.rar > Preperson
.rar " Preperson is now available !
.rar is an innovative experimental and minimalist music artist based in Budapest. As a member of the Private Business label, she has carved out a distinctive niche in the contemporary music scene. Also recognized by her alias, @meow_the_seventh, .rar captivates audiences with her intricate soundscapes and compositions. Her latest EP, "Preperson," under the Microrama label, showcases her artistic evolution and commitment to pushing the boundaries of music.
Production : meow_the_seventh
Mastering: overshift
Video : jeremymod2
microrama collectiv'
Thanks to the artists
Albin Renard
Edouard Ducos
Diagonale du vide
David rouge
Thanks to our friends, support & family
Bruno Gabriel Martin
Dominique Fasquel
Silvia Minni
Lucie, Camille & Alexis Carrasco
Remy Kerbiquet
Onzième Lieu
Video : Bruno Gabriel Martin
Soundtrack : Overshift - Substrate (extract from Microrama EP "Morphoses" V/A)
Microrama x tohu-bohu @ cinéma l’écran
microrama X tohu-bohu @ cinéma l’écran
while waiting for the next microrama ( v/a )release
Audio : Overshift - Substrate
video : mod2
With a distinct perspective cultivated from eclectic influences, the sound of Overshift is made manifest through an amalgamation of organic grooves, obscure incidentals, and subtle, yet emotive themes; a culmination of sound which shifts suddenly between the known, the unknown, and the sonic spaces in-between.
New podcast ! https://soundcloud.com/microrama-music
Dj et producteur Français, Misarkj trouve son inspiration dans une musique minimalistes puissantes, rempli de textures et d’atmosphères. Co-fondateur et résident du collectif Degravita:tion, il exprime par ce projet sa créativité et souhaite grâce à lui promouvoir la minimal en France.
A travers ce dernier podcast, Misarkj a voulu sortir de sa zone confort en construisant un set d’ambiant, aux sonorités expérimentales et profondes, provenants d’horizons et de cultures différentes.
new release ! Mod303 - Y3K is available !
here > https://microrama.bandcamp.com/album/y3k
Mod303 is a duo of brothers, mod2 and 303box living in Paris.
They are working on the frontier of experimental and ambient music.
this EP is a statement about a futuristic world where survival, disobedience and freedom reign supreme.
MOD303 - Y3K
Mod303 _ Y3K is coming soon , stay tuned !
Unaporte Finds inspiration in the nature of Colombia, as well as the urban life of Bogotá. An imaginative mind, deeply influenced by the spirit of music and art.
Ep is coming soon! Microrama