Miss Airlines International 2013-14

Miss Airlines International 2013-14 Miss Airlines International 2013-14
International Airlines Ambassador Competition
Provide by Bello Models Management - Paris Office

::: Open Casting :::

Miss Airlines International 2013
International Airlines Ambassador Competition
Provide by Bello Models Management - Paris Office


from first September until 30th September 2013
All Models Around the world if want be a International Airlines Ambassador contact us and send profile and 10+ picture with

this email ( [email protected])
All Airlines for more information or corporation , please contact us with this email: ( [email protected] )
All Airlines Models or Airline staff will invited
from every country one event company or models agency for corporation invited as agent for this competition 2013, we will send them agent certificate. country agent candidates contact us with this email ([email protected])
All Brands and Airlines service products ,for advertisement and finance contact us with
([email protected])

[email protected]



Site Web


Soyez le premier à savoir et laissez-nous vous envoyer un courriel lorsque Miss Airlines International 2013-14 publie des nouvelles et des promotions. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas utilisée à d'autres fins, et vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment.

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