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How can you tell that you are an annointed personA presentation by Elia Vesikula1 Powerful Signs of an Anointed Person2....

How can you tell that you are an annointed person
A presentation by Elia Vesikula
1 Powerful Signs of an Anointed Person
2.Na I vakaraitaki ni tamata e lumuti.
3.How will you know that you are anointed by God to be His hands and feet
4.Ko kila vakacava ni ko sa lumuti mai vua na Kalou. Mo ligadra, yavadra ka nodra I talai.
5.On the other hand, those who are really anointed by God to fulfill His purpose will bring glory to Him. His goodness will be evident through their service, and they will be used to lead many people into faith in Christ.
6.O ira na lumuti mai vua na Kalou, e ra lumuti me ra cakava na loma ni Kalou. E ra na cakava na I naki ni Kalou. Ka ra na vakalagilagi kina na Kalou. Na vinaka ni Kalou e na laurai e na nodra veiqaravi vei ira na luve ni Kalou. E ra na vakayagataki me ra vakayarayarataki taki ira mai na lewe levu vua na Kalou.
7.What Does It Mean to Be Anointed by God?
8.Na cava na kena I balebale mo lumuti mai vua na Kalou.
9.So, how can you say that you are anointed by God to take part in His kingdom-building?
10.O na tukuna vakacava ni ko sa lumuti mai vua na Kalou mo rawa ni vaka I tavi e na nodra matanitu ni Kalou.
11.The term “anoint” is taken from the word “masah”, a Hebrew term for “pour out”. Anointing is used in the Bible to describe how someone is set apart or consecrated for God’s specific purpose. Moreover, it can mean the Holy Spirit’s power working in a person to fulfill their calling.
12.Na vosa na lumuti se na anointed e kau main a vosa vaka Iperiu na “masah” na vosa oqo e kena I balebale “me sovaraki” Na veilumuti se na anointing e vakayagtaki e na I Vola tabu me vakaraitaka e dua sa “vakatikori” se “vakatabui” e na I naki duadua/se naki vakatabaki dua ni Kalou.
13.If you want to know if you have that anointing in you, check out some of the evident signs:
14.Kevaka ko via kila ke tiko vei iko na ilumu ni Kalou, qai raica mad e so na I vakaidinadina oqo.
19. Na bula sa veisau.
20.A Change Life After Encounter with Christ.
21.Sa veisau na nomu bula ni drau sa sota kei na Kalou Levu ko Jisu Karisito.
22.Before you can get anointed by God, you need to have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ first. You should be a new creation in Him, with your sinful self left behind.
23.Ni sebera ni ko lumuti mai vua na Kalou, sa na vinakati mo solia taucoko na nomu bula vua na Turaga ko Jisu Karisio.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
24.Ia kevaka sa dua sa tu vei Karisito, sa yaco me ibulibuli vou: Sa yali na ka makawa, sa yaco mai na ka vou!" (2 Korinica 5:17)

25.Establishes a Powerful Prayer Life
26.E na kaukauwa na nomu bula ni masumasu.
Once you are in Christ, the Holy Spirit will be working inside you. This will create that deep longing for a constant spiritual connection with God. That is why prayer becomes a natural habit for an anointed person. It is like breathing to them.

27.Ni ko sa tiko vei Karisito, ena cakacaka tiko e lomamu na Yalo Tabu. Oqo ena vakavuna na gagadre titobu…. oya me baleta na isema vakayalo tudei kei na Kalou. Oya na vuna e dau itovo talei kina vua e dua na tamta lumuti na masu. E vaka na icegu ni bula vei ira. E solia vei ira na bula.

28. Hungry for God’s Word and Presence
O na vinakata, gadreva, ka taleitaka ga Presence ni Kalou.
Aside from the passion for prayer, an anointed individual will be hungry for God’s Word. Their desire to know Him and His will more, will compel them to meditate on the Scriptures night and day. They also love to soak in God’s presence by worshiping Him.
29.Me I kuri ni gagadre ni masu, o na via kania na vosa ni Kalou. Na nodra gagadre me ra kilai Koya kei na Nona lewa ena vakasaurarataki ira vakalevu cake me ra vakananuma vakatitobu na iVolanikalou ena bogi kei na siga. Era taleitaka talega me ra luvuci, se serauni ena iserau ni Kalou ena nodra qarava na nodra Kalou.

30.Deciding to Live for Christ.
31.Mo na vakatulewa taka ni ko na bula e na vuku ni Turaga ko Jisu Karisito,
32.Another sign that you are anointed by God is your awareness that you are already set apart from the world. You understand that Christ redeemed your soul from the wages of sin with a huge price (Hebrews 9:28), so you decide to live for Him—using your time, influence, relationships, and resources to serve Him.

33.E dua tale na ivakatakilakila ni o lumuti mai vua na Kalou sai koya na nomu kila… ni o sa kau tani mai vuravura…. O sa kila ni sa vueta na yalomu na Karisito mai na isau ni ivalavala ca ena isau levu (Iperiu 9:28)
34.So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
35.“Sa soli kina vei Karisito ena dua na gauna me colata na nodra ivalavala ca e vuqa; ia vei ira era vakasaqarai koya ena rairai mai ko koya ena ikarua ni gauna ka sega kina na ivalavala ca ki na veivakabulai”

36.Ni ko sa lumuti o sa bula Vua na Karisito—ko vakayagataka na nomu gauna e na vukudra na Kalou, vakayagataka na nomu I yau e na nodra cakcaka, nomu I vurevure me ra qaravi kina.

37.Improved Relationship with People
38.E vinaka cake na nomu veimaliwai vei ira na tamata.
39.If you are a new creation in Jesus, your character will gradually change. Expect others to notice this in how you interact with them. If you were selfish, easily-angered, rude, and arrogant before, now you are becoming selfless, self-controlled, kind, and humble. You will gain their respect.
40.Kevaka ko sa lako vata kei Jisi, ko sa na dua na tamata vou… ena veisau vakamalua na nomu itovo. Namaka me ra raica na tani na nomu I tovo, ena nomu veimaliwai kei ira. Kevaka o a dau yalo kaukauwa beka, cudru rawarawa, itovo ca, ka dokadoka e liu, sa yaco oqo mo yalomalua, mo na dau lewai iko vinaka, (self contro) yalovinaka, ka yalomalumalumu. O na dokai ira tale ga na Kalou.
41. Exhibiting the Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The best manifestation of God’s anointing in a person is their display of the Holy Spirit’s fruits. The transformation of the character is the most evident sign that God is working in His people. They may not be perfect—still vulnerable to temptations and mistakes—but they are eventually improving for the better.

42.Na ivakaraitaki vinaka duadua ni veilumuti ni Kalou vua e dua na tamata sai koya na nodra ivakaraitaki ni vua ni Yalo Tabu e na nodra bula.. Na veisau ni itovo ni bula sa ivakatakilakila matata duadua ni cakacaka tiko ni Kalou vei ira na Nodra I lumuti. Era na uasivi sara e na ka e ra cakava se veiqaravi.—era na sega ni rawai tikoga ena veitemaki kei na I valavala ca—ia era sa toso cake tikoga e na vei ka vinaka.

43.“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
44."Ia na vua ni Yalotabu sai koya na loloma, reki, vakacegu, vosota, yalovinaka, , yalodina, yalomalua kei na lewai koya vinaka. Sa sega na lawa me saqata na veika vakaoqori." (Kalatia 5:22-23)


In all the controversies in our high offices in Fiji, we hope we will not forget the poor in our societies. God bless ev...

In all the controversies in our high offices in Fiji, we hope we will not forget the poor in our societies. God bless evryone.

In all controversies in our high offices, I hope we will not forget the poor in our land. We pray that all will be resol...

In all controversies in our high offices, I hope we will not forget the poor in our land. We pray that all will be resolved. Gods blessings. VOP ( Voice of the Poor)

We can worship God in spirit and in truth, we should use our hearts to get closer to God, seek to understand God’s will ...

We can worship God in spirit and in truth, we should use our hearts to get closer to God, seek to understand God’s will and requirements from His words, practice God’s words in our daily lives, and not cling to rituals and rules. At the same time, we must be able to sincerely forsake and expend for God without asking for anything in return or laying down any conditions, but instead we should love and satisfy the Lord with all our heart and soul. In this way, we can worship God in spirit and in truth. Only by practicing in this way can we understand the truth and achieve growth in our lives, and only then will we win God’s approval.


Veisau taki na loma ni kalou.

Apologies for my non Fijian speaking friends my post in Fijian, no offence meant. God bless.Tukutuku ni cakacaka ni tevoro e na kena veisau taki na matavuvale vaka Kalou.
1, E ra sa veisautaka se ra na veibasai taka na I tuvatuva ni Kalou, se vakac**ana na I tovo sa virikotora se lewa oti tu na kalou me baleti keda na tamata e na I delai vuravura.
2. E ra na sega ni kila na kai vuravura na ka e veitalanoa tiko e na bose oqo vakavo ga ke ra lewe ni matanitu butobuto ni tevoro (kingdom of darkness).E bosei tiko na kena veisautaki na I tovo vaka Kalou kina I tovo vakatevoro.(reversing the natural order)
3E tekivu e na basuraki ni bula ni tiko vata na tagane kei na yalewa. Na tiko vata ka vakatara na kalou kei na I tovo dina ka vakatara na Kalou e ra tuvatuva kina na tevoro se o setani, lusefa me ra vakac**ana. Oqo na I tovo vakatevoro ka sa da raica tu e na gauna ni kua sa yaco tu e na noda vanua kei vuravura.
4E ra cakava tiko na tevoro me ra veisautaka se veibasai taka na ka e bulibuli kina na Kalou. Baleta ni ra tevoro e ra na coqa kece ga na ka e cakava ka ra vakatulewa kina na Kalou. Na vei ka e dodonu, e ra sa vakacala. Na vei ka e cala e ra na cakava me ciqoma na tamata ni sa doodonu. E na gauana oqo na ka e ca e sa vakatokai me vinaka na ka e vinka sa vakatokai me ca. Na ka e vakatabuya na Kalou sa vakatara na tamata ka vakatara. Na kena vakacalai na I tuvatuva va Kalou. Baleta ni ra meca ni Kalou, e ra veisautaka kece na ka e cakava na Kalou.Na vosa vaka Pertania na “perversion” E ra na cakava oqo e nodra vei tiki ni bula ni tamata. E caka me vakadukadukai taki na tamata, ka na dukadukali kina ka vakasisila e na mata ni Kalou ka ra sega ni rawa kina ni ra tiko e na I Serau ni Kalou.
5.E ra veisautaka na na lawa ni nodra tiko vata na tagane kei na yalewa.E ra na tiko vata vaka tagane na tagane ka ra tiko vata vaka yalewa na yalewa. Ka sa yaco tu e matada levu e na gauna oqo. Sa sega ni qai vuni taki. (coming out of the closet) E ra tiko vata kei ira na manumanu na tamata. E Viti e tu na kena I vakadinadina e na vei siteseni ni ovisa ka rad au laki “report” taki yani. E ra sa tiko vata kei ira na luvedra na I tubutubu me vaka e da sa raica tu ni kua. “Incest & r**e” E ra na tiko vata kei ira na nodra I tubutubu na luvedra dina qa sad aba e na noda vei niusiveva.
6.Na I tovo vakasisila vaka oqo e ra tu na kena tevoro. E tukuna o Lusefa o ira e ra dau lako yani vei ira me ra vakaqara I lavo, kei na bula sautu kei na tiko vinaka me veisau taki na nodra bula me ra garova na vei tovo vakasisila oqo. E caka me ra tiko vata kei ira na tamata mate, me ra tiko vata kei ira na tinadra kei ira na manumanu. E sac aka sara tug a oqo na vei ka oqo. Oqo sara ga na new world order e na gauna oqo me sososmi taka kina na I tuvatuva ni kalou se na natural order. O Lusefa, e sa veisau taka na bula ni tamata me veicoqacoqa kei na I tovo vakalou.
“Kotikoti, sulusulu, kei na I ukuku daramaki”
7.E ra na cakava me ra kotiva na tagane na uludra me vaka na yalewa. Me ra drauniulu balavu ka vaka sau, ka toro na vacuni mata baleta me ra rairai vakayalewa me ra vinakati ira tale kina na tagane. Vaka kina vei ira na yalewa e ra na kotikoti vakatagane, mini cut kei na baldie ka ra vaka I sulu vakatagane me ra rawa ni rawati ira kina na yalewa me ra tiko vata kina.
8.E ra dau tukuna e ke me kua ni koti na yalewa. E ka vakasisila e na mata I Jiova ko ira na yalewa ka vaka I sulu vakatagane kei na tagane e vaka I sulu vaka yalewa. Oqo na I balebale ni nodra vosa. (Eda bula ni veiwekani na I taukei, dredre na vosa vakadodonu)
9.E so na tagane sa vakayagataka na make up, e ra vakasau ka vaka I taube na tagane, se ra vaka I ukuku me ra rairai garovi kina mai vei ira na tagane. Sa qai culai ira na tevoro e na I cula gaga ni yalo vaka yalewa. Sa i koya beka oqo e levu kina na vaka sa lewalewa vei keda (qauri se gay) Ka yaco tale ga na kena veibasai vei ira na marama ka ra tiko vata vaka yalewa. E ra kitaka me ra koti vaka tagane na yalewa, me ra rairai vakatagane ni sa curumi ira tu na yalo vaka tevoro vakatagane. Ka ra na veivinakati kei ira na yalewa ka curumi ira tu na yalo vakatagane vaka tevoro.
10.E cakava na tevoro me ra vakai sulu vakatagane na yalewa. Me ra mai tiko vata kei na tagane baleta na yalo vakataevoro vakatagane e sa curumi ira tu. E cakava na tevoro me ra vorolaka na ka e sa tuvatuva kina na Kalou. E ra sa qai domona na tagane kei na yalewa na ka e sega ni dina se na ka vakatevoro se na ka e lasutaka na tevoro. E ra sa vakatara sara ga na vei mata lotu na vakawati vakatagane kei vakawati vaka yalewa. E ra vakadonuya na vei mata lotu. Ni caka e dua na I valavala ca sa qai vakavuna tale na vei valavala cala e so. E ra kaya tiko kakua ni lesuvi vuravura tiko. Bula tawasei mai vei ira na wekamu me ra vakabauti iko kina. Maroroya na nodra savasava E da na qai taroga tale tiko se cava e ra sogota kina na vei matalotu na Kalou. Se meda vakalasuya beka na ka e ra tukuna tiko e ke vei keda. Oqo sara ga na vuna e ra sa sosogo mai kina ka ni sa vakatevoro tiko na vei mata lotu. Oqo sara ga na kena sa basuraki mai na vei mata vuvale. Na ka e vakatabuya na Kalou sa vakatarai ka sa vaka lawa taki sara. E rawa ni ra tukuna niu cati ira na mataqali se ko ira ka ra vesuki tu e na bula vakatevoro vaka oqo. Oqo na i valavala ca levu ka vakatara ko Obama e na kena avakadonui e Amerika na yalo vakatevoro ni LGBT ka takavi vuravura taucoko. Ka dau tukuni kina nio ko Obama na image of the beast se na waqawaqa ni tevoro levu ka vatokai na beast se ko Lusefa, Setani, se Appolypon. E levu tu na yacani tevoro oqo ka ra vakalecaleca tu. Ia e ra rerevka kece ga na yaca I Jisu Karisito na noda I sasabai kei na I nuinui kei na noda kalaou.
11.E tukuna na I volatabu ni ra na biuta na I tovo vakalou na tagane me ra vei vinakati vakatagane ka ra na biuta na yalewa na I tovo vaka yalewa me ra vei vinakati kina vaka yalewa.
12.E na caudre na nodra buka ca ni veivinakati vaka tagane se vakayalewa. Oqo gona na ka e dau tukuni tu e na I volatabu ni gagadre caka vaka yago (LUST OF THE FLESH). Kakua ni daru vaka I lawlawa tiko kei ira na wekada vakayago ka ni da sega ni kila na I vesu ni tevoro ka kabiti ira tiko. Qarauna na I kotikoti kei na I suslusulu ni sa vakaraici iko lo tu koi ira ta na tamta sa vaka oqo nodra bula kei ira na tevoro ka ra vakatetea tiko na I tovo vakasisila oqo. E tiko na I totogi levu vakalou e na vei ka oqo. E sega ni cegu na tobu ni bukawaqa mai eli e na nodra ciqomi na bula vaka oqo. E ra sa dabe tu oqo na “Vakatulewa” ka soli ka sa yaco sara tiko ga na veilewai levu ni otioti ni gauna. E ra sa dabe vakatamata.O koya beka oqo e ra dau vinakata kina me ra vakaraitaka se tukuna kina vei kedaru na vei (crowns) ni vakatulewa ka ra saramaka tu me ra vakatulewa kina.
13.E soli vei ira oqo na yalo vakatevoro ni ra sa vakayacora na vei ka oqo. E soli vei ira me sa ca na uludra. (mental illness). Na bula nil GBT e vakatokai e liu e na tabana ni “medical” me bula ni ca ni vakasama (mental illness). E ra qai mai ciqoma baleta me ra kua ni biliraki kina ko ira vaka oqo e na keda maliwa. Oqo tale ga na ka e vakarusai vakadua kina ko Sotoma kei Komora. E na vaka tale na gauna nei Noa ka sa da yacova mai oqo. Sa tiko vata kei keda ko Noa. E vakamai me qeavu vakadua ko Sotoma kei Komora me vakarusai kina na I tovo oqo, ia e sa baci yaco tale oqo. E a luvuci vakadua kina na vuravura e na valavalaca ni tamata.
14.Qaqarauni oqo, its a warning. it’s a RED ALERT warning. E tomani ga kina se vakamatata taki na ka e ra vola e na nodra “FINAL TETAMENT”
15.Ocei e ra na temaka na tevoro e na kena na I tovo oqo. E ra na temaki ira na I tubutubu, koi keda yadudua, me rawa ni ra vei biu kina. E ra na temaki kina luveda me ra rawa ni tawase kina na matavuvale.
16.E ra na vakasagai keda na noda boso me vakayavalati keda na lumuti. Me da cati kina baleta me da kua ni vakabauta kina na Kalou. E via vakarusa o koya na macawa oqo na matavuvale ka bulia na Kalou. Na noda dui matavuvale.
17. Me ra qarauni na gone e ra vei kauyaki tu kina, se ko cei e keveti ira ka reguci ira. E ra dau vei rikavi na evil spirits. Sa tu e na noda vei matavuvale na vei spirits c**a oqo. E ra dau tukuna vei keda me da lako tani mai vei ira e ra sa vaka oqo. Ko ni na vakc**ani na digitaki e na vanua ni cakacaka, e na nomuni koronivuli, e na noda vei ikoro. E da rawa ni da sake kina mai na noda cakacaka. Ia meda vakabauta tiko na Kalou ka qaqa tiko ga e na yaca I Jisu Karisito.
18.Me da ciqoma na Kalou Levu ko JIsu Karisito me noda I vakabula mo sereki mai kina e na I valavala ca levu oqo ka na ka na kauti keda kina kina drano bukawaqa mai eli.
Vakakaloumana taki kemuni na Kalou.
Elia Vesikula
[email protected].

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We are bored with Christmas and fake father Christmas. We do the real thing everyday for Jesus son of David. Prosperous ...

We are bored with Christmas and fake father Christmas. We do the real thing everyday for Jesus son of David. Prosperous new year everyone. VOP( Voice of the Poor)


has been charged with the r**e of a 6-year-old girl from his village while in another incident, a 17-year-old boy has been charged with the r**e of a 5-year-old girl from his village.
This has been highlighted by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions while providing statistics for sexual offences last month where 23 people were charged with a total of 52 counts of sexual offences.
These include 37 counts of r**e, 1 count of abduction with intent to commit r**e, 3 counts of indecent assault, 3 counts of defilement and 8 counts of sexual assault.
Of the 23 accused persons, two were juveniles and there were 22 victims of whom 16 victims were under the age of 18.
There was one male victim and 21 female victims.
There were nine incidents where the victims and the accused were related to one another.
A 63-year-old man was charged with two counts of r**e of a 13-year-old boy from his village.
A 75-year-old man was charged with the r**e, sexual assault and indecent assault of his 14-year-old step-granddaughter while in another incident, a 42-year-old man was charged with two counts of r**e and two counts of sexual assault of his 10-year-old step-granddaughter.
There was one incident where a 53-year-old man was charged with nine representative counts of r**e of his 28-year-old stepdaughter. A 30-year-old man was charged with the r**e of his 3-year-old niece while in another incident, a 41-year-old man was charged with the r**e of his 6-year-old niece.
There was one incident where a 24-year-old man was charged with the r**e of his 16-year-old cousin.
In another incident, a 19-year-old man was charged with the r**e of his 8-year-old stepsister.
A 19-year-old man was charged with two counts of defilement of a 15-year-old girl while in another incident, a 19-year-old man was charged with one count of defilement of a 12-year-old girl.
There was one incident where a 28-year-old man was charged with the r**e of a 12-year-old girl.
The accused and the victim were neighbours at the time of the incident.
A 38-year-old man was charged with the r**e and assault causing actual bodily harm to a 41-year-old woman.
A 24-year-old man was charged with five counts of r**e of a 23-year-old woman while in another incident, a 22-year-old man was charged with the r**e of a 17-year-old girl.
Six cases were discontinued after discontinuances were filed due to insufficient evidence, false complaints and the death of an accused person.

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Narco Sub. [Image: eurosub]
Narco-subs carrying a huge amount of drugs found in the Pacific is now demonstrating the need for effective maritime security cooperation more than ever before.

It has been established that Narco-subs, first used by Colombian cartels in the 1990s, remain a primary method for transporting large quantities of drugs.

Colombia, the world’s largest producer of co***ne, set records last year in production and coca cultivation. Australia, with the highest per capita co***ne use globally, is a key destination for traffickers.

Narco-subs are small, low-on-the-surface, semi-submersible vessels that can make their way across vast oceans with no stops. The Lowy Institute reports that in recent Australian maritime security conversations, it would be fair to say that submarines have featured fairly prominently.

This is after a 62-country operation busted six “narco-subs” carrying a whopping 1000 tonnes of ma*****na and 400 tonnes of co***ne bound for Australia.

The value of the drugs was estimated at AU$1.5 billion.

It shows narco-subs are an emerging security risk.


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Worship in Spirit and in Truth. A warning


Rains storms have hist the Gaza Strip with increasing intensification, flooding the Muwasi humanitarian area where the majority of those left in Gaza now live.

Reports are streaming in that thousands upon thousands of tents have been knocked down and the sea water level continues to rise. With the eroding beach and water coming up from the ground due to Hamas tunneling, many people believe the Gazans won’t be able to make it through the winter in tents.

All of this begs the question: why won’t other Arab countries take the now homeless Gazans into their borders? After all these Gazans are supposedly starving, homeless, and suffering, but Egypt won’t open its border, Qater refuses entry, and Jordan has publicly announced that it will not accept any Gazans.

The answer, is the so called “palestinians” have never been loved by their fellow Arabs. Sure, when it comes to Israel Arab leaders claim they stand with “palestine” but when push comes to shove these leaders know their history well.

The history is clear. From Jordan, where the PLO attempted to overthrow the king to Lebanon where they destroyed the Christian majority country to Kuwait where they sided with Saddam Hussein, wherever the “palestinians” have gone, destruction and chaos quickly follow.

So with flooding increasing, Hamas still not finished, and the IDF raising north Gaza to the ground, the remaining Gazans are stuck. The only thing that may save them is if they turn on their Hamas leaders and demand the return of the hostages to Israel. However obvious this would be, “palestinian” history proves that Abba Eban’s famous line: “The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity” is ultimately axiomatic leaving the Gazans doomed due to their own internal decision making.

Abba EbanegyptfloodingGazaJordanKuwaitLebanonMuwasiQatar

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What does God say about addiction?
When a person is addicted, they are really bowing down and serving that addiction as their god. It is the sin of idolatry. They become a slave to it and they are held in bo***ge. Jesus said, “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin” (John 8:34).


Breaking News
18/10/24. Reports are coming through that the Isreal Defence Force IDF may have eliminated Yahwa Sinwar in a Gaza strike today. Yahwa Sinwar is the leader of the Hamasa master mind according to TBN Israel. The IDF conducted an operation within Gaza and were engaged in a b***y trapped building which was heavily fortified and rigged with explosive according to TBN Israel. Three Hamas soldiers were eliminated and it is believed Yahwa Sinwar was one of them says TBN Israel.
The Israel-Hamas War is believed to be a part of the End Times


The Tailevu Province continues to face challenges with excessive kava consumption by the people.

This was stressed by Tailevu Provincial Council Chair Rusiate Tudravu.

Tudravu says the consumption of kava affects the productivity of their people, especially the youth, which hinders the development of their province.

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“The majority of these people are also engaged in the indulgence of kava. So whilst we cannot totally stop people from drinking kava, we are just encouraging them to live a better life, a healthy life.”

Tudravu says the youth can instead utilize their land to generate income to support their families and communities, as they cannot solely rely on the government.

“Refrain from drinking excessively and utilize the land … because we cannot rely on the government all the time for revenue developments to come. We need to have something in the Village, in the Tikina, to assist ourselves first.”

Tudravu also echoes Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka’s plea to watch their consumption of kava, as it is a contributor to the challenge of non-communicable diseases.

The Chair says they would like to address the issue at the earliest, as highlighted in their recently launched four-year Strategic Development Plan.

Fiji Village

1.INEFFABILITY OF GOD. NA KALOU KA SEGA NI NA VAKAMACALATAKI RAWA.1.E sega ni vakamacala taki se kilai rawa na noda Kalo...

1.E sega ni vakamacala taki se kilai rawa na noda Kalou.
2.Na kaukauwa ni Kalou e tukuni ni na sega ni vakamacalataki rawa. E dina ni rawa ni ra kila na tamata na Kalou ena vuku ni vakasama ka kena I kuri cake sara mai, na ka e ivakatakila na Kalou, “se na revelation”ia e sega ni kilai rawa o ira, se na Kalou.
3.Oqo e dua na ka ka rawa ni da tukuna kina ni ra sega ni vakamacala taki rawa.
4.Ena ivakatekivu ko ni a vakadavora na yavu kei vuravura era na rusa,ia ko ni sa tiko ga era tautauvata e nanoa, edaidai, ka sega ni mudu" (Same 102.25-27; Iperiu 13.😎.
5.Na Kalou e "sega ni rawa ni vakaiyalayala" (sega ni wiliki rawa), sega ni veisau rawa (sega ni rawa ni veisau), e ra tukuni e na vosa tawamudu, ka tu kina na kena ibalebale ia e sega ni kilai rawa.
6.The Psalmist declares that the mystery of how God knows is "too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it" (Ps 138/139:6). "His understanding is unsearchable" (Is 40:28). Before the mystery of God, praise is the only proper response. "O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgements
7.Yavu Vakaivolatabu….. Mai na nodra ivalavala… na ka e ra cakava se ka e ra bulia… ena loma ni gauna…. kei na itukutuku makawa ni noda Kalou… sa vakatakilai kina… na Kalou ni sa duatani sara mai na ivakarau ni veibuli, ka sa sivia cake sara vakalevu mai na na ka e da kila.
8.Ni sa vakatakilai ira na Kalou me dua na ka vuni e sega ni vakaiyalayala.
9. E kilai na Kalou… me dua e sega ni kilai rawa.
10.Na yaca e ra solia vei Mosese, "Oi Au o sai au ga" (Lako Yani 3:14), “Oira sai ira ga”…. e dua na yaca…. e sega ni rawa ni vakasamataki rawa… ka sega ni vakamacalataki rawa.
11.Na Kalou "sa tiko ena rarama sa sega ni vakatakilakilataki rawa, o koya sa sega ni raica rawa se raica rawa e dua na tamata" (1
12.Na veika vuni e sega ni vakaiyalayala…. ni Kalou e vakadinadinataki ena vakatabui ni kena caka na ivakatakarakara ni Kalou (Lako Yani 20:4, Cakacaka 17:29).
13.Ia, na veivakurabuitaki ni veibuli…. e vakaraitaka na lagilagi sega ni vakamacalataki rawa ka sega ni tukuni rawa ni Kalou (Jope 38, Wis 13, Roma 1:19–20).
14.Ni da vosa me baleta na Kalou…. "e dina ga ni da sa kila vakalevu na Kalou.. eda na sega ni yacova rawa na ivakataotioti me baleta na Kalou oqo kei na I ka taucoko baleta na Kalou oqo..,
15, I na vosa e da rau ni kaya 'Sa ira na Ka Kecega"' (Cakacaka 43:27).
16.E tukuna na Daunisame ni veika vuni ni kila na Kalou e…. "sa rui totoka vei au; sa cecere sara, kau na sega ni rawata" (Same 138/139:6).
17"Sa sega ni kilai rawa na nodra kila ka" (Aisea 40:28). Ni bera ni vakacaucautaki na Kalou na kena isau dodonu duadua ga. "Isa na titobu ni nodra kilai taucoko e na sega ni na daru yacova rawa. Sai ira na I vakatekivu kei na I vakataotioti.
18.May the ineffarble God bless you always.

Greetings chosen of God.JESUS CALLING; By Sarah YoungYou are a letter from me. Written not only with ink but with the sp...

Greetings chosen of God.JESUS CALLING; By Sarah Young
You are a letter from me. Written not only with ink but with the spirit of the living God-on the tablet of you heart. Because you are one of my followers, the Holy Spirit is in you. He equips and empower you to do far more that you would ever do on your own. So don’t be intimidated by challenging circumstances or tough times. The third person of the Godhead lives inside you.Ponder the implication of this glorious truth. You can do much more than you think possible when you walk in my ways asking the helper to strengthen you as you go step by step with me.
Vaka Viti
O iko e dua na ivola mai vei au. E sega walega ni volai ena wai ni volavola ia ena yalo ni Kalou bula-ena papa ni lomamu. Baleta ni o dua vei ira na noqu dau muri au, sa tiko vei iko na Yalo Tabu. E vakaiyaragitaki iko ka vakaukauwataki iko mo cakava e levu cake sara na ka o na rawa ni cakava vakataki iko. Kakua gona ni rerevaka na ituvaki dredre se na gauna dredre. Na ikatolu ni tamata ni Kalou e bula tiko e lomamu.Vakasamataka vakatitobu na ibalebale ni dina lagilagi oqo. E rawa ni o cakava e levu cake mai na ka o nanuma ni rawa ni o lako voli ena noqu sala ka kerea na dauveivukei me vakaukauwataki iko ni o lako vata kei au ena veikalawa.
The Spirit writes in the tablet of your heart not only to bless you but to draw others to Me. When you are with people, who don’t know ME. He can make you a living letter from me. One of the shortest and most effective prayers is ‘Help me Holy Spirit” Use this prayer as often as you need inviting him to bring Gospel Truths alive through you.
Na Yalo e volavola ena papa ni lomamu sega walega me vakalougatataki iko ia me dreti ira mai vei Au na tani. Ni o tiko vata kei ira na tamata, era sega ni kilai AU. E rawa ni cakava vei iko e dua na ivola bula mai vei au. E dua vei ira na masu lekaleka duadua ka yaga duadua sai koya na ‘Vukei au na Yalo Tabu” Vakayagataka na masu oqo ena veigauna kece o gadreva kina mo sureti koya me kauta mai na Dina ni Kosipeli me bula mai vei iko.
Romans 8”9
8.and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. 9.But you are not in the flesh; on the contrary, you are in the spirit, if only the Spirit of God dwells in you. Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
Vakaviti: Roma 8:9
8.kei ira sa vakayago era sa sega ni vakamarautaka rawa na Kalou. 9.Ia koi kemudou sa sega ni vakayago; na kena veibasai, o sa tiko ena yalo, kevaka walega sa tiko vei iko na Yalo ni Kalou. O koya e sega ni tiko vua na Yalo i Karisito e sega ni nona.
John 15:26
“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, the will bear witness about me.
Vakaviti” Joni 15:26
“Ia ni sa lako mai na Dauveivuke, o koya kau na tala vei kemudou mai vei Tamaqu, na Yalo ni dina, o koya sa lako mai vei Tamaqu, ena vakadinadinataki au na Kalou.
O iko e dua na ivola mai vei au. E sega walega ni volai ena wai ni volavola ia ena yalo ni Kalou bula-ena papa ni lomamu. Baleta ni o dua vei ira na noqu dau muri au, sa tiko vei iko na Yalo Tabu. E vakaiyaragitaki iko ka vakaukauwataki iko mo cakava e levu cake sara na ka o na rawa ni cakava vakataki iko. Kakua gona ni rerevaka na ituvaki dredre se na gauna dredre. Na ikatolu ni Kalou sa dua bau ga ka bula tiko e lomamu.Vakasamataka vakatitobu na ibalebale ni dina lagilagi oqo. E rawa ni o cakava e levu cake mai na ka o nanuma ni rawa, ni o lako voli ena noqu sala ka kerea na dauveivukei me vakaukauwataki iko ni o lako vata kei au ena veikalawa.
2nd Cor:3:3
2 Corinthians 3:3 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. 3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
2 Koronica 3:3 Oi kemudou ga na neitou i vola, sa volai tu e loma i keitou, sa kila ka wilika na tamata kecega. 3 Oni vakaraitaka ni o ni ivola mai vei Karisito, na vua ni neitou veiqaravi, e sega ni volai ena wai ni volavola, ia ena Yalo ga ni Kalou bula, e sega ni volai ena vatu raraba, ia ena loma ni tamata ga.
Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This “letter” is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts. 4We are confident of all this because of our great trust in God through Christ.


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