Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies

Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by pub

Updates in the editorial team! This autumn, Ruth Illman and Svante Lundgren are stepping aside as editors of the journal...

Updates in the editorial team! This autumn, Ruth Illman and Svante Lundgren are stepping aside as editors of the journal, and instead, Olof Bortz and Pontus Rudberg are stepping in as new editors.

We wish them welcome and hope you will continue to send us your latest research concerning Jewish studies in the Nordic Countries.

New Issue just published: “The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945: Universal Patterns and Nordic Parti...

New Issue just published: “The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945: Universal Patterns and Nordic Particularities"

Guest Editors: Nicola Karcher & Kjetil Braut Simonsen

Contributing Authors: Paavo Ahonen, Lene Sofie Bak, Oula Silvennoinen, Lars M Andersson, Graham Macklin and Toni Morant i Ariño, book reviews by Per Hammarström, Hans Ruin, Ulf Zander and Simo Muir.

Read the entire issue open access at:

We are happy to announce the publication of Vol 34/2 of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish StudiesThe issue include...

We are happy to announce the publication of Vol 34/2 of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies

The issue includes research articles by Nora Stene, Boris Havel, Mercédesz Czimbalmos and Dóra Pataricza, and André Swanström, an obituary of Dr. Svante Hansson, as well as book reviews by Hanna Nir, Sofia Sjö and Vibeke Kaiser-Hansen.

It's open access: You find the journal at

Extraordinary excellent news! Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies has been granted a scientific journal gran...

Extraordinary excellent news! Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies has been granted a scientific journal grant of 352 079 SEK by the Swedish Research Council for the years 2024-2026. We are grateful and excited to continue or work for the coming three years!

The Swedish Research Council has decided on the applications to be awarded Scientific journal grant within humanities and social sciences. Our total grant amount for 2024–2026 is nearly 18 million SEK.

We are happy to welcome Pontus Rudberg and Olof Bortz, both researchers at the Hugo Valentin Centre at Uppsala Universit...

We are happy to welcome Pontus Rudberg and Olof Bortz, both researchers at the Hugo Valentin Centre at Uppsala University, to the Editorial Team! Pontus and Olof will take care of the book review section, following up on current publications within the field of the journal and engaging reviewers!

Here, you can see the entire Editorial Team:

We are happy to announce the publication of Vol 34/1 of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies, which is the sp...

We are happy to announce the publication of Vol 34/1 of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies, which is the special issue edited by Guest Editors Prof. Lena Roos and Prof. Olaf Glöckner.

The issue includes research articles by Cordelia Heβ, Julius Schoeps, Jens Carlesson Magalhães, Olof Bortz, Irene Nawrocka and Hanna Liljefors, review articles by Carl Henrik Carlsson and Samuel Wenell, as well as book reviews by Sofia Sjö and Tage Kurtén.

We are happy to announce the publication of Vol. 33/2! The issue includes research articles by Johanna Bokedal and Ruth ...

We are happy to announce the publication of Vol. 33/2! The issue includes research articles by Johanna Bokedal and Ruth Illman a review article by Jonah Bogle, a reflection by Richard Raskin as well as book reviews by Christhard Hoffmann, Vibeke Kieding Banik, Kenth Sjöblom and Daniel Leviathan. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by publishing scholarly articles, surveys and documents, by reviewing recent literature, and compiling bibliographies. The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes articles from a vast range of research fi...

Today in Jerusalem, the editors of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies, Svante Lundgren and Ruth Illman, are...

Today in Jerusalem, the editors of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies, Svante Lundgren and Ruth Illman, are working eagerly with editorial strategies and planning for the future. If you have ideas for an article or a special issue within the scope of NJ, don't hesitate to contact us!

We are happy to announce the publication of Vol. 33/1 of Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies. The issue includ...

We are happy to announce the publication of Vol. 33/1 of Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies. The issue includes research articles by Avner Shamir, Victoria Van Orden Martinez and Anders Ackfeldt & Erik Magnusson, a review article by Jennifer Nyström, as well as book reviews by Maja Gildin Zuckerman, Jens Carlesson Magalhães, Ruth Illman and Taija Chaya Votkin. Open access!

Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by publishing scholarly articles, surveys and documents, by reviewing recent literature, and compiling bibliographies. The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes articles from a vast range of research fi...

Today, on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we want to share our thematic issue "Ethics and Aesthetics of Hol...

Today, on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we want to share our thematic issue "Ethics and Aesthetics of Holocaust Memory" Vol. 28/1 (2017), Guest Editors: Claudia Welz & Inge Birgitte Siegumfeldt. Especially Miriam Volmert's article on the Stolpersteine art project and Göran Rosenberg's essay "Memory, Shame and Dignity" have reached a wide readership over the past year.

Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by publishing scholarly articles, surveys and documents, by reviewing recent literature, and compiling bibliographies. The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes articles from a vast range of research fi...

The latest issue of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies includes a valuable overview article: Dóra Pataricza...

The latest issue of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies includes a valuable overview article: Dóra Pataricza, Simo Muir, Sofie Bak, Bjarke Følner, Vibeke Kieding Banik and Pontus Rudberg give an overview of Jewish archives and archival sources in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Besides describing significant existing collections, the article looks into ongoing archival projects and digitising and infrastructure programmes, and maps out future challenges.

Jewish archives and sources in the Nordic countries The current state of affairs and future perspectives Authors Dóra Pataricza Åbo Akademi University Simo Muir Sofie Lene Bak University of Copenhagen

Issue 32/2 of NJ has just been published, including articles on Scandinavian journalists' views on East European Jewry i...

Issue 32/2 of NJ has just been published, including articles on Scandinavian journalists' views on East European Jewry in the early 1900s, allosemitism, Meir Kahane, David Rapaport, several engaging and timely reports and reviews as well as a comprehensive, and very useful, overview article of Jewish archives in the Nordic countries. Open Access!

Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by publishing scholarly articles, surveys and documents, by reviewing recent literature, and compiling bibliographies. The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes articles from a vast range of research fi...

We have received additional funding (2022-23) from the Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Science...

We have received additional funding (2022-23) from the Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOP-HS):

We received the highest grading and the assessors note: "[T]he role of the Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies is exceptionally important for strengthening the networks among Nordic scholars in the field." 🤩🎉🥳

In 2020, articles in Nordisk judaistik /Scandinavian Jewish Studies were downloaded 41 646 times! That's an increase of ...

In 2020, articles in Nordisk judaistik /Scandinavian Jewish Studies were downloaded 41 646 times! That's an increase of almost 60% compared to the year before. We are thankful for your continued support and interest! 🤩

Of the articles published last year, Håkan Bengtsson's article on teaching Judaism in Swedish schools was most popular among our readers.

Didaktiska reflektioner om judendom, stereotyper och tankefigurer Authors Håkan Bengtsson Uppsala University DOI: Keywords: Judendom, stereotyper, tankefigurer, lärarstuderande, präststuderande, religionsundervisning, protest...

Vol. 32/1 has been published! We present research articles by Jordan Ryan, Theresa Abell Haynes, Wally Cirafesi and Svei...

Vol. 32/1 has been published! We present research articles by Jordan Ryan, Theresa Abell Haynes, Wally Cirafesi and Svein-Erik Larsen, a biographical essay by Clive Tolley, book reviews and comments by Risto Nurmela, Martin Englund and Pontus Rudberg.

You find the journal at

Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by publishing scholarly articles, surveys and documents, by reviewing recent literature, and compiling bibliographies. The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes articles from a vast range of research fi...

The peer-reviewed open access journal Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies is currently accepting submissions...

The peer-reviewed open access journal Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies is currently accepting submissions. NJ aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by publishing scholarly articles, surveys and documents, by reviewing recent literature, and compiling bibliographies. The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes articles from a vast range of research fields within which Jewish themes are analysed, e.g. history, the study of religions, linguistics, theology, anthropology, social sciences and the arts. The journal focuses on Jewish studies in Scandinavia and research conducted by scholars tied to Nordic universities. The journal is strictly academic and does not pursue any special religious, political or cultural policy.

Articles are selected on the basis of a double blind peer-review process. If you work within these research fields, we encourage you seek publications with NJ. We publish two issues a year and deadline for the up-coming spring issue is 31.3 2021, but we accept submissions continuously.

NJ is found at:
Focus and Scope:
Author instructions and style sheet:

For publication, please submit an electronic text file in Microsoft Word file (docx, doc) or Rich Text Format (rtf) file. The text should be accompanied by a 100–150 word abstract (in the article) and by a 50–100 word author presentation (in the registration form). The article should not exceed ...

Minnesdagen för förintelsens offer högtidlighålls idag på flera håll världen över. En av de många artiklar som NJ public...

Minnesdagen för förintelsens offer högtidlighålls idag på flera håll världen över. En av de många artiklar som NJ publicerat på temat är Lena Roos analys av verksamheten vid ett beredskapssjukhus i Sigtuna sommaren 1945.

Roos, Lena. 2008. “Barmhärtiga Svenskar Och Tacksamma Flyktingar: Ett Beredskapssjukhus Sommaren 1945 I Svensk Press”. Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 26 (1-2), 133-56.

In June of 1945 Sweden agreed to receive 10 000 former prisoners of German concentration camps for medical care. Approximately 1 200 of these were to be assigned to a temporary hospital in the small Swedish town of Sigtuna. A study of how a selection of Swedish daily papers describe this event shows that the reporters tend to focus more on the Swedish hospital staff than on the refugees. The refugees are merely portrayed as the recipients of Sweden’s humanitarian assistance. In these articles, the refugees have no past and no future. Their role is merely to express their gratitude and to recover, thereby testifying to the efficacy of the Swedish hospital. Life in the hospital in Sigtuna is described as close to paradise. That many of the patients were in such poor condition so that they died shortly after their arrival in Sigtuna is rarely mentioned. These tendencies in the articles about the Sigtuna hospital can be connected to Sweden’s postwar need to redeem its tarnished reputation as a neutral country by portraying itself in public debate as the champion of a humanitarian tradition. It can also be analysed on the basis of what other studies have shown of how Swedish reporters of the 1980s and 1990s constructed an idealistic picture of Sweden and the Swedes by describing immigrants and refugees as the essential Other.

Barmhärtiga svenskar och tacksamma flyktingar: Ett beredskapssjukhus sommaren 1945 i svensk press Lena Roos Högskolan i Gävle DOI: Keywords: Jews -- Sweden, Refugees, Jewish, Media and religion, Press -- Sweden, Newspapers, Hospitals, Medical care, Health care, E...

In 2020, articles published in NJ were downloaded 41 646 times!  Among the most popular, with more than 1 100 downloads,...

In 2020, articles published in NJ were downloaded 41 646 times! Among the most popular, with more than 1 100 downloads, was Per Bilde's article on Jews in the diaspora of the Roman Empire, originally published in 1993. We are happy to know that our texts remain relevant and continue to engage scholars in the field almost twenty years later!

The Jews in the diaspora of the Roman empire Per Bilde Aarhus universitet DOI: Keywords: Jews -- Diaspora, Judaism, Hellenistic, Hellenism, Jews -- Roman Empire, Palestine, Philosophy, Jewish, Antisemitism Abstract There is little literary evidence and archaeologica...

Vol. 31/2 of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies has been published, featuring research articles by Håkan Be...

Vol. 31/2 of Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies has been published, featuring research articles by Håkan Bengtsson, Mercédesz Czimbalmos, Orna Keren-Carmel and Malin Thor Tureby, book reviews and reports by Dóra Pataricza, Svante Lundgren, Ruth Illman and Malin Thor Tureby. Golden open access, freely available to read at the journal website.

NJ was granted renewed funding for the years 2021–2 by the Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOP-HS), we are thankful for the recognition of our work.

Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by publishing scholarly articles, surveys and documents, by reviewing recent literature, and compiling bibliographies. The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes articles from a vast range of research fi...

Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies has been granted renewed funding for the years 2021-22 by the Nordic Boa...

Nordisk judaistik / Scandinavian Jewish Studies has been granted renewed funding for the years 2021-22 by the Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOP-HS). The review statement notes that the journal has a high Nordic relevance and a solid scientific quality, follows the principles of responsible open science and has significantly increased its visibility in recent years.


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