 8v19).

The problem does not lie with God but with us (his children). Because there are many Christians who think that the revelation of the sons of God in question, the spiritual awakening, the miracles and manifestations of gifts of power will happen as if by magic without our having a price to pay. On the contrary, there is a major role that we must play.

Indeed, it is up to us to dispose ourselves so that God uses us in this dimension, it is to pay the price in prayer, meditation on the word of God and communicative communion with the Spirit of God.

Once we realize that we are in fact actors in this great revival we long for, we will take stock of it, pay the price, and position ourselves to allow God to use us as He wills.

God bless you !

By Laure Michelle OTIRA
Réveil Impact Magazine
[email protected]

 : DON’T SEEK WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVEDo you know that normally an expecting woman cannot still get pregnant when she has n...


Do you know that normally an expecting woman cannot still get pregnant when she has not yet given birth to the pregnancy she is carrying? So, imagine that a woman carrying a baby continues to struggle to have one. She won't have another baby, she just needs to realize that she already has one in her womb and wait patiently for the delivery.

Jesus said: "(...) but believes that what he says happens, he will see it fulfilled. Therefore I say to you: Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it , and you will see it accomplished” (Mark 11v23-24).

Twice in this text the Lord emphasizes that it is our faith, our ability to believe that we already possess the thing that will allow us to see its fulfillment. In reality, all the promises that God has made to us in his Word are already our property; exactly like a person who has received a check is the owner of this money even if he has not yet gone to the bank to carry out the transaction.

Indeed, the Word of God says: "For concerning all the promises of God, in him is the yes; therefore also the Amen through him is spoken by us to the glory of God" (2 Corinthians 1v20). The divine promises are therefore in advance “YES” for us and not “NO”; the condition is to believe in it.

To believe is to realize that it is ours, to be pregnant with the thing even before our hands grasp it. Not believing means not realizing it or doubting the fact that God has already made us the owner of his promises. And, that would be just like a pregnant woman who ignores it and is desperate for a baby.

God bless you !

Eudes Léonel OTIRA
Infoline: 06 28 11 90



Job 33:14 states that: "God speaks, however, sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, and no one pays attention to it".

There is a major mistake we make as Christians; that of believing and thinking that God will always speak to us in such and such a way.

Indeed, I remember that in my young faith, at the beginning of my Christian life, I had many premonitory dreams. That is to say that it was possible for me to see in advance what would happen in relation to a given situation. This allowed me to make anticipated prayers on the one hand and to know how to react to a problem on the other hand.

But as we grew in the Lord, this faculty began to wither away. And I thought, wrongly, that God was no longer speaking to me. Indeed, I had thought that dreams were the only means by which God should and could speak to me. But this reasoning implied that God would be limited in his omnipotence.

Moreover, in our opening verse we are told that he speaks "sometimes in one way, sometimes in another". In other words, the Lord has many ways of communicating with his children and attracting their attention. This is why a brother in the Lord had claimed that he could hear God everywhere even through a trivial event.

So let's be open to the idea that the Lord can and wants to speak to us even in unusual or even unsuspected ways.

God bless you !

By Laure Michelle OTIRA

[email protected]
Infoline: +241 06 28 11 90

 : THE ALLIES OF OUR FAITHOne day while I was reading the book of an American man of God who is no longer in this world,...


One day while I was reading the book of an American man of God who is no longer in this world, I marveled at all the glorious and extraordinary experiences that God had given him the grace to live and that he shared in his book. At one point, I felt self-conscious, telling myself that this man of God had been favored by the Lord. Yet every child wants to experience things like this.

Then the Lord spoke to my heart and told me that what he had accomplished through this man of God was not the expression of a divine preference for him and a lack of consideration for others. He reassured me that the works he was manifesting through this man's ministry were actually being done for the benefit of the entire body of Christ. God, while using this man in such a way, wanted to reveal himself to each of his children as the one who is Almighty and capable of doing great things. God wants each of his children to have faith in his ability and in his love.

Indeed, whenever God uses an instrument, his goal is always to reveal himself to each of his children and to strengthen their faith in him. What He accomplishes in a person’s life is intended to edify the whole body. It is certain that God will not use us all in the same way as it is written: “Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are they all doctors? Do everyone have the gift of miracles? Do everyone have the gift of healing? Do they all speak in tongues? Do they all interpret? » (1 Corinthians 12v29, KJV).

However, what God does with one person is also intended to build up the entire body of Christ as the Scriptures testify: “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good” (1 Corinthians 12v7, KJV).

Therefore, we cannot be excused when we doubt God. Because there are people around us whose testimonies are a source of comfort for our faith. There is also evidence of God’s action in our own lives. These proofs should encourage us in the present difficulties. We must strengthen ourselves while knowing and telling ourselves that the God who delivered me yesterday will do so again today. This is what David did, as it is written: “David also said: The LORD, who delivered me from the claw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, will also deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17v37).

Unfortunately, even some believers sometimes end up giving in under the weight of pressure and go to consult satanic priests, marabouts and other wizards, often at the cost of spending a lot of money. However, there are currently so many men of God exercising powerful ministries around us and on the planet that going to consult these false priests cannot be a feasible choice.

If your faith is weak in one area, approach a servant of God or a more spiritually mature brother to support you because the Bible says that the strong should support the weak: “We who are strong in faith, we must bear the weaknesses of those who are not, without seeking our own satisfaction” (Romans 14v1, Bible of the Sower).

Finally, let us know that the testimonies of God's action in our lives, in those of those around us and in the ministries of the men of God of our generation, are the allies of our faith.

God bless you !

By Eudes Léonel OTIRA

[email protected]
Infoline: +241 66 28 11 90

 : DARE THAT FIRST STEP OF FAITHAlthough the Lord Jesus had the Spirit without measure (John 3v34), he could not take th...


Although the Lord Jesus had the Spirit without measure (John 3v34), he could not take the first step of faith in Peter's place to get out of the boat and start walking on the water.

Even though Jesus had ordered Peter to come join him on the water, it was Peter's responsibility to obey, get out of the boat and dare to set foot on the water (Matthew 14v28-29) .

If God has revealed to you through his written Word what you should do in this or that situation, if he has spoken to your heart through his Spirit to guide and lead you, know that nothing will happen if you don't take action if you don't take the first step of faith.

God's responsibility is to speak to us, lead us, or assist us. Ours is to obey and act. Now, quite often, we say with great excitement that we have heard God; but, strangely, when it comes to taking action, we do not dare to take the first step. Our excitement gives way to hesitation, fear, panic or doubt.

At this moment we pull the handbrake. We ask the Lord to give us additional signs and guarantees as proof that he will act and that he will not let us lose face in front of our fellow men whose words we fear.

Now time passes and we remain in the same position without seeing the manifestation of the Glory of God.
So let us pull ourselves together, dare to obey God by taking this first step of faith and contemplate his glory.

God bless you !

Eudes Léonel OTIRA
Infoline: +241 06 28 11 90



There is a story in the Bible of Jairus, a synagogue official whose daughter was sick to death. He came and threw himself at the feet of Jesus prayed to him and begged him to come and pray and heal his daughter. While Jesus accepts and goes to the house where the sick girl is, another episode breaks the course of this journey.

For a woman with an issue of blood for twelve years touches the skirt of Jesus' garment and obtains healing. Then the Lord tries to find out who touched him. Finally, the woman concerned confesses her act, Jesus blesses her and celebrates her faith. At the same time, an emissary comes to announce to Jairus that his sick daughter whom Jesus was going to heal has just died (Mark 5v21-43).

Some, instead of Jairus, could have blamed the Lord for the death of this young girl. Because, according to them, he should have hurried and healed the sick girl instead of being distracted by the woman with the loss of blood. Also, they might have condemned and blamed this woman.

Indeed, we sometimes pray for a situation for which the Lord gives us favorable signs and reasons to believe that he is acting. But suddenly the situation gets complicated. You are called to tell you that your job application has finally been rejected, that you have failed this competition, or that you have been told some other bad news in relation to an area where you expected an intervention from the Lord. What to do at this time?

In any case, in the case of Jairus, the Lord asked him not to fear but to continue to believe: “Do not fear, only believe, and she will live”. In other words, from the beginning Jairus acted not out of fear but out of faith. However, this bad news could have left him overcome with fear.

Fortunately, Jesus gave him the solution which was not to fear, but rather to continue to stand by faith. For it is only on this condition that victory would be assured.

God bless you !

Eudes Leonel OTIRA

[email protected]
Infoline: +241 06 28 11 90



We read in Matthew 14v28-31 this: “Peter answered him, Lord, if it be you, command me to come to you on the waters. And he said: Come! Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to go to Jesus. But, seeing that the wind was strong, he was afraid; and, as he began to sink, he cried out: Lord, save me! Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand, seized him, and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt? ".

In this episode, at the sight of Jesus who defies gravity by walking on water, Peter says to him: "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water". Jesus orders him to come and Peter walks on the water. But, later, at the sight of the wind which was strong, Pierre, out of fear, will sink.

Notice that to walk on water, Peter saw Jesus, heard and recognized his voice, and made the choice to obey his Lord. Also, to sink, Pierre saw the wind which was strong, undoubtedly heard it and noticed the waves which were agitated. Each time, Peter had the choice either to obey the voice of the Lord or to yield to the call of fear.

Having faith does not mean that there will never be circumstances or events that call for doubt. There will always be. But, it is our responsibility to choose to cling to our faith, and it is possible because it is within our reach. No one has ever been forced into doubt or disbelief, we are the ones who choose to give in.

Thus, our victory depends on our ability to stand on the Word of Christ and not respond to the vagaries of doubt, fear, or unbelief.

May God richly bless you!

Eudes Leonel OTIRA
Infoline: +241 06 28 11 90




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