New Website Launch
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xo Abi
Another fun day at Small is More with a bunch of creative stylish smart little people.
Thanks for coming!
Happy hanami 🌸 #springintokyo #hanami #tokyo #cherryblossom #spring #bloom #petals #discoverjapan #abiloves
we are featured in the Japan Times !! Small is More #tokyowithkids #popupshop Next one Dec17 11-17:00 at Sodacco Daikanyama.
a pre Xmas celebration for city our kids
celebrating Kids in Tokyo today at Small is More #kids #popup with #workshop & #organic#cafe ❤️ #smallismoretokyo #limitededition in #store now 🏃
surprise entertainment at #tokyowithkids #popupshop #pantomime #abiloves
love to swing it 😝 @zooeyinthecity wearing @omamimini #cotton #demin #dress #summer #collection #abiloves
we love live life , truly, fully #tokyowithkids #birthday #party #balloons and #friends is all kids need #abiloves
My business story
We’re in the business of bringing dreams to the kids universe
#petitbateaujapan #lecoledesloisirs #kidsevent #tokyowithkids #mouvementandmusic @abilovestokyo
Kids grow up fast! We forget and tend to remember all of a sudden as if we haven't seen it coming... Having my kids in two different schools is keeping me busy handling schedules but it also gives me one to one time with each which is great!
This is what we do when we visit Caramel Baby & Child and hang out in Daikanyama area.