CREAM CREAM is a (Yo)Fashion Modeling Company founded in Sept 2019 by June Lilacwine. A weekly outfit submission is highly encouraged as an OOTW.


*No drama

*PM the Owner - DivaC Sparazza aka Crystal Styles - if you have any issue regarding any other model or admin/editor. Again, no public drama.

*If as a model you plan to leave the company, please show respect by warning the owner of your decision.

*OOTD are not accepted on a daily basis. Participation in theme is mandatory. So if you can’t, for any reason participate to a week’s

theme, you have to let the owner know and it will be okay. But, if you miss more than 3 themes without any understandable reason, you will have to leave the company. Thank you for reading and respecting these rules.



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Soyez le premier à savoir et laissez-nous vous envoyer un courriel lorsque CREAM publie des nouvelles et des promotions. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas utilisée à d'autres fins, et vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment.


CREAM is a (Yo)Fashion Modeling Company started in 2019, September.


  • No drama

  • Pm the owner - June Lilacwine - if you have any issue regarding any other model or admin/editor. Again, no public drama.

  • If as a model you plan to leave the company, show respect by warning the owner of your decision.

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