Harlequin Satellite TV

Harlequin Satellite TV Satellite TV service providing UK and French TV, covering depts 16, 23, north 24, 36, east 86, and 87.

If you've got a black, oval, perforated satellite dish, with a black LNB, that's been up for a while, this might be why ...

If you've got a black, oval, perforated satellite dish, with a black LNB, that's been up for a while, this might be why your signal isn't great...


Another Starlink installed for a client this morning, and it gave a very impressive 305Mbps straight out of the box...

If you need reliable, quick internet, it's a great choice...

Just shows how cable degrades over time and affects the signal...My client couldn't understand how one tv was fine, but ...

Just shows how cable degrades over time and affects the signal...

My client couldn't understand how one tv was fine, but the one in the next room wasn't...

This is not really the way to get 2 feeds to a set top box...

This is not really the way to get 2 feeds to a set top box...


Wishing all our clients a happy and peaceful Christmas...

Well, it was pretty obvious why there was no signal...

Well, it was pretty obvious why there was no signal...

Fed up with watching through the neighbour's windows, need your own Sky TV? Call Harlequin Satellite TV...

Fed up with watching through the neighbour's windows, need your own Sky TV? Call Harlequin Satellite TV...

Sometimes a DIY fix is not the best option...

Sometimes a DIY fix is not the best option...

One of today's issues, customer complaining about reception. LNB's don't last forever, remember they are exposed to all ...

One of today's issues, customer complaining about reception. LNB's don't last forever, remember they are exposed to all weathers.

Really surprised that so called professionals are doing this kind of thing. Cable joints twisted and taped together, the...

Really surprised that so called professionals are doing this kind of thing. Cable joints twisted and taped together, then pushed under a tile, and cabling left loose on the roof and shoved in a gutter.

I can't believe that people think that they'll get away with it, this "installation" lasted 3 weeks...

A helpful guide...

A helpful guide...


Just to try and let people know, I am on annual holidays until 15 August.

I have tried to change my voicemail message to make people aware of this, but was unsuccessful.

This means I will not be able to access voicemail until I am back in France.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

First install of a new Neosat satellite internet system today.

First install of a new Neosat satellite internet system today.


Coming very soon, the new HarlequinTV website...


Le Dorat

Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 08:00 - 17:00
Mardi 08:00 - 17:00
Mercredi 08:00 - 17:00
Jeudi 08:00 - 17:00
Vendredi 08:00 - 17:00




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