Clapper loader

Clapper loader is part of a film crew whose main functions are that of loading the raw film stock into camera maga


A full description of the job duties includes the following (although different shoots may often not always require all of these):


. If the wrong film is in the camera, or if it gets loaded twice, or lost, or put in the wrong can, then the scene which corresponded to: Scene 56 – The Army advanced over the hill, the jets dropped their bombs, and the volcano erupted... could be lost. When this happens the Loader can become deeply unpopular very quickly. Kubrick fired one loader I know on his first day of work for walking across the set holding a magazine upside


ectly and physically oversee the state of the undeveloped negative. The loader – the only person who actually handles the negative between the manufacturer and the laboratory – thus can easily render an entire day's work useless if the film is handled improperly. Additionally, the loader usually controls all records with rega


and maintaining all records and paperwork for the camera department. The name "clapper loader" tends to be used in the United Kingdom and Commonw


3 Place Thiers, Франція


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