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� Reservoir Apps CMS is allowing Small Businesses to create their own native app for Android and iOS. First step: Add content tab available in the CMS to build the app, assign them background images, upload your content. The App is published on stores! Second step: Update your content, manage your CMS, reorder tabs, change colors, text and images background if needed. Reservoir Apps CMS is the best CMS of the mobile market! Come to open a 14 days free trial account on reservoirapps.us (EN), on reservoirapps.tv (FR)
APP CREATION � iOS & Android
� Modulable & modifiable
� Publication ultra rapide
� Facile à utiliser
The Best CMS of the Mobile Market! | http://lsh.re/14NDP
Reservoir Apps
� Publish App
� Easy to manage
pour vos et . Conseils marketing & Formation en ligne
Comment utiliser le Livestreaming sur les réseaux, les applications de Live, ... Et promouvoir sa ?
Rémy de Reservoir Apps
Periscopeur influent Youtubeur Live - Facebooker Live
(News Tech & Innovation / Livestreaming & Social Media)
Consultant en communication live Digital Numérique
Réalisateur & Producteur de contenus
Demandes: Marques - Medias - Entreprises - Sponsors - Event
Contact : reservoirapps(at)gmail.com